Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 417: I will protect you


When Lu Xin said this sentence in a serious tone, the atmosphere around him suddenly changed.

Everyone's eyes looked at Lu Xin with a little weirdness.

It seemed to become speechless all of a sudden.

It also seemed to be carefully discerning whether Lu Xin was joking.

This look made Lu Xin look uncomfortable, and he subconsciously touched his face, and found that there was no change in his expression.

Then he relaxed and said, "What's the matter?"

"Captain, what you just said was a doll in Qinggang..."

The gecko spoke quietly: "Because she has to run out to find you this time, Qinggang has been completely messed up."

"When we set off, Old Man Chen cried with his nose and tears. He slapped his grandson who came to him for pocket money and slapped him into the office to do his homework. The eldest sisters in the service team insisted on forming a death squad to follow. It's easy to persuade..."

"It can be said that it is really because Qinggang has no other trick to keep her behind except to die with her. That's why she has to follow the flow of the boat to join our team and follow it to support you... Even so, those few. The old professor also repeatedly asked us to have big breasts... The respected Group Leader Chen vowed several times that she must be taken back safely..."


Lu Xin didn't react to Gecko's simple remarks: "What then?"

"Then we can bring this Qinggang baby's pimple back intact, and it will burn incense..."

The gecko said with weird eyes: "As a result, you not only really see her as your own player..."

"Do you want her to exert the strongest influence?"



Such a complicated situation made Lu Xin somewhat unresponsive.

Isn't Wawa also a wage earner?

He didn't know how to answer, so he glanced at Chen Jing subconsciously.

Then he found that Chen Jing was also frowning at this time, as if she was also caught in a cloud of doubts.

Judging from this expression, it seemed that Chen Jing had shown the expression of agreeing with the opinions of gecko for the first time.

Looking at the drunkard again, he saw that the old man was slowly unscrewing the thermos, with a thoughtful look on his face.

The bear boy next to him was playing games with all his heart, but his ears were pricked up.

"I didn't think too much."

I thought that this proposal was really inappropriate, Lu Xin explained with a smile: "I just feel that what we are encountering now is such a thorny problem. The other party released a mysterious pollution and surrounded the happy town. Come up, if we don’t use more direct pollution to divert them, then we need to infiltrate them first and investigate a little bit."

"Those people have guns, and now their brains are abnormal. It's dangerous to touch them..."

"Of course, the most important thing is to waste time."

"In Happy Town, the technology church has been preparing for so long. If we don't go in again, I'm afraid we will..."


Lu Xin explained in detail and made sense.

But after listening to everyone's heart, there is still a strange feeling that can't be said.

Does he really regard Wawa as a team member?

"The truth is the truth..."

Seeing Lu Xin's gaze, Chen Jing frowned and spoke slowly: "In theory, the doll seems to be able to solve the current problem very well, saving us a lot of time, but the problem is that the doll is The person Qinggang cares most about, when in Qinggang, every move about her needs to be signed by Professor Chen and Professor Bai and at least two gentlemen."

"Now, we haven't continued to test her for nearly three years, and we don't know where her limit is..."

"In case she releases the suppression, the consequences will be terrible..."


Listening to Chen Jing's words, Lu Xin finally understood their worries.

"I support Xiaobing's suggestion."

At this moment, the alcoholic who was holding a thermos cup next to him suddenly raised his head and said something seriously.

Chen Jing suddenly looked at her in surprise.

Even Lu Xin and Gecko felt a little surprised, falling on her young and energetic faces.

The girl’s expression seemed strangely calm and capable at this time. She slowly turned her head and glanced at Chen Jing, then whispered: “Old Chen, I don’t have as much burden as you, so what I want to do is to hurry up. To solve the problem together, go home and eat, I just think about it. Since the technology church has come here, it must have found out the details of Qinggang, or think it has found out."

"They dare to use such a large-scale pollution. Maybe it is expected that we have no corresponding countermeasures. They can only be led by the nose, and even introduced step by step into the trap, so I feel that At this moment…"

"Using the influence of the doll is actually a strange trick."

"The best way to combat large-scale pollution is to cover pollution. This truth has been proven many times."

"Furthermore, the influence of the doll can be self-controlled to a certain extent, and it can also ensure that those people will return to normal people afterwards."

"...Of course the relationship between husband and wife may be affected a little bit!"


"I admit that the abilities of the doll are very suitable, but everything about the doll must be carefully considered."

Chen Jing heard what the drunkard said, and immediately asked: "In our opinion, letting the dolls is the best way to solve this problem, but have you ever thought that in case the technology church releases such a large area of ​​pollution, it is just for Bring the doll out?"

