Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 393: Who said I am one person (5000 words)

Xiao Yu did not know when it started again, and fell into the surrounding weeds, like a sneer.

Lu Xin walked out of the tent and looked up at the gloomy sky.

At this time, my sister was surrounding the few surviving fighters, waiting curiously, seeming to observe them, and occasionally stretched out her little hand, as if she wanted to touch them, but after being stared at by Lu Xin, she didn’t. Dare to reach out, just turn.

Father just stayed silently in the shadow, quietly observing the surroundings.

Mom wore an exquisite little suit, which was the only bright color among the gloomy wilderness and the pale lights.

"Is there a way to destroy this polluted field?"

Lu Xin gave birth to some hope in his heart and looked at his mother lightly.

But listening to Lu Xin's words, the corners of her mother's mouth turned slightly.

"This kind of pollution field is not formed by logic that I can understand, so I can't help you."

Mom explained gently, and then shook her head gently.

Lu Xin took a long breath and said, "So, can you find the source of the pollution?"

Mother smiled: "The logic here is messy, so in my opinion, it can be said that there are pollution sources everywhere."

Lu Xin was slightly startled, and shook his head helplessly.

There are pollution sources everywhere, which means that no pollution sources can be found.


He felt a little dull in his heart. He had decided to stay and figure out the matter, but faced with such a complicated and weird scene, he also had to admit that this was the first time he had faced pollution and had a strong feeling. Of powerlessness.

My responsibility is to investigate the cause of this incident and clean up this pollution.

It is very simple to clean up the pollution, cut the logical chain, or clean up the source of the pollution.

However, this pollution field is so large, how to cut it off?

Because this pollution field is so large, how do you find its source?

However, being in the midst of a weird event, but unable to grasp its context, is the most painful.

I am not a person who is particularly good at investigations. In previous investigations, Han Bing helped him a lot every time.

But now, even in Qinggang's database, there are no relevant cases to refer to.

Who can I find?


Lu Xin suddenly thought of something in the chaos of his thoughts.

He took out the communicator the researcher gave him.

Surrounded by the observation station, there are ready-made signal receivers, and the communicator quickly deciphered the secret automatically and connected to the network. .

Seeing the screen with a sense of science and technology lit up, Lu Xin entered the club platform.

Then he typed in the dialog: "Is anyone there?"

Same as last time, completely silent, no one answered.

Lu Xin frowned and continued typing: "If you have something to ask everyone, there is an area where serious pollution has occurred. In this area, all the people have died, were affected, and become living people. They are. I don’t know that I have died, and I don’t know why they died. If you tell them that they are dead, they will become a kind of spiritual monster..."

"Similar incidents, has anyone encountered it before, or knows how to deal with it?"


After typing so many words in one breath, he paused and added another sentence: "You can answer this question for me..."

He was cruel and hit the number directly: "Remuneration, one hundred thousand!"

After he finished typing, he waited quietly.

After ten seconds passed, someone suddenly bubbled: "Damn, are you telling a ghost story?"

Red shoes: "In the middle of the night, you scared people to cry, oh oh oh..."

Blood drops: "Where is such an exciting scene?"


Lu Xin slowly entered: "It's right by my side."

Red shoes: "?"

Clockwork Orange: "Playing with the old terrier?"

Laozi is the most handsome in the world, so he doesn't have three words: "Excitement!"

Lu Xin sighed slowly, his expectations for this club were declining.

But at this moment, he saw someone sent a private chat message, whose name was Mechanic.

Machinist: "What's the specific situation?"

There was a little hope in Lu Xin's heart, and he quickly replied: "The general situation is what I just said. I can already guess that the pollution method is a kind of field pollution. However, I don't know how to break this field. In addition, every colleague who enters the field will be affected by an unknown influence and kill each other, yet no specific reason has been found."


Machinist: "Are you sure you are still alive?"

Lu Xin was silent for a while, pressed his pulse, and touched his heart again.

Most importantly, I took a look at my family not far away.

Then reply: "OK."

Machinist: "Then I can rest assured."

Machinist: "Apart from surviving the contaminated body, what other signs does it have?"

Lu Xin: "In addition to being dead, they are just like living people. They still remember their jobs, their children, parents, and fiancées. If they don't explain the fact that they are dead, they seem to be more normal than the living. ."

Lu Xin: "Have you seen similar cases?"

Machinist: "No."

Lu Xin: "..."

Machinist: "I haven't heard the exact same case, but if you look at it, there are many references."

Lu Xin: "?"

Machinist: "I suggest you look for logic from the chaos."

