Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 409: The goddess who descended from the sky


Lu Xin, who was walking through the flower of death below, towards the direction of the dead man's forest, suddenly raised his head slightly.

He felt the spiritual radiation around him changed.

Originally, he was using this method to understand himself, and to learn and practice the seven-step theory, and he was gaining tremendous gains.

For example, he has never understood why he reacts differently to different abilities. Some abilities have a deep influence on him, while others have almost no influence, some last for a long time, and some are just a blink of an eye. There is no more.

Now he understands that this is because people have seven flaws.

In these seven flaws, their respective performances are also completely different.

Now he is making a summary. .

But at this moment, he suddenly felt that the surrounding mental radiation had weakened a lot.

The ability that made him feel annoyed and even affected his father and sister disappeared directly, and the sensation that made him feel all kinds of pain in various parts and types of pain was suddenly far away from him, just like pain. It doesn't seem to exist.

Except for toothache.

Toothache is the most annoying thing. Lu Xin's teeth are not painful anymore, but his gums are swollen.

The toothache is like a scumbag, it hooked up the swelling and pain of the gums, and then it suddenly ran away.

Only the gums are still in serious pain, and the belly is getting bigger and bigger.

The ability to affect emotions has disappeared, and the ability to make oneself feel pain has also disappeared.

But Lu Xin suddenly discovered that there were more and more death flowers around.

Originally, these flowers of death had already shown awe of themselves, and were gradually giving way.

But at this time, they seemed to be driven by some kind, and once again floated in front of them.

And more than one, countless flowers of death floated over.

Seeing one piece, it is densely packed, and its number may be close to as many as a hundred.

"What is this doing?"

Lu Xin became vigilant subconsciously.

Mother came over from behind Lu Xin, walking among the flowers of death, she was illuminated by the pale white light that is unique to the spiritual body, and it felt like a senior photographer was carefully arranging the lights following her movements. , Midea is a bit unreal.

And her posture, whether walking or talking, also has an impeccable beauty, gently and softly:

"The dog jumps the wall in a hurry..."

"Some people always think that death can solve everything."

"It's just that I sometimes feel that my life is too valuable..."

"Isn't this also an arrogance?"


Lu Xin heard contempt from his mother's words, and also heard another meaning.

This is to let yourself go back a little bit.

Mom is ready to take action.

She let herself learn, not let herself die.

In fact, I can see what these flowers of death plan to do.

They are forced to float in front of them by a certain will, and they have begun to show an unstable trend.

These flowers of death are originally different spiritual bodies. They are forcibly kneaded together through a form similar to stitching and bonding. They are in an unstable state and easily produce spiritual annihilation, just like what I have seen before. Like a mental bomb.

As long as they begin to annihilate at the same time, what terrible force will the scattered and colliding mental turbulence form?

With Lu Xin's few professional knowledge, I feel that it should be at least 20 units of overclocking ion cannon power.

I don't know if I can stand it. After all, I don't have relevant experience.

But mother obviously didn't intend to let herself take this risk, so she was ready to come to her.

So he also took a step back silently and stood with his sister and father.

Ready to watch the fireworks.


More and more flowers of death drifted to Lu Xin's side, gradually lined up, like the season of cherry blossoms, beautifully beautiful.

There are a lot of flowers all around, making people intoxicated.

But those flowers are a fusion of pale human bodies. The facial features on them are vivid in Lu Xin's eyes, opening their mouths weakly like a fish lacking water, and like livestock on a chopping board, slow Blinking slowly.

Cracks have begun to appear on their bodies.

The strong spiritual radiation is intertwined and merged, making the air more and more heavier.

Even Lu Xin's mind became a little confused at this time.

If human thinking is a kind of machinery, then this sophisticated machine has begun to be affected by strong external forces and its operation is hindered.

It is conceivable that if ordinary people stay in this field, then just the power of spiritual radiation is enough to make people completely lose their minds and become idiots.

"Dedicated to the truth."

"Paving the way for the coming of the true God..."

"For the arrival of eternal peace, pave a avenue of corpses..."


In the forest of dead men, the knight knight chanted in a low voice, slowly raising his hands.

As he moved, the clothes on his chest that had been corroded by concentrated sulfuric acid began to shatter silently.

Exposed his pale skin, as well as the various mechanical rivets inlaid between the skins, rotating gears, and in the gap between the gears, you can see a dark red heart, pushing it on a small mechanical support hand. Down, beating slowly.


Behind him, and in all directions, slices of death flowers floated towards the pit.

A strange pressure field has reached the brink of collapse.

