Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 403: Missionary


An old-fashioned walking tractor that must have been built thirty years ago and has been in use for thirty years. It is a miracle to the present. The tail tube is sprayed with thick smoke, with a momentum that may fall apart at any time. , Drove to the black door.

In the car, a man in a black cloak jumped out. He stretched out his waist that was about to fall apart, took down his luggage, a small silver box, and then moved towards the uncle who was driving, with his right palm touching his heart. At the place, bowed gently, and said very politely: "Thank you for sending me over so far away. Believe that our **** will give you peace and harmony."

The uncle said: "I don't believe in God, I only believe in the agreed fare. If you don't give it to me, I will give you a knife."

Speaking, he took out a rusty knife and held it in his hand with a fierce look in his eyes.

The priest in the black cloak was startled, and then smiled.

Honestly, he took out a twenty-yuan bill from his pocket and handed it over.

The uncle grabbed the money, put it in his pocket, took the knife again, and said, "Five more..."

The pastor didn't understand: "Didn't you just say a good twenty?"

The uncle looked at him coldly: "I was just outside just now. Would you like to give it to seventy?"

The pastor laughed blankly: "What about now?"

The uncle squinted: "Now my four sons are in the field, do you think they will come over if I shout?"

The pastor reluctantly smiled and shook his head: "I have been preaching for so many years, and I have not met so many honestly as you."

After speaking, he honestly paid another fifty yuan, then bowed to the uncle, then turned and walked.

The place he came to was a small town, where thousands of people lived, and it was a big gathering spot.

There is a high fence around it with thorns and iron wires, and in the middle is a black gate.

At this time, there were two tattered recliners at the door. There were two thin men sitting on the left and right, smoking a cigarette slowly to look at him.

"In the near future, we have no plans to go out for food, nor do we plan to purchase goods. There will be a big collection every 5th. It's very early."

"What are you doing here now?"

It wasn't until the priest walked in front of them that one of the men straightened up lazily and looked at him up and down.

"I'm not out of business."

The pastor stood in front of them, grinning diligently, and said: "I am a person who believes in God, come here to preach."


The two guards immediately became happy and felt very fresh.

There are many people who come to the town to sell goods, deliver goods, and even grab things, but those who come to preach are really rare.

"I said, what are the benefits of believing in your teaching?"

The man on the left winked his eyes: "Do you teach you how to distribute food?"

The person on the right chuckled and said, "Why are you asking? Mainly..."

He rubbed his beard and said, "Do you have many girls in your teaching?"

"How many clothes do you wear?"


Faced with such rude ridicule, the pastor didn’t mean to be angry at all. He smiled and said, “We don’t send food in the church, but it will make people no longer hungry. The God we believe in teaches us to stay away from love. , It will also prevent us from suffering the pain of love. What we pursue is the truth, and the truth will let us get rid of the entanglement of **** and get eternal peace."

The man on the left and the man on the right looked at each other and nodded at the same time: "Liar."

"Those who don't give substantial benefits are all liars."

"Yes, no one in the neighboring village wears clothes, but you are embarrassed to speak..."


As he said, he raised his hand and said, "Let's go, because I didn't have enough to eat at noon today, so I didn't have the energy to beat people."

The pastor smiled and said, "I came from the far south, so I can't leave. I hope I can meet the leader of your town."


The man on the right sneered and said, "Do you know that my leader hates liars more than we do?"

"It's not like we can't eat enough. He has the power to kill every day."


The pastor smiled: "It doesn't matter, I will let him understand what the truth is."

As he said, he reached into his pocket, took out a few banknotes, and respectfully placed them in the hands of these two people.

Putting his right hand on his chest, he bowed and said: "Trouble."

The two gatekeepers were silent for a moment, quickly collected the money, and then winked at each other. The one on the right stood up and came to the security booth. He picked up the phone and dialed: "Oh? We have somebody here. We want to see the mayor."

"What are you doing?"

"Pass... the delivery person said they have a lot of goods there."

"Let him in, right?"



After agreeing happily, they came to the pastor together: "Search first!"

The priest happily agreed and raised both hands.

The two had touched him. There were no guns or knives. Even the box was opened. It was not a bomb. There were only a few changed underwear or something. At most, only a few wrinkled pieces were found in his pocket. I didn’t feel embarrassed to grab the banknotes again.

