Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 429: Disaster Museum (5000 words)

After the preparation work was completed, another temporary small meeting was held and the general plan was agreed upon.

"I'll go there first, see you later."

Lu Xin smiled and said to everyone, then, together with the doll, boarded the modified car again and started the car slowly.

He also stretched out his hand from the car window and swayed it, indicating that everyone didn't have to give it away.

The doll did a good job, and then reached out from the window of the car to sway, and a smiling face appeared on the probe.


Facing the doll's smiling face, everyone at the same time bowed their heads vigilantly, not daring to look.

Gecko also murmured with emotion: "How do these two people look like going on an outing?"

"Hey, group leader, are they arguing for personal affair through official business?"


Chen Jing took a deep breath, resisted the urge to kick the gecko, and said in an angry tone:

"If you can take on such a big responsibility, I personally grant you the right to engage in personal affairs and public funds when dealing with official duties!"


The gecko's eyes lit up when he heard it, and said: "Power and public funds are not important. The main thing is, will the people who engage in personal affection be sent?"

Chen Jing jumped slightly in her temples, turned her head to look at the gecko, and slowly smiled: "What do you mean?"

The gecko shivered immediately and said: "I'm kidding, I've found the target by myself..."

In front of the modified car, there is a winding road leading directly to the happy town. .

At this time, I was close, and I could clearly see the twisted air above Happy Town.

The air density there is much higher than that in other places, so it can be clearly distinguished from the blue sky of other places around it. From a distance, it looks like a warehouse with one side down on the ground, and it looks like a piece of land. The ocean under the sun.

The wilderness is divided into two distinct halves by the ocean. If you don't consider the crisis of the situation, it is a spectacular sight.

The modified car smashed across the rugged road and came to the front of the twisted air, slowing down slightly.

Looking up, you can see the twisted threads floating in the air two or three meters away.

Streaks, like oil stains poured into clear water.

On the surface of his left eyeglasses, red numbers were already beating at this time.

Next to the warning is the number 1232.

Just at the outermost periphery, there is already a mental magnitude of one thousand and five hundred.

This number makes people stunned.

"The evil night burns by candlelight and the day breaks the war..."

"Shang Ge Chuan Thousand Miles Hometown Ping Famine..."


"How can we comfort our lonely soul in the wilderness covered by this red moon?"

"Dear listeners..."


"Cigarettes, just cigarettes!"

"Coming to our cigarette market now, you will catch up with unprecedented discounts and bargains..."


Suddenly, hoarse music rang from the car radio system, and a sad song faintly played.

Before anyone can carefully distinguish the content of singing, the sound of music has changed again. Some are the lonely voice of a vagrant radio host, and some are the sound of advertisements in the surrounding cigarette market. All kinds of sounds are mixed together, hissing. Very ugly.

Lu Xin hurriedly turned off the radio.

Knowing that this is because the spiritual radiation is too strong, making the audio-visual system appear chaotic.

Even the lens of his left eye, the picture is beating at this time, it seems extremely unstable.

Therefore, he also had to close the lens system of his left eye.

It seems that the communication problem that Chen Jing and the others were worried about before is indeed a big problem.

Just standing on the periphery, he can be sure that the spirit radiation of Happy Town now is so intense that it is several times stronger than when he first entered Happy Town. It's hard to imagine.

"Go over!"

When the fire started again, Lu Xin found that the car could not start.

It seems that the ignition system is also affected.

So he had to say something to Wawa, then mumbled and pushed the car door and walked down.

"It would be great if the car was lit with a crank..."


Of course, the car key is pulled out and picked up by yourself. After all, you still have to drive the car back when you come out.

Four-wheeled cars are very valuable, not to mention that they have been remodeled by the Technology Church.

Taking a deep breath, Lu Xin stepped towards the distorted space in front of him, his face still calm.

The doll seemed to be a little nervous, clinging to Lu Xin's left shoulder, and gently stretched out her small hand, grabbing his palm.

Lu Xin smiled at her, signaled that he didn't need to be nervous, and then took the first step.

When the body passes through the edge of this radiation area, which is obviously different in density from the side, it feels very strange.

There is a feeling that the skin is covered by a weak electric current.

The pores all over his body seemed to open and close at this moment.

The brain seemed to pass through the water and the air, paused slightly, and then resumed work after adapting to another environment. Lu Xin opened his eyes and found that he had come to a gloomy world, as if the surrounding sunlight seemed to disappear. Up.

The light is very dark, but it is enough to see things, and there is always a liquid-like touch around it.

Lu Xin entered this area with his nerves tense.

He didn't dare to be careless, ready to respond to an attack that suddenly hit his eyes, or something else.

But when his vision became clear, he was still slightly surprised by the sight in front of him.

What appeared in front of him at this time was not the wilderness outside, nor hordes of dead people.

