Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 412: I really didn’t do it (4000 words)

"Why do you say I'm okay?"

Lu Xin was a little unresponsive to Chen Jing's hug.

I thought to myself, my clothes are in tatters, and there are still many wounds on my body that haven't healed.

…Huh, it's healed.

But even though these thoughts arose in his mind, he still had a strange feeling.

Chen Jing's hug is not the kind that carries personal feelings, of course it is even less intimate.

Just put two hands on his shoulders.

But it was this kind of hug that made Lu Xin understand one thing. .

They came here, not because of the task, but because they were really worried about whether there was anything wrong with them.

He didn't know what to say, so he smiled at Chen Jing.

"What are they doing?"

In the invisible field of vision, Lu Xin was hugged by Chen Jing, his face was a little red, and he saw his father and mother, as well as his younger sister. They all stood not far from him, among the dead, watching quietly. In the scene in front of the helicopter, my sister looked a little confused.

"It's just something that makes people numb."

The father sneered and replied: "There is a cruel relationship between people."

"When you're full, hook up your shoulders and put your back on your back. After you wear it warmly, your brows are glaring."

"But in fact, it doesn't matter who you are his and who he is yours."

"That woman doesn't know what she can do, but she really thinks of him as a subordinate. Haha, is she qualified for herself?"

"Clearly knowing that it is a human-eating lion, and pretending that he is not afraid to hug him. Obviously knowing that cats and dogs are gentle because of their nature, and they have to deceive themselves to have feelings with animals. These people, the more they live, the more they become. Hypocritical..."


The younger sister listened carefully, and nodded her head in agreement.

The mother glanced at her father: "If you really understand this, then why do you still be so scared?"

My sister didn't understand again, her eyes turned around on them.

When my mother saw that my father stopped speaking, she sighed softly and smiled: "He likes it very much..."

"What can be liked, how can it be said that there is no value?"

"Okay, now we need to synchronize the information."

After giving Lu Xin a light hug, Chen Jing sat back in the cabin, her face became calm, and her voice became serious.

Lu Xin, who had just reacted, hurriedly swallowed some words of gratitude and moved back into his stomach, and seriously reported: "When I arrived at the observation point before, I found that my colleagues had been seriously polluted. After verification, and... Asking the people in the senior talent club of the Lunar Eclipse Institute for paid help, it was determined that this pollution was a dead field."

"The field is determined to be related to the queen in the S-rank restricted area, but it is just a pure field, without will."

"Our colleagues in Qinggang are...very good."

"Researcher Wang Song and Captain Li Jian helped me with the work of destroying this dead field."

"What I did just now was the cleanup of this field. I have cleaned up the 48th group, which means maintaining half of the field stabilizer. It stands to reason that the field has been destroyed and is slowly dissipating now. Encountered an enemy attack."

"There are two enemies who attacked me. One is an old man who doesn't seem to be afraid of pain. Now he is rolling on the floor in pain, and the other seems to be a woman who can sing. Now she is singing and spinning around on one foot. There are these dead people."

"But I suspect there may be other people, I don't know if they will repair the field."


After talking so much in one breath, I stopped and thought about it. Is there anything else?

Chen Jing listened very carefully, and quickly reacted: "In other words, what you destroyed is only half of the stabilizer?"

Lu Xin nodded: "Researcher Wang Song said that by destroying half of the stabilizer, the field can be solved..."

"But the opponent will also easily repair the field."

Chen Jing said directly: "So we must destroy more."

Lu Xin was taken aback and said, "Oh, then I will go now."

Chen Jing shook her head and said, "No."

After speaking, he picked up the walkie-talkie and said: "You can do it now."

Lu Xin suddenly became dumb, and suddenly looked up.

The light rain has stopped, but the sky is still dark, it is the darkest period of time before dawn.

The sky in the distance, black hole, can't see anything clearly.

