Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 427: 1 box of hearts

"Okay, okay, get out of the car first."

After making up his mind, Lu Xin took a look at the surrounding road conditions and was slightly worried.

Just clearing up this batch of spirit monsters, there was a lot of noise.

The mountains next to it were landslides, and a few big rocks rolled into the middle of the avenue.

It is a trivial matter to smash the potholes on the road where the road condition is not good, mainly because it blocked the car's exit.

So Lu Xin thought about it, then turned to look at his sister.

The younger sister was lying on the back seat of the car without a proper form, and said, "What do you think of me?"

Lu Xin said: "Those stones are blocking the road, you go and move away..."

The younger sister sat up, stretched her head and looked at it, then lay down again: "No."


Lu Xin had no choice but to take his sister, and looked down at his father.

The father gave a sneer and slowly disappeared.

...He didn't even answer a word.

Mother was sitting in the back seat at this time, her posture was graceful, and she didn't mean to help at all.

Lu Xin suddenly felt a little embarrassed, and slowly turned his head and glanced at the baby.

The doll looked at Lu Xin, then at the car, and then turned to look at the big rocks on the road.

What a clever girl.

She immediately understood Lu Xin's meaning, and fluttered to the few big rocks that were tall.

Throwing away his umbrella, two small hands pushed on the rock, and began to push the rock hard to both sides of the road.


Lu Xin was a little helpless and reminded: "You can push with mental power."

The doll turned her head and glanced at Lu Xin, the air around her began to become distorted, and a kind of strength was formed.

This force gathered on the big rock and pushed it to move.

But the stone was very tenacious. After moving, he stayed on the spot honestly, with an overbearing look that could do anything to me.

The doll was angry, picked up the umbrella, and knocked on the stone.

"The mental power is still not enough..."

Lu Xin watched as he shook his head slightly.

If the mental power is strong enough, it can form thought power and affect reality.

The same applies to the fact that dolls can fly in mid-air at ordinary times.

As long as she appears, people around her will lend her spiritual powers, so she can use these spiritual powers freely, such as letting herself float in the air, or she can use some powers similar to mental shocks at will.

Simply put, it is not the privilege of a doll to fly.

With sufficient mental power, those with the abilities can let themselves leave the ground with the power of thought.

But most people will not be so wasteful.

Lu Xin suspected that if it was in a crowded place, it would be possible for the doll to push down a building, let alone pushing the big rock.

However, at this time, the spirit monster has disappeared and there is no one around, so the doll can use very little mental power. At this time, she can still keep her toes a few centimeters above the ground, which actually consumes her power.

She is used to floating in the air like this, so she doesn't mind the waste of mental power.

Simply put, it just doesn't live.

"Why are you angry with the stone..."

Seeing the doll angrily knocking on the stone, Lu Xin scratched his head.

He thought of a question, why didn't the doll seem to borrow spiritual power from him?

She glanced at her mother, she was sitting in the car, quietly watching the doll move the stone, as if she was silent.

Lu Xin was used to it. When she didn't want to say anything, she couldn't ask.

So he pushed the car door again and walked to the doll's side. After thinking about it, he gently held the doll's hand, and the doll looked up at him curiously. His eyes were a little puzzled, and he didn't seem to understand why Lu Xin was holding it. Own palm.

Lu Xin smiled at her and said, "Can you use my mental power?"

The baby seemed to think for a while before she understood Lu Xin's words, let Lu Xin hold her palm, and then turned her head.

She seriously looked at the rock that couldn't get through with her, concentrated, and tapped with the tip of the umbrella.

The wind on the mountain path blew over, and the stone remained motionless.

The doll turned her head, looking at Lu Xin with a dazed expression on her face.

Lu Xin also felt a little embarrassed, so he looked at the stone carefully, and said, "Did you exert any force?"

The doll nodded.

"This one…"

Helpless, Lu Xin stood there for a while before letting go of the doll's palm.

It seems that the doll can't borrow her spiritual power.

Since I can't borrow it, it's not good for me to continue holding other people's hands here.

It looks like taking advantage of others, but he is not that kind of person.

"I will solve the problem..."

Lu Xin saw that the family had no choice but to take these stones, so he had to accept the task himself.

Silently went to the back of the box and rummaged, and found a crowbar.

What is incapable, is there such a thing?

When Lu Xin gasped tiredly, he pried a few big rocks to the side and cleared the road, it was already ten minutes later.

After getting in the car again, Lu Xin drove over from this mountain lane with his family and baby.

After confirming that he would not be blocked by the mountains on both sides, he stretched his hand out of the car window and pulled the trigger of the flare gun.

Suddenly, a bullet emitting dense smoke flew out towards the sky from a distance.

As if on the plain, a red balloon with a thick gray line rose.

This is what he and Chen Jing and others have discussed a long time ago. After the task is completed, they will notify each other through flares.

I was in the lane just now, it was easy to be blocked, so I came out before launching.

As if in response, after a while, in the depths of the remote wilderness, a red flare also flew up.

Lu Xin breathed a sigh of relief, which showed that Chen Jing and the others were also successful.

