Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 413: Qinggang Individual Squad

"The situation is worse than we thought."

After an hour of interrogation, Chen Jing walked out of the factory.

Waved his hand, the gecko came over eagerly and handed her a cigarette.

When Lu Xin, the drunkard, and the leader of the support team who had just arrived here to help collect the information came over, Chen Jing pinched out the cigarette, rubbed her eyebrows, and said: " I learned from their interrogation that the technology church came this time because of an oracle. The specific purpose is not known, but it can be seen that their archbishop has made sufficient preparations."

"Their plan this time, called the'Gospel Project', is related to the happy town queen. It's a pity that the red-haired rose knight has been seriously polluted, her thinking is chaotic, and she has a low position. , Don’t understand the inside story."

"The white-haired one, I suspect that he is still not a human being, he has been transformed into an improper way, and he has been tortured..."

"Now, I can't ask anything."


The gecko looked at Lu Xin's face with a "swish". .

Lu Xin was taken aback, somewhat innocent, shook his head, and said, "I didn't do it..."

The gecko said firmly: "I believe it."

Lu Xin touched his forehead, feeling an urge to call his sister over.

"It does not matter."

Chen Jing glared at the gecko, waved her hand, and said:

"From the current results, Qinggang has paid a great price, but the technology church has also lost a lot."

As he spoke, his face became serious, and he said, "At present, I can be sure that there are seven people from the Science and Technology Church."

"One of them is the archbishop, four knights, and a tech priest."

"The last woman said that she didn't know her either, she was brought from Water Bay City, and she hadn't really come into contact with it."

"And their purpose is to use the power of this S-level restricted area to implement the Gospel Project."



The gecko couldn't help but slap his tongue: "Seven people, dare to hit the forbidden zone, and are not even afraid of head-to-head with us Qinggang?"


Chen Jing sighed: "If it is a powerful person, seven people, or even one person, it will be enough to destroy a city."

Thoughtful, the gecko glanced from Lu Xin's body to the doll sitting in the helicopter in the distance.

"I see, nuclear bomb level."


After hearing this, Lu Xin turned his head and glanced at the doll, thinking that the gecko was right.

Chen Jing quickly swept past Lu Xin, and then yelled at the gecko: "Shut up."

The gecko shrank his head and began to behave like a quail.

"What I want to say below is the point."

Chen Jing's voice became more solemn, and said: "In order to implement this'Gospel Project', they made three preparations."

"The plan code-named'Flower of Death' was the first one, and it was this plan that we destroyed just now."

"The second plan is codenamed'Crimes of Greed', and the executor is the'wish priest' among the four knights. I suspect that on the way we came, we saw the armed forces rushing towards Happy Town. It's part of this plan."

"The specific content is unknown now, but the bear child and the goddess have gone to investigate."

"The third plan is the'spiritual fortress', completed by the bishop himself."

"The specific content is also unknown, but it can be determined to be related to the queen of Happy Town."


Having said this, she paused, and said, "That is to say, until now, we have to at least investigate clearly and be prepared to stop each other's two plans, and be prepared to deal with their five capable people who can perform the task. , It’s only us."

Lu Xin looked around, feeling relieved, and nodded.

Gecko looked at Lu Xin and Wawa, feeling more relieved, a blank smile on his face.

The drunkard stood up on the rock next to him, patted the mud on his butt, and said with a smile:

"Xiao Chen, I think you have at least forgotten one thing..."


Being called "Xiao Chen" by a little girl with a ponytail, Chen Jing's expression was somewhat uncomfortable, but she didn't show it.

Turning his head to look at the drunkard, he said, "You said."


The drunkard unscrewed the thermos, took a sip slowly, and said:

"Didn't that document say that they brought a whole city of people from Water Bay City?"

"But I counted the dead people here just now, at best... Forget it, it's not straightforward, the numbers are scary, but what is certain is that there must be a large number of people in their hands. It is just dead or dead. Living people don’t know."

Chen Jing nodded and said, "It is true."

Although she was wearing sunglasses, she seemed to be able to see a gloomy color on her face, and said in a low voice: "To implement a plan, it will cost a city of people. Even in a technology church, there are few such big-hands. It can be seen that what their gospel plan is, it must be very scary. Alas, the research institute has disclosed the existence of the abyss and mobilized the major high-wall cities to clear the S-class restricted area."

"It happens that the technology church also made a big move at this time, and I don't know if there is a relationship between the two in the first place."

"Perhaps, this was originally a game between the science and technology church and the research institute, but it was chosen near our Qinggang."


