Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 366: The man who bears the power of the gods


In any case, Lu Xin didn't expect that when he came to the research institute, his first challenge would be like this.

Looking at the woman's tall figure and milk-like smooth back, he was silent for a while, and then stomped lightly and seemed to be angrily staring at the other person, he decided to follow the principle of helping others and walk silently. Arrived in front of her.

Pinch the small zipper puller, lift it out, and then quickly zip it up without touching her.

Then he stepped back three meters away and let out a soft breath.

The female model turned around and saw that she looked like she was about thirty years old, with heavy makeup on her face, but she didn't give people a feeling of heavy makeup, just the exaggerated red lips, just like a waterfall. Long hair with slightly curly curls is really not something ordinary people can support.

But she can hold it very well, her skin is white, her lips are red, her eyes are deep like cliffs, and her figure is breathtaking.

She was wearing a dress that resembled a cheongsam, with high slits on both sides. After turning around, she sat on the table, then leaned back and pulled out a black silk stocking from the drawer. Starting from the toes, he slipped over his legs. .

Lu Xin silently removed his eyes, and thought to himself: "Legs are really long..."

But it seems that the length of the legs is not enough, because this woman is of a special standard and looks good everywhere.

"Good-looking brother..."

The woman put on the stockings, picked up the white coat from the side, put it on the outside of the cheongsam, and then took out a pair of black slender high heels from the box under the table, but she didn’t rush to put it on, but carried it. In his hand, still sitting on the desk.

Looking at Lu Xin with interest, he said softly, "Are you the kid in the lab that escaped?"

Seeing that her clothes were somewhat neater, Lu Xin began to look at her.

In my own impression, words such as beauty and exquisiteness, and even makeup, are insulated from the white coat.

When I was in Qinggang, I also met two women in the research institute, one was Professor Yuan who studied occultism, and the other was Doctor Jia from psychology. The two of them had messy hair and looked a little bit goddess. Another doctor Jia, who always cleans herself up, always has a comfortable smile on her face, but she never puts on her makeup...

But what I see now is a female researcher wearing a white coat and a charming temperament.

She has flaming red lips, beautiful and exaggerated, like a big star.

Such a person should have appeared on the stage, but now he is actually wearing a white coat and sitting behind his desk.

And the question she asked was unexpectedly straightforward.

A slightly surprised expression appeared on Lu Xin's face, and he looked up at her.

"Oh, sorry..."

The woman's lips with high-end lipstick opened lightly, showing a slightly apologetic expression, and chuckled softly:

"I like to be straightforward, simple, efficient, but also can give everyone a kind of straightforward pleasure..."

"If you feel uncomfortable, I can slow down a little bit..."

"But if you want to see me, I want to see you too. After all, everyone is interested in Lang Youqing's concubine, so..."


Lu Xin immediately understood her thoughts.

I think her analogy is really amazing.

After a moment of indulgence, he honestly replied: "I grew up in Qinggang and my name was Lu Xin. After being recruited by the Special Pollution Cleanup Department, they gave me the code name of'Single Soldier'. As for you, The escaped laboratory or something..."

After a pause, he replied calmly: "I only have some fragmented memories, and more specific memories have disappeared."

"Now, I am planning to retrieve these memories."


"Very frank!"

The charming female researcher smiled, admiringly said: "She also knows how to cooperate very well. Although she is a little bit young, she has a good attitude."

As she said, she changed her slender legs and said with a smile: "My impression of you has improved a lot."

"How does she talk weird?"

Lu Xin felt that something was wrong, but couldn't tell, so he had to assume that everything was right.


The female researcher got up, let Lu Xin sit down on the sofa next to him, then took a paper cup and gave him a glass of purified water. She sat on the desk, her white coat was still not buttoned, her slender legs were almost better than sitting. Lu Xin is taller.

Looking at Lu Xin, he seemed to be thinking about how to start.

"My last name is An, An Sisi, you can call me Dr. An, or..."

Biting his red lips, he smiled and said, "Sister."

Lu Xin was taken aback, looked up at her, and said, "Dr. An, I'm actually here..."

"Not obedient, sure enough, there is a kind of firmness of a young man..."

An Sisi gave a "chicking" laugh, then looked at Lu Xin and said, "Don't rush to say it, I'll talk about mine first."

"I have heard about the taboo experiment on the black table. Originally, this matter should be dealt with by the Central City Administration Office and the Special Pollution Cleaning Department. Unfortunately, the Central City Special Pollution Cleaning Department has been infiltrated and the performance is very poor. , On the contrary, relying on your Qinggang ability,, handled this matter, so you can choose your own remuneration according to the law."

After finishing talking, she smiled and said: "I am temporarily replacing the Special Clearance Department to handle these matters. I don't have much experience, but I think I can give you a few choices. First, you can take this opportunity to join the research. Hospital and do some work within our capacity..."


This was something Lu Xin never expected. He was taken aback for a moment before he said, "What can I do?"

An Sisi approached Lu Xin's ear and chuckled lightly: "For example, it was studied or something."