This was the initial plan. When I drove the doll and used her influence to distract the armed forces, the pastor of the Science and Technology Church in charge of the second plan would undoubtedly take the initiative or passively to do some response. Things.

And this became an opportunity for Chen Jing and others to find him and arrest him.

Originally in Lu Xin's heart, he was somewhat worried, but he did not raise many objections to Chen Jing's decision.

Everyone is a colleague, and they are also some very powerful people.

Division of labor and cooperation is a normal thing.

Lu Xin never thought that one day he would shoulder all the responsibilities on himself.

Through the flying direction of the signal flare, they determined their location. Lu Xin stepped on the accelerator and drove towards the direction where they were. Although at this time, he was also anxious to enter Happy Town, but he decided to turn with them first. .

Work can't rely on enthusiasm, but have a plan.

Driving past crowds of people standing on the wilderness in a daze, Lu Xin rushed to them in about forty minutes.

At first glance, he was slightly surprised.

At this time, my colleagues were all gathered, and a temporary camp was set up in a house that seemed to be solid.

Apart from Chen Jing, gecko, drunkard, and bear kid, there was one more person. It was exactly what I had seen in a meeting in Qinggang before. It's fine to like a beautiful woman who always wears lipstick with a mirror. Lu Xin still remembers Her code name should be Goddess.

The woman seemed to be injured, with a thick bandage wrapped around her shoulder.

Leaning in the corner was a man with an ability suppressor on his neck, his hands and feet injured, and he was firmly handcuffed.

A silver suitcase was placed on the table, and the drunkard was carefully looking at the suitcase.

"Why are you still injured?"

Lu Xin walked in with the baby, and said with some concern: "So careless?"


Everyone in the room looked up at Lu Xin, their expressions becoming a little weird.

"What does it mean to be injured?"

The gecko leaned on the door frame, holding a sniper rifle, with a pitiful look: "Captain, we almost wiped out our army, okay?"


Lu Xin widened his eyes and glanced at the man dressed as a priest lying in the corner: "Is the opponent he?"

The gecko nodded, "Yes."

Lu Xin smiled and said, "Then you still make this kind of annihilated joke?"


"How's it done on your side?"

Chen Jing raised her head at this time and asked Lu Xin.

When Lu Xin and the doll first came in, she looked at the doll first, up and down, very carefully.

Seeing that she was not injured, he breathed a sigh of relief and asked about the progress of Lu Xin's mission.

"Fortunately, those armed forces have been dispersed into the wilderness."

Lu Xin hurriedly replied: "Even if they want to come back, they have to run for a long time."

Chen Jing nodded and said, "Did you encounter any danger during the mission?"

"It's not dangerous either."

Lu Xin thought for a while, and said, "I encountered a few spiritual monsters that crawled out of the abyss. They are all around three to five thousand in spirit, and there are almost seven or eight... What's more dangerous is that the wilderness is open. They almost ran away..."


In the room, suddenly all eyes were on his face, his eyes were straight.

Lu Xin was a little flustered by what they saw. He pointed to the baby and said, "It's true. If you don't believe me, ask her."

The doll hurriedly nodded seriously, raised her hand and gestured.

Means: Very big monster.

Chen Jing took a deep breath before suppressing the strange and weird feeling in her heart, and said: "I need to record the changes you encountered and submit them to the headquarters. Although it seems that the solution is still going well, but Technology Church..."

She shook her head slightly and said, "It's really terrible."

"It is conceivable that if we send a condemned army to deal with this matter, the consequences will be unimaginable..."


Lu Xin thought for a moment if it was a scene of direct confrontation between the army and the armed forces in the wilderness.

I was slightly startled, thinking that this was indeed terrible.

Those things just now will be very troublesome for the military to deal with.

I had to change the subject and said: "How is your investigation here?"

Chen Jingdao: "We caught the person from this technology church. He should be the'wish pastor' responsible for the implementation of the second plan and interrogated him. Now it can be determined that the surrounding armed forces have been contaminated. The source of this box is this box, but unfortunately, we do not have enough conditions to conduct in-depth inspection and research on this box."


Lu Xin was a little surprised, and took a look at the box.

This small box can turn all the armed forces in the gathering point into a lunatic?

"We dare not open the box, so we can only study it through external observation."

At this time, the drunkard who had been looking around the box for a while, slowly straightened his waist, and gave it a light punch, saying: "My ability is to distort other people's facial features, and my sensitivity to some mental powers is more sensitive than others. I have a feeling that there should be a mental body close to my ability in this box, but this kind of mental body is more terrifying than my ability..."

"If you have to say anything in this box..."


She frowned slightly, as if she was organizing language, and after a while, she said softly: "Heart."

The people around looked at her in a puzzled way.

The drunkard nodded seriously and said: "I feel that if we open the box, maybe we will see a pile of hearts."

"A beating, living heart."


The surrounding area suddenly became quiet, and all the eyes looking at her were a little weird.

What the uncle said, not only did not solve everyone's doubts about this silver suitcase, but it made people feel even more strange.

How can the heart of a living person be put in a box?

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