Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 415: Everyone is crazy

The vehicle continued to move forward. When Lu Xin and the others passed through obstacles and approached the location where the bear children had previously sent them, they were already very close to Happy Town. The cordon marked on the military map had been blocked. They left behind.

In terms of actual distance, at this time, they have even entered the originally recognized restricted area.

It is equivalent to entering a happy town.

At this time the sun has risen, and the earth is fresh.

From a distance, Lu Xin could see long lines of ants driving through the wilderness quickly, creating a busy scene.

"Is it because of the flood discharge of the dead field?"

Chen Jing watched the reactions of various testing instruments and couldn't help frowning:

"In the old happy town, the spiritual radiation area was about 50 kilometers. It will not shrink, but it will rarely expand."

"But now, we have crossed the warning line that used to be, but the psychiatric device has yet to respond clearly..."

"This shows that the radiation range of Happy Town has been greatly reduced."


Gecko stretched his head and glanced out, and said, "The armed forces gathered here are getting more and more."

Chen Jing sighed lowly.

Obviously it was within the restricted area, but more and more people gathered, which made people feel strange.

But they have seen the madness of that family before, and they know that these people can't persuade them now.


Turning the front of the car, he turned into a small road, drove for a while along the small road almost completely inundated by weeds, and approached a barren mountain.

The gecko’s driving skills were well demonstrated at this time. The tall wheels ran over the dry grass and drove straight to the mountain until there was no road at all. Then everyone got out of the car and took up their weapons and luggage. Walking towards the mountain among the trees.

After arriving here, Lu Xin realized that a small tent had been set up on the top of the mountain.

Outside the tent, there was a short, young boy with glasses who looked like he was setting up a small table.

There was a notebook on the table. He was typing on the keyboard with a serious face, staring at the notebook. He also had a telescope and a scribbled notebook beside him.

Seeing Chen Jing and others approaching, she just looked up and didn't say hello.

Lu Xin recognized that it was the guy who secretly dozed underneath during a meeting in Qinggang.

The age seems to be very young and should not be an adult.

Sitting in front of the computer at this time, wearing a pair of thick glasses, it looked serious.

But he was not very vigilant, and he didn't seem to notice it until he walked up the mountain.


"How is the form in Happy Town now?"

Chen Jing walked straight to the boy and asked questions at the same time.

Lu Xin, the gecko, the drunkard, and the doll flying about 20 centimeters from the ground also followed.

At this time, I discovered that the top of this barren mountain is a very good place to observe.

Standing here, you can look at the direction of Happy Town from a distance.

The endless weeds, the tall dense forests, and the armed forces can all be seen clearly.


"Within an hour, three more armed forces arrived here."

The boy raised his hand and looked at the little raccoon electronic watch on his wrist, replied blankly, and continued to tap the keyboard:

"I sneaked in with the old lady who loves beauty and did some investigation, and it was basically certain."

"Now the entire Happy Town has been sealed off by these armed forces."

"At least tens of thousands of armed forces have enclosed this restricted area."

"They have even penetrated the boundaries of the restricted area we previously set. Fortunately, it seems that the spiritual radiation range of Happy Town is shrinking, so there has not been a large-scale pollution incident. However, there have been a lot of fighting with each other, but many people have died. ."

"Now, that stinky woman continues to investigate, and I am here waiting for you."


Seeing that he was engrossed in the face of the computer screen, he didn't look aside his eyes when reporting, as if he was very professional.

Lu Xin stretched his head and glanced, and found that he was playing Contra.

Lu Xin suddenly shook his head helplessly.

Not very professional.

He still remembers that Chen Jing said that this time the mission is the leader.

In other words, in theory, these people are actually their own subordinates.

Fortunately, Chen Jing even put him on herself. This working attitude...

But Chen Jing didn't mind him answering her own questions while playing games, frowned, and continued to ask:

"In the past, all the gathering points regarded the S-level restricted area as a ghost domain, and they would not approach it when killed. The so-called'forbidden area' was first called out by the surrounding gathering points. Why is it suddenly uncharacteristic now? The reason for this? Investigated?"


The bear kid said without looking up: "They will come over because their respective leaders are crazy."

"They insisted on leaving the gathering point and coming here, and whoever stops them will kill them. It is said that many forces in the gathering point have had a lot of bloodshed before they set off. Those who are not convinced by these leaders have already Was killed."

"Some of the weaker forces were also killed in the process of getting here."

"If you talk about quantity..."


He finally got through the gap, glanced at the notebook next to him, and said: "Almost twenty, the Songshan Town, Heishan Town, and the cigarette market that have records in our Qinggang, have now gone to Happy Little. Go to the outskirts of the town."

Lu Xin was slightly surprised.

It feels like this kid is not out of work, at least he has done some investigation.

Chen Jing continued: "Why is their leader crazy?"

The child bear said: "Because they now firmly believe that there is a treasure mine in Happy Town. Whoever can occupy it can quickly accumulate huge wealth, then recruit troops and buy horses, first swallow the surrounding gathering spots, and then eat Qinggang. , The sword refers to the central city..."

Chen Jing frowned slightly, glanced at the foot of the mountain, and said, "Is it just their leader crazy?"

"That's what they said when they said it."

The bear kid shook his head and said, "But in fact it should not be that simple."

"When I was in contact with the goddess just now, I could feel that the people below have a crazy energy. It seems that everyone firmly believes that there is treasure inside, and everyone believes that as long as they enter by themselves, they will be able to. Share a piece of the pie."

"So, everyone should be crazy."


The information he said at this time suddenly reminded people of the family he met on the road.

There was an absurd idea in my mind.

The S-class restricted area, which was obviously killing people invisible, and even killing people worse than death, was actually regarded as a treasure.

"And their mode of contamination..."

The bear child paused, and his fingers quickly tapped on the keyboard for a while before he continued:

"According to the analysis of my goddess and me, it should be influenced by their leader."

"But these leaders are obviously not all capable people, so these people are affected. They should use their leader as the base station and continue to spread outward, bit by bit, turning everyone into a lunatic... "

"Based on this theory, there should be another source of pollution above these leaders."

"Only by finding the source of pollution can we really grasp the key to this matter..."

"So... hey brother jump..."

"That's why the goddess decided to stay inside and continue to investigate."


A source of pollution pollutes their leader, and finally gets the leader through them and pollutes other people?

This mode of pollution sounds somewhat new.

Chen Jing also heard the seriousness of the problem at this was silent for a moment, and said to the bear child with a solemn expression:

"I have seen this mode of indirect sexual transmission, but there are not many that can be made on such a large scale. Has it been verified?"

"Are there any other obvious abnormalities to those who are the chiefs of the base station?"

"Did you guess this pollution pattern or did you find evidence?"


The action of playing the game in the hands of the bear kid stopped for a while, and said: "There is no evidence, but most things are like this, there is nothing wrong."

The gecko couldn't help hearing it, and asked next to him: "How do you know so much detail?"


The child bears his glasses with his middle finger, and said, "I kidnapped two of the leaders and they are piled in the grass over there."

"You can also go over and take a look directly."

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