Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 422: What a big challenge

"So, this is the back hand of the Technological Church?"

Lu Xin took a deep breath and continued to look through the rear mirror, showing his mother a questioning gaze.

"How did they make these monsters in the abyss come to reality?"


I asked this question because Lu Xin remembered that he had seen a similar phenomenon.

When the maritime powers attacked Qinggang, they used this method of summoning the monsters of the abyss to descend.

It's just that, that time, it may be because of the opponent's ability. His call was only in a state of semi-arrival. All the spiritual monsters were parasitic on the human body. Anyway, no one could see it, so it was swaggering. Swagger over the market.

This time, it really came, or rather, it really crawled out of the abyss.

"Actually, the operation method is very simple..."

Mother said with a smile: "The people in the technology church have already aroused the greed of these people. The girl next to you has increased their greed. This fermented **** is the most monster in the abyss. The things you like to eat, coupled with the influence of some power, make people’s minds extremely fragile, and the monsters in the abyss will naturally crawl out..."

"Human reason has always been a very interesting thing, say he is strong, it is not difficult for monsters to appear."

"Say it is fragile, the monster in the abyss has been unable to easily come to reality..."


Sure enough, it has something to do with the double pollution of the doll and the technology church. .

Two powerful influential forces clashed with the body of ordinary people on the battlefield, giving the monsters of the abyss a chance to crawl out.

Lu Xin secretly thought about the logic inside, and understood more about mental pollution.

Perhaps this is the idea of ​​the Technology Church. They don’t know what Qinggang will do to solve their second plan, but they are ready to let the spirit monster climb out of the abyss from the beginning, and the rest is only needed. Just waiting like this.

The problem is only how to solve the spiritual monster.

Lu Xin was no stranger to the abyss.

After the research institute followed Xia Chong into the abyss once, he had a preliminary understanding of this terrible place.

That is the place where the evil thoughts in people's hearts gather, and it is a place that people cannot look directly at.

But even such a place, because of some kind of mutation, has become real.

The true meaning is that not only does it exist, but there are many aboriginal people in it.

Some spiritual monsters that can't be found in reality, most of them originate here.

All of these monsters feel creepy but familiar after being seen or touched.

Because they are born in people's hearts.

And these spiritual monsters, it seems that to some extent, they are divided into higher and lower ranks.

At the bottom are the cheap hands of evil thoughts that cover the entire abyss, always stretching out incessantly.

They seem to want to grasp everything that can be grasped.

But they can grasp it very well, and more only damage it through their sharp nails, so that others can't grasp it.

In addition to these evil hands, Lu Xin has also come into contact with some other spiritual monsters.

Just like the two spiritual monsters summoned by the mysterious organization of the real hometown that appeared in the original Qinggang-4 satellite city.

Later, these two spirit monsters came to Lu Xin's house as guests, and expressed a very high appreciation and enthusiastic response to the enthusiasm and hospitality of Lu Xin's family. The two spirit monsters can basically reach more than two thousand spirit levels, can move freely, and have independent consciousness. Among the spirit monsters, they are one level higher than the hand of evil thoughts.

Later, the S-class of the sea country attacked Qinggang, and through a mysterious prayer or curse ritual, it summoned a large number of spiritual monsters to appear in the main city of Qinggang, which also came from the abyss. It’s just that, from the perspective of the magnitude of the spirit, these summoned spirit monsters should be a little weaker than the two summoned from the real hometown...

However, when the S-level capable person of the maritime nation made a desperate move, he summoned some strong ones.

But at the time, my father was losing his temper, but he was all cut off.

If the Hand of Evil Thought is regarded as the lowest-level spiritual monster, the one summoned by the prayer ceremony should belong to the first level.

Summoned by the mysterious organization of the real hometown, it should belong to the second level.

Lu Xin, who was even more powerful, had also seen him. When he followed Xia Chong into the abyss, he stared at himself and Xia Chong inexplicably, and when he was about to catch up with him, he glanced at himself, and then suddenly chose inexplicably. The backing monster...

Listen to the meaning of Xia Chong, what lord level does it seem to be?

There is no doubt that what I see right now should not be as good as that lord level, and the mental level is far behind.

With that said, what I see now should be lower than the lord level and stronger than the middle level of the second...

Then call it level three, right?

This number is easy to remember and very convenient.

…Looking back at the database, I don’t know if there is anything like Abyss Monster Encyclopedia.


While Lu Xin was considering these issues, the twisted air behind him grew more and more.

When he turned his head, he could see that there were already more and more spiritual monsters crawling out of the heads of those desperately running, like giant weird worms, blinking their eyes. , Opened his mouth foolishly.

They were swallowed by a deformed protective body, and hurried over to their jeep.

One, two, three, it seems that they already have a feeling of a vast expanse.

However, if you look directly in the rearview mirror, you can only see the twisted air.

It seems that the earth is burning, burning the air into pieces of varying density.

"These monsters were caused by the greed of the armed forces at the gathering points that were affected. Therefore, they have inherited that greed. Therefore, they will chase the dolls until they can completely attract them. Devour?"

"I don't know whether they will return to the abyss after they swallow the doll."

"If not, it would be terrible. In this wilderness, there will be countless large moving sources of pollution."

"Everyone is a lunatic..."


Lu Xin thought so, took a deep breath and turned to look at the baby.

The small face of the doll at this time seemed to be a little nervous, and she kept turning her head to look behind her.

Maybe she can't see those spiritual monsters, but her feelings are particularly sensitive.

She should be able to feel the pressure that gradually became huge, chaotic, and brutal.

This made her feel scared.

In the past, every time she forgot to control herself, she would cause great chaos. Could it be the same this time?

Especially, this time she did not suppress herself at all.

