Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 394: The latest task instructions (4000 words)

"Ms. Wang Song, where are you now?"

"I... I'm still here, how is it?"

"The question is serious, please don't move there, I will come to you now!"

After determining the direction, Lu Xin quickly made himself passionate and talked with the researcher first.

After confirming that the opponent is still "alive", he said to the armed fighters around who are ready to help themselves: "What we need to do now is to make sure that there are no hidden dangers of pollution around, and then take these instruments and go with the researchers. meet."

The remaining four armed fighters nodded immediately when they heard the words, and then moved separately.

They must have been vigorous and vigorous fighters.

Now it seems that although the movements are inevitably slow and the consciousness seems to be a little stiff, they are still very efficient in doing things. Under the arrangement of the division of labor between Captain Li Jian, who was missing a piece of his head, and Lu Xin, someone immediately picked up the detector on the car and checked whether there was any residual radiation left. The other three people went there. Detect the person who has just changed.

Since these people can be resurrected after death, no one can guarantee that they will not be resurrected again. .

What we need to do now is to check whether they have any remaining mental fluctuations.

The result is okay. It seems that these people have turned into spirit bodies just now, and the spirit bodies have been eliminated. At this time, they really died. It is certain that they will not be resurrected and changed at some time. Has become a source of pollution.

Then, samples were collected from them one by one, and they were reserved for subsequent experimental testing.

After doing this, they put all the records, monitoring, notes, and some weapons in the observation point on the car.

The corpses here were piled together, poured gasoline and cremated on the spot.

Facing those raging fires, their faces with a deadly breath all looked stiff and awe-inspiring.

Headed by Captain Li Jian, he slowly saluted the fire.

Lu Xin is not a soldier, but he is also very heavy in his heart. He also learns their way and salutes.

"Let's go!"

After cleaning up, they immediately got on the truck.

It is Lu Xin who is in charge of driving.

Because these fighters also understand in their hearts that they have become this state. Although everything is normal in self-perception, when they are contaminated, they are likely to undergo an abnormal change from time to time and make themselves lose control. Things to live in.

Therefore, not only was he unable to control the steering wheel, even the co-pilot's seat was empty, but they were afraid to sit over.

They were worried that they would hurt Lu Xin when they lost their minds, so they sat in the back carriage by appointment.

I'd rather get caught in the light rain than change things.

The car lights tore through the dark rainy night, and Lu Xin and the five soldiers drove away together.

At this time, in this wilderness, there are at least two groups of people to find, one is the large unit of the information gathering unit, and the other is dead, but they still don’t know they are dead, waiting in place. Researcher Wang Song et al.

Lu Xin is now going to Researcher Wang Song and using his power to determine some problems.

Researcher Wang Song had already told Lu Xin that their current location was not far from the observation point, only about thirty miles away.

Although the roads were difficult to navigate in the wilderness in the light rain, Lu Xin invited his sister to help him drive, and through the glasses he wore, he called up the surrounding maps, so it didn’t take much time to waste. It took about an hour. Rushed there.

"Mr. Single Soldier..."

Seeing the car lights illuminated from afar, behind a low slope, someone in the helicopter greeted him.

When Researcher Wang Song appeared in the truck lights, Lu Xin's heart sank slightly.

Although it had been confirmed before, but when he saw the look of this researcher, he couldn't help feeling a little sad.

At this time, there was a hole in his neck. It seemed that a bullet passed through his neck. Not only that, but there were also multiple wounds in his chest. Large patches of blood made him wet. His white coat looked shocking.


When the truck stopped and the people in the carriage met with Researcher Wang Song and others, they were all startled by each other.

Although the soldiers in the truck had been prepared, they saw the cracked pomegranate neck of Researcher Wang Song, the driver with a bullet hole in the middle of the bridge of his nose, and his head was about to rot. The little assistant like a watermelon was still taken aback. There was a strange and scared feeling on the already stiff face, just trying to restrain it.

Researcher Wang Song also shuddered when they saw that Lu Xin had brought these dead people over.

"Sure enough, only the same group of people who have been contaminated or awakened can't find each other's abnormalities."

"When people who are not in the same group meet, they will still see the fact that the other party has died."

Lu Xin saw their reaction and secretly wrote down in his heart.

At the same time, after seeing Researcher Wang Song’s wounds, he also reluctantly made a judgment. There were only three of them, but they were also dead. The wounds of two people were obviously attacked by other people, but the little assistant was more like it. It was shot with a gun against his chin. Therefore, the mysterious power will not only kill each other, but the last one will even commit suicide?

"I am pretty sure that we will not be contaminated when we meet each other."

While observing, Lu Xin explained in the simplest language: "And they are willing to help whether it is contaminated or not."

This is for people on both sides, and they can all understand each other.


The researcher Wang Song, obviously he is more miserable than the other party, but he still looked at the soldiers with a little horror, and then seemed to be cruel, and said: "Okay, the most important thing now is how we can solve it. The problem here."

"The first thing to do is to ask you to take a look at these instruments."

Lu Xin pointed to the launcher and its fragments collected from the truck, and said:

"I need to determine what these things do and how they work."

"If possible, I hope to find a way to trace these things."

"The pollution we have is related to these things. As long as they are found out, the pollution can be cut off."


Researcher Wang Song glanced at the truck and nodded solemnly: "There is not much time, let's get started."

Everyone worked together to remove the instruments from the truck.

