Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 359: The most terrible pollution


Facing Lu Xin who suddenly rushed in front of him, that "god" seemed a little surprised.

From its face, or the position of its head, no panic can be seen, but its six eyes just turned quickly, and the right arm was instantly grabbed. The color and surface of the thick arm changed rapidly, giving birth to a This kind of surface layer resembles a stone, the hideous bone pierced through the skin.

The enhancement of flesh and blood seems to have brought a certain qualitative change to it.

The thick arms and the stone-like surface seem to be unable to break open even with bullets. The huge force seems to have pierced the air through a hole. The huge fist surface, with sharp bone spurs, is directed towards Lu Xin’s. The face was blown over.

Lu Xin also raised his arm at the same time, raised his hand and grabbed it forward.


"God" hit Lu Xin's body, and the sharp bone spurs submerged in the black shadow of his body.

But Lu Xin raised his hand and grabbed his arm and tore it off. .

Just like my sister tearing open the toy, it went smoothly. Those hard substances seemed to have no other effect.

"唰" "唰"

The "God" seemed to be irritated, and the other arm grabbed it fiercely. At the same time, the tentacles behind it had flew up like snakes, stabbed down Lu Xin's body indiscriminately, and the top of each tentacled spit out. A spur bright like a dagger.

Its speed was already surprisingly fast, but Lu Xin suddenly appeared on the left side of its body, raised his hand and twisted and pressed it, and then pulled off his other arm. In the next moment, Lu Xin followed its body. Wandering, one by one, tore off the tentacles on its body, and then its left leg, and while its body had not fallen down, touched its right leg...

The parts on this one fell one by one, like a puppet that had been disassembled.


Around the "God", a twisted mental force field was exuding, and it seemed that he wanted to bounce Lu Xin away.

But the black shadow next to Lu Xin ignored this force field and still sat carefully and dismantled the tearing work.

After dismantling his limbs, he suddenly reached out and grabbed the head of "God".

An angry mood appeared on the face of "God", and flesh and blood continued to wriggle and merge.

Among the body and the flesh and blood under him, there suddenly appeared a monster like a python, and quickly rushed towards Lu Xin, but Lu Xin took advantage of the force to jump up high, and then grabbed the "God". His head was pulled upwards forcefully.


God's head was torn apart from the neck position, with flesh and blood and spine, and was torn out by it at the same time.

"God? Hehe..."

Lu Xin looked at the dimming six eyes and gave a happy smile.

Turning around suddenly, he saw Xiao Nineteen staring at him not far away.

There was an expression of worship on her little face, just like before.

Helpless, Lu Xin hid the head of "God" behind him, gestured with his fingers, and ordered her to turn back again.


At the moment the monster's head was torn off, the flesh and blood body under Lu Xin's feet collapsed suddenly.

It was like a sea floating in the air falling down. It was also at this time that a bag was obviously bulging above the flesh and blood, and it moved quickly along the flesh and blood, and it was so huge that it was almost half full. The body of the city rushed towards the distance.

"Not dead yet..."

Lu Xin was not surprised, he had already understood the nature of this monster.

The spiritual body codenamed "Life".

Has a high degree of activity, and can contaminate other flesh and blood.

So of course it is not so easy to kill. The true **** is not this little thing whose head was torn by himself.

The true **** is the countless flesh and blood squeezed in the entire city.

So seeing that monster escape in its huge body, he didn't even move.


Lu Xin said softly, as if talking to himself: "The first time you truly release your power, you shouldn't let me down, right?"


Father did not answer directly, but the shadow wrapped around Lu Xin suddenly sank.

The shadow on Lu Xin's body became thinner and thinner, but the black shadow under his feet suddenly swelled and unfolded quickly.

Soon, the shadow was connected with the other ubiquitous black shadows in the ruins.

In the black shadows, starting from under Lu Xin’s feet, those swelling and wriggling flesh and blood also crystallized and solidified at a speed visible to the naked eye, and became what he killed in the small yard before, and those that could become Something that looks like a gecko.

A strange atmosphere began to emerge throughout Buffalo.

"what is that?"

From afar, the doctor in the joint team shuddered suddenly and looked up vigilantly.

"It seems that something more terrifying than a monster has appeared..."

