Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 430: A beautiful life in a bottle (4000 words)

After passing through the hall, I entered the dark corridor. On the surrounding walls, dim lights were suddenly lit up.

With the dim and beating firelight, Lu Xin quickly discovered that this corridor was not just a mere corridor.

To be precise, this is actually two rows of tall bookshelves.

The bookshelves are very high, and at a glance, I feel that the ceiling is at least 50 meters away.

On the bookshelves on both sides, there are grids one after another, neatly arranged and extending far away.

Inside the grid, there are glass bottles one after another, which look like glucose bottles in a hospital, about twenty centimeters in length, with a black cork on the top of the bottle. The surrounding fire light was quietly scattered in the corridor, and the bottle body reflected the light faintly under the fire light. . Because the shelf was too long, it stretched out all the way, looking like rows of shiny eyes.

With curiosity, Lu Xin came to the front of the first partition and looked into the glass bottle, his expression suddenly became a little surprised.

I saw a tiny life model inside this glass bottle.

The scene seems to be a butcher shop, there are working folks, and crowded customers. Between the two rows of meat cases, a man in a suit and a chubby figure is walking around with a cigarette in his mouth, smiling from time to time. Say hello to familiar customers.

The people inside are actually alive.

They walked and smiled, all were very real, they got close, and they could even hear their faint voices.

It's like shrinking a butcher shop and putting it in a glass bottle.

Lu Xin watched for more than ten seconds, and there were still live scenes of life inside, with no changes and no repetition of the scenes.

It's like, now I am watching a scene in a butcher shop.

The only difference is that I am looking out of the glass bottle.

He breathed out slowly and touched the glass bottle. The tentacles were cold, indeed made of glass.

Lu Xin frowned and tapped twice on the bottle.

"Bah Bah..."

Lu Xin did not expect that when he knocked on the bottle, the butcher shop inside seemed to have had an earthquake. Everyone was taken aback, staggered, and some fell to the ground, as if Lu Xin knocked on the bottle. The movement of the body brought a huge noise. Many of them were covering their ears, their eyes were horrified, and they looked around in confusion, looking for the reason.

Naturally, they couldn't see Lu Xin outside the bottle. It seemed that they were confused.

But the butcher in the middle of the bottle suddenly had a gloomy look in his eyes, and he suddenly turned his head to look outside.

His eyes were in contact with Lu Xin through the bottle, and he could see that he was extremely angry.

His mouth opened and closed quickly, as if cursing.


Lu Xin was taken aback by what he saw, and said with a smile: "I'm sorry, I'm bothering you."

The father, mother and younger sister beside him suddenly turned their heads and looked at him inexplicably.

The younger sister slowly stretched out her hand from behind Lu Xin and touched the bottle.

Lu Xin knocked off his sister's hand and said softly, "Let's go to another place to see, maybe there are other discoveries."

After moving a few steps, they came to the second grid, which also contained a glass bottle.

In this bottle, there was the layout of a small restaurant. Lu Xin saw that in this reduced restaurant, there was a slender young girl who swiftly cleaned up the leftover meals and dishes from the guests on the table. Wiping the table, new guests came in, she greeted them with a smile, ordered the guests, and then handed the written menu to the back kitchen from the small window.

When she reached out and passed the menu, the hand in the small window of the back kitchen took the opportunity to scratch her palm and stuffed her with a piece of porridge.

The girl laughed happily, looked at the back kitchen angrily, bit the fungus, and continued to work.

Lu Xin watched quietly for a while, then walked to the third bottle.

What you see here is the appearance of a family bedroom. There is a woman in her thirties with a small baby in her arms. She sits on the sofa and gently shakes her body to coax him to sleep. In the small pot, there was steaming hot steam.

What I saw in the fourth bottle was a small river passing through the city. Under the telephone pole, a fat girl was shyly covering her mouth. In front of her, there was a tall and thin woman dressed in white. The boy in the shirt, the boy was smiling and peeling off the fried skin on a chicken leg, and then gently handed a crispy and greasy chicken leg to the fat girl's hand.

The fat girl eats very shyly, and the boy looks at her with doting.

In the fifth bottle, an obese man was lying in the dark pink room.

At this time, he had already taken off himself naked, and the whole bed was almost filled with fat.

But opposite him, there was a woman with a cold temperament, who had already put on a bunny girl's bikini at this time.

With a smile at the corner of his mouth, he slowly hooked his slender fingers towards the fat man on the bed.

"Ah this..."

After Lu Xin watched it for a while, it felt something was wrong.

As soon as she turned her head, she saw Wawa looking at the display with wide eyes open, and hurriedly blindfolded her.

Turning her head again, my sister's eyes widened and she covered her eyes with the other hand.

"This is not healthy, let's go see the next one..."

He covered the eyes of the two girls and jumped over the bottle quickly.

But looking forward, Lu Xin's doubts have not been resolved, but have become more intense.

The shelves on both sides are very long and very deep, and the grids are the bottles placed one after the other.

Some bottles seem to have been newly put in, while others have been covered with a thick layer of dust.

But the contents are similar. In each bottle, there is a different scene with different people living in it.

If you have to sum it up, it is that each of them has a very good life.

"But here, it's obviously called the Doctor's Hall of Disasters..."

Lu Xin stopped and muttered to himself.

Looking further ahead, this corridor seems to be endless, and the display screens are also endless.

I'm here to investigate, how can I see it?

"Is this an illusion, or something else?"

Lu Xin stopped in the corridor, frowned slightly, and looked deep into the bottomless corridor.

"The human imagination is so complicated..."