Lu Xin closed his mouth immediately, looking at this glamorous female researcher's face not so good.

"Huh? Isn't it funny?"

An Sisi's thin eyebrows squeezed, and said in doubt: "This is obviously a classic stalk in an old movie..."

Lu Xin still didn't speak, but looked at her coldly.

Seeing that there was no response from Lu Xin, An Sisi waved her hand in disappointment and sighed: "Although young people are very aggressive, they are too short of sentiment... Okay, let's talk about business. Joining the Institute is a lot of capable people. The things that you all dream of, the capable people in the high-walled cities all look forward to such a day, because the research institute can not only help you stabilize your state and strengthen your abilities."

"It can even help you improve easily..."

She paused on purpose, and then said: "The level of life!"

"The level of life?"

Lu Xin's expression did not change, but the paper cup in his hand was slightly tightened.


An Sisi glanced at Lu Xin, then smiled and said, "Then there are other options, a generous bonus, or..."

He said that he leaned against Lu Xin, his eyes were on Lu Xin's face.

A piece of white greasy flashed through the wide collar, and a pair of deep and charming eyes blinked:

"It's up to you."

"What you want, or what is available in the world, the research institute can find a way to provide it."


Lu Xin turned his head, still a little uncomfortable with the hospitality of this female researcher.

The phrase "great bonus" in the other party's mouth is indeed very attractive to him.

But this time, he seriously considered it, but raised his head and said softly: "I just want to know one person."

"Wang Jingyun?"

The female research institute sits back on the sofa and looks at Lu Xin with a smile


Lu Xin was a little surprised, but still nodded.

The female researcher got up and took a folder.

She seemed to have been prepared, and directly handed it to Lu Xin: "See it for yourself."

Lu Xin looked at this folder, but he needed to calm down.

After a while, he solemnly opened the folder, and the one who leaped into his eyes was a middle-aged man in a white coat.

In the photo, he looks about forty years old, with an elegant appearance, some white hair on the temples, and a smile on his face.

It seemed that he was like an approachable neighbor uncle.

And this face, to a certain extent, also represents many beautiful memories in his mind.

Lu Xin's gaze fell on his photo, and he didn't want to move away for a long time.

"Wang Jingyun, the second-generation researcher of the former Red Moon Research Institute, should be fifty-four years old now."

An Sisi’s voice sounded, crisp and calm, and he took a lot of seriousness: “At the beginning, he was very outstanding in the research institute, and made a great contribution to the research of the research institute on mental changes, and was even selected as the new research institute. Dean candidate, but 13 years ago, Wang Jingyun and his two assistants defected, and in an unknown manner, they took away a section of the carriage containing important research data and pollutants."

"This incident was later called the escaped laboratory incident by the research institute."


Lu Xin has seen many similar information about these materials, and he has already understood the general situation.

But for some reason, he would still feel uncomfortable subconsciously when he came into contact with these things again.

Probably, this is also the reason why he made up his mind to find the old dean and thoroughly understand what happened that year.

He slowly flipped through the documents, and found that these were only records about the old dean’s entry into the research institute, and after entering the research institute, what subjects he had done, what theories he had put forward, and so on. They were all a long time ago, and I can't understand it myself.

So, he slowly raised his head, looked at the glamorous female researcher, and said, "What did"

In those memories, there were too many faults, and now Lu Xin had no choice but to ask questions in such general terms.

But An Sisi was actually more organized than Lu Xin, as if she had already figured out what Lu Xin would ask and how to answer it.

Slender but powerful, like hands that should go to play the piano, she gently lifted her hair, and said softly: "Professor Wang Jingyun has been trying to transplant thirteen kinds of abnormal mental bodies to ordinary people when he was in the research institute. His later defection should also be related to the fact that many people in the research institute at that time did not support his research, and they had even begun to prepare to stop his experiments."


Lu Xin repeated these two words silently.

He took a deep breath and squeezed his palm to stop it from shaking.

He didn't expect that the research institute would be so generous, making himself short-prepared for a while, making it a little difficult to digest.

So he tried to clarify his thoughts, and once again asked the question he cared about most:

"What is he doing these experiments for?"


"Of course it is to better control these thirteen mental powers."

An Sisi stretched her waist, her waist too slender:

"How to control these thirteen spiritual forces has always been an important topic of the Institute."

"For this subject, UU Reading has also put forward many different directions from the very beginning."

"They are all extremely smart and proud people, and naturally they have a lot of differences."

"Some people choose to use these thirteen mental powers to create parasitic items. Although the manifestation of parasitic items is relatively simple and the upper limit is relatively low, the advantage is that as long as you understand the logical chain, you can easily use this parasitic item. "

"Some people are more inclined to unlock the secrets of these thirteen spiritual powers and acquire the corresponding knowledge."

As she said, she looked down at Lu Xin: "And Professor Wang Jingyun, he has always insisted on using people to carry these spiritual powers."

"He once said that if he can succeed, then he will create a new type of life."

"Walking in the world with the power of the gods..."

"Apostle of God!"

"In other words, a world-destroying weapon!"

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