Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 369: This is the abyss (4000 words)

"bring it on!"

Seeing Lu Xin hesitate, Xia Chong frowned and said blankly, "Don't waste time."


Faced with this request, Lu Xin had to satisfy her and stood face to face in a posture that felt a little awkward.

"Remember, after entering, be quiet and don't move."

Xia Chong turned around and walked towards the door of the office. Lu Xin, a big man, was dragged away by her like a child, and listened to her serious instructions: "Then, no matter what you feel, You must stay calm..."


Dr. An said on the side: "Little young people lack experience and often surrender all at once..."

Lu Xin didn't want to stay here for another second.

At this time, Xia Chong had already pulled him to the door of the office, and then gently opened the door.

Lu Xin's whole body suddenly froze, and his body shivered slightly.

Xia Chong stood in this office, opening the door of the office, and naturally the corridor outside. .

But Lu Xin was held by her hands and looked forward, only to find that this door led to a red world.

It's hard to describe that feeling. It's like looking at it and discovering that all the shadows here are scattered and overlapping.

Countless mental distortions are flooded in every part of the air in this world.

I just glanced at it, and felt a cold wind blowing from behind this door, and the roots of hairs were standing up.

The dry air filled with the smell of burning rust filled his nose.


He spoke subconsciously, but before he finished speaking, he was already pulled into the door by Xia Chong.

Behind the door, there seemed to be a powerful force. When Lu Xin saw the world, he was attracted to it.


Unspeakable distracting thoughts suddenly flooded Lu Xin's mind.

He seemed to have heard hundreds of people here, shouting, crying, and screaming, all these voices, each one seemed very clear, but they were intertwined, but they seemed extremely chaotic. Rushing to get into his eardrum.

"Keep your attention, don't listen carefully to anyone's voice..."

There was an illusory voice shouting, and at the same time, a cold little hand squeezed Lu Xin's face forcefully.

Lu Xin was awakened by the world and raised his head, only to see Xia Chong's face close at hand.

She was looking at herself seriously, touching her face, reminding loudly.

Shaking his head, Lu Xin calmed down slightly. He made an understanding gesture to Xia Chong before he looked around.

The door behind him has disappeared.

Lu Xin found that he was standing on a ruined building.

After very hard identification, he realized that at this time he was still in the No. 2 main city, the position of the research institute building, but his position, the part of the building above his head, had disappeared, and his feet were just in ruins. .

Everything here seems to be burning.

He could feel that his skin seemed to be exposed in front of the red-hot steel, and every inch of being burned was hot and painful, and this pain was not only hot, but more like every inch of skin was in it. Fractured again and again by the air.

In the distance, scarlet blurred, under the hot light, the broken building swayed and twisted in the air.

It seems that the streets and floors have come to life and are still dancing exaggeratedly.

The red enveloped the whole world, like a deep nightmare, helpless, fearful and lonely.

In the sky farther away, a round moon was faintly seen.

Lu Xin waved his hand in the air a few times, and touched his face again.

All this is so unfamiliar, so unfamiliar that it even produced a slight sense of ridiculous familiarity.

It looks like nothingness, but it's so real.


"This is where?"

Lu Xin asked subconsciously.


Xia Chong's answer was extremely simple.

Tilted his head and looked at it, he was sure that Lu Xin was not flustered, and he seemed a little surprised.

But she was not long-winded, and directly pulled Lu Xin's hand and walked forward.

At the moment of taking a step forward, all the surrounding shadows began to become blurred and abstract.

Lu Xin discovered that every time he and Xia Chong took a step, the surrounding scenes retreated quickly, as if the speed had increased. After only a few steps, they had already reached the street, with oddly damaged cars, like phantoms. Quickly interspersed.

"My strength is the contract of the abyss system."

Only Xia Chong’s stiff and no ups and downs can give Lu Xin a real feeling: "I signed a contract with the doorworms in the abyss, so they can take me into the abyss and give me the simplest protection. I originally signed three of them, but one was killed in Buffalo. In addition to these three insects, I originally signed a contract with a powerful spiritual creature."

"However, it was killed when I faced the monster at the black table."

"So, I am here now, and I don't have the ability to protect ourselves. We can only come in and go out quickly."


Lu Xin noticed that at this time, there was a fat insect lying on Xia Chong’s left and right shoulders. He had indeed seen her in Buffalo before, but what he saw at the time was far away. It's better to see clearly at this time.

In this world, all physical objects have become obscure. Is this thing more real?


As he walked forward, Lu Xin suddenly noticed something, and when he looked down, he felt a little creepy.

On the ground, instead of the asphalt road outside, there are hands one by one.

He and Xia Chong actually walked on countless hands at this time.

These hands are dark, with dry skin, with green veins that are twisted like earthworms. They are chaotically and stubbornly grasping, seemingly to catch everything they can touch. The nails are sharp, like a handle. Dagger with handle.

Lu Xin finally understood where the wounds on Xia Chong's legs had come from.

This was caught by nails.

Every time she walked into the world behind the door, she suffered such pain.

Can't hide, can't escape, because the ground of this world, all the grounds, are like this.

"Chi" "chi"

These nails were even scraping their own legs, and there was a burst of cold and sharp sensation in the place where they touched.

"Get used to it."

Xia Chong said, looking back at Lu Xin.

"If you are worried about leaving scars, it's okay. My worm can heal you, as if you haven't been hurt."

"...Is this something that leaves no scars?"

Lu Xin felt uncomfortable and couldn't help asking, "What is this?"

"It's the cheapest malice in the world, and the most basic, the most important thing that you can catch."

Xia Chong's voice did not fluctuate and replied: "Because it is cheap, it is the most, covering the world, layer after layer!"


