Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 367: 7 steps theory

Lu Xin's head hurt slightly, but he hurriedly tapped his head, not wanting to miss every word.

And this Dr. An seemed to not pay attention to whether Lu Xin understood, he just explained to himself:

"At that time, there was another genius researcher in our research institute. His surname was Lin. I don’t know if you have heard of him. He is the most well-known at the moment. After leaving three prophecies, Jumped off the roof..."

Having said that, she paused slightly and said softly:

"At that time, he disagreed with Professor Wang Jingyun. He believed that Professor Wang's experiment had a very bad atmosphere, and the experiment itself also went off the track. Because of his great influence, most of the people in the institute were also They all began to lean towards him, and they had already made a proposal when the institute was about to move to Central City, intending to terminate Professor Wang Jingyun’s research...

"I just didn't expect that Professor Wang didn't intend to argue with other people, he just chose to leave!"

After a slight pause, she sighed slightly and said, "This may also explain his attitude."

"He will definitely continue his experiments, regardless of others' understanding, or hesitate to break directly with the research institute."


Lu Xin didn't know how to comment on this past event.

He can't even find his own position in this past.

He only digested these contents, and then slowly, he continued to ask: "What happened later?"

"What happened later, maybe we know about it..."

Dr. An sighed slightly, took a piece of red gummies from his desk, gently bit off a piece, and then gestured to Lu Xin. Lu Xin shook her head resolutely, and the woman laughed. Got to squint his eyes and gently put it in his mouth. .

"Professor Wang Jingyun has disappeared since then. There has been no news for many years."

"After all, he has the ability to steal a section of the middle car silently while the train is moving at high speed. Even we have not found the reason until now. Of course, he has the ability to hide it and do it quietly. His experiment..."

"It wasn't until not long ago that his assistant Chen Xun was discovered by a lurker, and he was found to have found his information again..."


She paused and said softly: "We still think his research failed."

"You can see a little bit about the black table."

"As Professor Wang Jingyun's assistant, Chen Xun is undoubtedly his loyal believer."

"In fact, Chen Xun’s experiment is to some extent an extension of Professor Wang Jingyun, but you have also seen that the so-called'controllable god' created by the power of some people in the black table and the central city is actually just A superficial use of the mental body."

"The'God' he created is at best a flesh-and-blood machine that can follow simple instructions, a deterrent weapon."

"If you didn't stop him, then his correct experiment should be to create a'god', and use the 100,000 refugees in Buffalo to reach a very terrifying spiritual level, and to take advantage of the trend to create an immortal The monster army..."

"It's a pity that he never thought about it. This is just an experiment that will cause a single mental disorder. He thinks that holding the button can deter everyone in the world. People who are engaged in spiritual research often commit crimes. A typical question of

"Use human thinking and logic to control power that does not belong to humans."


Listening to her evaluation of Chen Xun, Lu Xin frowned.

He could understand Dr. An's evaluation of Chen Xun, but he could not understand her attitude.

"Of course, the experiment on the black table does not fully explain that Professor Wang Jingyun's theory is wrong."

When Dr. An said this, his face seemed a little mysterious, and his eyes lightly fell on Lu Xin's body.

"after all…"

She looked at Lu Xin, her eyes seemed to light up slightly: "We found you."

"Your existence, to some extent, proves that Professor Wang Jingyun's theory is actually correct."


"Right? You actually said he was right?"

Lu Xin suddenly felt an inexplicable irritability in his heart, hurriedly raised his hand and took a sip of the already cool white water.

From his personal point of view, he did not want to accept that anything related to this type of experiment was called an evaluation of the concept of "right". Although he knew in his heart that this was just their theoretical statement, but he still I don't like it.

"Theory is the theory, and the attitude is the attitude."

Dr. An spoke softly, and gave Lu Xin a faint look while speaking.

She seemed to be observing Lu Xin's mood swings, and picked up a recorder on the desk and turned on the switch:

"The use of mental power is not stable, and emotions are difficult to control."


Lu Xin watched her do these things quietly, and after a while, he slowly spoke:

"You said that because you saw me, you think he was right to some extent, then..."

"What am I?"


An Sisi stroked the hair in front of her forehead and sighed. She also looked at Lu Xin very seriously and said, "You are the apostle of God."

