Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 416: Lu Xin's idea (thanks to mustlin for becoming a red moon and white...

"I'm going, really..."

Following the direction the bear kid pointed, everyone saw two hostages in the grass.

Both of them were **** like rice dumplings, each with a mass of weed stuffed in their mouths, and at this time they had passed out.

Everyone has a bag on their forehead, which seems to be knocked hard.

Looking at one who was about thirty years old, the other seemed to be in his sixties. One is wearing a down jacket and the other is wearing a women's mink vest, but two women's vests are stitched together. Even so, he can't hold his belly a bit.

Judging from this body fat, it should indeed be the leader of the gathering point.

All of a sudden, including Lu Xin, gave the bear child a surprised look. .

Lu Xin felt a little fortunate. This bear kid looked unreliable, but he and the god-wife had investigated so many things in such a short period of time, and even kidnapped the leaders of two armed forces. , It looks pretty good!

Fortunately, I don't have the habit of taking leadership as soon as I come up.

"Wake them up."

Chen Jing immediately got ready for work and said casually.

There were five people beside him, Lu Xin, Gecko, Drunkard, and Xiongzi, especially the dolls who stood aside and waited.

The bear kid didn’t even look back, he was still playing games seriously, and the doll was just standing on one side as the background, so Lu Xin, the gecko and the drunkard looked at each other. There is no one who can work. There are only three of them left in doubt.

Thinking of this, the eyes of Lu Xin and the drunkard were all on the gecko's face again.

Gecko couldn't see both of them alone, and muttered, "I did it again?"

Chen Jing also raised her head at this time, glanced at the gecko dissatisfiedly, and said, "What are you waiting for?"

The gecko had to step forward and muttered: "Speaking of which, I am not a low level in this team."

"Where's the deputy captain..."


Although there was a lot of talk, it didn't affect work. I lowered my head and squeezed the noses of the two men, but they didn't respond to them.

When the gecko gets angry, he must stand up and untie his belt on the spot.

In Chen Jing's murderous gaze, she put down her hand that was about to untie her belt, and said to the drunkard: "Master, borrow some wine..."

The drunkard smiled and handed it over: "Save some, don't waste it."

Gecko agreed, unscrewed the lid and took a sip, then "poofed" on the faces of the two people.

Seeing that they didn't seem to respond yet, Gecko grinned and took out the lighter.

"Woo...what's the matter?"

Fortunately at this moment, the man in the women's mink vest on the left woke up and opened his eyes in a daze.

I looked around and found that I was a wild gangster, and could become a gathering leader. He immediately reacted, and opened his mouth to curse: "Where is that bastard? The one who kicked me behind while I was in the bathroom. Where's the king ba lao with feet?"

Not far away, the bear kid who was playing the game cut his ears and shrugged.

"tell me…"

Chen Jing was not polite with him, and squatted down directly, looking directly into his eyes: "Why are you here?"

Because the other party is just an ordinary person, and the person who needs to influence is also an individual, Chen Jing doesn't even use simple sentence patterns.

Just ask.

Looking at the red pupils in Chen Jing's eyes, this man with a fierce look could not help but feel confused, muttering:

"You need to ask questions when you come here, of course, to grab the treasure..."


Chen Jing frowned, her voice slowed down, and she whispered, "What treasure is it?"

The other party did not answer, but his face looked very confused, she stared at Chen Jing's face blankly, and slowly revealed a smile:

"You are so beautiful, when I grab the treasure, I can..."

"...Show you a look."


"This pollution is quite deep..."

The gecko watched aside and whispered: "In their fantasy, they found the treasure, but they were only willing to give the team leader a look."

Chen Jing frowned, obviously also aware of this problem.

Her voice slowed slightly, and she whispered again: "Tell me first, who told you there are treasures here?"

