Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 376: Good people can never die

The three motorcycles brought back by the gecko were all pulled back to the hotel and left in the backyard.

Originally, Lu Xin planned to ride his own small motorcycle, but thought that these two were also owned by others, so he couldn’t ignore it, so he was next to the hotel and spent 20 yuan to rent a small truck and put two old motorcycles. The cars were all carried into the car body.

Sitting in the car, swaying around to Dacheng Hotel.

When I arrived here, I saw the row of tall and large cargo trucks from a distance.

This convoy from Hongye City has just processed the goods they searched all the way, and is preparing to buy something in Central City and transport it back.

Although they have experienced a lot of things along the way, even the number of people has been reduced by more than 20 people, but it seems that there is nothing that can change their plan. Delivering, selling goods, buying goods again, and making profits back and forth is the most important thing. of.

"Ah, Brother Lu..."

As soon as he entered the hotel, Lu Xin, who was unloading the two motorcycles, greeted his grandson head-on. .

At this moment, Grandson Gouzi was so shocked, he yelled, and then hurriedly lowered his voice.

The expression on his face was surprised and worried: "Why are you back? Haven't you already..."

He couldn't go on, so he quickly gestured with **** and made a "run" gesture.

"I didn't run away..."

Lu Xin thought to himself who passed this on, and he is a law-abiding citizen, how could he run away?

He smiled and said: "Before we went out of the city, just to visit a relative, now we are done."

"Visit relatives, and then the matter is over?"

Sun Gouzi was stunned, and instantly thought of a lot, his face was suddenly realized.

"I already knew that Brother Lu, your status is unusual, it turns out... it's so unusual."

Then Sun Gouzi took a long sigh and came up enthusiastically. He greeted the two people who were idle next to him to come and move the motorcycle, while letting Lu Xin filter the smoke, and said: "The front of the car was called by the guard department again, saying It was the incident between us and the surname Zhao that caught the attention of an official in the security department. He was a good person, and he was very angry when he heard that he said that he must be fair to the front of our car..."

While talking, he kept his voice down and said, "Originally, we were thinking about how the people in the Central City Guard Office suddenly changed their temper. Now I understand, Brother Lu, really, you helped us so much this time... We really don't know..."

With that said, such a big man is about to shed tears.


Sun Gouzi's expression shocked Lu Xin, and vaguely felt that he seemed to be crooked.

Hastily changed the subject: "Where is Lao Zhou Xiaozhou?"

Sun Gouzi hurriedly said: "They are going out to sell goods, this should also come sit inside first."

Speaking diligently, he took Lu Xin to the Datongpu room where they were staying. Several old drivers who had stayed in the hotel for the time being also rushed over, one by one with curiosity, surrounding Lu Xin said this, said that. His eyes were full of expressions of worship.

"Brother Lu, your relative is quite amazing..."

"It's really good, he is actually very capable."

"Is he to help you settle these things?"

"Yes, thanks to him, Central City decided not to hold me accountable for shooting people."

"Oh, this person should know a lot of high-level people in the center, right?"

"Yes, because of him, it seems that many high-level officials in the central city have just fallen off the horse..."



A group of old drivers looked at Lu Xin's eyes changed.

A lone traveler met halfway through the road, looking at the pure white people, and finally saved them when they met a madman, and stepped forward when they entered the central city and the front of the car was bullied. This is Isn't it something touching?

But is this the most admirable?

of course not!

What is even more admirable is that he shot and hit Zhao Hui, the warehouse quality inspection supervisor of Dadi Group, in front of the police officers, and emptied two magazines in one go. They watched him being taken away by a police car, but they came out the next day, and then they were arranged by someone to escape from the satellite city with their own car, as if I wanted to come and leave as long as I wanted to go in the central city. .

Is this the most admirable?

Of course not!

The most admirable thing is that this team has done a good job of fighting this thing for him, ready to bear the anger of some big figures in the central city, but unexpectedly, when they returned to the satellite city in a nervous state, they didn’t. The big guys asked them for trouble, and Dadi Group also sent a high-level executive from the headquarters to come to sympathize with them, and immediately settled some of the balance payment.

Even the pensions for their casualties on the road are contracted by Dadi Group.

And this mysterious traveler appeared in front of them just one day later.

Hey, this background.

