Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 426: The intention of the bear child (Thanks again to mustlin for being...

"Son of a bitch……"

The bullet holes on the priest's body brought him endless pain.

It is more of anger, the kind of anger that almost ruins all of his own sanity.

He couldn't accept that he, as a knight of the technology church, would actually fall into the hands of such a child. The opponent didn't even seem to be an adult, and he definitely didn't look like a real warrior, because he was already shaking with fright at this time.

A kid who was trembling because he shot and hit someone, actually defeated himself?

This is absolutely unacceptable to the pastor.

So he almost yelled at his throat, and with the last of his strength, he reached out to open the silver box.

The question has already been asked, he just wants to open the box now. .

And looking at his movements, across from him, the kid didn't stop him.

His weakness seemed to be timid, he was scared at this time, and he even forgot to stop this most important step.


But just when the priest's hand was already on the lid of the box, a bullet with a flashing blue arc flew over.

The bullet seemed to have gone through a careful plan. It did not hit the priest himself, fearing that it would be distorted by his power. It just hit the ground between the priest’s crotch, but the bullet hits and immediately exploded a blue arc, sending the priest to the ground. Spread.

The priest's body trembled like an electric shock, and the palm of his hand that had been pressed on the lid of the box became weak.

The box seemed to be several hundred kilograms heavy, and his weak wrists could not open the lid of the box.

The loss of wounds and blood made him extremely weak.

After all, he is not a spider system, after not being hit by a bullet, he still has the ability to maintain a super combat effectiveness.


It was also at this time that the drunkard and Chen Jing rushed up at the river bed.

Chen Jing kicked it, kicked both hands of the priest away, then aimed at his left and right hands, and fired repeatedly.

The bullet fell, smashing his two hands.

He aimed at the joints of his two legs and ankles and fired continuously, completely depriving him of all possible mobility.

The drunkard quickly approached and threw a collar of the ability suppressor to his neck, which automatically snapped.

The battle is over.


The drunkard and Chen Jing both sighed in relief, then raised their hands and waved to the gecko that was lying in the distance.

One rushed to the bear child, and the other rushed to the goddess lying in the grass behind.

Fortunately, the bear child was actually not injured, just frightened.

With tears rolling in his eyes, he tremblingly said, "I...I didn't want to hurt him."

"it's okay no problem……"

Chen Jing looked into his eyes and persuaded softly: "You didn't mean it, you didn't hurt this person just now..."

"...He brought it in by himself."

Her voice was very gentle, and her pupils were slightly red.

The bear child's eyes were confused for a moment, and then his emotions gradually stabilized.

Chen Jing was a little relieved now.

The bear child was also recruited by her, and he was indeed a minor.

His ability is very useful. It is based on a kind of "prank".

It was probably because of this idea of ​​making fun of people, but not really hurting people, that his ability was elusive without the opponent's understanding, which made this strange pastor talk about it.

But his weaknesses are equally obvious.

He is just a child, and it is easy to be frightened.

Especially when his ability caused real damage, there will be a mysterious backlash.

Therefore, Chen Jing must make him forget about this temporarily, so as not to have a big impact on his emotions.

At the same time, the drunkard had also picked up the limp goddess.

On the surface, it seemed that the goddess was actually the most seriously injured. Although she was wearing a body armor, which allowed her to escape the strong shotgun bullets of the priest, the impact of the bullet still made her chest. There were several fractures.

Later, a special bullet twisted by the priest was shot at her shoulder, causing her to be injured even more, and her spirit was also confused.

"Quick...look at it..."

At this time, the goddess, who was still in a semi-comatose state, stretched her palms upwards weakly, and her red lips murmured:

"Look...Is there any makeup..."


"No no, very good..."

The drunkard checked her wound, relieved slightly, and then said helplessly: "The young people now..."

"The makeup is really bad..."


The grass in the distance trembled for a while, and the gecko rushed over with a long sniper: "Is it all right? Is it all right?"

"Has anyone been injured?"

"When you look at me, I said that I should be responsible for the close combat. You must let me get a cold shot..."


Chen Jing, who had just counted the entire battlefield, waved her hand, exhaled deeply, and said: "Fortunately, with the abilities of the five of us, we can take him down without a dead person. It's already pretty good. I have to admit that the abilities of the Technological Church are indeed very powerful. His abilities based on'desire' have not been recorded in our Qinggang data at all..."

