Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 431: Man with eyes closed in the wilderness


When Lu Xin firmly grasped a part of the wall and tore it outward.

In his mind, it felt as if there was something, and it suddenly became confused, as if it suddenly exploded.

This feeling of bursting appeared in my mind.

It was as if something was shattered by one's own obsession, and a certain blood vessel instantly became unblocked.

At the same time, a dark red light was reflected in his pupils.

The color of the wall material he was holding in his hand changed instantly, turning dark red.

The real touch is quickly disappearing. .

It was like a thin surface of ice, and the fragmentation in one place spread out quickly.

In the end, it directly caused the entire ice surface, completely shattered.

The damp and depressed feeling around disappeared.

The corridor he was in also began to disappear, from reality, to blur, and slowly to dissolve. In the end, everything turned into a dark red light, and it gradually became transparent and clear. A little bit filled the surrounding air.

Like a dream shattered, Lu Xin's eyes became illusory and unreal.

He found that he was standing in a wilderness at this time.

The sun is hanging in the sky, but from here, it is dark and rusty.

When I turned my head and looked, I could vaguely see the bright world outside, but I felt a sense of isolation from myself.

The only thing that made herself feel real was the doll standing next to her. She was still holding her palm tightly at this time, without separating from herself. The dark red light around her fell on her face, perfecting her. The facial features reflect a kind of mystery.

There is an invisible force field around her that stretches out beside her, which isolates this kind of rich spiritual power from her.

This should be related to her ability traits.

The small mouth was slightly open, as if watching a large-scale magic show, looking at Lu Xin beside him with joy.

This must have something to do with her character.

"Sure enough, is it just an illusion?"

Lu Xin took a deep breath, and then saw countless people around him.

They stood densely on this wilderness, unable to see the edge at a glance.

Everyone keeps a distance of three to five meters, the body maintains various movements, and their heads are turned to themselves. It is impossible to describe the hatred and hatred, anger on their faces, and even a kind of thinking about them. Lu Xin looked desperately in despair.

Lu Xin became alert in an instant, his eyes met these people, and at the same time he made a gesture of pulling the doll behind him.

But the expected attack did not come.

Those with angry expressions just maintained a posture facing him and stopped.

They didn't really launch an attack on themselves, and this kind of stiff capital only lasted for a few seconds.

Gradually, they turned their heads, as if the stuck disk continued to rotate, they also continued to follow a certain trajectory, slowly moving, and even the resentful and malicious expressions on their faces gradually disappeared. , Become pleasant again.

"Are they... the people in the bottle?"

Lu Xin watched their movements quietly, the fog in his heart gradually lifted, and he understood something.

In front of him, there was an old man in a shabby suit.

He was walking in Tianlong in the wilderness at this time, his face was majestic, and his hands were behind him.

Look around from time to time, and then nod in satisfaction.

Lu Xin discovered that his eyes were closed, and the so-called "look" was just an action.

Tian Long is not long, his leather shoes are already covered with mud, but he just walked on, walked out four meters, and then turned around.

Such repetition, the expression on his face, there is an unusual satisfaction and calmness.

This person Lu Xin has also seen him, in the bottle.

At that time, I saw him in a thriving butcher shop, greeting customers with satisfaction.

Looking ahead, almost five or six meters away from the man, is a girl wearing a thin down jacket and a light green apron on her chest.

She wrapped her head in a handkerchief, with a happy smile on her face, raised both hands, made the gesture of serving the dishes, walked lightly to one place, and placed the dishes in her hands in front of the "customers" , And then ran to the back kitchen with a happy smile.

During the entire movement, her eyes were also closed.

When I saw her in the bottle, she was running her own small restaurant.

Lu Xin sighed, feeling a little uncomfortable.

Looking up, there are many such people, densely packed, and lively.

I saw a fat girl, holding her hair, holding a piece of rotten wood in her mouth.

There was a blush on his cheeks, as if there was a prince charming confessing to her in front of him.

He saw a middle-aged man under a tree, eagerly taking off his pants and hugging a pile of weeds.

He saw a young mother on Tian Long, holding her baby in her arms, feeding him while gently shaking him to sleep.

The scene is warm and happy.

…If you ignore the fact that the child in her arms has decayed.

The whole world is huge and silent.