There are no spiritual monsters all over the floor, or armed soldiers with guns.

He found that he was standing in a dark hall at this time. The floor was rough and covered with slimy stains, and on both sides were walls made of huge rough stones, and there was an ancient brass lamp on top of it. , The light is dark and humid.

The surrounding quiet abnormal, with a clear musty smell, slowly poured into the nasal cavity.

But other than that, there was nothing unusual, and Lu Xin didn't even see any living things.

Everything looks old and shabby, showing a weird style as a whole, which makes people feel particularly uncomfortable.

About three or four meters in front of him, a brass bracket was erected with a copper pattern with complex lines.

Looking closely at these copper patterns, I found that they seem to form some abstract images, in which someone kneels on the ground and prays, there is also an eye looking at the earth faintly in the sky, and there are some flying flies in groups. Monster.

In the middle of the bracket, there is a piece of white paper with a line of Song font printed on it.

Disaster Museum.

"A hallucination?"

For the first time, Lu Xin took a step back.

With this retreat, a soft palm was pulled, and the doll took a step back with Lu Xin.


My sister stretched her head from behind Lu Xin, and looked at the surrounding scene curiously.

"What the **** is this?"

Father’s voice rang beside Lu Xin. Lu Xin turned around and saw his father walk out of the shadow. He was wearing a straight suit with a beard on his face, which seemed to have been carefully repaired. The eyebrows are rough, and the eye sockets are deep.

There was even a cigar in his mouth.

"Father actually came out, is it so real?"

Lu Xin felt a little surprised, and when he turned around, he saw his mother.

She followed Lu Xin just now, but at this time, she had already changed her clothes.

Wearing a creamy white casual gift, a beautiful and dazzling huge red diamond necklace around his neck, a hat with an unknown colored feather on his head, and delicate high heels under his feet, even on the upper. , And also dotted with one by one, bright and dazzling broken diamonds.

In amazement, he reached out and fished out his sister, heh, what's the matter with this little red lace skirt?


My younger sister seemed to notice that she was wearing a small lace skirt, and her eyes were a little surprised.

Subconsciously glanced at the doll, as if wanting to see who was more beautiful between herself and the doll, but she quickly looked away.

Lu Xin didn't care about his sister's reaction, but was surprised to find the changes around him.

Mom’s clothes have changed, and father’s clothes have also changed. Even the younger sister has put on new clothes.

In the corner on the left, there was an awkward sound. I saw a tall and mighty hound stumbled out in a daze. The fur was smooth and shiny, and his face was fierce. While looking around curiously, he was awkward. Charged towards Lu Xin.

Lu Xin was taken aback and hurriedly flew up.

The hound was kicked more than a meter away, showing an expression of excitement, and wagging its tail wildly.

"Oh it's you?"

From the look in his enjoyable eyes, Lu Xin finally recognized that this was actually a spectacled dog.

She's covered in skin and can't recognize it anymore.

It’s strange that it actually ran out on its own initiative. Obviously, after the incident in the central city, he has a stronger grasp of spiritual power, and there are fewer opportunities to use it. When it is outside, it will not be casual. Ran out...

Why did he run out without intentionally letting it out now?

It also became ugly.

With doubts in his mind, Lu Xin took a deep breath and looked around.

It seems that only his doll's clothes have not changed.

"Something abnormal is a demon..."

Thinking like this in his mind, he took a deep breath, closed his eyes slightly, and then opened them again.

Everything in the field of vision has not changed, the old and dark hall, moist and full of rancid air. There are some weird bone ornaments hanging around, some of which look like shriveled human heads, with their eyes closed kindly.

An old-fashioned wall clock was spinning quietly, and the silver pendant swayed from side to side, making a small "click" sound.

Everything is quiet and real.

After careful sensing, Lu Xin didn't even notice the existence of spiritual radiation.

"This is weird..."

Lu Xin turned his head and looked, and he could see a black wooden door behind him, which was tightly closed.

It seems that he just walked in through this door.

But he was pretty sure that he just abandoned the modified car and directly entered this spiritually radiated field.

He has been to Happy Town, and he still remembers that it should be a wilderness, and there is still some distance from the farmland of Happy Town. Then, why did he just take a step and suddenly come to such a dilapidated and dilapidated town? Weird place?

Disaster Museum.

What is this, a special parasitic item, or an illusion caused by a certain ability?

Was it that while passing through that field, he was teleported to other places by some mysterious power?

Or is it such a short period of time that the Technology Church has built such a weird museum here?

Too many doubts.

"Do you feel anything strange?"

Lu Xin became suspicious, turned around slowly, and asked his mother and father.

"The weird thing you feel, we can feel it too."

Mother smiled, gently brushing her fingers across the mottled wall next to her, and whispered, "The truth you feel is the same for us."

"This place is very fragile, do you want to demolish it?"

The father laughed and said, I don't know when, he actually took a cigar.