"It can also be said to be a candidate for God."

"Of course, in the most accurate term, it should be called:"

"The third stage of creation."


"The third phase…"

Lu Xin felt a strong sense of confusion for this title, which should not seem unfamiliar.

He had already touched on the concept of the first stage and the second stage.

He even entered the second stage with the help of Professor Bai, but when did he become the third stage?

"Yes, your essence is already the third stage capable person."

"Therefore, you can not lose control while carrying such a powerful mental body."

"It can even easily solve the monster created by the black table..."

"After all, what the black table creates is flawed. It doesn't even have complete consciousness and thinking..."

"To put it simply, you are theoretically higher on that ladder."


The woman said a lot of things that Lu Xin couldn't understand, but he still keenly caught a word.

"What is the ladder you are talking about?"

Dr. An sighed softly, looked at Lu Xin seriously, and said, "Go to the stairs of God."

At this time, her face seemed to become serious: "The ladder theory is the genius researcher I mentioned earlier, that is, the person who disagrees with Professor Wang Jingyun back then, the most left before he died. Important research."

"This person is so smart."

"He only lived to be twenty-seven years old, but he is a genius recognized by the Academy."

"He actually only did two things, one of which is the three most known to outsiders, and the three prophecies left before he died."

"These three prophecies brought despair to this world."

"But the other thing he did, something that is not completely public now, is that he left behind the theory of the ladder of gods."

"After he died, we found from his notes that he had found a certain secret truth through the research of thirteen abnormal mental bodies. Even he had calculated the gap between man and god, and Within this gap, seven steps have been found. As long as someone can walk up these seven steps and reach the top of the pyramid, then..."

"...He will become a true god!"

When she said this, she shook her head slightly, pulled out another red soft candy, and bit it lightly.

"Are people often asking such stupid questions?"

Her voice was a little self-deprecating, and said: "How much is the gap between man and god?"

"This person gave the answer: just seven steps!"



Lu Xin felt a headache when he heard this word.

I just persuaded a relative who was crazy by this word to take the right path.

Why suddenly in this research institute, I heard a serious person talking about this kind of thing?

"Yes it is."

Dr. An didn’t seem to hear Lu Xin’s dislike of this word, and seriously explained: "You can hate God, or you can replace this word with terms such as ultimate, monster, and the most powerful source of stable pollution, but you can’t deny it. Something like this will be born."

"In short, that genius but short-lived guy left the theory of these seven steps, but he himself died."

"Have you ever thought about why?"

When she said this, her eyes looked straight at Lu Xin.

Lu Xin frowned and shook his head slowly.

He sympathizes with everyone who commits suicide, it must be suffering that cannot be resolved.

But pain is the least connected.

Dr. Ann pulled open the corners of his mouth slightly, and his red lips looked particularly vivid under the soft light of the incandescent lamp.

"I guess he should be desperate..."

Dr. Ann said as if there were no emotional fluctuations, and sighed.

"Not only did he die, but afterwards, many people studied his theory and they wanted to die with him."

"Because many people have discovered that his seven-step theories seem to be no problem. However, to verify these theories step by step and implement them, there are too many vacancies, such as how to stably climb up. The third step or something..."

"do you understand?"

"Seeing a right direction but not knowing how to walk through it is the most painful."

"It's very painful, I want to knock my head..."

"Various attempts have been made, some have succeeded and some have failed, but it is always difficult to give people the greatest confidence..."


She spoke slowly, UU reading www.uukahnshu. Com seemed to be a little anxious, and finally his voice eased slightly.

He sighed softly, looked at Lu Xin, and looked greedily, a smile gradually appeared on his face, and said: "However, this kind of pain, when I see you, suddenly relieves, because when I see you , We saw hope all at once."

"We don't know how Professor Wang Jingyun made you enter the third stage steadily."

"But undoubtedly, you are an extremely stable third-stage creation, and the most eye-catching thing is..."

She looked at Lu Xin's gaze, and even vaguely became enthusiastic.

With a bright red tongue, he lightly licked his red lips, and his delicate face slowly approached Lu Xin, exhaling with the sweetness of sugar:

"In you, there is even higher potential!"

"Only going to the third step is a great waste to you!"

"You were created to go to the seventh step..."

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