From the helicopter and truck next to him, he took out the tent, stand, computer, mental tester, etc., under the command of Researcher Wang Song, a simple studio was built up.

The samples that Lu Xin had previously collected from those who had been resurrected were also moved to this studio.

"Now I need..."

Researcher Wang Song said hoarsely. Halfway through, he rubbed his throat and said, "Maybe I got a cold in the rain, and my throat is a bit hoarse..." Then he continued: "I need you to cooperate with me in doing some testing. Everyone Listen to my command for now."

Everyone nodded, including Lu Xin.

It was the captain who was missing a piece of his head. He watched Researcher Wang Song rub his throat, which had been torn apart, and said that his voice was a bit dumb, and it felt a little weird. He secretly asked Lu Xin while he was free to move things. : "Are we the same?"


Lu Xin glanced at him and said, "You are more calm than him."


The captain scratched his head and said: "I also don't feel my voice is hoarse, but my head is a little itchy."

Lu Xin glanced at him deeply and wanted to tell him not to scratch.

It's strange to see this man scratching his head and putting his brain on his clothes.

In the deep and dark rainy night, cooperating skillfully and tacitly with a group of people who have died, it sounds like an unreasonable thing, but Lu Xin did a good job, as if he really regarded these people who have died. His colleagues.

He gave them a great deal of trust, and he showed no feeling of discomfort or fear at all.

Compared with him, the team leader's side and the researcher's side are still somewhat awkward.

When I saw each other, I would shudder a little.

While muttering in their hearts, they couldn't help but look at Lu Xin with some admiration.

"As expected to be a member of the special operations team, working with a group of dead people, they are not scared at all..."


Of course, if Lu Xin knew that the dead man was voicing that he was too courageous now, he would probably be speechless.

"It is certain that these things are a kind of signal converter!"

Soon, Researcher Wang Song came up with the answer and said affirmatively: "The principle is the same as the signal transmitter we use, except that some materials in the field of spiritual radiation are used in it, so that it can be received, and * *The ability of God to radiate."

"It can be understood that they are using this method to radiate a kind of spirit to far away..."

On the other side, the little assistant also got the test result at this time.

"By testing the remaining tissues of those contaminated colleagues, it can be determined that they are indeed dead."

"It's just that some kind of strange mental radiation gave their body tissues some stimuli, making them purely active on the surface. I think this is what we see when our colleagues have...dead, but they are still alive. the reason."

"Like a dead frog, it will reflex when stimulated by an electric current. It's the same reason."

"Of course, this kind of stimulation is much stronger and more complicated."


Researcher Wang Song nodded, his expression seemed very excited:

"As long as we determine what this spiritual radiation is, I think we can unlock the truth about this pollution."


Lu Xin listened to them and nodded lightly.

In fact, he has already determined what this pollution is.

There is no doubt that this is the ability of the Queen of Happy Town, but I don't know why it was introduced.

"The most important thing now is, can you find a way to track these radiation?"

Lu Xin asked this question.

Only by tracking these radiations can he find the radiation emitters scattered in the wilderness.

Only by destroying these transmitters can this force field be destroyed and the logic chain can be cut off.

"of course can."

Researcher Wang Song laughed after hearing Lu Xin's words, and said, "I have determined its wavelength, it is easy to track it."

Lu Xin breathed a long sigh of relief, and a touch of joy appeared in his heart.

"Thanks for your hard work."

He said seriously to these people: "I will pass on what you have done back to Qinggang."

He said this sentence very seriously, even a little grateful.

"Hehe, these are not important anymore, just put our pension in place."

But after listening to his words, Researcher Wang Song laughed and pulled Lu Xin aside, and then handed an envelope over: "Mr. Shan Bing, this is my suicide note. Remember to take it for me after dealing with the pollution. Go back and give it to your wife."


Lu Xin was originally smiling, but he was startled when he heard the words, and looked at him in disbelief.

Researcher Wang Song still had a smile on his face, and said, "Mr. Shan Bing, don't forget that I am a researcher."

"When you told me to stay where I was, I knew something was wrong."

"Although I discovered at that time that there was a problem with my logic. Knowing that I had a problem, it was difficult to find my own anomaly. However, as long as a rigorous self-check method is used, the problem can still be found very easily. The existing."

"Although it is a bit difficult to admit this fact, it is also a fact after all."

"Through this, I also speculated the reason why the dead will give birth to spiritual monsters after learning of their death."


"Emotional breakdown will make people who have died feel an abnormality similar to loss of control, and a mental monster will be born. However, if you can accept this fact or your own will overwhelm this emotion, you can avoid it. This kind of change."

"I am a researcher and I will respect the facts."

As he said, he smiled and said: "The only problem is to wait like this, it's really boring."

"I was still thinking about how to spend this last time."

"Now I am very satisfied. The cooperation with you makes my last time meaningful."


Listening to these words, Lu Xin didn't know how to answer. U U Reading

But Researcher Wang Song had already turned to other places with a smile and said loudly:

"Captain Li Jian, now I will immediately compile an algorithm, and then please inform most of the information gathering troops. You don't have to talk to them about life or death, so as not to cause their emotional confusion. Just tell us about our goals and tasks. They are just fine."


Captain Li Jian said in a loud voice, and then took the walkie-talkie.

"The information collection task has been changed. Now I release the latest task to destroy the contaminated field!"

On the opposite side of the walkie-talkie, there was a rustle.

After a while, a hoarse voice sounded: "I received it."

"We have been waiting for mission instructions!"

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