Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 377: 2 million stepping stone

Came in a hurry, left in a hurry, failed to take a good look at the scenery of the central city, and failed to have a meal with colleagues in the central city, and exchanged ideas, even a private job I picked up on the road, did not ask for money , Lu Xin is actually a bit regretful.

But seeing the gecko, Lu Xin thought it was pretty good.

The gecko came in a hurry than he himself, and he went in a hurry.

Not only failed to communicate well with colleagues and colleagues in Central City, to appreciate the scenery of Central City, and even after completing the mission of Buffalo City, he didn't even catch the day off, and helped the lawyers and the people in the office. at night.

…But it is said that it seemed that he had planned to deal with the work of the whole night, but he finished it in only half a night.

He just made time and went out for a supper.

…Well, he said so himself. .

Chen Jing is a vigorous and vigorous person who implements plans strictly.

After saying that he would leave the next day, everything was arranged at 8 o'clock the next day.

Several lawyers have brought in the official documents issued by the Central City Administration Office and Satellite City Administration Office, as well as the testimony of the warehouse manager of Dadi Group and the guards at the detention center, as well as the testimony of the police officers who took Lu Xin to the detention center at that time.

These testimonies proved Lu Xin's innocence and his heroic deeds.

The medals don't seem to be issued in a short while, but the rewards seem to be firmly established.

In this way, it seems that you don't have to feel too distressed about the money for the half-cargo?

After pondering for a moment, Lu Xin still feels distressed...

With such a calculation, I could get the remuneration plus the money for the half-cargo, but now I can only get the remuneration.

What does this show?

It means that your salary is directly reduced by half!

When I came, a motorcycle drove over.

But this time, Chen Jing arranged for him to go back, so he took the helicopter and flew back.

Even if they were filled with gas, they couldn’t fly back to Qinggang from Central City in one go, but fortunately, they had already walked once when they came. They also planned to go back as usual. They divided the whole itinerary into three sections. From the Central City No. 7 Satellite City, take a helicopter to an armed gathering point about 300 kilometers away from the Central City, fill it up, and head to Hongguoshan Mountain.

In Hongguoshan, after filling up the gas, you can fly to Qinggang in one go.

The time before and after is almost seven hours, even if you include rest and other things, ten hours is enough.

This made Lu Xin feel a completely different experience from his usual going out.

How should I say it, magnificent, lavish, and a sense of superiority flying in the sky.

In the beeping sound of the helicopter's bones, Chen Jing, Gecko, and Lu Xin in the cabin had their own tasks.

Gecko is indeed very energetic. He should have stayed up all night last night, but he still looks high-spirited. At this time, he is happily fiddling with the small gifts he bought for Linda. There are high-end gifts that can only be found in large places like Central City. Cosmetics, as well as some special snacks in Central City, are carefully packed in a sealed bag, and there is even a gold chain as thick as a finger.

…He was holding a piece of paper and writing a love poem to Tie Cui.

Lu Xin just traced it, and was blocked by the gecko.

He only saw that, even on a helicopter, with a piece of paper padding, the gecko's handwriting was still written very handsomely, with a print feeling, but also very style, the content is also brilliant, he reads One sentence is: "Dear Linda, I miss you at a height of 1,286 meters. If you are below at this time, then I will jump down and hug you without hesitation..."

Lu Xin really found it interesting.

The brother Gecko is a nice guy, but feelings are a mystery.

He always said that he likes Tie Cui, he kept talking about it, he didn't forget to bring gifts when he was on a business trip, but when he met other beautiful girls, he didn't hesitate to look at them and was tempted. , There is no psychological burden at all.

Is this true or sentimental?

Lu Xin even believed that if Linda was really below, then he would really jump off.

Whether Linda can catch it is another question.

While on the helicopter, Chen Jing looked through a document seriously, which seemed to be given to her by Xia Chong last night.

This female leader is just busy with her work. At this time, she is full of eyes, and it's all in the restricted zone.

Seeing them so busy, Lu Xin was also on the way, ready to study the communicator he had brought from the research institute.

The role of the lurker has been tried, and he is going to study the other two functions.

The first function is to access the database, which Lu Xin saw last night.

This is indeed a huge database of various special pollution incidents, large and small.

There are detailed records, as well as the analysis of experts, as well as the research institute's mutual restraint and connection between various abilities, differences between various pollution sources and the best solutions, etc., which can be said to be Very precious.

Not only that, the research institute will also regularly update information and release the latest information in this database.

Lu Xin understands the importance of this database, and it plays an extremely important role in work.

The second one is a bit interesting.

The contact platform for "high-level capable people" with more than two dozen members.

It stands to reason that this should be a place for people with high-level abilities to exchange information and intelligence, but since getting the communicator yesterday, Lu Xin has not seen anyone speaking on the platform. He is calm and silent, and it is like a pool of stagnant water. .