Lu Xin sighed deeply and looked into the distance.

Suddenly discovered that in this red world, there are also faint human figures and all kinds of weird creatures.

He saw some places where there were strange plants like mushrooms, and in the broken and burning buildings, there were branch-like creatures or creatures like spiders and snakes, sticking out their heads from time to time, gloomy. Sen stared at himself.

"Spirit monster?"

Lu Xin suddenly thought of many other things.

This is not the first time he has touched the abyss.

When I was in Qinggang, when I cooperated with the alcoholic to clean up the organization that believed in the "true hometown", I encountered some spiritual monsters. Although these spiritual monsters were different from what I saw now, their temperament was very similar.

When the S-class capable people of the sea country attacked Qinggang, they also saw many spiritual monsters.

I was originally curious about where these spiritual monsters came from, but now I suddenly understood.

"The real hometown and the abyss mean here?"

He asked the question he cared most.

"It should be said that the real hometown is in the abyss, but there can be no equal sign between the two."

Xia Chong whispered: "It's like Central City is in this world, but Central City is not equal to this world."

Lu Xin understood it all at once, and Xia Chong would give an example.

"So, what you brought me here to see is..."

Lu Xin was slightly alert and understood.

"It's the world's largest source of pollution, and it's something we will deal with soon..."

Xia Chong said, pulling Lu Xin's hand and walking forward.

The surrounding scenery seemed to be true and illusory, retreating in a flash.

In some places, Lu Xin seemed to be walking over, and in some places, it seemed to be walking through the middle.

He saw pieces of ruins, saw bones piled up like a mountain, saw those bones, crawling around quickly, looking at the strange creatures of people with cold eyes, just their appearance is enough to make People are creepy.


Feeling just a few seconds later, Xia Chong suddenly raised his hand and pointed it to Lu Xin.

Lu Xin suddenly looked up and saw that there was a light in the uncertain air ahead.

The light was clear and translucent, looking towards the outside world like a frozen underwater world.

In the twisted air of this world, through that light, one can feel the sunshine, the fresh wind, and the silhouettes passing by from time to time, just as if they are now looking at the reality outside through a person’s perspective. world.

"This is……"

Xia Chong explained to Lu Xin, but she was shocked before she finished her words.

It was also at this time, or even earlier than Xia Chong, Lu Xin also felt a kind of gloomy cold with his hair exploding.

He instantly turned his head and looked in one direction. He saw patches of air twisted and burned like fire. Immediately, the twisted and gloomy monsters around seemed to have seen some terrible existence, rushing towards it. Scattered around.

In the distance, a tall figure could be seen faintly, approaching quickly.


Xia Chong reacted, suddenly pulling Lu Xin rushed to the original road.

When they ran, the outstretched hands below suddenly grabbed them more frantically.

These hands also felt the terrible pressure. They were also afraid, but they could not escape, so they just desperately grabbed the legs of Lu Xin and Xia Chong. It seems that by catching them at this time and staying here, they can make themselves. Feeling better...


There was a squeezed hollow sound in the air.

Something in the distance is approaching them quickly, squeezing this place into a squeeze.

Xia Chong cracked his two short legs.

After all, Lu Xin didn't understand the world yet, let alone get used to it. At this time, she was dragging him away, and he was about to fly.

Just now they took a minute or so to walk over, but it only took more than ten seconds to go back.

The price paid was the scars made by those hands, and it was seven or eight times more.

Here, every step is like walking among thorns.

Finally, Lu Xin was pulled by Xia Chong and returned to where they came in, Xia Chong violently stretched out his other hand.

A fat worm slid down her arm and used its chubby body to wrap around a place.

Where it was wrapped around, there appeared the shape of a door bolt.

Xia Chong grabbed the bolt of the door and unscrewed it forcefully. The door was opened.

But also at this time, the coercion behind him reached its maximum.

Lu Xin felt like something was stuck on his back, and he turned his head subconsciously.

He only saw a huge face suddenly appeared in the scarlet air, quickly approaching him.

The face was pale and stiff, like a mask.

Only in the eye position of this face, there are two **** holes, inside are one by one, bright red palms.

They were moving, scratching, and twitching in pain, as if they desperately got out of their eye sockets and grabbed Lu Xin.

Lu Xin frowned when he met this face.

The face suddenly seemed to sense something, and the hand that came out of his eye socket hesitated.

Even some palms quickly retracted into the eye sockets.

This kind of hesitation made the monster's pursuit speed obviously slower.

With this effort, Xia Chong finally pulled Lu Xin and threw out through the door.



The door closed behind him, and Lu Xin staggered slightly and stood firm.

He found that he had returned to the real world, still in the original office, and everything just now was a dream.

But the scars on Xia Chong's legs were obviously not a dream.

It was crisscrossed and dripping with blood, and the flesh and blood in some places were turned over.

"Yo, twelve seconds..."

Dr. An’s voice rang. She had been looking at her watch, and looked at Lu Xin approvingly:

"For the first time, it was not bad."


"What the **** is this?"

Lu Xin hadn't answered Xia Chong, who almost fell, had already shouted in horror.


Lu Xin thought about the look of that face, and couldn't help but feel a little scared, and said, "It's too scary."

Xia Chong turned her head violently and looked at his face: "I'm talking about you..."

"You only entered the abyss for ten seconds, why did you attract the attention of lord-level monsters?"

"A spirit monster of this level will generally only attack things that threaten it..."



Looking at Xia Chong's horror and the thoughtful look of the female doctor next to him, Lu Xin didn't know how to answer.

After a while, he whispered: "This is obviously not my problem, right?"

"You should ask it..."

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