The man’s expression was a little confused at first, and after listening to Chen Jing’s words, it seemed that he had gone through a little psychological struggle, but this struggle did not last long. Suddenly, his expression became suffocated, and his throat made a rattling sound. Shouted fiercely:

"What are you asking about? Do you want to grab my treasure?"

"I killed you..."


While yelling, he straightened up so suddenly that he was about to come over and bite Chen Jing's face.

With a "pop", Chen Jing clenched her fist and hit him in the face, knocking him out again.

Then she frowned and stood up and said, "A defensive psychological mechanism has been set up."

"In his eyes, this'treasure' is the most precious thing in the world."

"No matter who it is, and no matter what method is used, as long as he wants to inquire about this secret, it will arouse his strong hostility."

"Through my ability, I can forcefully break through this level of psychological mechanism, but he is an ordinary person after all, and his will is too weak. When I forcefully break through his level of psychology, there is a great possibility that his reason will collapse prematurely. , I still can't ask."


"This at least shows that he is indeed affected by the capable person. The bear kid’s guess is reliable. When he just became agitated, I can indeed feel that his mental power fluctuations are becoming fierce, and even outwards. The trend of radiation."

"This shows that someone has planted a strong spiritual force in his heart."

"This kind of mental power is using his body to influence other people..."

"If it weren't for we are all capable people, we might be influenced by him and become members of the pursuit of treasure."


"Tsk tsk..."

Gecko couldn't help but cut in: "The staff investigating the treasure incident also joined the treasure chase. It's very emotional..."

"Ha ha."

The drunkard smiled kindly, and said to Chen Jing: "Can you see what he was affected by?"

Chen Jing shook her head and said, "I can't tell."

With that, he glanced at Lu Xin.

Lu Xin understood what Chen Jing meant, and shook his head, saying, "There is no mental monster on him."

After studying the seven-step theory, Lu Xin now understands some previously puzzled questions.

In fact, whether a person is mentally contaminated can be verified from many aspects.

Perception, emotion, sex, cognition, instinct, memory, self.

The influence of all capable people or the pollution of pollution sources is nothing more than these seven directions.

The more simple it is, the easier it will be to discover.

When some people are contaminated, their strange emotions and behaviors can already be seen at a glance.

But there are also some deep-seated influences, but they can only make judgments, but cannot accurately find the clues.

There is also such a difference in the ability to see spirit monsters.

If he is dominated and attached by a certain spiritual monster, he can see it at a glance.

But if the spiritual monster is hidden in his memory, or the influence he was affected by is only a kind of deep inside of his heart or a distortion of his emotions, then he can't see it. After all, whether it is distorted or not, then It's all his own thoughts.

"The problem is not complicated, but it is troublesome."

Chen Jing glanced at the bottom of the mountain, and could see the direction of Happy Town from a distance. There were crowded black figures gathered together, shrouded in a faint white mist, giving people a feeling like a busy ant colony, and she whispered. : "Regardless of the idea of ​​the technology church, so many people appearing around Happy Town will have an impact on our mission."

"The conflicts and battles between capable people are very troublesome once they involve ordinary people."


Lu Xin understood the meaning of Chen Jing's words.

When he was first recruited by the Special Clearance Department, there was a passage in the code:

When cleaning up special pollution, try to avoid crowds.

One is that it is too easy to hurt the innocent, and the other is that the crowd is likely to cause great variables in cleaning up.

It is even more so when facing the technology church.

Not to mention, only that the kind of mental bomb that Qin Ran and they detonated in the Qinggang-2 satellite city, relying on absorbing the mental power of the surrounding people as the magnitude of the explosion, if such a bomb is detonated in an empty place, The effect is minimal.

But if it explodes in a crowd, it will instantly produce a huge amount of lethality.

Looking at Chen Jing frowning and thinking now, Lu Xin also considered whether to help.

He actually wanted to tell Chen Jing that he was quite good at interrogation.

But in front of colleagues, it seems not good to expose this.

"Whoever they are, isn't it okay to just rush over?"