"Yes, what is this ability?"

The gecko recalled the process of the battle just now, and his heart was also frowned upon.

For the first time, he discovered that a bullet that came out of the chamber under his absolute certainty would actually be disobedient.

"Preliminary guess, it should be the mental field around him..."

Chen Jing took a deep look at the pastor: "Since he appeared in front of us, a mental force field has been developed. He seems to be able to refract and distort our attacks by adjusting the power in this spiritual force field, whether it is Our ability is still a bullet, we will enter the force field first, and then approach him. In this force field, he has a certain amount of space to manipulate..."

"But he should only be able to control if he is sure of the opponent's true intentions."

"The intention of the bear child, no one can grasp it, so..."


"It's not just ability."

At this time, the drunkard also walked over with the goddess, rested on a piece of relatively soft weed, turned around, and said, "I suspect that in addition to his own abilities, he already has some kind of extension. Being able to deal with the offenses of several of us at the same time means that he is already in the second stage, and his continuous use of abilities does not seem to be possible only in the second stage."

The gecko was shocked: "The third stage?"

Chen Jing shook her head and said, "If it is the third stage, we might not even have a chance to shoot."

As he said, his gaze swept back and forth on him, and finally fell on the silver suitcase, and said softly: "He should have used the power of some parasitic item to increase his ability. The most terrifying thing is, this The power of parasitic objects..."

"I didn't even have time to fully play out."


Until then, she still remembered the pastor's effort to open the silver box.

Thinking of the dangerous and dangerous situation just now, even she couldn't help feeling a little lingering.

"When the goddess is sober, we can know the results of her investigation."

The drunkard glanced at the goddess who was still in a semi-coma, sighed softly, and turned to look for his thermos.

At the same time, said: "But ten have **, the core of the second plan is in this box."

Chen Jing nodded slightly and said, "The mission is complete."

Turning his head slightly as he said, he said with some worry: "I don't know what happened to the individual soldiers."



A pair of specially sewn improved military boots stepped on a broken face, shattering this face with only a mask-like layer left, but still moving wildly with eyes and mouth, Lu Xin walked slowly in the direction of the modified car.

The doll followed him obediently and glanced at him, her eyes seemed to be worshipful.

The entire section of the road has become chaotic at this time. A large area of ​​the cracked asphalt road has been lifted up, and the two sides are piled with rubble. There are also traces of sharp knives on these rubbles, which have been drilled by electric drills. Drilling through the same traces, there are even some traces, like those bitten out by sharp teeth, it looks like it's been washed by gunfire three times in chaos.

The spirit monster that had just gotten into this valley was already out of sight.

The younger sister and father were very satisfied at this time, and one squatted on the roof of the car, singing happily.

A satisfied one smacked in Lu Xin's shadow.

Lu Xin was not particularly satisfied, because they were too cruel.

I am not afraid of leaving a bad impression on others.

...The good thing is that the doll doesn't seem to be scared either, her face flushed, as if she was very happy.

When facing the spirit monster just now, she was not shocked.

"It's okay if it's resolved this way, right?"

Lu Xin came to the front of the car, glanced at his mother in the back seat, and asked softly.

When in front of others, Lu Xin rarely talks directly with his family, but in front of the doll, he has no such concerns.

"Solving them is inherently simple."

My mother smiled and said: "The question is, why did they come Lu Xin nodded and looked up to the south. His location was blocked by the mountain, and he couldn't see anything.

But Lu Xin knew that there were a large number of people in the wilderness at this time. They stood there tired and blank, some of their faces still had fanatical expressions, and some of them were already looking around with tired eyes. , A strip of shadows, stretched very long.

Some of them have monsters in their hearts, while others don't even know what state they are in.

So, what exactly is the second plan laid out by the Technological Church?


"No matter what they are considering, the second plan of the Technological Church has been destroyed."

Mother sighed softly, turned her head and looked to the west, looking along the cut in the road, it seemed that a small town could be vaguely seen, but the town was covered by the twisted air, and there seemed to be very dense fog around it. , Can't really be seen.

"It's time to see the true purpose of the technology church."

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