Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 408: The last resort (4000 words)

Walking in the flower of death, that kind of weird singing makes people irritable and disturbed, and I feel like I can't control myself.

The strange pain coming from all over the body is more than enough to completely destroy a person's will.

The sorrow and pain exuded by the flower of death form a wave-like depression, like sinking people to the bottom of the sea, and the pale spiritual body around it swaying by its side like a swimming fish. , The intertwined spiritual radiation is too strong, and there is a feeling of really being in the deep sea, clogging every pore, making people breathless.

The entire forest of dead people is like a sea of ​​undercurrents, full of all negative emotions.

To some extent, this is even like a shallow abyss.

All the emotions covered by death can be found here, just like turbulence.

Any spiritual body in this sea area is enough to be destroyed by people. .

Because whether it is the fear, unwillingness, and pain of death contained in the flower of death itself, or the anger and curse for those who have turned themselves into this state, they are all hidden in those who have died. In the spiritual body that crawled out of the body, and through the special existence of the flower of death, it radiated out a little bit, affecting all the people around.

If death is a proposition.

Then this forest interprets this proposition incisively and vividly.

Lu Xin walked in this sea area, feeling everything in detail, and experiencing it all.

He was understanding what it was like to suffer.

This is a good way to confirm the seven-step theory he has just learned.

Just looking at the information is not enough, it needs practice.

At this time, Lu Xin was like a young man who had just started to study medicine, practicing on himself.

Whether it is this forest of dead people, or hiding in the forest at this time, the two abilities that affect him through their abilities and incomplete field are all weird and terrifying, but Lu Xin suddenly felt that they, It's not that mysterious anymore.

Lu Xin still didn't know how to decide on the attitude of the Lunar Eclipse Research Institute.

But he had to admit that at least the lunatics in the Lunar Eclipse Institute...Oh no, researcher, they are indeed amazing.

The people they proposed have seven defects in the face of mental pollution, which is very interesting.

Perception, emotion, sex, cognition, instinct, memory, self.

From shallow to deep, seven defects.

In other words, they are born with seven wounds.

Spiritual power contaminates a person through these seven wounds.

Simply put, all pollution affects people through one of seven aspects.

Perception is the five senses: eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and touch.

The capable person can affect the five senses of a person, making them invisible to the eyes, ears, and nose.

Or, not just turn off its function, but let people be affected. What you see is not real, and what you hear is illusory.

The classic is an alcoholic.

Her ability can directly distort people’s five senses and let people enter an illusory world. Then, when a person enters her world, what he sees is fake, what he smells is fake, what he hears is fake, and what he hears is fake. It is also false. At this time, it is inevitable that people will be suspicious. My five senses make me feel something that does not exist at the same time. So, is it true or false?

Emotions are joy, anger, sorrow, sorrow and joy.

It's also a terrible distortion to feel angry when it's time to be excited, and feel sad when it's time to be angry.

** is food, color, and even all the temptations to people.

Knowledge is the understanding of everything in the outside world and the understanding of concepts.

Instinct is the energy contained in one's body, why does the heart beat, why does the blood flow, why the internal organs have their own functions, why do cells divide and die, why do people grow into human shapes, not cats and dogs .

Another example is memory, which determines your identity in this world.

Another example is the deepest level, self.

At this time, Lu Xin could clearly realize that the huge turbulence of spirit and ability around him now attacks against these aspects of himself, and the sorrow and pain of the flower of death around him is aimed at his own understanding. .

People are born with a life-saving **, this ** is more than everything, but this flower of death can make you think that death is beautiful.

That kind of singing is faintly affecting my emotions.

Where does joy come from, and why is anger born.

As for the kind of intense pain, it is easier. The brain thinks that it has a wound, and that it has a wound.

Whether there is a real wound is not important, the most important thing is pain.

He himself seemed to be no longer himself, observing calmly and recording carefully.

However, his behavior has not been affected, and he is still taking steps towards the forest of the dead, step by step.

The third ability of zero-ability people: bear.

When a normal person has a strong mental level, three abilities, or instincts, are also born.

One is the distorted force field, and the other is mental shock.

The third kind is to bear.

No matter what abilities the other party displays to oneself, accept it by oneself.

It's like a pool of pure water, to endure the changes that all objects make to oneself.

Sometimes, this kind of change will change the nature of the pool forever, but sometimes, no matter how things pollute the pool, the water is always water. You won’t change yourself just because you are polluted. The fact of water.

"So, this is what a normal person should feel?"

While feeling it, Lu Xin walked forward, and at the same time made a summary and summary silently in his heart.

All aspects of pollution have never been reduced.

But as long as you can bear it, and you are still yourself, then it is tantamount to defeating pollution.

Under his calm and calm stroll, even the flowers of death around him seemed to feel some kind of sincere fear.

On the petals, the eyes and faces of the people seemed to be frightened in some way, their painful expressions were turning into fright, and they were attracted to the instinct of flying in front of Lu Xin from the beginning. , Turned into a cringe, a little back.

As if in front of Lu Xin, he took the initiative to give way.

"Why is this?"

The pale-haired old man put down the saw in his hand sluggishly.

The cold sweat on his head seeps out layer by layer, and his hair and clothes have been completely wetted.

There was an unbelievable expression on his face, as if he was mad, he suddenly took out a bottle from the box, and the liquid in it quickly poured onto his right arm. Suddenly, his entire right arm, this At that time, a light blue flame was burning, swallowing his sleeves and even his skin little by little, becoming scorched and curled up, making a sizzling sound.

