Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 357: Big monster

What does it feel like to be hit in the face by a building?

Lu Xin felt that he had a little more life experience.

When the buildings on both sides were torn down by the monster and smashed on him, the surroundings became pitch black, and layers of shattered buildings were folded in front of him, and all the light was lost. Completely block, accumulate all the space.

Boom! Boom!

The violent sound continued. It was the monster smashing more buildings on itself.

Is it playing piled wood?

When the buildings on both sides fell, Lu Xin tried to resist.

It's just that the power transformed from the weight can't be resisted by the mental shock or the twisting force field at all.

With a bang, it fell completely.

Even if he could use his sister's power, he couldn't avoid it, and he was firmly covered in the middle of the street. .

When the buildings behind were smashed down, he had no room for resistance.

What's more, at this time, he actually didn't want to resist.

He just hugged Xiao Nineteen.

Whether it was the real feeling of this hug, or the knife that Xiao Nine had inserted in his heart.

All made him feel that he can fill that emptiness.

People who can use the pain in their flesh to transfer the hollowness in their minds are undoubtedly happy.


At this time, my sister also felt afraid, or rather, unwilling to disturb Lu Xin.

She gently hugged Lu Xin's arm and put her small head on his shoulder, looking at Xiao Nineteen in Lu Xin's arms.

"She is not afraid now."

She said softly.

Lu Xin could also feel that Xiao Nineteen no longer struggled so fiercely at this time.

She could even feel that she had a faint feeling of wanting to pull the knife out of Lu Xin's body.

It's just that, in such a compact and cramped space, she can't do such an action.

It should be that the monster gave up and continued to pollute her, and instead smashed the buildings one after another on Lu Xin. Therefore, when Lu Xin was buried on this street, he was facing Xiao Nineteen. In terms of pollution, he smoothly gained the upper hand.

"Damn, damn, damn..."

In the dark, my father was cursing angrily, because he couldn't see anything, so he could only rely on his own induction.

In Lu Xin's feeling, he seemed to see a tall shadow.

He stood by his side, with his thick shoulders, carried the fallen building and propped up a small space.

It was his move that saved Lu Xin, his younger sister, and Xiao Nineteen.

It's just that the buildings are increasing weight, and his temper has been completely irritated.

He was originally unwilling to intervene in the affairs between Lu Xin and Xiao Nineteen, and even when Xiao Nineteen attacked Lu Xin, he chose to be silent, but at this time, his anger rose and he began to become irritable. A grumble of dissatisfaction, sounded gloomily:

"Do you only hold the little girl and cry here?"

"Will you just let the **** outside throw a city on you?"

"Don't you think that everything you show is too hypocritical?"


His father's cursing made Lu Xin slightly regain his senses.

What are you afraid of?

Compared with Xiao Nineteen, this monster is certainly not important.

But it doesn't matter, it must be cleaned up. After all, one is to do the job by oneself, and the other is to consider educating relatives.

So, now this is the real power of the monster?

He thought of what was said in the special pollution training class: cleaning up special pollution is not a fight among children.

The emphasis is on the word "fight".

The quality of pollution lies in transmission, so cutting off transmission and cleaning the source is the most important thing.

Fighting the source of pollution will not solve any problems.

Zhao Shiming undoubtedly also thought of the nature of this problem. At the beginning, he did feel the suppression of the power level through the body of this "god", so he pursued and killed the capable people of the joint team. It was a kind of letting people. Pleasant feeling.

But this is just the "power" that one is accustomed to understanding.

No matter how crazy he is, he is also a powerful researcher. He quickly thought that the power of "God" is not used in this way.

Therefore, he has now made the most correct choice.


One is to strengthen the "God" himself by polluting the Buffalo, the flesh and blood monsters hidden in the dark corners.

Furthermore, by polluting the more than one hundred thousand refugees in Buffalo, increase the spiritual level.

The growth of the mental weight can better control oneself.

For a special pollution cleaner, it is his job to prevent this pollution and solve the pollution source...

But how to solve it?

I can clearly feel that even my father has been suppressed at this time.

Unless, give him higher trust?

I have given my father 70% of the trust, but that was given unintentionally.

Now I have given my father the level of trust, which is around 50% at most, but it is obvious that the problem cannot be solved.

So, this time, do you need to give him more than 70% trust?

Lu Xin pondered this question seriously.

He is not sure, what will his father do after he has more than 70% freedom?

I can't control him...

"Waste, waste..."

Father's curse became louder and louder.

The surrounding buildings squeaked.