If chaos is caused, she will have deep self-blame.

"It's okay, you did a good job."

Lu Xin looked at her, reached out and pinched her chin with one hand, and turned to look at her.

Then he smiled and said: "Now what you have to do is don't panic, and then everything will listen to me, understand?"

Seeing Lu Xin's smile, Wawa widened her eyes subconsciously, and then shook her head vigorously.

She seemed to like listening to Lu Xin's words.

Lu Xin comforted her, then turned to look at her mother again, and said, "How to deal with these things?"

Mother smiled gracefully and charmingly. She glanced at the doll and said, "The easiest way is to give her to them."

"After getting her, they will immediately hide in the abyss and protect her."

"You want them to stay, but they won't..."


Lu Xin was a little helpless, shook his head firmly, and said, "I'm talking about business..."

"Give her to the spirit monster, is that fair?"

"I promised to protect her..."


"If you are not willing to hand her over, then you will face a big challenge..."

My mother seemed very happy when she saw Lu Xin's upset, but when it came to the topic, her expression became serious, and she said to Lu Xin solemnly: "For example, facing so many spiritual monsters at once, after all What should I do..."

"Can you guarantee that you won't be escaped by them?"



Lu Xin was stunned by his mother's words, but he laughed after a while: "It's really a big challenge..."

Looking up to the front, it was quickly determined that it was a mountainous area about three or four kilometers in front of the left.

A few are not high, but closely spaced mountains are crowded together. There is a road that seems to have been abandoned for a long time, winding straight up, leading into the mountains, and then passing between the two mountains, like a natural piece of land. The prison seems to meet the requirements.

So he took a deep breath, turned the front of the car abruptly, and rushed into the road.

Originally, the road in this wilderness was in disrepair due to age, and it was very difficult to navigate.

This road that no one has walked for many years is even more difficult to walk. It is rugged and bumpy. However, after borrowing the power of his sister, Lu Xin firmly held the steering wheel and regarded this high-performance modified car as a car. The helicopter is coming.

Anyway, it’s not my own, and I don’t have to feel distressed if it breaks.

Oh oh oh...

From a distance, I only saw Yiqi Juechen, rushing straight to the mountain.

Behind him, there were more and more human face worms, their bodies stretched and contracted, and quickly followed behind him.

At the same time, Chen Jing and others had already quickly descended the mountain and rushed forward. Between the completely abandoned camp, they quickly found a new means of transportation, even the guns that were thrown on the ground. I picked up a lot and added equipment.

Then they didn't waste any time, and rushed to the place agreed with the goddess.

The happy town, which was originally surrounded by countless armed forces, was already empty at this time, but they were allowed to walk at will.

In a village site full of towering trees, they found the mark left by the goddess.

At this time, one is because the transmission of signals is inconvenient in the wilderness.

It’s also because everyone knows that it’s fighting with the technology church, and the technology church is always suffixed with the word technology no matter what it believes in. Various facts have also proved that the technology church seems to have been holding all kinds of advanced and even incomprehensible blacks. Technology.

Since the opponent is so terrible, of course they are on guard so as not to be intercepted by them at will.

Therefore, the goddess used a relatively primitive method to leave messages to them.

"The goddess said that the madness of these gathering spots may be related to a person carrying a silver suitcase and dressed as a priest."

After seeing the signal, the child bear said to other people: "She saw that the gathering spots around her suddenly became messy, and she knew we were here, so she took this opportunity to track down the pastor and leave us a message. Find a way to contain that person."

As soon as Chen Jing pondered, she decided to believe in the power of the goddess.

"There are not many roads to enter Happy Town. If that person is on the periphery and wants to enter Happy Town, there is only one way."

Glancing at the map, she pointed to a place, and said solemnly: "Let's wait for him in the past!"

In the small courtyard, the pastor took a deep look at the north, and could feel the chaotic spiritual radiation there.

"The monster in the abyss has crawled out?"

There was a kind of gentle but mean sneer on his face:

"Qinggang has now become ambitious because it has strengthened its cooperation with the research institute?"

"Just sit and watch the abyss monster crawl out, but there is no corresponding action?"

"Hehe, then I only wish you good luck..."


Nodded in that direction with a smile, and then carried the suitcase.

He strode out of the door, and walked along the grassy path in the village towards Happy Town.

After walking a few steps, he suddenly looked back.

All I saw were the quiet streets of the village. Among the weeds on the streets, there were only traces of him walking alone. Because of the cover of too many trees, the whole village looks quiet and gloomy, and the low walls are shattered. The silence makes people feel flustered.

The priest smiled, turned around, and continued to walk forward.

The sound of stepping on withered grass became the only reverberating movement in this village, with a mysterious meaning.

But gradually, the sound of broken footsteps seemed to become slightly elongated, and every sound had a corresponding echo.

No, it's not an echo, someone is walking around following their own pace.

Just behind me.

The priest turned his head abruptly, and he saw that he was still empty behind him, and no one could be seen.

Looking at this desolate village street, UU reading www. uukanshu. A smile suddenly appeared on his face.

"The people in Qinggang are getting bolder..."

He seemed to be talking to an invisible person, and he seemed to be talking to himself.

Standing in place for a while, as if thinking about something.

In the end, he just shook his head slightly, with a playful smile on his face.

Then from under his large clothes, he drew a double-shot shotgun, lightly held it in his hand, then turned around, holding the shotgun in one hand and the silver handgun in the other, and stepped away. Stride, walk straight to the outside of the village.

A rustling voice sounded behind him, and that footstep seemed to be following him again, but he didn't care at all.

There seemed to be some smiles in the voice, echoing slowly between the streets:

"If your wish is to follow me, then I will fulfill your wish and let you follow me."

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