Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 371: Clean up the S-level restricted area

Listening to Dr. An's words, Lu Xin's face gradually changed.

The office became very silent.

He had experienced the attack on Qinggang by the S-class capable people of the sea. The guy who wanted to die, by his own efforts, almost turned the huge main city of Qinggang into a ghost domain. But now, as Dr. An guessed, the abyss may have broken through that wall and completely polluted the real world. Then, what will the world under the red moon look like?


After a while, Lu Xin slowly raised his head and said, "Can't fix it?"

"We have been working hard, but to be honest, the situation is not optimistic."

Dr. Ann sighed softly: "Since the collapse has begun, then this trend cannot be controlled."

"The stronger the evil thoughts in the abyss, the greater the pressure on this wall, and the faster it will collapse."

"We all know this truth, but how easy is it to eliminate the evil thoughts in people's hearts?"

"The pollution accumulated in the abyss will only get bigger and bigger until it overflows..."


Lu Xin fell silent and stopped talking. .

"After the Red Moon incident, we built a high wall to protect ourselves."

Dr. An smiled, seemingly helpless: "But who would have thought that this wall that can protect us is actually in my heart?"

"The abyss cannot be cleared. As long as there are evil thoughts and distorted emotions in the heart, it will always exist."

"Researchers always like to solve problems from the source, but this is the only problem that we cannot solve from the source."



When Lu Xin heard these two words, he raised his head and looked at her with some concern.

When discussing some desperate issues, these two words are the most attractive.

"Unless, the topic returns to the original point..."

Dr. An slowly turned his head to look at Lu Xin, and said:

"The researcher who jumped down from this building, he left three prophecies at the beginning, do you know what they are?"

Lu Xin slowly shook his head.

Not long after he joined the industry, he has not eaten melons in several industries.

Dr. Ann took a deep cigarette.

I don't know how she did it. In just one cigarette, she became like an old smoker.

Or, because she mentioned this person, her mood suddenly became a little deep: "The first two words he left behind are: First, with the emergence of spiritual changes, our social structure and order must be There will be a huge impact."

"Two, get ready to welcome the coming of God!"


Lu Xin frowned slightly, these people, gods, gods, ghosts, and ghosts, did it start with this researcher?

"And the third..."

Dr. An lowered his head slightly, then looked at Lu Xin lightly, his eyes seemed to become very deep:

"God will not let go of the remaining 30%."



Lu Xin was really taken aback this time.

The first two sentences sounded fine, but the third one suddenly made him feel a little confused.

After the Red Moon incident, 70% of people in the world became lunatics.

Many of the people who survived said that it was a punishment or something, and they were fortunate to have survived.

However, according to this researcher's words, is it possible that this **** is here to make up the knife?

Have to make up that 30%?

After thinking about it seriously, he really didn't quite understand what this sentence meant, and looked up at Dr. Ann:

"what does it mean?"


"do not know."

Dr. An’s answer was unexpected, and she whispered: "He just left these three sentences, not three papers. We can only guess what he means, but it may not be the right explanation. All in all, he is right. Three sentences make people feel desperate."

"Especially after learning of the existence of the abyss, this feeling of despair is even more lingering."


Lu Xin didn't know how to answer.

He seemed unable to intuitively understand the despair in this woman's mouth.

But out of his duty as a person in this world, he still asked: "Is there no way to solve it?"

"Of course."

Dr. Ann’s voice seemed very soft, and said: "As I told you before, this guy who jumped downstairs, the three prophecies he left behind, brought despair to mankind, but the seven he left behind A step theory has brought hope to people."

"We firmly believe that as long as someone can pass these seven steps to the top of the pyramid."

"The future of mankind is not necessarily gray..."


"These seven steps again..."

Lu Xin frowned subconsciously.

He seemed to dislike the theory very much, and slowly shook his head, wanting to say something.

"Little brother, don't rush to refuse."

Dr. An chuckled softly and said, "I think I have to popularize something for you. Sometimes, those with the ability have no choice."

"The capable people can be said to be people who have been polluted."

"Since you were contaminated, you have been forced to take a path."

"You may prefer to be stable and stay as you are, but you can try to understand it."

"If this ladder to God is likened to a seven-level pyramid, then some pyramid characteristics will inevitably appear."

"First, the closer to the top, the fewer people."

