Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 402: A good opportunity to learn (5000 words)

At this time, Lu Xin had smashed four or five flowers of death in a row, and his body was scarred.

But he was not wary at all, it was as if this scar hadn't appeared on his body at all.

There was only excitement on his face, and he strode forward.

There was a rude action that smashed the walnuts. After smashing three hammers in a row, the nuclear escape finally appeared cracks.


My sister is very happy, her eyes are bright and she smiles very excitedly.

"Ha ha ha ha..."

My father is also laughing, seeming to be particularly satisfied with this feeling of destruction and that no one can stop him.

Only mother, as if a little helpless, shook her head gently. .

"It's about to succeed..."

Lu Xin was less than ten meters away from the Dead Man's Forest, and there were only two flowers of death in front of him. He was also a little excited at this time, and he was about to rush into the Dead Man's Forest. , Find that person.

But he didn't expect that after he stepped down, his hands and feet suddenly trembled inexplicably.

A piercing pain abruptly appeared, and it felt like stepping on a nail.

This sudden pain caused Lu Xin's body to be pulled up from the ground, turned high, and then stood on the ground with one foot.

Looking down, he found that the soles of his feet were in good shape, without any wounds.

In a slight surprise, more flowers of death floated up around him, and the slender petals hooked towards Lu Xin.

"Is it an illusion?"

Lu Xin was a little surprised. As he thought about it, he turned around and escaped the attack of a flower of death petals. He stepped on the **** next to him, and he had to accumulate all his strength and was about to rush in again. In the death forest ahead.


In the depths of the dead forest, the old man looked at the soles of his feet that had been pierced by silver nails, his expression unchanged.

He moved slowly to select, and then picked up a pointed crane-nose pliers.

Changed a comfortable gesture, and then slowly put it into his mouth.


Lu Xin rushed into the Forest of the Dead, relying on speed and momentum.

He couldn't slow down, because as soon as he slowed down, more flowers of death would bloom around him, and everything he did just now was wasted. But just now, the sudden pain in the sole of his left foot made him slow down.

At this moment, there were more flowers of death floating in front of him.

But if it's just these few, there is still a chance.

He gritted his teeth and rushed forward, but at this moment, he suddenly felt a buzzing in his head, and the pain in his left lower molar was so severe that his attention was distracted from this pain, and his body fell immediately. There was a huge error in my sister's cooperation.


Three or four slender human-shaped petals appeared in front of Lu Xin.

These human-shaped mental bodies opened their mouths in pain and silently, grabbing his left shoulder, right chest, waist, and thighs.

Under that cold touch, countless kinds of strange emotions rushed into Lu Xin's mind instantly. He was shocked and felt the emotional chaos. With the last point of control over the body, he quickly retreated and got rid of those rushes. To the petals in front of you.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?"

The younger sister turned her body upside down and hung on a wire. Looking down at Lu Xin, she seemed a little surprised.

"I have a toothache……"

Lu Xin clutched his left face and waved his hand: "Take a break."

"Why do you have a toothache?"

The younger sister folded her arms angrily: "You will chew the shell to pieces when you eat crabs. Your teeth are very good."

"Is it time to talk about this?"

Lu Xin covered his face, wondering if the pain was real.

But the more you think about it, the more real it feels, that kind of pain is like a seed, taking root.

In a short time, it has spread to his throat, cheeks, and even his forehead.


The death flower in front was pushing forward, and the white petals kept bouncing like tentacles.

Originally intended to rush towards the human-shaped petals, but Lu Xin was upset at this time and had to back off quickly.

His mood has become suspicious.

What is the reason for this sudden pain?

Obviously there was no injury on the foot, and after touching it, the teeth were very intact, but there was severe pain.

The pain was so strong that it even made him unable to concentrate.


"It's over."

In the dead forest, the pale-haired old man was already full of blood, but his expression was unusually calm, he nodded to the red-haired woman, then his eyes swept across the box, and finally landed on those few On the bottle, slowly, he stretched out his hand and picked up a bottle containing a transparent liquid. There was a label on the bottle with the letters H2SO4 written on it.

Taking a deep breath, he unplugged the plug and poured the liquid directly into his mouth.

Also smacked his lips.



Lu Xin seemed to appear in the flowers.

The pain of the soles of the feet and the age of the teeth made him feel like a torrent of electricity rushed into his mind, and he couldn't concentrate.

Beside him, more and more flowers formed by the fusion of pale souls floated lightly, like huge dandelions, one by one, covering the sky, each one is made of hatred and pain. , To turn everyone into one of them.

When Lu Xin couldn't cooperate, the younger sister couldn't move his body a little.

Their speed obviously slowed down, little by little, surrounded by pale flowers.