"For example, you break this matter down into several different events."

"First, a type of pollution affects them, causing them to kill each other and become dead."

"Second, a kind of pollution wakes them up and continues to work like living people."

"Third, for some reason, they don't want to remember the fact that they are dead."

"Fourth, if someone breaks through, they will become spiritual monsters."

"Of these four questions, which one do you think is the key point?"


Looking at the text sent by the mechanic, Lu Xin was slightly startled, and thought about it.

The situation, which was originally very complicated, is indeed clearer after such a breakdown.

He followed this line of thought for a while and sent a message: "So, what is the case for the resurrection of the dead?"

Machinist: "There are many abilities that can resurrect the dead."

"Puppeteers like to create spiritually transformed people. These spiritually transformed people look the same as living people, but they are actually a kind of dead person. In addition, there have been incidents of rushing cities with corpses in the south, and Hongling City has also happened. The piecemeal incident, the gathering point on the White Paper River, had a very widespread soul-moving incident a year ago, all with similar abilities."

"But at the root of all these incidents, either a large number of spiritual monsters were parasitic on the corpse, or they were subjected to some powerful **** group ability. If you are not in a hurry, I can take it slowly. I will tell you this."

"Then you can compare, which thing is similar to what you encountered..."


Looking at the message sent by the mechanic, Lu Xin suddenly flashed a scene of memories.

Encountered this kind of thing before, because it was too abnormal, and the pollution was invisible and intangible, which made him suspect that some unknown pollution was spreading around him, but after listening to the mechanics, he suddenly realized that maybe the problem was not in those. Unknown enemy.

This type of pollution that allows the dead to come back to life and normal work seems to be the first time I have seen it.

But if you can wake up the dead, you have seen one yourself.

He took a deep breath and looked towards Happy Town.

He still remembered that when he entered Happy Town and awakened the queen, he had seen a row of carrion corpses buried in the ground. They had been dead for many years, but under the influence of the queen, they got out of the ground and held them in their hands. Firearms, confronting himself and his family.

This is a good proof that the queen has the ability to awaken the dead.

But the strange thing is that the corpses awakened by the queen are very different from what I see now.

In addition, where they are, there is still some distance from Happy Town.

The real happy town is the one with white, crowded small houses.

It's just that the queen's mental radiation is strong, covering a range of almost fifty kilometers.

And their observation point is already ten miles away from the outermost edge of the queen's spiritual radiation.

Most of the accidents between Researcher Wang Song and the information collection unit were already thirty or forty miles away.

Even if Lu Xin didn't know the queen deeply enough, it was certain that the queen could not awaken a dead person so far away.

Besides, the dead who were awakened by the queen would obey her will, not like they are now.


He quickly typed in: "You don't need to listen to the story, I'm in a hurry."

"But I know one similar source of pollution."

"It's just that the distance between each other is too far, and the characteristics of the contamination are completely different."


Machinist: "The core traits are the most important."

"You need to understand that awakening the dead is actually the spiritual power at work. Just like the puppeteer, who can create and control the spiritual transformation of people, spiritual power can be parasitic on objects, and of course it can also be parasitic on corpses. on."

"After parasitizing on the corpse, he can control the movement of the corpse and retrieve memories from the undamaged brain."

"But in theory, this is a strong drain on the mental body, and it often doesn't last long."

"In the situation you encountered, you can still work normally after you die for more than a week, and it's very mentally exhausted..."


Lu Xin was slightly startled when he heard this, and thought of a suspicious point.

According to the mechanic's words, after the living dead are resurrected, they consume their spiritual power, and their spirit will only get weaker and weaker.

However, the mentality of those colleagues who had changed so much was stronger than usual.

They even each have a mental weight of 200 to 300.

He hurriedly sent this phenomenon over and asked: "Why is this again?"

Machinist: "It's weird, it's too unreasonable."

"Dead people stay alive for a long time, but their mental levels are getting higher and higher, which shows at least two problems."

"First, the pollution source or ability to exert this influence is very powerful."

"Second, the polluted field you encounter may not only be used to pollute, but also to transmit spiritual power."


Lu Xin: "Transmission?"

Machinist: "Yes, it violates the biological instinct of mental power transmission. Whether it is a spiritual monster or a source of pollution, they actually have biological characteristics. They will pollute other people, rob them of their spiritual magnitude, and make them a part of themselves. ."

"But it is very unreasonable to transmit one's spiritual power to others."

Lu Xin: "So, why is there a field that violates biological instincts?"

Mechanic: "There are many reasons, the will of the spirit monster or some special parasitic items can do it."

