Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 358: You are not god

An endless sense of depression spread.

The crooked red moon hung over the city, the moonlight was scarlet and cold, with a cruel connotation.

Under the red moon is the huge mountain of flesh and blood monsters that are higher than the city, and standing on top of this group of flesh and blood monsters, looking indifferently at the mountain below which has been piled up and is crushed by tremendous power. The "god" of the ruined building.

In the air, the huge distorted force field makes it blurry no matter who sees it.

In this dynamic world, it has a quiet feeling.

It seemed to be wondering too, under such a "mountain", all living things should have died. It hadn't felt any movement underneath for a long time. . But in its perception, it found a sense of depression. It seems that there is a certain emotion under this mountain that has been growing. Make the air thick, just like the red moon in the sky, let it feel threatened instinctively.

"Captain... Why hasn't the captain appeared for so long?"

Farther away, the gecko was waiting expectantly, but when he waited, his heart panicked.

Even when facing the S-level ability of the sea country, the captain did not delay such a long time.

He even cleaned up the pollution caused by the capable man of the sea before it really spread.

But now, flesh and blood monsters have actually spread.

If this is a large city with a large population, then two-thirds of the city has been completely polluted.

However, the "god" is still there.

The captain has such a good temper?



At this time, under the ruins of the mountain-like building, a dull crash suddenly came out.

This impact sound is so intense, like an earthquake.

Not only the capable members of the joint squad in the distance, but also raised their heads strangely.

The "God" under the red moon turned his six eyes quickly and looked at the mountain below.

He felt a strong mental fluctuation from under this "mountain" where no one should be able to survive.


Once again, there was a violent vibration.

At the same time, a certain part of this construction garbage mountain was rapidly collapsing, as if a black hole appeared below.


The air around this "god" suddenly became distorted, like boiling water.

Numerous python-like tentacles stretched out, climbing on the surrounding empty ground, stringing seven or eight bungalows like tofu blocks, and then lifting them high, tearing them apart from the foundation. Open up, lifted into the sky.

Then, toward the collapsed place, smashed down severely.


The huge pressure stirred the air, and the backlog of buildings strung in the tentacles collided, making a scalp tingling sound.

But just when this string of buildings was about to fall on the garbage mountain, the violent vibration sounded again.

At the place where it collapsed quickly, a black shadow that was extremely rich was gushing out.

The shadow seemed to have become the substance. It was no longer the kind of shadow that appeared because it blocked the light, but a black substance. Every small particle was trembling violently, erupting from the bottom of the mountain, like a black volcanic deposit. The explosion for a long time.


The moment the shadow sprayed out, greeted the string of buildings and tentacles.

In an instant, all the buildings exploded one by one, turning into a meteor shower of debris and steel bars, scattered all over the place.

Immediately afterwards, the tentacles also broke apart, and the smelly blood mixed with the meteor shower scattered on the ground.

The six eyes of "God", their pupils shrunk at the same time, and they looked down firmly.

In the distance, all the people in the joint team also had their faces stiff and looked forward blankly.

Especially Xia Chong, already subconsciously padded his toes.


Lu Xin walked out from under the **** mountain in the showers of mud, sand, soil and the stench of blood.

He held a little girl in a white dress in his arms.

His face still seemed very calm, but there seemed to be a little more faint.


The "God" lowered his head slightly, six eyes, and looked down at Lu Xin.

It was also at this time, Lu Xin was slowly raising his head, looking up at the "god" who was taller than the entire city.

Their eyes collided, and suddenly violently twisted air ripples spread to all directions.

Compared to when he was in the laboratory, at this time, the mental impact of that "god" was already dozens of times stronger.

At the moment when the huge shock came, Lu Xin's body was also slightly unstable and slid backwards.

But he only slid about one meter, then stepped back and stepped on a solid concrete wall.

There was a cobweb-like spreading crack on the wall panel silently.

However, Lu Xin's body stopped, and he looked directly at the "god" and narrowed his eyes slightly.

God seemed to be provoked. The huge flesh and blood body suddenly contracted violently at the same time, and after this contraction, he suddenly relaxed, and then an indescribable powerful mental impact, like a tide falling in the air, squeezed it over. .

All the building fragments sank violently at this time, sinking about half a meter in full.

The mental detector that Lu Xin was wearing was like a wristwatch, flashing intense red light, and the numbers became chaotic.

This mental shock has already affected its operation.

Only when this violent shock rushed to Lu Xin's body, a large shadow suddenly shrank under Lu Xin's feet.

It was as if there were lights appearing around him, gathering a small piece of shadow in front of him.

At the center of the shadow, there is a strange black shadow floating up quickly, like an evil spirit that has emerged from hell. While floating up, there are large black shadows on the other side, constantly gathering on its body, making its body It's getting taller and heavier.


The mental shock rushed to the shadow, and then split, rushing out to the sides.

A "V"-shaped trace, starting from the shadow in front of Lu Xin, scratched deep scratches on the ground.