"go in."

The two told: "The next thing has nothing to do with us. Anyway, if the boss wants to ask, we will say that you are in business."

"Thank you, I understand, it won't hurt you."

The priest agreed, then lifted the box, and walked into the big iron gate with ease.

He met the mayor of this town in a sturdy stone house, and he was from the Knights.

Although he was a little older, his muscles were knotted and his shirt was not fastened, revealing his chest covered with black hair.

On the dirty sofas on both sides, there were still a few young people with rolled eyes, all with scars on their faces, and a little stubble left from their shaved hair, dressed in standard ruthless people. Three young women with big long legs danced on the carpet with a sense of movement.

"What business do you want to talk about?"

The mayor gave the pastor a gloomy look and frowned: "It's not like you are in business, depending on your dress."

"Actually I am a missionary."

The pastor smiled honestly: "Of course, preaching can also be understood as business."

"Give your soul to me, and I will give you eternal peace and fair business, isn't it?"


The mayor's face suddenly became cold, he scratched his head in distress, and waved his hands to the young people on both sides.

"Kill it!"

"Don't waste meat."


The young man sitting on both sides of the sofa immediately stood up, gritted his teeth and grinned, looking at him as if he was looking at a pig.

"Wait a minute!"

The pastor stretched out his hand and smiled: "Before you kill me, it's better to watch my meeting ceremony first."

As he said, he held the silver box in both hands and motioned to the other party.

The mayor's eyes were cold, and he gestured. The three girls who were beating exactly rushed to him, shaking between him and the priest. The young people on both sides immediately took out their guns and aimed them at the priest's head.

"Now you can open the box."

The mayor said lazily: "If I am not satisfied with the contents, I will still kill you."

"You will be satisfied..."

The pastor smiled and said, "Before this, I have a question."

"Excuse me, what kind of things can you give your soul to in exchange?"


The mayor frowned, and said to the young people on both sides: "Or else kill it, let's open it up and take a look."

The pastor was also a little panicked and said hurriedly: "No, no, I will open it myself."

I didn't drag this time, I knelt down on the carpet, put the box horizontally in front of him, and gently flipped the button.

The lid of the box slowly popped up, and the priest's eyes lit up and he let out a low sigh.

Then he turned the box around and turned towards the mayor.


At this moment, whether it was the three girls who stood in front of the mayor, or stretched their heads to look at a few young people in the box, they made a low sigh at the same time, and their eyes seemed to light up a bit.

It was obvious that there were only a few changed underwear and other small items in the box, but when they looked into the box, they were excited as if saliva flowed out directly.

"Get out, get out..."

The mayor pulled the girls hard, as if they were blocking his vision.

He stared straight into the box, as if he couldn't wait to get in. He didn't want to leave even a little bit when he turned from behind the table to the front. Coming to the priest shivering, he said excitedly: "This... is this really for me?"

"Yes it is."

The pastor smiled and said, "As long as you are willing to believe in our God, this is yours."

"I...I do, I do."

The mayor almost knelt on the ground, stretched out his hands, as if he wanted to touch the contents of the box, but he didn't dare.

"In this case, then I will state my conditions."

The priest gently closed the lid of the box and said, "Not only do you want this thing, but Songshan Town, Heishui Town, Baini Town, Qinghe Town, Woshan Knights... these places, I have already I have been there. They are all just like you. They saw the contents of the box and agreed to follow our God. I also promised to give them the contents of the box. You said...what should I do?"

The mayor suddenly raised the gun with murderous aura, his face twisted, and said: "I'll kill them!"

"Hehe, don't have to..."

The pastor smiled softly: "As long as you are willing to listen to me, I will give you this thing."

"After all...we are not the only one!"



The mayor opened his his face was under the skin, earthworms burrowed around, and he said fiercely: "We want it all!"


The pastor was taken aback, and then laughed: "Then it depends on your performance."

Then he slowly scowled and said, "I have two things for you to do."

The mayor stared at him tightly: "You said."

The pastor smiled and said, "The first thing, the old man in your town who drives a tractor and pulls people is going to die."

"I heard that he has four sons and he has to die..."


The mayor nodded fiercely, winking at the people on both sides: "Go!"

The pastor nodded in satisfaction and smiled: "The second one, organize all the people in your town who can handle guns."

"Unity is under my command."

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