"It's cleaner than the suggestion box in our company..."

Lu Xin sighed in his heart.

Last night, he thought about sending a message and chatting with these seniors.

But considering that when I came back from drinking, it was relatively late. I was afraid that it would affect their rest, so I had to give up.

Nowadays in the helicopter, nothing is idle, but it is an opportunity.

So thinking about this, Lu Xin thought slowly, and began to type in the input box: "Is there anyone..."

Delete and rewrite: "The people in this group should be real, right?"

Delete it again and rewrite it: "Hello everyone, I am a single soldier in Qinggang, I am very happy to meet you all."

After a closer look, I added a sentence at the end: "I’m here for the first time, please give me your advice."

Then sent it out.

Seeing what he had entered appeared in the chat room, Lu Xin was slightly excited, and then waited quietly.

Bone toot.

Bone toot.

The helicopter flew quietly for three or four minutes, and there was no movement in the chat room.

Lu Xin entered: "Is there anyone?"

Two minutes later, no one responded.

Lu Xin entered again: "Are there real people in this group?"

After three minutes, no one responded.

Lu Xin frowned immediately. He studied the other functions of this chat room and found that he could click on a person’s avatar to communicate alone, or transfer files. The avatar in the bottom right corner was clicked. , I found out that there was some simple information of my own, but it was very simple, only "junior member", "credit points: 100" and so on.

Looking at the number, Lu Xin keenly jumped out of a formula.

When paying remuneration to lurkers before, it seemed to mention that you can pay 5000 Union Coins, or 5 credits?

5 credits can be up to 5,000 yuan, so 100 credits, isn't it?

One hundred thousand?

Is this the money the research institute gave to yourself?

He couldn't help but lifted his spirits, clicked on the credit point, and he saw that there was a redemption process.

I tried to exchange 10 points, and there was 10,000 yuan in cash in the account.

A happy expression appeared on Lu Xin's face.

Thinking that this credit point might be used for other purposes, I didn't exchange it for the time being. Of course, there was another reason.

He still hasn't figured out how to refer the money to his account in Qinggang.

Continuing to study other functions, Lu Xin saw that in addition to sending messages, there is actually a red envelope function.

He was silent for a long time, then clicked on the red envelope, wrapped a dollar, twenty packets.

After thinking about it, I clicked Send.



The communicator suddenly rang out one after another, causing Chen Jing and Gecko to look at him with some curiosity.

Lu Xin turned off silently, and when he looked at the group, it showed that the red envelope had been received.

Then, there was still no one to speak.

Lu Xin felt a little wronged for a moment, and his favor with the people in this chat room dropped to a freezing point.

I was lazy, I was about to throw the communicator aside, but when I swept away, I suddenly noticed that the screen lit up.

He pulled up the communicator again, and saw someone in the chat room type out a sentence: "Since someone is here, let's talk about business."

"Recently, it was discovered that there was an abnormal movement in the Technology Church. An archbishop of the city tour appeared in Water Bay City on the bank of the Luo River. He has now found out his specific purpose and information about some of his entourage, and suspects that he will make a big move. If anyone is interested, Please also talk to me in private."


"Technology church?"

Lu Xin moved slightly in his heart.

He is still very interested in this technology church.

After all, in Dr. Ann’s guess, the rise of this church seems to have something to do with the old dean.

Just when I wanted to click on that person's avatar, I saw another sentence popped up.

"The price is two million, and the bargainer will never come."



Lu Xin almost threw the communicator from the helicopter.

There is a feeling of madness in my heart. Who are the people in this club, who are two million with their mouths open?

He lost interest in an instant, ready to throw the communicator aside.

At this moment, Chen Jing just finished reading a page of information, and Yu Guang swept the displeased look on Lu Xin's face, and immediately asked curiously:

"what's happenin?"

Lu Xin didn't intend to hide from her, so he said: "Someone in this chat room sells a piece of information from the Technology Church."

After speaking, he added a sentence: "The direct bidding price is two million."


Chen Jing frowned when she heard the name of the Technology Church.

Qinggang City once suffered from the loss of the technology church, UU reading has always been more concerned about the technology church.

After frowning and pondering for a while, he raised his head to look at Lu Xin, and said, "Can I take a look?"

"it is good."

Lu Xin handed the communicator to Chen Jing.

There are only two sentences in total, which are clear at a glance.

Chen Jing thought about it slightly, and said: "It seems that this platform, as well as part of the role of the information market, can be seen by the research institute and invited to the club. It will definitely not be a simple character. He asked for a price of two million. Information, maybe it can really play a big role, of course, after you buy it, the possibility of discovering that the news has no effect at all is also not small."

Lu Xin suddenly looked at her in a puzzled way: "So..."

"Bought it."

Chen Jing made a decision and said: "Two million, whether it is a stepping stone or tuition, it is worth it."

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