"I'm not nearby after all, maybe the reason needs you to check..."


Lu Xin fell silent for a moment.

Taking a deep breath, he suddenly got up and walked into the rain.

He suddenly remembered something. When the vanguard of the information collection unit just arrived here, although they did not know what type of pollution they encountered and did not dare to act without authorization, they did a preliminary inspection and found that Some things.

When he came to the group of soldiers squatting silently on the ground, Lu Xin glared at his sister first, and then asked in a low voice.

Fortunately, these soldiers still had this memory, and hurriedly took it for him.

Lu Xin took back to the tent, took a picture with the communicator, and sent it to the mechanic.

He took a deep breath and typed in: "Have you seen this thing?"

With that, I took a picture and passed it on.

The mechanic’s reply was quick: “This should be a signal stabilizer, used to maintain a certain force field. If I’m right, there should be many such things around you. Their function, It should be arranged around the field to maintain its stability. Hehe, it seems that what you are encountering now should not be a field of ordinary significance..."

Lu Xin: "How should such a thing be cracked?"


Mechanic: "It's too simple, just destroy these stabilizers and it's fine."

Lu Xin: "Then how to find these things?"

Mechanic: "Then I don't know, I just provide an idea after all. Smile, smile."

Machinist: "Can you transfer money to me?"

Lu Xin was silent for a while, and said: "Should I solve the problem before giving money?"

Machinist: "No."

Machinist: "Whether you can solve it or not, I have already given advice, which is worth the money."

Machinist: "One of the main reasons is that don’t look at such a small original, but if it can affect the contaminated field, it must not be created by ordinary forces. Several forces can create this field. I don’t want to offend any of them. Frankly speaking, brother, I don’t think you should offend either. This is no longer something that a single person or even a single high-walled city can deal with."

"and so……"

Machinist: "I will transfer it to me after I suspect that you have not had a chance to solve it."

"Smiley face. Reach out and look."


Lu Xin looked at his answer, only a slight struggle in his heart, and then he transferred the money.

Then he slowly put down the communicator and raised his head.

Now, he has many doubts in his heart that have been solved, but at the same time, it has brought even greater doubts, especially the last words of the mechanic, which made him feel heavy. Now that he realizes the key to the problem, What should I do?

It is a problem to determine what the role and purpose of these instruments are.

Finding out and removing these instruments is another problem...

Lu Xin sighed deeply, the feeling of powerlessness in his heart, in fact, did not alleviate much.

This pollution force field is too large, and the radiation area is not known how wide.

The few that I found out were only a small part of them, and they couldn't destroy this force field.

But in the middle of nowhere, how can I find other parts?

Unless these instruments are found, the field cannot be destroyed, and everyone who comes in will be in danger.

Not even ordinary people, even those with the ability came in, Lu Xin didn't know if they had any way to fight this kind of pollution. Even if it can be confronted, the discovery of this instrument means that there are other unknown enemies in this wilderness, but if one or two capable people come in, I am afraid that their fate will not be better than that of ordinary people. How much better this wilderness.

However, if there are no reinforcements, how can you solve such a huge problem by yourself?

Looking up at the night sky that seemed to be infinitely deep, Lu Xin felt a little hollow in his heart.

It seemed that there was an indescribable sense of loneliness that enveloped me.

Even though he was already familiar with this sense of loneliness, he still felt very depressed at this time.


"Sing...Mr. Soldier, do you need... help?"

Just as Lu Xin was standing in the light rain and sighed tiredly, a voice suddenly rang.

Lu Xin turned his head and saw the captain whose head was missing half.

There are four players behind him, all of whom are dead, but they have not changed.


Lu Xin looked at them, slightly startled.

"Yes it is."

The captain slowly straightened his chest.

I can’t use accurate language to describe his expression at this time, but I can only see that his expression is very firm:

"Mr. Shan Bing, we, we don’t know what happened to us, let alone what will happen to us next, but... but just waiting there, it’s too painful, so we hope that... can Do something for you."


Lu Xin looked at their expressions, and gradually, a smile appeared on his face.


He suddenly stretched out his palm to the and smiled, "Thank you for your help."

Looking at Lu Xin's hand, the captain was obviously a little embarrassed. He looked at his palm and it was full of blood.

But in Lu Xin's smile, he still stretched out slowly.

"No thanks, this was originally our job."


"Yes it is."

Lu Xin's smile was sincere and happy.

The lingering depression and loneliness just now suddenly disappeared in the hollow eyes of these soldiers.

Who said that there is only one person in this wilderness?

He still has an entire team!

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