A huge shock came from all around. It seems that another bigger building fell on it.

The father, who supported the building on his shoulders, shook his body visibly. He was not good at this kind of protection, and now he did it because he was forced to do it, but he couldn't protect it, and his anger was completely unable to be controlled anymore. Up.

"Big... big monster..."

Suddenly, there was a small voice in his arms.

Lu Xin's body trembled slightly, and scenes of memories of being stained with blood flashed through his mind again.

He really killed Xiao Nineteen.

Xiao Nineteen's small body is still in his arms.

The longer I hold Xiao Nineteen, the more real and deep the hollow feeling in my heart.

He clearly remembered that when Xiao Nineteen was killed by himself, his face was bloodstained, and many other **** faces popped up in his mind from time to time. He looked at himself with fearful eyes, and those... all became himself. Did you kill the monster?

Lu Xin was indeed scared at this time.

He was afraid that he would become...a real monster again!

There are many friends of my own in this city.

If you become a monster, will Chen Jing, the gecko, and the short girl in the central city who you just met with a temperament make you like a doctor...will be killed by herself, too? Like everyone else?

Will they become blood-stained faces in their memories one day?

A deep blankness once again enveloped Lu Xin.

He felt that he could defeat the "god" outside, but he was hesitating in his heart.

It's like grabbing a knife, you can kill the enemy.

But he didn't know, after picking up the knife, would he open his eyes and realize that he had killed more people...


Above Buffalo, bright red tentacles rolled a dilapidated building again and smashed in front of them.

Looking at the building fragments like the mountain in front of him, its six eyes became indifferent, and the tentacles around him unconsciously raised.

It seems to be the real "god", declaring his own strength.

And in the empty streets of this city, there are still dark shadows.

The strange substance composed of blood vessels and nerves has spread to the outer city, to the place where the wandering people gather.


They make the sound of snakes crawling, extending to buildings and houses.

Outside the city, the people at the outpost were still watching.

In front of a building that survived the disaster, the capable people in Central City and Qinggang stood blankly, looking up at the "god"!

Below the endless ruins, Lu Xin felt tired.

Hate, anger, sadness, fear, all kinds of emotions were intertwined in his heart at the same time.


He felt abnormally chaotic, so chaotic that once again gave birth to that kind of decadent feeling, wanting to forget everything.

"Big monster..."

Just when the interweaving of Lu Xin's emotions reached its extreme, a small head leaned on his shoulder.

Xiao Nineteen seems to have finally adapted to Lu Xin's embrace, and she honestly stayed in Lu Xin's embrace.

Like some dreams, he whispered softly:

"The big monster promised the little monster, he will take the little monsters out of here..."



Lu Xin suddenly felt like a bomb exploded in his mind.

This sentence, like a key, instantly opened up more of his memories.

Each sitting in the pale and cold laboratory, through a small window, they passed each other's voices.

"Monsters, this is a group of little monsters..."

There are often some voices ringing outside the door, with fear and disdain.

These voices seem to alleviate some people’s guilt, so they often talk like this, as if as long as they treat these children as monsters, then everything done on the operating table has a just cause, and they don’t have to. This is condemned again, and the most terrifying thing is that they not only say that this is a monster, but sometimes they have to let these children admit it.

"Say, are you monsters?"

"You are more mad than the madmen outside the city, you have become even more annoying monsters..."


The children have accepted this statement, after all, what an adult says is not wrong.

It's just that, occasionally, some doubts arise in their little heads.

Xiao Nineteen, the most timid, shrank in the corner, not daring to cry loudly, but Lu Xin remembered her thin voice:

"However, little monsters are also afraid of pain..."


For a while, Lu Xin's expression was completely out of control.

The muscles on his face are twisting and crawling like an earthworm.

Those fragmented memories finally became a complete circle at this moment.

He still couldn't remember the details of everything, but one thing completely appeared in his mind.

He thought of the faces of Xiao Nineteen and many other people. They regarded themselves as hope. They were a group of little monsters. They were big monsters. So the little monsters looked at themselves with eager eyes, hoping that the big monster could bring it along. They fled from that place. UU reading

The big monster once promised the little monsters that he would take them and escape from that terrible place.

It turns out that he is really a monster.

We are all monsters.

It turned out that Xiao Nineteen was not afraid of herself.

She just thought of herself...

From the moment she remembered herself, she was already asking for help...

Tears burst into Lu Xin's face with twisted muscles.

He hugged Xiao Nineteen hard, and said tremblingly: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry..."

"How could I forget such an important thing..."

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