"Secondly, when someone starts to climb to the top, the people below will become its cornerstones..."


As she spoke, her voice lowered, and her eyes quietly looked at Lu Xin: "Can you understand the cruelty of this sentence?"

Lu Xin frowned without answering.

"The thirteen kinds of abnormal mental bodies also determine that there will be thirteen ability groups..."

"It is almost certain now that those with abilities, various abilities, are actually dispersed by these thirteen abnormal mental bodies. That is to say, those with the same group of abilities, when they climb the pyramid , We will meet."

"Can you imagine what will happen to those who don't fight, and those who want to fight?"

Her smile became mysterious: "He who eats grass has always been afraid of eating meat."


Lu Xin suddenly understood, his eyes became a little deep.

With just a few words, he suddenly thought of something particularly terrifying.

This woman did not know whether it was intentional or unintentional, she seemed to be simple, and she said something important.

It turns out that all the strange abilities can be divided into thirteen ability groups?

The source of these abilities are the thirteen abnormal mental bodies?

According to their theory of "God's Ladder", these thirteen spiritual bodies will reach the end, and they all need...

He sat quietly for a while, and slowly said, "Then I need to think about it."


Dr. Ann felt a little strange, and his pretty brows wrinkled slightly.


Lu Xin said: "After all, my direct leadership is outside, and...we also brought a lawyer."

Dr. Ann’s expression was a little weird, he was taken aback, and then he laughed: "Brother, you are so funny..."

Lu Xin frowned again.

"Well, you will have time for your own consideration. The steps leading to God are not so easy to walk."

Dr. An sighed and said, "But there is another question, but it can't be delayed."

Lu Xin looked up at her.

"That is the pollution of the real world by the abyss."

Dr. An squeezed his eyebrows, stretched his waist slowly, unusually thrilling, and whispered softly: "Helping some people up the steps, the top of the pyramid, against the greatest pollution that may come, that’s something for anyone. They are all very heavy and can be called the ultimate question. This question cannot be easily settled on the basis of the chat between the two of us."

"So, what we have to do now is to prevent the pollution of the abyss from increasing."

"Although it is impossible to completely clean up the pollution of the abyss, we have to find a way to temporarily alleviate it."

As she said, she smiled softly and said: "The next step of our Lunar Eclipse Research Institute is to prepare the major high-walled cities in the alliance, and begin to confront the huge gaps between the abyss and the real world. , Carry out a certain degree of repair."



Lu Xin suddenly had some hope in his heart, and said hurriedly, "Do you know where these rifts are?"

Just now he had formed a feeling that cracks were everywhere and the problem could not be solved. They had known it a long time ago.

"of course I know."

The female researcher smiled and said, "You know too."

Lu Xin suddenly became dumb.

And this Dr. Ann turned around, across a table... Obviously it is easy to walk over from the side, but she just wants to across this table... She stretched her waist hard, and put a stack of books on the shelf. The paper took it and unfolded it in front of Lu Xin. Lu Xin immediately discovered that the most prominent thing on this piece of paper was the black dots marked one by one, and there were data displays next to it.

He is no stranger to this kind of labeling.

S-level restricted area.

When he first went out of town, he had been to such a place, and his mother also made a friend there.

"Where there are huge cracks, the pollution must be the most serious, and it is most likely to form such a heavily polluted area."

Looking at Lu Xin's surprised eyes, Dr. An said softly, "The opposite can also be inference."

"Where such heavily polluted areas exist, there must be huge rifts."

"Otherwise, how do you think those incredibly powerful creatures in the restricted zone suddenly appeared?"

"Actually, the reason why UU read www.uukā is very simple..."

"Either they are strongly polluted by the abyss, or some of them ran out of the abyss."

"If they are not stopped, the fissures where they are located will only grow larger and the pollution will become more and more serious. Moreover, their increase will not be a gradual process, but when they reach a certain magnitude, suddenly In between, it erupted like a volcano..."


Dr. An's words caused a slight depression in Lu Xin's heart.

After a moment of silence, he raised his head: "Then you want me to..."

Dr. An put down the map and said sternly: "Not only you, but all the high-wall cities need to face this challenge."

"Start to clear the surrounding S-class restricted area."

"If I remember correctly, the closest S-level restricted area to your Qinggang is...Happy Town?"

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