Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 362: Experimental subject recovery plan

"It's over..."

"The special pollution incident on the black table has been cleaned up."

"The basic data record of the escaping laboratory No. 9 experiment body is completed."


"...No obvious reaction was observed!"


Central City No. 2 Main City, Research Institute No. 5 Observation Room.

Looking at the detection data on the electronic display that was quickly returning to a low amplitude, the two staff members in front of the computer sighed for a long time. One of them stretched out slowly, and the bones in his body crackled. He was so comfortable that he groaned.

Another person picked up the paper notepad at hand and began to fill in the data in detail on it:

Special pollution incident No. 1022

Location: Buffalo

Cause: Black table table taboo experiment

Core: Life

Threat level: S level

Pollution cleanup personnel: Qinggang-Single soldier (has been confirmed as the ninth experimental subject of the escaped laboratory. It has been detected that it has distortion characteristics and fear characteristics. It can be confirmed that it has the ability of an unusually strong black factor and does not have the ability to observe Conditions, no specific answer can be drawn. For the time being, the ability level is S, and the risk of loss of control is 80%. Suggestion: implement a recovery plan."

Then he casually tossed the notepad aside, and said with a smile: "You can let them put the S-class weapons in the warehouse..."

"Let's go!"

They made an appointment together: "I don't know if the sweet and sour pork ribs are sold out..."

"Three minutes longer than I expected..."

In the apartment area of ​​the research institute, in a small building that seems to be covered with green plants and looks ordinary in appearance, there is an antique decoration, not like a researcher, but like a person who wears a Tang suit every day and makes poems. Bird, an old school scholar's study of ancient Chinese.

At this time, a square table was placed in the study.

It was covered with silk tablecloths, and there were two people facing each other, sitting on the east and west, rubbing mahjong tiles.

To the east is a fat old man in a tunic.

He wore small round glasses with black rims and kept two short mustaches. His eyes were narrowed when he laughed.

Opposite him was a glamorous female researcher with bright red lips and deep eyeshadow. Although she was wearing a large white lab coat, she still couldn't hide her bumpy figure, occasionally one leg was placed on the other. Above, slender and charming.

There were only two people, but there seemed to be four people on the table rubbing the cards.

The mahjong tiles on the table are also rattling, as if there are eight hands rubbing.

The old man in the tunic suit rubbed the cards and smiled at Mimi and said: "It seems that the old Wang is still very good. He has had such conjectures and insights more than ten years ago, but he does not teach students very much, only values ​​abilities, but does not pay attention The cultivation of moral quality, the black table has made such a big move, I think we should urge the General Administration Office to severely suppress this kind of taboo experiment."


The glamorous female researcher sneered disdainfully: "Pretend to be confused for too long, be careful to pretend to be a real stupid."

The scolded old man looked embarrassed and shook his horoscope. He looked at one of the glamorous female researchers and quickly looked back.

Muttered in a low voice: "It seems that the cultivation of my students' moral quality should be strengthened..."

Lined up the Great Wall, two cards flew up and landed on the south side of the mahjong table.

It was as if there was an invisible hand holding it, and at the same time a small voice sounded:

"The research institute just indulges the ambition of the administrative office?"


The old man in the tunic suit also followed to draw the cards, stretched out his hand a little bit faster, and was drawn by the cold female researcher.

He took it back in a slanderous manner, and said with a smile: "This world is like this. There will be power struggles where there are people. As the power-holders in the General Administration Office, they are always overwhelmed by a research institute. When the administrative order was pushed up, the dissatisfaction accumulated in my heart became more and more. I finally had the courage to take back power. Isn't it reasonable?"

"I think we should not make too much intervention in their behavior. This pursuit of power does not sound very good, but it is necessary for its existence. In a normal and complete social order, there needs to be The existence of these careerists."

"We can lightly say that they did not do it right, but we cannot deny that their existence is reasonable."


The glamorous female researcher cast a glance at the old man and sneered: "It is a dangerous thing to let a bunch of idiots master the power."

"It's also a dangerous thing for these idiots to have the idea of ​​wanting to master their power."


"But to a certain extent, it is equally dangerous for us to hold power."

The old man in the tunic suit erected his card, a look of excitement flashed across his face, and his voice was slightly higher: "Let those who are good at doing what they are good at, whether it is politics or research, but either side will intervene in the other side. All things are stupid and naturally dangerous. Therefore, I have always disagreed that the research institute should try to participate in administrative matters, and vice versa."

"To put it simply, compared to some people in the General Administration Office who want to control the Academy, some people in the Academy want to gain more power, but it is a more dangerous thing. They will only kill some people. We... It will harm the whole world."

"The Institute has things to solve on its own, and doesn't have the energy to intervene too much."

"Remember, power is the biggest source of pollution!"


"So, they secretly funded the black table and did such a thing, so forget it?"

The old man's words made the mahjong table quiet for a while, and after a pause, the glamorous female researcher rolled her eyes.

"of course not."

The old man in the tunic suit gently stroked the card in his hand and smiled:

"That said, the right people do the right things, we just research, and the administrative matters are not ours."

"Since someone chooses to do such a thing and violates the rules, there will naturally be people from other departments to punish these people. At that time, the central city will still be the central city, and there will be no impact on this rare peace. Thing..."