Lu Xin wanted to bring the cigar over to see if it was real or fake, but considering the current environment, he still didn't do so.

"I like it so much..."

The younger sister didn't need to ask, but also actively answered: "It's just that the clothes are bad."

"I put on new clothes, but she is not as pretty as her."


While speaking, he glanced at the doll faintly.

Lu Xin touched his sister's head sympathetically and excluded her from the staff.

No longer asking his family, he just looked at the layout of this ancient hall, then turned his head to look around.

Under his gaze, he immediately saw that four or five meters away from him, there was a small air vortex. Inside the vortex, there was a black top hat with big eyes and a small mental monster with a body. Looking at himself with a pious expression.

In its two small paws, one hand holds a ballpoint pen, and the other hand holds a stack of shorthand stickers.

"Being able to see the lurker means that I was not suddenly teleported to another place..."

Lu Xin took a deep breath and decided to test it first.

"Entering that area of ​​intense spiritual radiation, I found myself in a clean hall."

"It's very tall, it's big, and it looks very advanced."

"I don't feel mental pollution here, but I can clearly feel that this place is not very right..."

"So, I intend to go deeper and observe more."


After speaking these words slowly, Lu Xin looked at the lurker.

The little monster in the top hat took a note of it, and then continued to look up at Lu Xin.

Lu Xin nodded to him and said, "Send it out!"

The little monster immediately pressed the black top hat, saluted Lu Xin, and then slowly sank into the whirlpool.

Immediately afterwards, another whirlpool appeared next to him, and another little monster came out from it, also holding a ballpoint pen in his hand and a pile of shorthand stickers, looking at Lu Xin’s mouth with wide eyes, ready to take everything write it down.

"Really professional..."

Lu Xin sighed, but did not leave in a hurry.

After waiting for a while, another whirlpool appeared next to him. The little monster earlier came out and handed him a shorthand sticker.

Lu Xin took it and took a look. There were only two handsome fonts on it: "Be careful."

The signature is "C1".

This was agreed between Lu Xin and Chen Jing.

After all, it was the first time that they used the power of the lurkers to deliver news, so they had to prepare more.

Whenever Lu Xin relayed the news and Chen Jing and the others gave a reply, they would leave a letter as the signature below.

And after the letter, there is a small number, which means that this is her Xth reply.

Moreover, it is Gecko and Chen Jing who are responsible for giving Lu Xin the receipt.

They cross-reply and leave their initials and the number of their own replies respectively.

This can avoid confusion or other accidents.

"There is no problem with information communication."

Lu Xin nodded lightly and looked around him again: "Mom, sister, father, baby, are all there too."

"Then, keep exploring!"


He stepped forward and everyone around him followed him, followed by a little monster with a big head and a black top hat.

Walking down the hall, Lu Xin found that it was unusually quiet and did not see any pedestrians.

Only in every corner of the hall, there are many pure white sculptures standing there quietly.

The style is something I haven't seen before, and the heights vary.

The small one is only a few tens of centimeters high, but the big one is directly against the dome, at least twenty to thirty meters.

The shapes are different, and some are pierced in the chest by a long sword.

Some were pierced by a spear from the top of the head, passed through the body, and nailed to the ground.

Some were lying on the bed with their chests being ripped apart, exposing a fierce heart.

Others were sitting on the chair, the Tianling cover was opened, exposing the brain, but the expression on their faces was dull and enjoyable.

The sculpture style is strong, and it gives people a calm and cruel feeling.

Even more weird is that occasionally when Lu Xin's sight is not on these sculptures, he will feel that those sculptures are secretly opening their eyes and looking at him. But the line of sight suddenly moved away and fell on them, but everything went as usual.

Lu Xin calmly walked through the sculpture.

I'm prepared for these sculptures in my heart, and maybe I will do something to myself abruptly, but the result is disappointing.

His family also quietly followed him in, looking at the surrounding arrangements curiously.

Mother seemed to be appreciating artistic language, and when she saw satisfaction, she nodded gently.

The father was so bored that he pressed the cigar on the leg of a sculpture shaped like a fire.

I don't know if it is an illusion, the sculpture seems to tremble slightly.

My younger sister is behaved. UU reading secretly pulled one into his pocket after passing through a few shriveled head pendants.

They went deep in this way slowly, and walked through this hall.

At the end of the hall, there are many corridors connected.

Based on his memory, he chose a corridor that should theoretically be close to Happy Town, and strode in.

Those who have not acted are too careful, because in such a place, being careful is useless.

Another reason is that mothers, fathers, younger sisters, and even skinless puppies all came out.

Take your family, hold your puppy, and there is Qinggang’s strongest hitman doll by your side. You shouldn’t be careful...

Thinking like this in my heart, the more I go, the more calm I go.

Even accidentally, they walked out of a kind of underworld.

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