Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 423: This is our plan


The galloping modified car almost flew on the bumpy mountain road.

Before the back **** touched the ground, he had turned around in a hurry, and plunged his head into the lane surrounded by high mountains, completely blocked by the peaks on both sides. At the same time, Lu Xin also turned his head and smiled softly at the doll beside him:

"The fun is here, now you can put away your influence."

The baby on one side was a little scared by the speeding car on Lu Xinshan Road, and his little hand was clutching the seat belt.

After hearing what Lu Xin said, she turned her head in surprise.

Lu Xin's reassuring smile greeted her.

Hum rumbling...

The sun was shining quietly among the mountains and forests that had just rained and still seemed a little wet, and it seemed quiet. .

The remaining drops of water condense on the grass blades, reflecting the color of sunlight.

But suddenly, there was a violent air shaking in the mountains.

Nothing appeared, but the tall trees suddenly clashed.

Some even were squeezed directly by invisible forces.

The weeds on the ground were rolled up in pieces, like clear paper money, flying everywhere.

Masses of air are squeezed, trembling to transmit this invisible pressure to the front, but because the thing that squeezes the air is invisible, there is still nothing to see, only the ripples in the air. , Getting denser and denser.

One after another, mental monsters crazily squeezed into this lane, and climbed greedily.

But on the road that happened to block the sun, they didn't see their goal.

On this long road, a clear trace of ruts meandered to the front.

For them, rutting is meaningless, they are tracking the smell that drives them crazy.

But the smell was becoming extremely weak, even disappearing, so they panicked.

Along the lane, you scrambled to grab, and squeezed and climbed forward quickly.

Finally, in the depths of the road, in front of a big rock that rolled down from the top of the mountain, they saw the modified car, but the car was empty and the door opened. They could feel that the car seemed to There is still that kind of residual spiritual power.

Countless spiritual monsters desperately squeezed to the front of the car, greedily trying to compete for the remaining spiritual power.

Because of the excessive air squeezing, the modified car shook slightly.


The car glass suddenly appeared cracks, spreading little by little, and then suddenly shattered into small pieces of fine glass ballast.

This kind of remaining spiritual power can't satisfy them at all.

Therefore, I don't know how many mental monsters who got into the car or couldn't get into the car suddenly raised their heads.

Hundreds of eyes growing up and down all over his body showed greedy expressions at the same time.

The face with a stiff smile, thin mouths, and at the same time uttered annoying shouts.


But at this moment, a voice suddenly rang from above.

Countless spirit monsters looked up at the same time and saw a young man squatting down on the top of the mountain.

Next to him was a girl holding an umbrella and wearing a thick black dress.

Although this girl seems to have used a certain method to hide her crazy mental power, but these spiritual monsters who have been seeking out still feel that she is the source of all the extraordinary attraction. .

The eyes on his body were blinking desperately, and surprise expressions appeared on every face.

But they didn't rush up in a hurry, because the young man squatted beside the girl.

At this time, he was smiling and looking down, his chin was slightly tapped, as if he was counting the number of these spiritual monsters.

Then there was a smile on his face, and he looked up to the distance: "It should be guaranteed that they won't run away now, right?"


Elegant and crisp footsteps sounded from the back of the lane, as if someone was wearing high heels stepping on the hard road surface.

This kind of footsteps is not particularly loud, but it makes all the spirit monsters feel a kind of heartfelt horror.

In the next moment, the valley seemed to get darker and darker.

Although this valley is blocked from the sun by the mountains next to it, it is daytime after all, and there is still plenty of light.

At this moment, there is a feeling that the light is slowly being pulled away, and the surrounding scenery has become gloomy, as if it has cast a shadow. The most important thing is that this kind of shadow is still deepening, from Gray, gradually has a tendency to change to black.


There was a weird and cute laugh: "Brother, are these all my toys?"

"Don't make trouble."

The young man squatting on the top of the mountain reprimanded her and corrected: "This is obviously our toy..."

I don't know what others think, anyway, these spiritual monsters who rushed into the lane suddenly felt a strange feeling.

So scary...

The priest walked briskly out of the village, and walked step by step in the direction of Happy Town along the path flooded by weeds.

The sun is above the head, but it makes people feel a bit cold.

