Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 356: 100,000 Flesh Monsters

"Minister, we should immediately notify the escalation of the threat and apply for the use of weapons of mass destruction..."

At this time, thirty miles outside of Buffalo, the taboo experiment emergency treatment outpost that had just retreated twenty miles.

All the left-behind and information analysts have already looked at Buffalo in horror. Standing in their positions, you can clearly see that there is a dark red over the abandoned city at this time, under the red moon. A huge shadow slowly rises.

Through the mist of night, they couldn't see the concrete appearance.

However, everyone can feel the invisible sense of horror and oppression that the dark red shadow brings to them.

Looking at the dark shadow from so far away, I can feel the shock that makes people's brains confusing.

A sense of fear that came from the subconscious, making them afraid to peep, gripped the heart tightly.

Around the outpost, a large radar-like detector was erected and aimed at Buffalo. .

At this time, they respectively showed the numbers they detected, which shocked each staff member.


"What we have detected now is only data on the periphery of Buffalo, on the edge of mental radiation."

"That monster is tangible and possesses the characteristics of living creatures."

"According to the previous data analysis of the mental body test codenamed'life', it can be known that this type of experiment has the characteristics of introverted mental power, that is to say, the mental radiation we detect is only unconsciously emitted. a small part."

"Calculated from this, its true spiritual magnitude is already..."

The staff next to him gave a quick report, but the voice still couldn't help but say: "One hundred thousand!"

All the staff, even the soldiers with guns and heavily armed soldiers beside them, trembled involuntarily.

"The key is…"

Another staff member took a document and reported: "Its spiritual power is still rising. According to the characteristics of'life', it can achieve the purpose of increasing its spiritual level by swallowing and contaminating other vitality. "

"If it is allowed to increase, when it swallows the 100,000 residents of Buffalo, its mental weight..."

He seemed to dare not say such a terrible number, but only said another level:

"City Slaughter!"

"A real slaughter city level!"

"According to the records of the alliance today, in addition to the initial Red Moon incident, the attack by the S-class capable people of the sea in Qinggang not long ago is ranked among the severely polluted attacks on the high-wall cities within the alliance. The third event."

"But according to detailed information, the Sea Power did not intend to truly destroy Qinggang at that time, but only to destroy them..."

"But what we are encountering now is a real massacre-level incident!"

"If this monster pollutes the 100,000 residents and spreads to other cities, then we..."

Speaking of this, the researcher almost yelled out:

"Our central city, as well as all the surrounding satellite cities, gathering points, will encounter another Red Moon event!"


The staff next to him calmly continued: "No, it's not the Red Moon incident again."

"After the Red Moon incident, 30% of the people in the world stayed awake and survived."

"And within this pollution spreading area, there will not be any livelihoods left..."


After a tense report, there was a suppressed silence.

At this time, all eyes looked at the gray-haired commander in chief.

He has experienced many battles. At this time, when the people around him couldn't restrain the irritability and panic in his heart, he still remained calm until he felt that his surroundings became quiet, and everyone looked at him. Calmly said: "What is it?"

Everyone was stunned, thinking this question was absurd.

The old man's majestic eyes swept over the people around him, without anger and prestige: "What do you want to do?"

"Report it directly and let them drop a missile directly? Or use S series weapons?"

"You know, there are still 100,000 refugees in there, and they are also human!"

His voice grew louder and louder, and he directly reprimanded: "I really did that. How many of them can survive?"


The old man's awe-inspiring words made everyone stay for a while.

"However, if you don't do this at this time, maybe no one will survive in and around the central city..."

There were still staff members who boldly said such words.

Just listening to what he said, the old man's face showed a mocking smile, and said:

"Because you are afraid, do you ignore the lives of 100,000 refugees?"

"Not to mention, at this time, in Buffalo, there were not only the 100,000 refugees, but also our six capable team. There was a doctor who was kidnapped. Think about it, just send a missile over and take them too. Eliminate in it at the same time?"

All the staff were speechless at this time.

They felt a strange embarrassment.

Everything the old man said was right and reasonable, but they felt something was wrong.

"Don't panic yet!"