... scary!

I heard that when Lu Xin ran out, he was visiting a certain relative. Wouldn't all these mysteries be solved?


Lu Xin was also very happy to chat with them.

He feels that it is also a good thing to tell the old drivers of these teams how they have solved all the problems they encountered perfectly while complying with the laws and regulations.

After all, in this era of collapse of order, if everyone abides by the rules and is reasonable, some unnecessary troubles can be avoided, and everyone can better fight pollution and rebuild civilization.

Lao Zhou, Xiao Zhou, and Gao Ting returned together after half an hour.

It turned out that after Lao Zhou Xiaozhou had sold the goods, he stopped by the Guard Hall and brought Gao Ting back together.

Seeing Lu Xin appearing at their hotel, one by one was overjoyed. Lao Zhou rushed over excitedly, and he choked with excitement and tears on Lu Xin's two arms. After a while, he said with emotion: "Brother Lu, you have lost weight..."


Lu Xin didn't react a little.

Xiao Zhou on one side said: "Uncle, Brother Xiao Lu has only left for one day..."

Lao Zhou changed his words with tears in his eyes: "You have suffered..."

The grandson on one side couldn't stand it anymore, and said, "Lao Zhou, save your time. Brother Lu will still suffer?"

"Do you know what other relatives do?"


Someone had pulled their uncles and nephews to one side, murmured mysteriously for a while, gave a thumbs up, and glanced at Lu Xin. The atmosphere in the whole room suddenly became excited and admired. , As if they were all pricked.

"Set the wine, set the wine, today we are going to invite Brother Lu to thank him for his great kindness..."

Someone yelled, and a group of old drivers became excited and ran out immediately. Some bought wine and some meat, and then went to the hotel kitchen to steal two cabbages, borrowed a few pots, and directly branched a few in this big shop. A table, shabu-shabu to eat.

Lu Xin originally wanted to ask for accounts, but he never found a chance to talk to Lao Zhou and Xiao Zhou.

Big guy, you have a glass, I have a bowl, come over to respect Lu Xin.

It is difficult for Lu Xin to refuse such an enthusiastic toast. Although he is a little generous, he can't stand the siege of so many old drivers.

In the end, Gao Ting stood up, stepped on the stool and cursed:

"A bunch of **** **** who know the **** is on the wine table, usually on the bed..."

His face suddenly reddened, no longer said, just holding up the cup: "Today's meal, I will be with Brother Lu."

Lao Zhou also got a temper and shouted: "Drink to the end today, I will also be with Brother Lu."

Then push Xiao Zhou: "Nephew, come on."

Xiao Zhou directly took the cup and stood up, shaking his prestige: "Who will come first?"

So from the siege of Lu Xin, it turned into a four-on-three-four battle, directly drinking dimly.

Seeing that many people were getting into the drink, Lu Xin also decided to pull Lao Zhou Xiaozhou out to release the water and talk about the money.

At this time, someone suddenly asked, "This time, it was also due to Brother Lu's relationship, so I settled the matter."

"Otherwise, I will go directly to them with the gun..."

"By the way, where's my gun?"

"What about my gun with the name "Zixuan" engraved on the handle of my gun?"


Lu Xin "sucked" after a drink and sobered up half of it.

Forget about it.

At that time, I went to Buffalo Town, too late to buy weapons, so I borrowed the guns of this convoy.

The guns were first on the gecko’s back, and then Chen Jing threw the backpack to herself, but she used it all the way and threw it all the way. She didn't even think of it. Now those guns... should be in the experiment under the Buffalo Center Building. Throw it in the room?

But the point is that Buffalo Town has almost been razed.

He was worried all of a sudden.

I can’t ask for this account anymore, it’s really calculated, maybe I’ll stick it in.


"I don't drink very well, I really can't drink it anymore."

Lu Xin took advantage of the fact that no more people reacted to the gun incident, and took the last glass of wine in return to the old drivers.

"I wish you all a good journey. If you have the opportunity to come to Qinggang, I will live in... Satellite City 5."

After speaking, he drank a glass of wine and said goodbye with a smile.

A group of old drivers couldn't keep it, so they all laughed triumphantly and sent Lu Xin out the door together.

I felt a little proud in my heart, thinking that this little brother Lu was good everywhere, but the amount of alcohol was still at the level of an ordinary person.