Gecko interrupted and said: "These three plans, no matter how you say them, are the most important ones, right?"

"And with the abilities of those of us, they should not be able to stop us."


"It's not that simple."

Chen Jing rubbed her eyebrows, and said, "Be careful when dealing with mental pollution. The technology church has been laid out very early. It has set up such a large field and attracted almost all the surrounding gathering points and armed forces here. There must be Their intentions."

"If we ignore these people and enter the happy town directly, it seems to save trouble."

"But in the end, it is very likely to fall into the siege of the opponents, and instead face more unnecessary troubles."


Gecko took a peek at Lu Xin and said, "Are we still afraid of trouble?"

"But we can't make fun of the lives of people in these gathering spots..."

Chen Jing turned her head, glanced at the foot of the mountain, and said in a deep voice:

"According to the habit of the technology church, these people staying around the S-class restricted area must be very dangerous."

"Even if we have two S-level capable people sitting in town, we are not afraid of this danger, but the people in these gathering points may be seriously polluted at any time, or even die. They may not be good birds, but they are all humans. People who have been polluted."

"The responsibility of our Special Clearance Department is to clean up pollution and save people as much as possible. This must never be forgotten."


When she said these words, she turned her head and glanced at the gecko.

The gecko shrank her neck for the first time, but she quickly reacted. Chen Jing didn't just reprimand herself this time. She was actually suggesting something to herself. Looking around, he immediately reacted. He was slightly startled in his heart.

It's because of Lu Xin and the baby.

The stronger the capable, the more unstable and the easier it is to lose control.

After recruiting Lu Xin, the Special Clearance Department has been paying attention to this point.

At the beginning of the cleanup task, they feared that certain behaviors would have a bad impact on Lu Xin during the cleanup process. They even dared not let Lu Xin go directly to a secondary pollution source that appeared in the image of a little girl. The way the killing was cleaned up.

Now that I have been acquainted for a long time, Lu Xin's performance has always been very stable, and he has gradually relieved, but he has ignored this problem.

The armed forces below are all living people!

If you really need to fight them head-on, even if you can win, how many deaths will you have to face, or even send them to death with your own hands?

Killing has always been a matter that has a particularly serious impact on one's own emotions.

Not everyone can kill people like hemp but keep their mental normal. Many veterans on the battlefield will have a mental breakdown.

For the capable person, psychological breakdown is loss of control.

After a little indulgence, Chen Jing discussed with the drunkard: "Now there is no other way. I can only take a risk and look at it first, find the total pollution source that affects the armed forces of these gathering points, and disperse all these people. the most important."

"There are too many people below, and they all have strong firepower. It may be dangerous, but we..."


Lu Xin didn't consider Chen Jing's worries at this time, but listened to Chen Jing's discussion with the alcoholic, and had some different opinions.

After all, the task this time seems to be self-directed, and you can't be lazy forever.

So after thinking about it for a while, he raised his head and smiled at Chen Jing and said, "Investigation like this is not a solution."

"I have a better idea..."


Chen Jing was stunned for a moment, turned her head to look at Lu Xin, and asked, "What?"

The others were also a little surprised, all looking at Lu Xin.

Lu Xin's face was very sincere. UU read www.uukā with a serious face and said: "No matter what they are affected, they are all tempted by the technology church. We don’t know what the technology church has arranged for them to do here. , I don’t need to know, I just know that they are gathered here because they are affected by a kind of fanaticism, and they may even be waiting for us to investigate."

"In this case, why should we go to investigate?"

"Of course you need to find the right way to do your work."

"The team leader said before that the best way to combat large-scale pollution is to cover it with another kind of pollution, isn't it?"


Listening to what he said, Chen Jing suddenly became a little worried, and said hurriedly, "What do you want to do?"

"It's not me..."

Lu Xin stepped aside, and everyone saw the doll waiting obediently next to him.

Then he slowly said with a smile: "How long have you not seen her completely let go of her influence?"

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