There was only a small stone entrapped by the mental shock, and it ejected twice like bullets and flew towards the little girl in Lu Xin's arms.

Lu Xin raised his hand and held the small stone in his hand.

"Sure enough, you are still not very good at protecting..."

Lu Xin crushed the small stone, then raised his head and looked at the black shadow.

"Ha ha ha ha..."

The black shadow made a hollow and palpitating laugh, with a little disdain, but also a little excitement and freedom.

"Are you ready?"

Lu Xin's expression became serious, and he looked at the black shadow.

The shadow was silent for a while, and no longer laughed, but asked like a temptation: "Are you really willing to believe me?"

Lu Xin was silent for a moment, and said, "In fact, it has always been you who didn't believe me."

The two blood-red eyes on the shadow's head were shrunk, seeming to be a little wary.


Lu Xin suddenly bowed his head slightly to the shadow, and said in a sincere tone, "I was really not trustworthy."

"I forgot too many things, even the things I promised them."

"A person who has no sense of direction is certainly not worthy of being given too much trust, so I understand you."

"But please believe me, now I know what to do."


Shadow seemed to be frightened by his frankness, and was silent for a while without speaking.

Then, he whispered, tentatively: "Do you really remember it?"

"Not at all……"

Lu Xin helplessly raised his hand, knocked his empty head, and whispered: "There are still many memories, which are just large blanks. However, the most important thing has been remembered. At first, perhaps because of these memories. It's no longer useful, so forget it? But I didn't expect that there is still such an important thing waiting for me to do, and there are people waiting for me..."

As he said, he smiled embarrassedly, and said, "This should be a sense of direction, right?"

"Ha ha ha ha..."

The shadow laughed.

This kind of laughter is so dark that it seems to seep into every corner of the city.



It was also at this time that the "God" who failed the mental shock, the huge flesh and blood rushed forward like a tide.

Instead of choosing the wrong method as before, it intends to drown Lu Xin directly with flesh and blood. After all, this kind of flesh and blood with a strongly polluting nature is its most powerful force, and it is also a "god". Advantages that can really be relied on.

Countless sounds of muscles being torn into one piece, a mountain of flesh and blood appeared in front of Lu Xin's eyes.

In those flesh and blood, nerves and blood vessels can still be seen faintly, moving like a snake's head.

"You look like this, it's much pleasing to the eye..."

When the black shadow looked at Lu Xin, a pair of eyes appeared on his head, and they gradually became blood red.

His voice gradually became low, and there was a faintly depressed atmosphere.

Lu Xin smiled very mildly and confidently: "People will always grow, especially the trust and understanding of family members."

"is it?"

The shadow whispered, and a smile appeared in his blood-red eyes.

At this time, the mountain of flesh and blood, or the sea of ​​flesh and blood, had already flooded in front of Lu Xin.

The tall blood wave, even the red moon in the sky has been covered, and a large swath of darkness descends.

Lu Xin was about to be submerged like a pebble.

But at this moment, Lu Xin just gently placed Xiao Nineteen on the ground, touched her little head, and whispered:

"Turn it around and don't look at the kid."

When Xiao Nineteen turned around obediently, Lu Xin also turned his head to look at the monster.

Then his expression suddenly became hideous, and bloodshot eyes instantly climbed to the whites of his eyes.

He pushed his right foot to the ground and rushed straight forward.

At the same time, he stretched out his palm.

By his side, the sister, who had been ready for a long time, had already tentatively passed her little hand over.


When she held Lu Xin's palm, Lu Xin almost pulled her into flight.

The younger sister was thrown directly on Lu Xin's back, and she wrapped her arms around Lu Xin's neck with her two small hands.

As the two held hands, Lu Xin's speed suddenly increased several times, and his limbs and torso possessed agility and agility that could not be described in words. Then, his body rushed forward again, and his body The former shadows met together.

The shadow instantly wrapped his body, making his figure look like it had expanded two or three times.

But his agility and speed were not affected, and his direction was straight forward, and he immediately ran into the crowd of flesh and blood.

In the flesh and blood, there were countless nerves and bloodshots, burrowing into Lu Xin's body.

But they hadn't even gotten close to before they were cut by the surging black material beside Lu Xin.

The next moment, the sea of ​​flesh and blood was torn apart, and the cracks spread all the way up.

It's like separating the Red Sea to make way for Moses.

The difference is that Lu Xin took the initiative to let these flesh and blood make way for him.

He rushed forward all the way, after passing, the flesh and blood were melted out of a huge hole and spread out.

At an extremely terrifying speed, he stepped on the flesh and blood, rushed to the top of the tall monster, where the main torso of the "god" was located, and a gloomy laugh appeared on his face, his eyes and Shadow's eyes looked forward at the same time.

In this way, he seemed to have four eyes.


Lu Xin smiled and said, the voice seemed to echo, and it seemed that two voices were superimposed together.

Empty and indifferent: "No, you are just rubbish!"

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