"I send you."

Just as Lu Xin was considering whether to find a car directly on the road or go to the subway station, Gao Ting drove over on a motorcycle and drank at least a pound of liquor. At this time, she still didn’t change her face. With his legs on the ground, he smiled at Lu Xin.

Although some suspected that Gao Ting did not belong to drunk driving, Lu Xin got into the car after looking at her eyes.

Amidst the roar of a group of old drivers, Gao Ting twisted the handlebar and walked away from the hotel.

"You should be worried that we will be affected, so you made a special trip to see us, right?"

On the road, Gao Ting looked ahead, but the voice came along with the wind.

Lu Xin didn't know how to answer, so he gave an "um".

Gao Ting didn't say anything anymore, just steadily holding the handlebars all the way, and after walking a long way, she whispered:

"thank you."

Lu Xin was slightly stunned: "What should be done so politely, isn't it?"

Gao Ting laughed and said, "Many people think that living above the wilderness is the only thing that should be done."

Lu Xin heard some different emotions from her words, fell silent for a moment, and smiled:

"When you are in the wilderness, you can help if you meet someone who can help. You said this when you first met."

This is the third time they have said this.

After a while, Gao Ting smiled and said, "You helped us, really just because of this sentence?"

Lu Xin wanted to say that it was actually for the half-cargo at the beginning, but it didn't seem to be a good thing to say.

On the contrary, Gao Ting, after being silent for a while, suddenly sighed softly and said:

"Actually, my old man said this. He said that it is difficult for everyone to live, so he can help if he can. Although this wilderness is very dangerous, no one needs to be stupid to be a good person, but at least There is no need to be too impatient about being a bad person."

"At first I thought he was very naive. When the wilderness was full of knights, he was the only one who was good."

"Later he died, I think it was God who was taking him, and good people are not worthy of living."

As if because of the rising drunkenness, Gao Ting said a bit more than usual, with a little softness, and whispered:

"Although I often dream of him, I sometimes wonder if it's worth it?"

"The world is full of bad people, why can't I forget that good person?"

"Until I met you..."

"That's why I want to thank you, not just for helping us so much this time."

"I thank you mainly because you told me."

She paused and said softly: "So there are people like him in this world."

"It turns out that even in the wilderness, good people can never die."


Listening to her deliberately relaxed and casual words, Lu Xin suddenly thought of the abyss.

When I heard the abyss before, the lingering pressure in my heart disappeared instantly.

The research institute feels desperate that the abyss cannot be solved from the source, so the world must be prepared for the abyss to pollute the world one day. However, judging from the people and things encountered by oneself, it seems that it is not so pessimistic. .

"There are already good people in this world."

Thinking about this, he smiled back and said, "So are you, Da Zhou and Xiao Zhou, and so are the people in the team."

Gao Ting smiled and said, "They used to be a bunch of messy balls, including now, they are not so good."

"At least what I see is good."

"Maybe it's because they followed you to beg for food, and you were affected by it..."

Lu Xin answered with a smile, and replied softly: "Being a good person can also be contagious to other people."

They talked slowly, and shuttled under the street lights on the street, with dazzling neon on both sides.

Lu Xin was in a bad mood because he didn't receive the bill, but he gradually improved a lot.


It was also at this time that the old drivers who had returned to the hotel and continued to drink were also discussing:

"This time our team was so lucky, we encountered so many things, but in the end they all resisted."

"Thanks to a word from the front of the car, I left Brother Lu."

"This shouldn't be the reason why our team has always been doing things so badly?"

"Changed to another maybe it's just that he was alone, and the bike he was riding was good, so he just grabbed him..."

"If we also grabbed it at that time, what would be the end of it?"

"Huh...If it wasn't because the front of the car saw him at the time, maybe I would really be touched by this..."

"I'm afraid..."


There was a lot of discussion, Xiao Zhou suddenly said "Yeah".

Everyone hurriedly came to see: "What's the matter?"

Xiao Zhou cried and said with a sad face: "Uncle, we still owe Brother Lu half the money for the goods, I forgot..."

Lao Zhou also slapped his thigh immediately: "I patronized and drank..."

"Let's take him back to Qinggang..."

"Which satellite city does he live in?... Isn't it on the 5th?"

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