The surrounding air seemed to become a bit depressed, and there was a faint feeling of rain and mountains coming and blowing all over the building.

But the gecko suddenly laughed at this moment: "Choosing and picking, but picking and picking our Qinggang..."

"Then are they lucky?"


Chen Jing glared at him again, and the gecko immediately retracted his neck again.

"Xiaohu also makes sense."

But the drunkard smiled and relieved the gecko, saying: "The technology church has chosen Qinggang, and it is indeed a fate..."

"Let's go, discuss with this group of young people!"

He tightened the thermos cup and walked slowly to the side with both hands on his back.

The thermos cup was hung on my wrist, dangling leisurely.

Although the drunkard is not the leader, she is highly respected after all, and everyone subconsciously followed her up.

It was also at this time that the seventeen staff members of the support team who rushed over this time had already sampled the plant and put layers of shackles and abilities on the two technology church knights who had completely lost consciousness. The suppressor also searched the surrounding area and found a modified jeep, a motorcycle painted black.

This should be the means of transportation used by the two knights on their way.

This is just right for Chen Jing and the others.

After all, they came here this time, one is to hurry, and the other is that armed forces from major gathering points gather in the middle, and they can only take a helicopter. Although it is convenient to travel, after arriving here, it is not as convenient as ground transportation.

"Well, these two cars are already clean."

The support team conducted a rigorous search and inspection of the two vehicles, and removed the positioning system, automatic defense system, etc. one by one, and almost only retained the functions of driving and engine, and then took a picture of the car cover with confidence. , Said to Chen Jing and others.

"Very well, after you go back, tell the headquarters that you need to complete these things as soon as possible."

Chen Jing nodded and said to the captain of the support team:

"First, try to repair the signal tower and restore our communication with the headquarters."

"Second, pay attention to the outside movement. When the armed threats at the gathering point are resolved, send people out as soon as possible, and then look for the comrades we sacrificed in this mission, and transport them back to Qinggang for burial. In addition, there are a large number of dead bodies piled up here. , And let the people in the headquarters come up with a solution, and deal with it as soon as the storm is over, so as not to cause the epidemic to prevail."


"Yes, please be careful too."

Saying goodbye to the support team, Lu Xin and others came to the front of the modified car together.

As a professional driver, Gecko was duty-bound to sit in the driving position, while Chen Jing sat in the position of the co-pilot. It is reasonable to say that it would be better for Lu Xin to ride a motorcycle, but the drunkard looked at the doll who ran to the front of the car early. But took the initiative to walk over to the motorcycle.

Chen Jing glanced thoughtfully at the doll standing next to the car, and whispered to Lu Xin, "Can you persuade the doll to go back first?"

Lu Xin was taken aback, and hurriedly pointed to the support team members who were moving things onto the helicopter not far away.

He slowed down his tone and said, "It's very dangerous outside, or else, you go back with them first?"

Wawa turned to look at the helicopter, then at Lu Xin, and suddenly got into the modified car with a cat waist.

Facing the window, he didn't hear anything, and no one could get out of the car.

"If you don't go back, then I will..."

Lu Xin was a little helpless, and he had a feeling for a while, ready to give her something fierce.

But when Chen Jing saw this, she hurriedly persuaded her: "It's alright, don't scare her, let's go together if she wants to."


Lu Xin couldn't get fierce all of a sudden, so he had to open the car door and get on the car honestly.

"Tsk tsk..."

The gecko in front shook his head with emotion and started the car.

The alcoholic outside also smiled and unscrewed the thermos, took a sip, then put the motorcycle helmet on his head, fastened it carefully, unscrewed the key, and drove forward, acting as The duty of this modified car to explore the way.

Lu Xin looked at the alcoholic with some envy, and the doll on one side also looked at the alcoholic curiously.

But as soon as Lu Xin turned his head and turned to the direction of the car, get ready to go! "

Chen Jing stretched out her hand and turned the rear-view mirror to one side to prevent the gecko from peeking at the doll from the rear-view mirror. She also took a deep breath, as if cheered up, and said in a deep voice: "Let’s go with the bear child first. Meet with the goddess to see if they have investigated the armed riots in the major gathering spots around them, and then go directly to Happy Town to talk to the technology church face to face."

"Let’s see if they chose Qinggang this time, whether they got lucky or fell the frieze!"


Even Lu Xin felt a little fun at this time.

Take a closer look at the current team type, it turned out to be the most perfect team type that I considered when I was in Qinggang...

My own individual soldier, actually pulled up.

The only thing that is not sure is, in this team, who is the leader?

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