Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 370: Peep into the abyss


Listening to Lu Xin's answer, Xia Chong suddenly didn't know how to pick it up.

She was an honest girl, she didn't know how to answer, just looking at Lu Xin's eyes, she couldn't go back.

While standing on the side, Dr. Ann, who was watching with interest, glanced thoughtfully at his office door.

Nodded, and then gently stepped forward, held Xia Chong’s arm, and said with a smile: "In the abyss, it is ever-changing, and it is normal for some unexpected things to happen. You should go with Qinggang first. People, it’s good for me."


Xia Chong agreed, then took a look at Lu Xin, turned and left the office.

When she opened the door this time, there was no such worm on her body, and the door that was opened was an ordinary door. .

The Dr. An smiled and came to Lu Xin's side, gently leaning down, his red lips slightly curled up:

"See it clearly, right?"

"See clearly..."

Lu Xin replied subconsciously, and suddenly reacted: "See what?"

Dr. Ann just looked at him and smiled, holding his hands on his chest, appearing more plump.

"The source of pollution."

She whispered: "It can also be said to be the hometown of spiritual monsters!"



Lu Xin suddenly raised his head and looked at her.

The look of the female researcher seemed to be a little emotional, and she whispered softly:

"As someone who saw the abyss for the first time, your reaction was quite calm."

"Others, except for some people who were naturally selected by the monsters in the abyss and protected them, after seeing the abyss, they ended up in two ways. One is directly crazy, the other is desperately thinking. Stay there."

Lu Xin was silent for a long time before asking, "So, what is this abyss?"

"Have you heard a word?"

Dr. An looked up at Lu Xin, smiled and asked, "When you stare at the abyss, the abyss is also staring at you!"

Lu Xin hesitated and nodded.

Anyone who knows a little about the culture of the civilized age knows this sentence.

"This sentence can help you understand the abyss better."

Dr. An whispered: "The abyss, you can understand the existence of the collective subconscious ocean. Everyone has their own spiritual power and their own spiritual radiation. These radiations are intertwined and connect human beings as a whole."

"It is the projection of our spiritual world, and it is also the interweaving of our sexuality and emotion."

"Each of us is a drop of this ocean, and this ocean will always be related to each of us."


"The collective subconscious?"

Lu Xin frowned slightly after hearing her words.

In the past, in order to study what kind of illness he had, he had read many books on mentality.

In this book, I have naturally seen this kind of concept.

Speaking of it, this should refer to a psychological term, to the effect that it refers to a kind of spiritual deposit that is universally owned and inherited during the advancement of human ancestors and is at the bottom of the human spirit.

Although this collective subconscious world is just a conjecture, it is manifested in human culture all the time. Religion, mythology, and art are mostly related to this.

"The abyss you are talking about should be just a symbolic existence..."

Lu Xin was a little awkward, trying to express his opinions, looking at Dr. An, "But what I experienced just now seems to be true... Moreover, even if there is such a collective subconscious ocean, all human thoughts and feelings will be reflected in it. Here, the world is intertwined into another level, and what it projects should also be evil thoughts and good thoughts. How can it be possible that there are only negative thoughts?"



Dr. An looked at Lu Xin with some surprise, and said, "You gave me a little surprise."

As she said, she bit her lip, looked at Lu Xin with a soft look, and chuckled softly: "Little brother, you are in this civilization almost broken. Everyone only knows the age of eating and sleeping women, and being able to ask these questions is unexpected. Up."

Lu Xin suddenly felt helpless.

I rarely discuss academic issues with people so seriously.

Why did this woman sound a bit sloppy when it came to this time?

"you are right."

Dr. An laughed softly: "The world at the bottom of the spirit should have evil thoughts, good thoughts, negative thoughts, and positive thoughts. It even said that good thoughts should always be higher than evil thoughts. Only in this way can human beings survive. Will keep moving forward."

"Even the title "Abyss" means that the evil thoughts in the lower spiritual world have overwhelmed the good thoughts."

"If the good thoughts there are overwhelming the evil thoughts, it should be called the kingdom of heaven."


As she said, she held a cigarette between **** and took a sip, slowly exhaling a faint smoke.

This woman actually learned to smoke in such a short time!

"We have speculated that before the Red Moon incident, there was a terrible change in the old civilization."

"Because of this change, the evil thoughts of everyone in the world have overwhelmed the good thoughts, and reached a terrible proportion, almost leading to collapse. Therefore, the world of mental precipitation has not only formed an abyss, but has almost overflowed. real world."

Dr. An continued to speak with a soft voice: "It is this phenomenon that led to the occurrence of the Red Moon event."


"The collective evil thoughts overwhelm the good thoughts?"

"Still serious?"

When Lu Xin listened, he was surprised and confused: "How could such a thing happen?"

"do not know."

When Dr. An talked about this issue, his cold face also seemed to be overshadowed:

"It may be due to some external reasons that have caused this spiritual bottom world to undergo an abnormal change."

"It may also be something in reality that caused all the people in this world to have infinite evil thoughts at that time, which caused a serious imbalance in the lower spiritual world. It is more likely that it is because..."

