Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 363: Deputy Captain of Individual Squad

This was the first time that Lu Xin fell asleep because of the excessive consumption of mental power.

But this time, he slept very sweetly.

The dream seemed to have returned to a sunny day again. They and all the people, younger sister, Xiao Nine, those older than themselves, and children younger than themselves, were playing happily in the orphanage and writing homework with a sad face. After fighting in groups of three to five, the old dean stood on the second floor, holding the broom in anxiously and shouting: "Stop, fight again, you are not allowed to eat dumplings at night!"

If only this sunny yard can be remembered, that would be great.

When Lu Xin opened his eyes, he saw his mother leaning over and looking at him.

With a gentle smile on her face, her face was close to herself, as if she wanted to see some dream she had.


Lu Xin hurriedly stood up: "Are you back?"

Feeling empty in my arms, I was shocked, only to realize that Xiao Nineteen, who was held by me just now, was gone.

The mother chuckled softly: "Don't worry, I'll send that little child to the treatment..."

"Where did you go?"

Lu Xin suddenly became a little wary and asked subconsciously.

"The only place in the world that can cure her is better than taking her with you..."

Mother smiled and said, "Do you still think it's better to take her home as a decoration?"


Lu Xin shook his head hurriedly: "No no."

Several thoughts flashed through his mind quickly.

For his mother, he is more trustworthy, because this family, if there is no mother, would have been separated long ago, and the family has gone through so many things before, the mother has given the most and is the most trustworthy, although she has a lot of secrets, But she never lied to herself, she said that someone could cure Xiao Nineteen, and that was true.

After he settled down, he looked at his mother: "Where have you been during this time?"

"Look at old friends, just play a few laps of mahjong, and won a little thing by the way."

Mom answered with a smile, and then looked around, and said: "It seems that you have performed very well during this period. I have asked my father and sister, and they are all complimenting you. You did it when I was away. , Take care of our family."


Lu Xin scratched his head in embarrassment.

How come mother's compliments come so quickly?

At this time, I had time to look around, and I saw the bar next to it, which had been cleaned up, the glass ballast, and the blood had disappeared completely, only the burning candle and the hole in the table. , And a table next to it that was dragged over, similar to an operating table, showed what had happened here before.

The younger sister was happily hanging from the ceiling next to her, holding a screaming chicken in her arms, babbling and singing:

"Little Wawa, coming back, smiling at Uncle Haha..."

"Uncle, uncle, don't cry, it won't hurt if there are too many wounds..."


"Little baby, faint-faced, clumsy and messy..."

"Uncle, uncle, I was wrong, my eyes and nose are reversed..."


Lu Xin frowned. It is normal for her sister to sing out of tune.

It’s just that she deliberately cleaned the surrounding area so clean. Is it because the scenes we did before were too ugly?

I want to cover it up, this is.

"It's time to go back..."

Mother smiled and glanced at her sister, with a disgusting and doting smile on her face.

Then she smiled and reminded Lu Xin: "Otherwise, your colleagues will be anxious."

"Can't wait any longer, we have to go in and take a look."

At this time, less than three hundred meters away from this building, the capable people of the Central City and Qinggang team were already waiting a little impetuously. The man in the exquisite suit frowned and said, "We have been waiting here. After three hours, the sky is bright, and there is no mental radiation around it. It’s time to go and see what's going on anyway."

After listening to his words, many people nodded and agreed with this decision.

Only the gecko was sitting next to him with his chin in his hands, determined and unmoved.

"What do you think?"

The delicate man couldn't help but looked at the gecko and asked.

"If you want to go, I'm only waiting here anyway, the captain will definitely come out."

Gecko replied full of experience.

The man in a delicate suit suddenly hesitated.

"team leader…"

Xia Chong, who had bandaged his wound, was silent for a long time before he couldn't help but say to Chen Jing: "I was curious since yesterday. He has been calling the captain, so he and that... the single-soldier capable person, What kind of team did you form?"

Chen Jing was thoughtful and seemed to be thinking about how to explain this question.

When the gecko heard the words, his face suddenly bloomed, and Xiang Xia Chong said: "Because of the mutual cooperation of abilities, the greatest advantage of the team can be brought into play. Therefore, Qinggang has been putting people with the same characteristics into the team... It's the same as in your central city... our special operations team has three people in total, one of whom you saw, the respectable and terrifying captain."

"There is another team member, who is...A+ level capable person, whose name is Wawa..."


Xia Chong raised her head suddenly, beside her, the complexion of Lady Gothic, the doctor, and the exquisite man also changed slightly.