But when he felt puzzled in his heart, he saw that a lot of bright colors suddenly appeared in the dark sky in the distance.

It looks like fireworks, with a slow, bright yellow color, slowly flying from the depths of the dark night, drawing a long row of arcs, slowly planting towards the ground, and then, Suddenly, beautiful fireworks exploded on the horizon.


After a few seconds, a dull sound suddenly rushed to the side.

The earth was trembling slightly, not much, but the shaking made people's body slightly numb.

"Ah, this is..."

Lu Xin was shocked and his face changed.

Seeing the red dots displayed on the left lens, disappearing in a large area, he was surprised and delighted for a while.

"The Ministry of City Defense took this question over."

Chen Jing smiled and looked at Lu Xin, and said, "Before you and Researcher Wang Song were preparing to clean up the field, in the last report, Researcher Wang Song had already sent the program he wrote back to the headquarters. After checking and rewriting, we can already track these stable locations in Qinggang City, and naturally we can also destroy these things remotely."

He sighed softly and said: "The large forces are afraid to send out. Most of the long-range attack weapons that were buried in the gathering points outside the city have already been out of control. Now Qinggang can help us. There is only this kind of work."


"Is that enough?"

It took Lu Xin a long time before he took back the surprised expression that he almost showed.

With an expression that I was not surprised at all, he nodded solemnly.

"The field has been determined to be destroyed."

Chen Jing continued to hold the walkie-talkie, and said: "You can send a condemnation support team to come in."

Originally thought that there were still busy Lu Xin, she did not expect Chen Jing to handle everything in such a relaxed manner.

I opened my mouth and found that I couldn't speak, so I had to enjoy this rare leisure time.

Chen Jing also said to Lu Xin after finishing this:

"Because we weren't sure about the situation in this field before, so we were the only people who came here at this time."

"Nowadays, it's not only here that has changed. All the major gathering points around Qinggang have already sent out armed forces. They indiscriminately attack all alien forces. Even when we flew over just now, we suffered. There have been some attacks."

"The goddess and the bear children landed midway and went to investigate this matter."

"Now we have a lot to do."

"Investigate the true purpose of the technology church, the armed riots in the surrounding gathering points."


After listening to her, Lu Xin's expression became more serious, and he nodded.

I feel very comfortable.

Chen Jing also sighed and said to Lu Xin, "Where are the two capable people you just mentioned?"

Lu Xin raised his finger and said, "Over there, I don't know if it's dead."

"I will interrogate them."

Chen Jing said, "Since it has already started, even if they die, this matter will not end."

Thinking of the rumors in the Special Purity Ministry that Chen Jing had the ability to interrogate dead people, Lu Xin couldn't help but become a little curious.

Half an hour later, more helicopters sounded, and five helicopters appeared in the air.

After each mission, Lu Xin looked forward to the support team coming into the arena, because that meant that the mission was completed and he could relax.

But this was the first time I saw so few people coming from the support team.

And before that, he had heard Chen Jing say that this time the support team was not responsible for carrying out the task, but just providing them with some help.

Most of the troops in Qinggang were still in the city at this time and had not been ordered to leave the city.

The old man with white hair and the woman with red hair had moved into the barn at this time.

The gecko moved it by himself.

When he saw the appearance of these two men, his eyes looked a little strange at Lu Xin.

After all, the appearance of these two people looks terrible.

When I moved the old man, I found that his whole body was shrunk into a walnut, all over his body, his feet were pierced, his chest and abdomen were burned out by some kind of liquid, and one arm was burned. He was scorched and smelly, and a calf was completely sawn off, leaving only a little skin and flesh to connect. The gecko even needs to be wrapped in a piece of cloth to prevent him from falling apart.

Lu Xin was a little flustered by his gaze, so he had to explain: "I didn't do it."

"Yes Yes Yes…"

Gecko repeatedly promised: "It's definitely not you, I know."