Everyone here has a contented and happy smile on his face.

Their eyes are closed, but their movements are meticulous and gentle, as if they are running the most cherished life.

"Is it sleepwalking?"

Lu Xin saw that Vice President Xiao was sleepwalking in Satellite City 2, and he felt a bit like them.

But it seems that there is an essential difference.

Lu Xin kept his peace of mind, looked at this silent world carefully, and slowly discovered their problems.

There is a strong spiritual force all around.

These spiritual powers are not visible in themselves, but when they become rich to a certain degree, shadows with different densities from the surroundings will appear, making people aware of their existence. This is undoubtedly the situation in this area today.

Too strong spiritual radiation, through the interweaving of light, formed a dark red ripple, which is faintly visible.

But the spiritual radiation here is more than just existence. Lu Xin feels like he has seen a huge circuit board. Every trace of spiritual radiation has its own laws. They are intertwined, merged, and outlined, as if using a large area. Paint for painting.

Following a certain trajectory, a complex scene is intertwined.

Some of them show the appearance of buildings, and some show faint human figures.

It is like an abstract three-dimensional painting, shrouded in this whole empty wilderness.

He found that he seemed to be in a lively small town at this time. The buildings on both sides were cyan stones, brown stone roads, and clear rivers passing between the small towns, with ships full of ships. Fruits and flowers, as well as tourists.

A group of satisfied and happy people live in the town.

The butcher shop owner on the street is wearing his suit that has been worn for more than ten years, carrying two hands on his back, walking around the meat case like a lion. On both sides, the apprentices and buddies he recruited are diligently cutting meat and deboning. , Dealing with customers.

He slaughtered pigs and sheep all his life, and when he was old, he finally succeeded in his career.

You can make enough money for your family without having to work on your own.

Therefore, he only needs to walk back and forth in this meat case space less than ten meters away, and he reaped great satisfaction.

The girl in the light green apron runs a small restaurant with her beloved man and imagines a bright future.

In the warm hut next to her, the woman is coaxing her child to sleep, waiting for her husband to come home to enjoy her carefully boiled broth.

Under the street lamp beside, the fat girl is accepting the confession of the superstar of the pre-civilization era.

In the small hotel around the corner, the middle-aged man held the beautiful woman in his arms and sighed with satisfaction.

She was finally conquered by herself.

Looking at this lively scene, Lu Xin felt uncomfortable inexplicably.

He knew very well that everything he saw now was nothing but an illusion, a kind of illusion interwoven by spiritual radiation.

At first glance, it looks perfect.

But in fact, there are no buildings, no small towns and rivers, no butcher shops and small restaurants.

Only densely packed, strong spiritual radiation power.

The power of this kind of spiritual radiation intertwined into such a small town and trapped these people in the city.

This is the Disaster Museum?

It divides this wonderful city into portions, puts them into bottles, and imprisons the spirits of these people in it.

The happiness of these people, their beauty, their efforts and affiliation, none exist.

They are just in the wilderness, lonely, slow sleepwalking.


Just a group of people living in a bottle.

"What is this?"

This strange feeling made Lu Xin feel a little depressed and muttered to himself subconsciously.

"Use the power of spiritual radiation to build an illusory world to complement their lives?"


After he asked the question, he didn't get an answer for a long time.

Lu Xin suddenly realized something, and turned his head to look around, his expression instantly becoming horrified.

After breaking away from the illusion of the Doctor's Hall of Disasters, UU reads www.uukanshu. Com Lu Xin felt a little strange.

Surprisingly quiet.

Just because I saw these silent sleepwalkers, I felt a strong sense of weirdness, which temporarily overwhelmed his feeling.

It wasn't until he turned around that he realized that there was loneliness in this wilderness, only those slowly wandering crowds, and the weeds lightly run over by the strong spiritual radiation, beside him, there was no mother and no father. , And no sister.

His world seemed extremely sober at this moment, and he was the only one standing in the wilderness.

Lu Xin suddenly felt some panic in his heart.

Unprepared, he had a feeling of being abandoned in the wilderness by his family.

How could the family suddenly disappear, where did they go?

In the panic, he quickly thought of a question. It was his mother looking at himself in the corridor smilingly:

"Are you sure you want to see through?"

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