It seems that they also know the existence of the doll.

"Yes, just the three of us."

The gecko smiled reservedly: "I behaved just so-so, just being a deputy captain."


The expressions of several capable people in the central city looked a little complicated, some people looked at it, and some were thoughtful.

The mental patient who wore a half-doll mask was taken aback: "It's amazing."

Gecko smiled more reserved, and turned around to stretch out his hand to Xia Chong: "Get to know me officially. My name is Gecko, the deputy captain of the individual squad."

Xia Chong glanced at him and slowly stretched out his hand.


A big enthusiastic hand next to him grabbed the gecko's hand first, with a half-fat doll mask on his face, revealing half of a beard and a mental patient who rushed to the gecko's side: "I don't know Tarzan. Brother, I’m really fortunate to meet someone like you today. I have pity on my teammate... Alas, brother, when I return to the central city, I want to treat you to a meal..."

"Brother, do you have a girlfriend?"

"Brother, if you don't have a girlfriend yet, have you considered..."


The gecko's expression was dumbfounded, and he drew his hand desperately as if burned by the fire, but couldn't get it out.

Looking at this enthusiastic, bearded face, there was a look of horror on his face.

"What are you doing here?"

Fortunately, at this moment, a voice rang not far away.

Carrying a backpack, Lu Xin was turning over from a piece of ruin, and looked at them curiously.

With a "swish", everyone stood up.

Their bodies were taut subconsciously. Some people even put their hands on the side of the gun pouch next to their thighs, but suddenly realized that their reaction was wrong, and then they retracted their palms, like everyone else, looking boldly. To Lu Xin...

Lu Xin was uncomfortable when they saw him, and subconsciously touched his face, "Is there any blood?"

Several people shook their heads stiffly.

Just subconsciously thinking, what did he do, why is the first reaction to worry about whether there is blood on his face?

"Single soldier, you are fine."

Chen Jing came out first and looked behind Lu Xin: "'s it going?"

Lu Xin thought for a while before replied: "It's okay. I have already met the person who came to visit my relatives this time, and I chatted with him happily. By the way, he solved the monster created in his laboratory. However, after creating that monster, I was too tired, so I leaned on the pillar and rested for a while. When I woke up, he was gone...really, really gone..."

Everyone looked at him silently.

"You don't need to explain it, we believe you."

Chen Jing took a deep look at Lu Xin, then nodded to Xia Chong: "The crisis is over."

Xia Chong also glanced at Lu Xin expressionlessly, then held on to the headset and said, "The support team can enter the arena."

"Ah this..."

Lu Xin glanced at Xia Chong with a weird look.

I have slept for three hours before you send a support team into the arena?

What efficiency is the central city?

"This time the black table taboo experiment posed a great threat to the central city, and it exceeded our expectations. There are still many things... But anyway, your help from Qinggang allowed us to solve this problem smoothly. ,thank you…"

Xia Chong solemnly stepped forward and stretched out his palm to Lu Xin.

Lu Xin was taken aback for a while, and hurriedly shook her hand: "It's okay, it's okay, it should be done."

Xia Chong's little hands were cold, and I wonder if it was because of the injury and excessive bleeding.

The gecko, who was held enthusiastically by his beard, had his eyes straight.

"Thank you, little brother..."

The Gothic lady tied the whip around her waist and stretched out her hand to Lu Xin with a smile.

Lu Xin hurriedly greeted her and shook hands with her: "You're welcome, you're welcome."

"Thank you."

The doctor came up, shook hands with Lu Xin, and said with a deep expression: "My name is Scalpel. I will have the opportunity to do research together in the future."


Lu Xin agreed, and then came back to his senses: "What are you studying?"

Immediately afterwards, other capable people in Central City also came over to shake hands with Lu Xin, including the delicate man...

…He wrapped the handkerchief in his hand. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

What's the show?

Lu Xin was most upset with him.

But the most enthusiastic one was a bearded man wearing a mask of a broken fat baby, holding Lu Xin's palm with both hands.

"Brother, hello, hello, do you have a partner?"


When I shook hands with the surviving central city abilities and met them one by one, I saw that in the distance, large military vehicles began to drive towards the middle of the city of Buffalo, lined with black guards. The man in suit jumped out of the car.

"You are ready to withdraw from Buffalo, do you have anything else to do?"

Chen Jing stood beside Lu Xin and asked casually.


Lu Xin thought about it for a moment, and said with a smile: "I want to talk to the research institute..."

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