Perhaps it was because of the wind blowing in the unobstructed wilderness around, perhaps because of the looming footsteps behind him.

Obviously when walking forward, there always seemed to be a person behind him.

But when you deflect your head, you will only see the empty wilderness.

From this perspective, the pastor should be an optimistic person.

He didn't look back, nor did he raise the shotgun in his hand to deter him, just walked forward in a hurry.

He held the silver box in one hand, and the shotgun in the other, and even patted his lap lightly.

It's like walking while humming something in my heart.

The sound of broken footsteps behind him still followed.

However, there was nothing except the sound of footsteps and the strange feeling that made people feel close behind.

No hand was suddenly placed on his shoulder, and no bullet suddenly flew towards the vest.

The man seemed to be just following him and looking at him at the same time.

Lifting his feet, touching the ground with two noises, the priest gradually moved away from the village and into the wilderness.

The path was originally a country road more than two meters wide, but at this time, because of the cover of weeds, only a shallow grassy path can be seen, extending all the way to the distance. A few hundred meters away, there is a seven-eight-meter-wide river with a stone bridge across the river.

This kind of rural bridge seems to have a particularly long life force. Thirty years later, it still steadily straddles the two banks of the river.

After passing the bridge, you can go to Happy Town.

But the pastor stopped when he walked through the rice field full of weeds and came to the bridge.

Because on the bridge at this time, there has been a child sitting cross-legged in the middle of the bridge. He is wearing clean clothes that talents in the high wall city will wear, and a simple and convenient folding flat table is placed in front of him. There is a laptop on the table.

It seems that he is very young, but he wears big glasses on his face.

At this time, he was alone, sitting quietly in the middle of the bridge, seriously facing the computer and typing on the keyboard.

By his side, there were two others.

One was a tall and surprisingly tall woman in black combat uniform, leaning on a motorcycle with short hair.

She was wearing huge sunglasses on her face and a gun in her hand.

The other one was a young girl in school uniform.

It seems that he is only seventeen or eighteen years old, sitting on the bridge pier, holding a thermos cup in his hand.

When they noticed the pastor's coming, they all turned around, and their eyes fell quietly on the pastor.

When the priest stopped the footsteps, the smashing noise behind him also disappeared.

The priest smiled, and then slowly walked forward, looking up at the child on the bridge, with a gentle smile on his face:

"Is this your Qinggang plan?"

His voice was polite, and his palm lightly patted his right chest, as if he was saluting.

Only when he raised his head, there was a sneer in his eyes: "To be honest, you didn't surprise me too much."

"Technology church, wish pastor?"

The short-haired woman leaning on the motorcycle stood up straight, slender, but her voice was very calm.

"Now, we suspect that you belong to the missionary of the Technological Church and have done something harmful to our Qinggang, so we are waiting for you here, hope you can go back with us to investigate, if you are ready to resist, then you will talk about it after you do ."



The pastor's face slowly showed a smile, as if he was really happy. He saluted again and said softly: "I apologize for my arrogance just now. The main reason is that a shadow has been following me. My mood became a little bad."

"Now, I formally ask you a question."

"Are you Qinggang really ready to stop our technology church?"

"Perhaps we can talk about it, for example, I will use the conditions of satisfying one of you and one wish in exchange for your concessions..."


"No need to talk."

The woman with short hair whispered: "After all, you have killed many people in Qinggang."

"When you don't take the lives of our Qinggang colleagues seriously, we will no longer have the possibility of talking."


"Ha ha…"

When the priest was talking to the short-haired woman, UU looked down slightly, as if he did not dare to look her eyes squarely.

He was still smiling, but his voice seemed to have some strange emotions, and he whispered softly: "I must admit that Qinggang is really different from four years ago, but I am also curious as to what it is. What gave you so much courage..."

"How dare to appear in front of me so directly?"


The woman with short hair was taken aback, and then she understood what he was talking about.

There was a feeling of disgust on his face, and he calmly said: "Time is running out, we don't have so many twists and turns to design."

"Waiting for you here and arresting you are all our plans."

"If you think this is a kind of contempt for you, then I'll say sorry to you."

"After all, you are a criminal in our eyes, nothing more!"

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