"The existence of human beings, the accumulation of violence and malice, would have led to such a situation..."


Having said this, she sighed softly and said: "The Institute knows many things, but there is no answer to this matter."

"In any case, it is certain that it is precisely because of the imbalance between evil and good thoughts in the lower spiritual world for a certain period of time that the Red Moon event occurred, which in turn led to the end of the old civilization era, and in the end it is what we have just seen, the abyss. Became real..."

"Furthermore, already peeping into the real world!"


Lu Xin fell silent.

He still felt a little weird.

Why does the red moon appear has always been a topic that plagues all people.

Every time someone talks about how good the old civilization was, how orderly, how rich life was, how bright the sun was, it naturally led to another topic, how did such a good world become like this? of?

Everyone knows that because of the red moon, the red moon is in the sky.

But how did the red moon come from?

No one knows.

Now, listening to the meaning of this female doctor, it is not because of the red moon that people's evil thoughts have overwhelmed good thoughts.

It’s because people’s evil thoughts overwhelm good thoughts that caused the moon to turn red?

If this is the case, what is going on that will make people in this world burst into so many evil thoughts all at once?

"No matter what the truth of the destruction of the world is, the red moon has already appeared after all."

"The abyss, then, is the most serious problem we face."

"Just like under the red moon, people's evil thoughts or other negative emotions can become sources of pollution and part of spiritual monsters. The abyss is such a similar place, which can be understood as an unprecedented magnitude. Pollution source..."

Dr. An didn't need Lu Xin to ask, so he spoke softly: "Many people intuitively believe that the source of pollution is the red moon."

"But the moon is lifeless, and no one has ever detected spiritual radiation in the moonlight. Therefore, the research institute has long speculated that whether the red moon will be just a feature, the source of pollution, and the source of all pollution. The place?"

Having said that, she flicked the soot: "As the capable person of the Abyss group was discovered, this question was gradually answered."

"The ability of the abyss group is relatively rare, and the ability of this group is often dominated by strong malice, or has a strong suicide, so it is not easy to find and find at the beginning, and many of them are directly used as sources of pollution. Cleaned up."

"But when one or two people with more stable abilities were discovered, the problem was solved."

"We confirmed the existence of the abyss through the capable people of the abyss group."


As Dr. An said, his face became more serious, and he looked at Lu Xin and said:

"Pollution, or the mental monsters that we usually clean up, are actually two types. One is naturally born among the crowd. Maybe someone will collapse due to various emotional problems, causing mental disorders, causing pollution, or mental health. monster."

"The other one is the one that penetrates our real world from the abyss..."

At this point, her expression can be called serious: "There have been many gaps between the abyss and the real world."

Listening to her words, Lu Xin remembered the mysterious organization called the Fellowship Association.

At that time, there was a problem bothering him and the drunkard, that is, where did the spiritual monsters they manipulated come from?

Now, suddenly got the answer.

"Because of the existence of the abyss, many problems have become complicated."

At this time, Dr. An was gently pinching the center of his eyebrows with his slender fingers, and said:

"One of the biggest problems is the increase in pollution."

"Moreover, not only ordinary pollution, there will be some spiritual monsters in the abyss..."

"Like the one you two met just now."

"They would only be in the abyss, just like in a nightmare, they would not appear in reality."

"But the power of the abyss is getting stronger and stronger, they go from the bottom spiritual world to the surface, even reality..."


"You can understand it like this..."

She spoke slowly and paused for a while, as if she was thinking about how to make Lu Xin better understand:

"The real world and the abyss originally overlapped and overlapped each other."

"Before, there was an invisible wall between them. This wall was very strong, occasionally a little crack came out, and the things that flowed out were not so terrible. However, when the cracks on the wall became more and more, it became bigger and bigger. It’s terrible when it’s time."

Lu Xin nodded hurriedly.

There are more and more rifts, and naturally more and more things enter the real world.

The same is getting more and more terrifying.

As a special pollution cleaner, he thought of a problem very professionally.

Doesn’t this mean that I am cleaning a pool and making the water in this pool clear, but there are holes in the place where it is connected to the pool next door, and dirty water is constantly flowing in, so what can I do if I clean it up? When is the head?

"With more and more rifts, the spiritual monsters and pollution entering the real world are undoubtedly getting more and more terrifying. UU看书"

As the female researcher spoke, she suddenly looked at Lu Xin and said, "But didn't you think about it, what is the most terrifying thing?"

Lu Xin's head changed slightly, and suddenly he thought of a possibility.

His face suddenly became a little surprised.

Dr. An nodded: "Yes, the most terrifying thing is not how many fissures will appear. Rather, in terms of pressure characteristics, if the pressure in the abyss is not reduced, then when the first fissure appears, the fissures are only There will be more and more openings."

"It's like a bank of a thousand miles, collapsed in an ant nest."

"No one knows whether this'wall' will suddenly and completely collapse one day..."

When she said this, her face also became slightly solemn.

"When this wall completely collapsed and the abyss completely polluted reality..."

"Our world, what will become?"

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