It was also at this time that Chen Xun, who was pinned to his palm, quietly watching the blood loss, suddenly had a tremor, as if the hairs on his body were standing up for no reason. This feeling even made him forget the pain. , His body shook fiercely, and he looked up in a direction. He could not see anything, there was only endless darkness in front of him, but he thought of some terrible things.

"No way…"

He muttered to himself, unable to believe his guess.

"Is it released?"

"The power he hid in the shadow?"

In the center of the city, in the only building still intact, Chen Xun was sitting in the light of a candle.

He felt the vibration of the earth, and saw that the stopwatch around him seemed to be affected by some force. The pointer began to tremble constantly, as if it were out of order. This meant that some kind of powerful mental radiation had already affected this parasite. article.


On his face dripping with cold sweat, still carrying his pride, facing the darkness, announcing his victory.

"The real life cannot be killed!"

"No matter how powerful the tyrant is, it is the only spiritual body that is not polluting!"

"Facing the body of a **** whose body can exceed a city, even a tyrant will be helpless..."

"No matter how strong the poison is, it can't change a sea..."

He shouted excitedly, this kind of excitement even made him temporarily forget the more and more difficult pain coming from his hands.

Until, he suddenly felt a pair of eyes fall on him in the darkness.


In the outer city of Buffalo, those nerve and blood vessel tissues have approached the residential area and spread quickly.

"what is this?"

Someone screamed when they saw these things by the light of the oil lamp.


All the nerves and blood vessels raised their heads like a swarm of snakes and rushed towards them quickly.


But at this moment, the oil lamp in the room suddenly went out.

People who can't see the light will panic, especially when they saw something so terrible in the gap in the room just now.

The panic in their hearts made them scream in panic, wanting to rush out of the room, but they did not do so, because at the moment the oil lamp was extinguished, there was a kind of cold feeling like a blade scraping hair, which was suddenly flooded here. In a dilapidated hut.

Immediately, there was a violent collision, the sound of sharp knives being chopped on the bones.

The people in the room didn't know what was going on, they just felt the indescribable fear.

The same chaotic sound obviously happened not only in his hut, but also in other places, there was also such agitation. He heard people in the distance exclaiming, some screaming, and some shouting: "Amao quick Run, don't hug that sheep..."

But without exception, all the voices only rang for a moment, and then there was dead silence.

It seemed that everyone had their necks pressed by the blade, and suddenly lost their voice.


Suddenly, there was a huge shaking sound around, and some houses suddenly collapsed in half.

Something suddenly ignited, and the fire light instantly illuminated the surroundings for a moment.

With the light coming in from outside, the man saw the scene inside the house clearly, and his eyes widened in horror.

He saw that in his hut, there was a tall and gloomy man, wearing a transparent raincoat, pushing a monster against the wall, and a sharp knife in his hand was constantly stabbing the monster into his body. Faintly turned his head and glanced at him.

He didn't know if this scene was an illusion.

Because the fire outside was flickering, when the room lit up again, there was no scene that I saw just now.

Only in the depths of the black shadow that covered most of the ground, it seemed that something was moving, or, in other words, twitching and screaming.

A red moon hung over the city.

The whole city is full of black shadows.

The shadow has always been quiet and silent, but now it seems to be alive.

Everyone who saw this kind of shadow had a feeling, as if something was walking through the shadow.

They can even feel that there are gazes in this shadow, looking at themselves faintly.

The boundless fear, spontaneously, made them forget everything, and the body became like a statue.

"The spirit body codenamed'life' can parasitize the flesh and blood and create monsters."

"Disadvantages: high temperature, various weapons that can destroy parasitic spirits, and high-intensity pollution."

"Because of its powerful regrowth characteristics, all weaknesses are not fatal."


Standing on the body of that crystalline flesh and blood monster, UU reading is already the highest point in the entire city.

He looked down at this black hole city and felt the danger in the shadows.

Then there was a happy smile on his face.

This flesh and blood monster is really terrifying, because it can grow almost infinitely, so it ignores all kinds of fatal damage.

With the careful preparation of the high table, the entire Buffalo is its "material".

Any pollution source that satisfies the pollution needs can grow into a monster in a short period of time.

What's more, this pollution source is one of the thirteen abnormal mental bodies?

This is probably the reason why the black table is full of confidence, right?

However, since the problem can be solved through the high-intensity pollution characteristics, things become simple.

Father will satisfy them very well.

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