Below, Lu Xin in the middle of the flower of death and his family have raised their heads, waiting for the fireworks to bloom.

The face of the Great Knight Kanzawa showed a slightly longing look, and his blue pupils even faintly expressed excitement.

"Here, I ask the true God to witness me..."

His voice was excited and contained a kind of enthusiasm, but it was suddenly interrupted.

Bone toot.

Suddenly there was the sound of helicopter propeller turning in the air.

In the dark night sky, two dazzling lights were cast at some point, tearing the dark night.

The lights came quickly, four to five times the speed of an ordinary helicopter.

The rotating sound of the propeller also appeared very strong, and it seemed to be a new type of transportation.

It was almost in a short ten seconds, from the distant night sky to the sky above this dead man forest, then, the helicopter speed slightly slowed down, the hatch opened, and in the next second, there was a black The figure jumped down from above.

Grand Knight Kanzawa's eyes were startled, and he turned his head to look away suddenly.

He found that the girl who jumped from the helicopter was actually a girl in a black skirt.

Her skirt is heavy and heavy, but it looks gorgeous and noble, with a kind of illusory beauty that does not belong to reality.

Coupled with her beautiful face, it illuminates the surrounding night almost as soon as she appears.

She jumped from the helicopter. Although she was holding an umbrella in her hand, the speed of the fall was still extremely fast. She was about to fall directly to the ground and become a mass of fleshy mud, but just as she jumped from the helicopter, Gradually attracted more and more people's attention.

Not only the knight of Kanzawa, but even the dead around him.

These dead people, who are crawling out of the white spirit body from the top of their heads, are fused and transformed into the flower of death. At this time, they are actually affected by a strange force. They all turn their heads stiffly, with a sluggish, but somewhat fanatical. Look at her.


The girl's falling speed is getting slower and slower, as if being supported by invisible power.

She hovered about 30 meters above the ground, her skirt rising up, and then slowly falling.

The surrounding lights seemed to be working hard to converge towards her, illuminating her impeccably beautiful face.

At this moment, it seemed as if the goddess descended from the sky.

Even the Great Knight Kanzawa seemed to be surprised by her beauty at this time, and for a moment, he forgot what he wanted to do.

But he woke up quickly and briefly.

Realizing that there was a problem, he hurriedly completed his task.

But what he didn't expect was that when more and more dead people turned their eyes to the girl, more and more flowers of death were affected.

At this time, they were all gathered next to Lu Xin under the will of the Grand Knight Kanzawa. But at this time, there are more and more flowers of death, unfettered, hulling towards the girl floating in the air.

It's as if a tributary appeared forcibly in the process of meeting the sea between Baichuan and the sea, leading to other directions.

The girl faced this river of flowers of death rushing towards her, her face did not change, as if she would never change, she just silently gathered the umbrella in her hand, pointed it at a place, and then again Open gently.


The umbrella opened, and the sound of cloth expansion was heard.

At such a moment, there was an indescribable powerful mental impact, and it was rolling forward.

Lu Xin's side, around the factory building, there were so many flowers of death that it was impossible to count them. They were torn apart by this mental impact, and the pale mental bodies were covered in huge numbers before they even had time to react. The power was completely destroyed and turned into a pure mental turbulence, and then the turbulence was also washed away, rolling away into the sky.

The only thing worthy of comfort is that these painful mental bodies, the expressions on their faces at the end, are all intoxicated.

A black, wet ground was exposed beside Lu Xin.

It's like a colorful garden, with a terrible deep ditch plowed out.

This mental shock eased the pressure around Lu Xin very well.

It's just that the woman didn't seem to have a good brain, she helped Lu Xin solve the problem, but she didn't care about herself.

The flowers of death that floated towards her are already in front of her.

At this time, it seems it is too late to close and hold the umbrella.

But fortunately, at this moment, a small figure fell from the helicopter.

If you look closely, you will find that it is actually a girl in school uniform with a ponytail.

With a rope wrapped around her waist, she fell from the helicopter, just in front of the girl floating in the air.

Then her slender hand formed a handprint seriously.

Seriously shout: "Dutongdulu Heike."

As her voice sounded, the flowers of death that hit the girl in the black skirt suddenly became at a loss, as if the reason for their rushing was no longer found, as if the running water had encountered obstacles, they went to the surrounding sides respectively. Flowed past.


On the helicopter, gunfire sounded.

A bullet entwined with a blue arc flew out, annihilating a flower of death.

In the cabin, there was a handsome man with sunglasses and a long sniper rifle in his hand.

He beckoned far away, with a big smile on his face: "Hi!"

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