Mother stood by Lu Xin's side and looked up slightly, seeming to feel a little bit emotional.

"This does not seem to be ordinary pollution."

Lu Xin glanced at his mother and whispered: "If it is ordinary pollution, I should have reacted by this time. Moreover, what can pollute me may not necessarily pollute you, but the fact is that we seem to have come. Arrived at this place..."

While speaking, he took a step forward slowly, carefully looking at the rough and gloomy wall.

Slightly frowned, and said: "It feels very real to me here, but I don't know why."

"I still think it's fake..."


The father was beside Lu Xin and said with a sneer, "What's the problem with that, just take down the broken place."

"Too savage."

The younger sister clenched her fist and said, "Brother, let's go find that fat guy first. Can you make him a toy?"

Lu Xin frowned, ignoring his sister.

Unexpectedly, my sister suddenly raised her head to look at the doll, and said with a smirk: "Okay..."

Wawa hesitated...


Lu Xin had no choice but to speak, and interrupted his sister who was trying to take the doll to the ground, and remarked: "It's important to do business."

With that said, he still looked at his mother.

His mother's gaze was also looking at him, with a smile on her face.

Lu Xin got the confirmation, looked at the wall next to him again, and said: "The information in the research institute mentioned that human beings are contaminated because of one of the seven flaws, which are affected. Perception, emotion, sex, Cognition, instinct, memory, self."

"Being polluted or being affected by others has been distorted or changed in these seven aspects."

"The capable people are all polluted people, so the capable people often have problems in these seven areas!"

"What needs to be understood is which of the seven areas has a problem..."

"I don't think there should be such a weird doctor hall here."

"After all, when I came here before, it was still a wilderness."

"From the current information, the technology church came here more than a week ago at most, so no matter how advanced their technology is, it is impossible to build such a weird one here in such a short period of time. building…"

"Then he should be fake."


Lu Xin earnestly carried out his own analysis, and gained the adoring eyes of the doll and the eyes of his younger sister.

"It's obviously fake, but I think it's true."

"What kind of impact will this have?"

Lu Xin muttered to himself and continued: "The impact of perception should be able to achieve this level, but the impact of perception is very complex and full of changes. It will not be so delicate, and it is difficult to achieve such a large scale. Some The ability of the Dreaming Element to pull people silently into dreams seems to be able to create this kind of impression, but I am very experienced, and this should not be in a dream."

As he said, he looked around and found no edging of the glass, confirming his conjecture.

"So, this might be..."

He slowly came to the answer: "Know?"

"The impact on cognition is a relatively deep and powerful type of pollution among the types of pollution."

"What he changed is human perception."

"For example, when I see something that is very ugly in the eyes of others, after changing my understanding, I will feel particularly beautiful. I have encountered something that normal people think is reasonable, but I feel particularly awkward and want to destroy it... "

"The difference between cognition and perception is that what a twister sees is actually the same as what a normal person sees."

"Since you can turn black into white, you can naturally turn the non-existent into existence."

"Someone, or some kind of power, changed my understanding and made me think that there is such a museum here?"

"In this case, how should I see him through?"


This deeper and deeper analysis yielded a smile of approval from his mother and a sneer from his father.

"Knowledge is that it affects my brain and makes me recognize this fact..."

Lu Xin spoke slowly, and tried to recall the information he had seen before: "To break the influence of this aspect, we need facts and logic. For example, I originally thought it was black. Treated as white..."

"Compare the two phases, and you will gradually reverse your understanding and discover the truth."

"For this museum, I know there shouldn't be a museum here, but now it does."

"This is my chance to see the truth."

"After all, I've been here before..."

"Facts and logic can prove that there shouldn't be such a place here. Then, no matter how real it looks now, there will be some contradictions in some subtle places with the real world. Just find it..."

Taking a deep breath, Lu Xin whispered, "It should be able to break its logical chain and see its true appearance."

While speaking, he glanced at the lurker next to him, making sure that he had written down his words.

Then step forward, prepare to observe carefully.

But at this moment, my mother suddenly said softly: "Are you sure you want to see what this world really looks like?"

Lu Xin was a little surprised, and looked back at his mother puzzled.

Mother smiled slightly and said, "It's okay, it will be experienced sooner or later."

Looking at her expression, it seems that there is a faint meaning.

But Lu Xin was used to his mother talking like this, and he also knew that he had to break this illusion.

Otherwise, you might be trapped in this museum forever, with the bottle as your company.

He shook his head slightly, calmed down, and walked to the wall again.

He carefully observed the texture and material, it seemed to be real, and he could even smell the musty smell of the moss on it.

But when the concentration reached a certain level, gradually, an unreal feeling emerged...

"You are fake, this place is fake."

"There is a problem with my cognitive ability, so I just need to restore my normal understanding..."


Lu Xin muttered to himself, suddenly stretched out his hand and firmly grasped the wall.

The touch was tough, but he still grabbed it hard, as if digging his fingers into the mud.

When he did this action, UU read www. uukanshu. Suddenly, on the entire wall, all the people in the monitor turned to look at him.

Some of their expressions were frightened, some were angry, some were suddenly hysterical, and they yelled.

Some people even rushed to the edge of the bottle and began to smash the bottle with their fists.

Their movements were so great that the bottles shook slightly and bumped slightly on the shelf.

The clanging sounds are densely packed, and gradually become a large area.

Tens, hundreds, or thousands of subtle voices suddenly rang in Lu Xin's ears.

The confluence became a torrent, stimulating his brain.

Lu Xin's expression was stretched lightly, unmoved, he squeezed it down, and then tore it outwards.

Mother looked at his movements, her expression seemed a little relieved.

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