When the old man said this, he laughed, looked at his watch, and said, "Isn't it ten hours?"

Then he returned to the canvas chair to sit in his spare time, and picked up the coffee next to him.

"Before the time is up to ten hours, or before the action group and the lurker give a clear signal..."

Speaking slowly, a strange smile appeared on his face: "Let's not worry about it!"


"It's over, this thing a god?"

In Buffalo, when the flesh and blood on the monsters stretched out a polluted thread composed of blood vessels and nerves, the central city and the Qinggang ability united team also gave birth to an abnormally depressed feeling in their hearts, and some people whispered. Wailing.

This person is a gecko.

These contaminated threads composed of blood vessels and nerves cannot affect them too much.

However, when the flesh and blood monster grew out of the mid-city location and was already taller than this city, with thick and terrifying tentacles extending to the surroundings, tearing down countless buildings like weeding, they were born in their hearts. A sense of despair.

Pollution is inherently terrible, and the entity in front of us is the huge monster that has crushed the city by its flesh, and it will make people draw a kind of hidden deep in everyone's soul from the bottom of their hearts. A desperate fear born of a giant.

When faced with a disparity that is too wide, it is actually difficult to produce resistance.

"All communication tools have been affected."

The petite Xia Chong looked up at the monster at this time, and then ordered: "Use the flare gun to notify the outside."

Her voice paused, and she continued: "You can... use weapons of mass destruction."

The expressions of the capable people in the other central cities all shuddered slightly.

They naturally understand what it means to use weapons of mass destruction outside at this time.

But when they turned their heads to look at the monster with the sidelights, they understood Xia Chong's thoughts again.


In the silence of other people, the doctor chuckled twice and said: "I've long wanted to see the fireworks up close..."

While talking, he took out a flare gun and a red flare from the bag beside him.

Gecko's face suddenly turned pale, and he looked at Chen Jing beside him as if asking for help.

Chen Jing took a deep breath, and suddenly pressed the doctor's hand that was about to reload the flare, and then looked at Xia Chong.

"It's useless."


Xia Chong suddenly raised her head and looked at her face.

Chen Jing's face looked pale, but she was very calm: "Do you think the outpost can't observe the changes here?"

"If they want to release weapons of mass destruction, they would have been released as long as the flesh and blood monsters in the city awoke."

"Perhaps, they are also ready to sacrifice us, but before that, they will definitely remind us through some signals to indicate that we and the refugees gathered in the outer city should evacuate from this city as much as possible, but you have Can you see it?"


Xia Chong's face was slightly pale, and she looked at Chen Jing dumbly: "What do you want to say?"

"What I want to say is something you already know."

Chen Jing said indifferently, "Don't you really doubt it?"

"Why can the black table be built into such a few secret laboratories around the central city?"

"If there is not enough material resources and interest to attract, how did Buffalo attract 100,000 refugees from the wilderness?"

"Lurkers, why is there no relevant report?"

"It looks like Central City has sent you out to solve this matter..."

"But, is this really the most powerful force in Central City?"


After asking a lot of questions, she stopped slightly and looked into Xia Chong's eyes:

"From the beginning, I said that you have too many people in Central City."


Xia Chong's expressionless face seemed to be annoying.

Other capable people also have this look on their faces, even with some confusion.


The first thing that came to mind was that man with exquisite dress.

I ran with everyone for so long just now, UU reading www.uukánshu. com he didn't even get any dust on his body.

Covering his nose and mouth with a handkerchief, he smiled buzzingly and said, "Then what should you do now according to your Qinggang view?"

Chen Jing was silent for a while, then raised her head to look at the location in Midtown: "We still have one of our team members there."


Xia Chong’s voice remained as calm as possible, and he opened his mouth: "What he is facing now is a monster that is close to growing to the level of a slaughter city. He has been buried in several buildings. Then, you still... Think he can solve it?"


Chen Jing nodded and said softly: "I must admit that he is not an ordinary spider type ability..."

"Yes it is…"

Facing the suspicion of the capable people in the city center, the gecko opened his mouth tremblingly:

"His family is amazing..."

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