This pale flower of death, or spiritual monster, is not very powerful.

After all, although they have terrible mental magnitude, they are made up of the consciousness of countless different people.

It was like a mess of scattered soldiers, unable to concentrate their mental power to attack.

But what they are terrifying is the pollution of pain and sorrow.

At the same time, in this pain and sorrow, there is another splendor of death.

It affects the people around it all the time.

If it was just one of them, Lu Xin would still be less affected.

But if it is completely surrounded by the flower of death, the intertwined pollution or powerful mental shock will be extremely terrifying.


Father appeared in the dark shadow.

He glanced at Lu Xin, who was shaking his feet and covering his face, and his sister who was pulling hard at him, showing a very unhappy expression.

With a cold snort, the shadow flew away automatically, rushing towards the surrounding like a black tide.

At this time, his anger was not diminished, and he actually planned to directly destroy the death flowers that rushed to the front...

However, when the black shadow rushed out to the surroundings, Lu Xin, who was already tortured by the pain, suddenly groaned, his face turned pale, and large beads of sweat leaked out of his forehead. A soft, squatted on the ground.

Such a strong mental shock also affected his father.

The shadow was restrained by an invisible force, and suddenly became scattered and thin.

On the contrary, it was the mental power fluctuations emanating from the flowers of death, which compressed the shadow to Lu Xin's side.

"what are you doing?"

The father became very embarrassed at this moment, and his blood-red eyes looked at Lu Xin fiercely.

Lu Xin couldn't even answer, he only felt a burning pain in his stomach.

He could hardly describe the pain in words.

It's like the intestines are being cut off, and it's like the nerves are being roasted inch by inch by the fire, and the whole body has lost strength. If he is not usually more reserved, at this time, he may already be holding his belly. Falling to the ground and rolling...

My sister looked at Lu Xin pitifully, and said, "He seems to have a stomachache..."

Father continued to be furious: "You can't stand it? Find a toilet when you're done..."

Lu Xin lifted up weakly, swinging slightly.

He could not explain to his sister and father that this kind of pain is not the kind of pain that can be solved by going to the toilet. The kind of pain is burning his own nerves inch by inch, making people twitch their hands and feet, and the brain is almost blank. Like pain.

People are much more vulnerable than they think.

When it is not painful, you can never imagine what it feels like to be painful.

Lu Xin even felt the pain after the death of pigs, sheep and cattle...

Grilled large intestines, fried large intestines, shabu-shabu-shabu, these dishes must not be eaten in the future.


In the distance, in the dead man's forest, the pale-haired old man, in his mouth and nose, was slowly emitting a pungent and burning smell.

His pupils showed a greenish color.

The skin is abnormally pale, and it feels unhealthy to the extreme, close to a dead person.

His body was trembling constantly at this time.

The abdomen is already wet.

I don’t know what liquid leaked from his abdomen, and he actually burned his red robe into a crumpled look. Every trace of his facial muscles was trembling constantly, looking like that kind of intense pain. , Will annihilate him at any time.

But for some reason, he remained sober.

"Knight Kanzawa..."

The red-haired woman, just looking at him like this, felt a chill in her back, and tremblingly asked:

"Are you bearing these every time you use your abilities?"

The pale-haired old man nodded lightly and said:

"It is precisely because I am used to this that I believe that only the truth can guide me."


The red-haired woman swallowed and looked at the location of the factory building in the middle of the dead forest at this time.

At this time, even though Lu Xin had become soft and soft, he still wandered non-stop.

It's just that his movements have lost the previous flexibility.

Stumbled and staggered, it looked more like being dragged away by a person, and felt like being involuntarily involuntarily.

The powerful mental shock force around him, although it has dissipated, seems to be gathering together as hard as possible.

This even made her feel horrified, is that monster beaten with iron?

Can this kind of pain end his consciousness?

She even felt a little unbearable, but still whispered: "He is still struggling..."

"is it?"

The pale-haired old man’s eyelids seemed to tremble slightly, and his voice was strangely hoarse. He stretched out his hand as if he wanted to get something from the box, but even he hesitated at this time and slowly retracted himself. 'S palm, whispered softly:

"If even this kind of pain is not enough, then I plan to give him a pain he hasn't experienced before."

The red-haired woman was taken aback: "What?"

The pale-haired old man said: "You have experienced this kind of pain, twice."

The red-haired woman suddenly reacted, her face becoming extremely pale.

Apart from being pale, there was a faint feeling of excitement.


"Have you played enough?"

When Lu Xin felt the pain of countless descriptions and almost collapsed, the death flower in the surrounding death forest was already in full bloom.

The dense petals spread from the depths of the forest from death, like white vines, almost covering the entire ceiling. The vines are in the shape of endless elongated people, and they are full of shouts. Open mouth.