After a while, when she moved the red-haired woman, she found that her entire calf had penetrated into the ground, and the flesh and blood of the entire leg had been polished away, leaving only the blood-red bones, which were inserted abruptly. In the soil, the most important thing is that when she was pulled out, she found that she was actually alive, even very conscious, still whispering in her mouth, singing strange songs in a low voice.

It's just that the singing is almost inaudible, and because of the excessive consumption of mental power, it has no influence.

Lu Xin felt a little flustered, and said, "I didn't do this either..."

"Yes, yes, I know..."

The gecko nodded repeatedly, and while resisting her to walk into the factory, he did not dare to look up at Lu Xin.

When Chen Jing and the drunkard saw the appearance of these two people, they were also shocked. Chen Jing asked aloud:

"How did it become like this?"

Lu Xin was a little embarrassed. Fortunately, Gecko had already answered him first: "It was not the captain."

Suddenly, Chen Jing and the drunkard looked a little strange at Lu Xin.

Lu Xin felt somewhat wronged.

After moving these two people into the factory, Lu Xin saw how Chen Jing interrogated the dead.

Although neither of them seemed to be dead yet, they were almost the same as the dead.

One of them has been severely pained, completely destroying his consciousness and thinking, and his head has become a state similar to an empty shell. Chen Jing's abilities have been exerted to a very strong level, and he has not awakened much reaction, just His hands and feet twitched.

It was the red-haired woman who gave a weak reaction when Chen Jing looked into her eyes and asked a question.

Chen Jing let out a long sigh of relief, and hurriedly asked a few crucial questions.

"who are you?"

"Follower of Archbishop of Calamity, Knight Rose."

"What are you doing here..."

"Preach the Gospel..."


Chen Jing's interrogation was very boring, because she needed to ask as many questions as possible while the woman was still able to answer, and verify each other to ensure that the woman was not influenced by others and deliberately made mistakes before answering these questions. s answer.

Lu Xin didn't have a little time until then, went outside the factory building and smoked a cigarette.

The doll was sitting in a helicopter not far away, quiet, and there was no one beside him.

Now that she is outside the city, everyone will stay away from her as much as possible when it is not necessary to avoid accidents.

Lu Xin felt that he should pass.

But he didn't know what to say in the past, so he silently thought about the time of a cigarette.

Then he walked over.

When he heard his footsteps, the baby with his head hanging down and the fox mask on his face looked up to him.

In the eye sockets, there are black pupils.

It was strange that Lu Xin could even see that she was smiling while wearing a mask.

"what are you thinking about?"

Lu Xin looked for words slowly.

In fact, he has been quick to hear from the gecko. He didn't listen to the persuasion of anyone who heard the doll, and went out to find his own affairs. The feeling in his heart was actually a little subtle. After all, he was a good employee who obeyed the regulations.

This is a negative textbook in front of you!

However, thinking about her head down and walking outside the city, the people all over the city were anxious and afraid but couldn't keep her.

…And it is indeed very interesting!

…The strongest fighter is the strongest fighter, and the whole city must be convinced when the temper comes together.

The doll had always kept his head down, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com noticed that Lu Xin was approaching, and did not dare to look up at him, as if worried about being scolded, but after hearing Lu Xin's question, he found that his tone did not seem to be angry, so he raised his head and looked at Lu. Xin smiled, and then she seemed to think of something, thought for a moment, without saying a word, suddenly turned around and fumbled behind the seat.

After a while, she took out a small box and showed it to Lu Xin.

Inside are six cyan, red, and yellow glutinous rice dumplings, some resembling cat heads and some resembling pigs.

Lu Xin couldn't help being taken aback, then smiled and said, "It just so happens that I'm hungry."

Saying that he took the box, he leaned on the helicopter and slowly shared glutinous rice dumplings with the doll.

The light rain around has stopped, and the sky is bright.

A ray of sunlight shone through the clouds from the east and fell on the wilderness that had just rained.

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