The drunkard said with a smile: "Before this, can you think of the doll coming out?"

Chen Jing was silent.

The drunkard said again: "Before this, can you be willing to let the doll do its best?"

Chen Jing was silent again.

The drunkard took a sip of wine slowly, and said with a smile: "We can't even think of it ourselves, how did the technology church think of it?"


She slowly screwed on the thermos and turned to look at Lu Xin: "Even if the science and technology church is prepared, isn't there still a small soldier here?"

"I believe he can protect the baby."


Chen Jing took a deep breath and stopped talking.

She waved her hand to everyone, saying that she needed space to think about it.

Slowly turned around, walked to the edge of the top of the mountain, raised his head and looked down the mountain.

At the foot of the mountain, gunshots were heard from time to time, and armed vehicles full of people drove up and down in the wilderness, killing intent.

Chen Jing slowly lowered her head, only to see a thin figure from the back.

"This one…"

Lu Xin didn't expect that such a suggestion would make Chen Jing so embarrassed.

He could see that at this time, she should be entering into deep thinking through all aspects, and it is not good to disturb her, but silently thinking in her heart, besides letting the doll take action, is there any other way to solve it? this problem.

"I made a decision."

But before Lu Xin started to think, Chen Jing suddenly turned her head and spoke resolutely.

Lu Xin was stunned, and subconsciously lowered his head and glanced at the digital watch: It has only been less than twenty seconds.

"It should be an extraordinary method in an extraordinary period."

After Chen Jing made the decision, her expression suddenly became very relaxed, but her voice sounded bold, and said: "I have been carefully considered and considered from many aspects. I feel that whether it is the urgency of our task or the right The doll’s own ability test, or out of consideration for the safety of the armed forces at the gathering point, is a very worthy bet..."

She paused, changed her statement, and said, "It's a decision to give it a go!"


The gecko who was drinking from the water cup almost choked out: "Group leader, after thinking about it for a long time, you decided to take a gamble?"

Chen Jing glanced at him coldly: "This is a decision I made after in-depth scientific thinking."

The gecko shrank his head and whispered, "Do you still need to report to the higher level?"

"no need."

Chen Jing said, "After all, time is pressing."

He added another sentence: "Although it is indeed dangerous to do so, I think it is still quite a big win."

Gecko couldn't help muttering again: "It's more like a gamble.

This time, Chen Jing, drunkard, Lu Xin, including Xiong Zi, all turned their heads and glared at him.

"I didn't expect the team leader to hesitate, but once he made a decision, he was more courageous than himself..."

Lu Xin also sighed.

Even he did not expect to make decisions directly without reporting to the headquarters.

However, it must be admitted that the team leader's decision is reasonable. If you really ask the headquarters for instructions, you must be more likely to be rejected.

After all, this is Qinggang's doll.

But in any case, just agree.

He smiled and glanced at the doll not far away, and said, "So, discuss the specific work?"

Chen Jing glanced at him deeply, nodded and said, "Okay."

Ten minutes later, Lu Xin and Wawa got on the modified car that originally belonged to the Church of Science and Technology.

It was him who drove, and the doll sat in the position of the co-pilot.

The two drove out of the mountain, along the dilapidated and cracked road, and drove straight towards the happy town.

At this time, Wawa didn’t know what had happened. She just realized that the person who came with her had disappeared. Only Lu Xin was left by her side. Thinking about it carefully, it seemed that she had been the first since she met Lu Xin. Two people get along at the same time.

Slowly, she turned her head and glanced at Lu Xin, then suddenly took off her mask and laughed.

"As soon as I get the chance, I will take off my mask immediately..."

Lu Xin thought secretly: "It seems that the service team said it was good before. She really doesn't like the feeling of wearing a mask..."

Then, watching the tents armed with the gathering points getting closer and closer, he sighed softly.

Said to the baby:

"You should always suppress yourself deliberately, UU reading because you are worried that you will hurt others accidentally?"

"This time it doesn't matter. Not only can you take off the mask, you can take off everything else you don't like."


Hearing what Lu Xin said, the baby was slightly startled.

Soon she turned her head to look at Lu Xin in disbelief, her eyes gradually getting bigger.

"Yes it is."

Lu Xin looked at her silly look and found it very funny. He smiled and nodded, confirmed what he said just now, and said: "Because this time we are working and doing business, so you don't need to Worried about hurting others."

"Of course, there is no need to worry about other people hurting you."

He turned his head and looked at the baby's eyes, and said seriously: "I will protect you here."

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