His tortured blue eyes were a little dim from the pain of the flame, and he looked down expectantly.

But what he saw with the help of the field was the young man. At this time, he was looking down at his left arm. He should have felt the pain, but the old man found that what appeared on his face was actually a kind of pain. With a curious look, he looked carefully.

After watching for a while, he even raised his head and smiled in his direction.


The pale-haired old man withdrew his gaze abruptly, and his hands trembled slightly.

It took a long time to slowly spit out two words: "Monster!"

"Knight Kanzawa..."

The red-haired woman next to her trembled, watching the music box in her hand turn faster and faster.

She can even feel that the music box has become slightly hot.

The woman inside quietly spinning and singing is so fast that she can barely see the specific appearance, and can only be on the face of the other party, every time she turns to her own direction, she vaguely finds that the other party is looking at her. , Has a strange viciousness.

The woman in this box hates herself and seems to be looking for a chance to retaliate.

This is a manifestation of excessive use of parasitic objects.

However, letting her destroy the ability of parasitic items in this way, the person below did not react at all.

Feeling fear, she whispered to the old man next to her: "Is this person really only the third stage?"

"Our ability has not failed."

Grand Knight Kanzawa whispered: "He has been affected by us, but our influence cannot shake him."

The red-haired woman whispered: "What does this mean?"

Grand Knight Kanzawa said: "It means he is not in the fourth stage."

"Is this important?"

The red-haired woman yelled: "We can't stop him from coming..."


Grand Knight Kanzawa whispered: "We have another way."

The red-haired woman was suddenly startled.

The Great Knight Kanzawa looked up at the middle of the dead forest, his eyes darkened:

"I don't know what kind of opponent this is. It stands to reason that Qinggang should not have such a strong ability."

"However, the mission of the bishop cannot be destroyed, so we can only clean him up. Even if our abilities can't solve him, but if these flowers of death are exploded around him in the form of a mental bomb, the confidence is still very high. At the same time, the detonation of the flower of death will create the emptiness of this field, which can draw out the power of Happy Town to the greatest extent..."

"In this way, the pressure on the bishop will be much lighter."


"Are you crazy?"

Listening to the bishop's words, the red-haired woman's complexion changed, strangely pale, and said:

"This country of dead people, with a total of 30,000 dead people, detonated at the same time, it will become a turbulent ocean..."

"The two of us can't survive either!"


Grand Knight Kanzawa was expressionless, but repeated softly: "The mission of the bishop is not allowed to be affected."

"I do not…"

After confirming the attitude of the Great Knight Kanzawa, the red-haired woman suddenly withdrew a few meters back, holding the music box in both hands, and tremblingly shouted: "You are a lunatic, you endure so much pain every day. , So you are not afraid of death at all, but I am different. I can make myself happy at any time. I live well every day. I join the technology church..."

"It's also to make myself live well."

"In that case, why should I die here with you?"


Grand Knight Kanzawa turned his head to look at her calmly, and let out a slight sigh.

"You're going to die, wait until I'm gone..."

The red-haired woman stared at the Grand Knight Kanzawa, while slowly backing away, gently holding the music box with both hands.

But Grand Knight Kanzawa only slowly lowered his head.

Suddenly, the fingers of his two hands crossed together, and then he snapped in the opposite direction.

Click it.

His ten fingers twisted and snapped into each other, turning into weird shapes.

The red-haired woman had been staring at him so as not to reach into the silver box.

Unexpectedly, he was surprised when he used such a method.

But before she could make any movements, pain came from her ten fingers, and the music box in her hand couldn't be held up, and she fell to the ground suddenly.

That music box, like a bargain bought on the roadside, had a thin layer of glass, and it shattered in an instant.

The dancing woman inside was exposed to the air.

The woman's face suddenly became sluggish, she couldn't even care about the pain of her fingers, she stared at the ground blankly.

The woman in the music box was facing down close to the ground, but the little doll was slowly shaking her head.

Little by little, his neck turned around, and his face pointed at the red-haired woman.

Then, that sweet and stiff, smiling face became gloomy and terrifying.


The red-haired woman let out a scream, went crazy, turned around and fled.

But the woman doll on the ground suddenly jumped and jumped to her neck, babbling and singing, tearing the skin on the back of her neck, and then pulling it by two white plastic little hands. , Little by little, drilled into her neck.

"Foolish people don't know where to go. Paranoid souls, incompleteness will last forever."

"Prison in a cage, with red eyes and red tongue. Sleeping in the grave, with the stars forever."


After a long time, the red-haired woman was struggling on the ground to stop moving, but an ethereal song rang from her mouth.

She stood up quietly, supported the ground with one foot, slowly rotated on the ground, and sang softly.

"Pray and pray, the crowd trapped in the dark night."

"Hope and hope, the **** who descends in the red moon!"


"The truth is not a sermon. How can a person who is not prepared for sacrifice and who is not prepared for sacrifice can claim to be pious?"

"Just thinking of sacrificing others, that's just despicable selfishness..."

The Grand Knight Kanzawa whispered to himself, and slowly sat up straight, and whispered:

"The sniper mission has changed. There is a suspected third-stage ability in Qinggang. The Rose Knight and I were unable to clean it up. We decided to implement the second plan and detonate the Flower of Death as a mental bomb, which may cause a regional shock. Please everyone Attention..."

"May the true **** descend on earth soon!"

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