"The newcomers, seeing the results of these people, will definitely be more cautious in doing things in the future."


While talking, he looked at his card with satisfaction, and then played a card with a smile.

"Nine barrels."



The two responded, and the one they touched snatched the card.

The old man in the tunic suit suddenly looked a little embarrassed and stretched his head to take a look.

Leng Yannv leaned back slightly, her white coat spread to both sides of her body, which was extremely thrilling.

She looked at the old man indifferently, and said, "You have never allowed the Academy to touch power, but others don’t think so. They only think that the Academy is superior, like an overlord. This kind of thing is not the first, and it won’t be. The last thing is that there will always be something more dangerous that even we can't calmly solve. So, what do you plan to do?"

The old man in the tunic looked at his card and was silent for a while, as if he was very embarrassed.

"Then let them know what the institute really wants to do?"

He murmured, finally made a decision and played a card fiercely: "Eight barrels!"


The cards on the north side were torn down, and the "eight tubes" were hung.

The old man in the tunic suit straightened his eyes and knocked down his card all at once, muttering, "I, all..."



The female researcher sneered, and said, "What do you do so flamboyantly every day..."

The old man in the tunic suit turned his expression extremely quickly, staring at the card, and suddenly stood up angrily.

He grabbed the phone next to him and dialed a shortcut key.

A few seconds later, he yelled directly into it: "Now the recovery plan of the escaping laboratory No. 9 experiment body will begin!"


At Buffalo East Outpost, the gray-haired old man looked at Buffalo, which was suddenly quiet, and then looked at the mental radiation detector standing around the camp, facing the Buffalo’s mental radiation detector. After all, their detectors were not as fine as the institute’s. , So there are some digital fluctuations on the detector of the research institute, but at this time, the numbers on their detectors have been completely reset to zero.

He stood up and stared at the zeros, with an unbelievable expression on his face:

"That's it, it's over suddenly?"



I don't know how long it took, the people around him reacted, and at the same time showed him an expression of admiration.

"Sure enough... the commander's decision is correct!"

"Unexpectedly, I didn't expect that the capable people in the city could actually solve this problem..."

"It's great. According to observations, the 100,000 refugees in the outer city have not suffered much damage. The flesh and blood monsters created by the black table have been completely eliminated. The pollution has not spread. Only some buildings in the abandoned city have been damaged. …Perfect cleaning task!"

"How exactly was cleaned up requires careful investigation..."


Amidst the long-suffering compliments and congratulations, the gray-haired old man had trembling lips and pale face.

"No, the experiment has been successful, but how come it suddenly disappears?"

"If we have been looking forward to the experiment for so long, but finally ended up with such a result..."

"So, what we have prepared for so many years, as well as those bold arrangements and actions, now...what is it?"

The surrounding staff accurately grasped the situation for him, and Tai Shan collapsed flatly complimented him. At this time, he seemed to have become the biggest mockery. He quietly looked at the completely quiet Buffalo. For a long time, it was a word. Unable to speak.


At this moment, a lonely black jeep drove over in the distance.

The light of the car lights shot straight on the face of the gray-haired old man, as if it were a majestic gaze.

"and so…"

In the dark conference room, I don't know when, it has become deathly quiet.

The person who was already ambitious and bet the biggest chip, suddenly saw the cards drawn.

Then, they seemed to be hit in the head.

There is not even an intermediate process between the joy of victory that is about to usher in and the sudden change of the situation.

"So, we just..."

Someone suddenly laughed at himself: "Promoting the most ridiculous coup in history?"

No one else answered, it was an embarrassment that people didn't want to accept.


Someone patted the table and stood up suddenly, yelling: "Impossible! How did the research institute do it?"

"Obviously, the research institute did not respond to this matter at all, and did not even send any news to the outside..."

His voice was trembling, puzzled or unwilling?

"Perhaps, this is the most terrifying part of the research institute..."

Someone laughed bitterly: "Either, it means that the reaction they made is not even detectable by the people we arranged to go in, or it means that they have long seen that we carefully prepared this trick, like... teasing a child. ?"

In the embarrassing silence, someone suddenly said, "Then...what should I do now?"

No one said anything, and suddenly, they looked at one of them.

That was the only person who showed his face beside the long conference table.

The man's eyes widened suddenly and his mouth was wide open, but he couldn't breathe.

He seemed to subconsciously want to raise his hand to cover his face.

But in the end, he didn't really make this naive and shameful move.

"Ding Ling Ling..."

At this moment, a person's phone rang suddenly.

"Ding Ling Ling..."

"Ding Ling Ling..."


Immediately afterwards, the phones of everyone in UU reading rang.

Someone had a premonition that something was wrong, swallowed, and then pressed the answer button.

A gentle and melodious female voice rang: "Hello, Minister Xu, Minister Zhang, Mr. Li, are you here with Colonel Zhao and others?"

"Tell them that they don’t need to answer the phone. The content is the same. You violated the core security agreement between the Central City Administration Office and the Research Institute. Happening…"

"See you in half an hour, don't be late..."


In the silent conference room, there was only the beep of the phone hanging up, and everyone was slumped on their seats as if they were discouraged.

Speechless for a long time.

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