But at this time, Lu Xin's body could hardly be supported.

Even if he was in pain, he still tried his best to cooperate with his sister and barely avoided.

But suddenly, he felt a new kind of pain.

The eyes jerked down to look down.

He felt an indescribable pain rushing down from the lower abdomen, like a tide.

Pile up there, and keep swelling, propping up his body like a grinding disc.

I have a splitting headache and numb limbs.

Lu Xin thought of what the pain was, his eyes went straight in surprise.

When he arrives, he even wants to give up, whatever it is, this kind of pain is unbearable...

"What's wrong with this again?"

Father's eyes were a little straight, and he looked at Lu Xin angrily: "It's been so long, haven't you got used to it?"

While pulling at Lu Xin laboriously, my sister turned her head and glanced at him, and said, "It seems that there is a new pain..."

Father said: "What is that, it seems more serious than before?"

My sister frowned and looked at Lu Xin, as if she was a little distressed, but she couldn't think of what it was.

My mother was also looking at Lu Xin, looking at his painful look, slowly, slowly, her eyes widened.

Suddenly, she covered her mouth and laughed, seemingly very happy.

"Sorry, sorry, I mainly didn't expect this kind of ability, it's kind of weird..."

The younger sister and father, including Lu Xin, who was already suffering from pain at this time, all looked at her with bitter eyes.

They don't seem to hear too clearly, what is this pain?

At the same time, countless flowers of death around finally gathered to Lu Xin's side. They were close to each other, and the slender tentacles on them began to slowly extend out, one by one pale spirit. Body, opened his mouth.


They suddenly noticed a harsh scream, coming from all directions, all directions, towards Lu Xin.

In an instant, there seemed to be countless steel needles pierced in my mind.

Lu Xin's pain, at this moment, reached the second strongest in history...



But at this moment, a soft sigh sounded, and his mother appeared in front of Lu Xin lightly.

The pale petals that fell from the air were all blocked by her.

She obviously has a thin and slender figure, but when she stood there, there was no mental power around her. She could invade the one-meter range around Lu Xin's body, and the light from the surrounding seemed to have become a lot softer. .

At this moment, the pain in Lu Xin disappeared instantly.

It came so suddenly and disappeared so quickly that even the pain that Lu Xin felt just now was an illusion.


Lu Xin exhaled the longest breath in history, suddenly raised his head, and asked with lingering fear: "What is this ability?"

"There are many things that can bring disasters to people."

Mother smiled and said: "For example, unrealistic fantasy, sudden illness, uncontrollable emotions, and curses from the shadows, as for what you feel..." She paused and said softly: "It's just that ordinary people often Feel it."


Lu Xin suddenly felt: "The ability to make people feel pain?"

Mother nodded lightly, smiled, and praised: "You have a clearer mind now than before."

"Then this..."

Lu Xin tried not to show it, but he still complained a little bit: "If you just helped me just now..."

If my mother helped, the battle might have been resolved now, right?


His mother gave him a white look, and said, "I'm such a big person, and I want my mother to help you endure the pain?"

"Besides, this feeling should be fun for you, isn't it?"


Lu Xin was a little speechless, obviously the last one was not.

But my mother's words are irrefutable.

At the same time, he wondered, was it because he had just slapped his mother, and she was taking this opportunity to retaliate?

I thought she was not affected by that kind of music just now. Now, if you look at it, she is also affected?

…No, she is indeed unaffected, she has this kind of temper!


"Actually, you don't have to rush out."

When Lu Xin slandered, his mother laughed: "Isn't this a good opportunity for you to understand yourself?"

"When we had a family meeting before, you already promised us..."


Lu Xin was slightly stunned, and understood what his mother meant.


"what happened?"

At the same time, in the dead forest, the pale-haired old man and the red-haired woman were preparing to use their abilities to clean up Lu Xin, but suddenly they discovered that there seemed to be something unexpected in the location of the factory. Variety.

Their offenses all landed firmly on the spot, but suddenly, all the movement below was lost.

"Has he fainted from the pain?"

The red-haired woman was sweating coldly, and said anxiously: "Or, what hidden ability does he have?"

"No matter what you must kill him!"

The pale-haired old man had a cold expression and gritted his teeth: "Other plans are proceeding smoothly."

"We must not cause any trouble here."


In his roar that didn't know whether it was pain or weakness, more and more flowers of death floated into the pit.

Among the dense flowers, Lu Xin took out the communicator unwillingly.

"Do you have to start learning now?"

Holding his last hope, he looked at his mother and said: "This doesn't seem to be a good time to learn."

"Then you are wrong."

My mother seemed very serious: "The attitude of learning must be correct!"

"Anytime, it's a good time to learn."

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