Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 433: Qinggang nuclear weapons dispatched (4500 words)

The queen is crying for help?

Lu Xin couldn't even imagine, under what circumstances would the Queen's existence make such a cry for help?

Since I have heard the Queen's cry for help, it means that I am very close to the Queen.

He glanced at the doll next to him, took a deep breath, and started to walk towards the town.

Stepping on the surrounding withered flower fields, he made a sound of broken pieces.

Being aware of the queen's crisis, Lu Xin's speed subconsciously accelerated a bit.

At this time, he no longer deliberately walked around the people in these bottles as before. Instead, he followed the Queen's cry for help and chose to walk in a straight line. No matter what was around, the movement of his body suddenly caused those dark red spirits. Radiation interference.

It was like a stream of red water, shaking gently.

Those who were wrapped in spiritual radiation and lived in a happy life suddenly stiffened their movements. .

It seems that Lu Xin's movement has affected the operation of this fake city.

Those who had already continued their slow actions stopped again, slowly turned their heads, and looked at Lu Xin.

Their closed eyes were in a state of unopened at this time.

Whether it is a butcher shop owner wearing a crumpled Brazilian suit, a woman holding a rotten baby in her arms, a small restaurant clerk wearing a scarf, a fat girl receiving a confession, a woman shopping with friends, their actions All stopped slightly.

Turning his head to Lu Xin's side, his eyes seemed unopened, only a thin line of white eyes were exposed, cold and indifferent, surging with some danger.

This sense of crisis caused Lu Xin to slow down a bit, but continued to move forward.

The figure passed through the spiritual radiation, completely ignoring the stopping steps of these people and the slightly opened eyes.

"Ding Ding Ding..."

It was strange to say that he was only walking in the wilderness, but there was the sound of glass bottles colliding around.


When Lu Xin and a fat man passed by, there was even the sound of a glass bottle falling to the ground. It was very crisp and sweet. With this sound, the fat man next to him took a breath of cold air suddenly. , The body fell to the ground all at once. He hung his head, his shoulders trembled violently, and there was a lot of noise in his throat, like a beast.


Lu Xin didn't turn his head back, just apologized softly to him.

At the same time, he said: "But to be honest, I didn't actually meet you. If you attack me, it would be an act of touching porcelain!"

While speaking, he still strode forward.

It's just that my heart is already full of vigilance, ready to deal with attacks from all directions at any time.

There was a sound of shaking glass bottles around.

This crisp sound, among countless sleepwalkers in this wilderness, represents danger.

It seems that for these sleepwalkers, Lu Xin going straight through in this way is equivalent to rudely breaking into their world.

It has caused great damage to their good life, and an invisible hatred is growing.

But Lu Xin chose to ignore them at this time.

Without hindering each other, I will take care of the emotions of these people.

But now that it affects my work, I can't take care of it.

"Hey hey hey, be careful, go around in the museum, you will have to pay if you break something..."

Just as the backlog of depressive resentment around him grew stronger, suddenly an anxious voice rang not far away.

The surroundings are too quiet, so his voice is very clear.

Lu Xin stopped immediately and looked up.

Under the layers of dark red radiation, a man was cautiously walking over. His movements were very cautious, like walking through a corridor with countless infrared lasers, carefully bypassing these slow in the wilderness. People walking around.

It seemed that it was a bit similar to Lu Xin's actions when he bypassed these people just now, and he didn't want to disturb these people.

The man slowly came ten meters away in front of Lu Xin, showing his white teeth and smiling.

He looks more than 30 years old, wearing a camouflage uniform and a beret.

He wears huge black sunglasses on his face, but he still can't hide a scar on his face.

After seeing this person, Lu Xin was slightly startled, and immediately showed an expression of disbelief.

"It's actually you?"


A man who looked like a mercenary can be seen everywhere in the wilderness, he was slightly startled.

Immediately in the place where his sunglasses could not cover, he smiled slightly and said: "Do you know me?"

Lu Xin also took a deep breath and nodded.

He did know this man, it should be said, very familiar.

It was the friendship that killed him more than a dozen times.

Qin Ran.

From the first time I met the little boss of the transportation company in Satellite City II, to the leader of the Knights who chased him all the way to Happy Town, and now, this Qin Ran seems to have changed a lot of status, but again It seems that he has always been himself.

Unexpectedly, he would appear in this wilderness.

However, it seems reasonable to think about it again, because the first time I entered Happy Town, it was for him.

Seeing him here, there is a faint feeling of unraveling the previous doubts.

The technology church should have had a certain understanding of Happy Town a long time ago, far above Qinggang.

So, what they are doing now, maybe they have been preparing for a long time.

Thinking carefully about all possibilities, Lu Xin had countless things to ask him.

Like how he looks like he can't finish killing.

For example, what they do in Happy Town.

For example, what is this museum?

After thinking about it for a long time, he looked up at Qin Ran and said, "You want me to lose money?"


Qin Ran was taken aback, as if he didn't expect Lu Xin to ask this question.

After a pause, he said, "I didn't really make you pay, it just means that."

"To be reasonable, there are some fragile and precious things here, so how can you be careful?"


Lu Xin breathed a sigh of relief and looked around.

Just now because of his walking, there was a chaotic bottle of things around him, which also attracted countless people with hatred eyes, but now he stopped and said a few words, these people have already started walking again. He also continued to fall into the dream, only the fat man who was smashed into the bottle was lying on the ground at this time, crying depressed and sad.

Lu Xin frowned slightly and said, "What are you doing?"

Qin Ran smiled, with a sense of sincerity in his voice, and said, "We are healing the injured."

"Or rather, heal the world."


"Do you call this a cure?"

Lu Xin turned his head and looked around, with a strange expression on his face.

But Qin Ran nodded seriously, and said, "Yes, we are healing their wounds."

"Perhaps you can see that these people are all brought from Water Bay City. They are all unhappy people."

"The butcher shop owner, Li, has worked so hard all his life, and finally settled in Water Bay City. He worked hard to build such a butcher shop, but because he offended the local gang, he was burnt clean. When we found him, He is ready to hang himself."

"The little girl named Pingping is kind and hardworking."

"I met her husband on a blind date, but the relationship is very good."

"She thought she was diligent enough to manage the small restaurant and make her family prosperous in the future, but in the end her husband became seriously ill. She spent all her savings and sold the small restaurant, but her husband eventually fell seriously ill and died. Up."

"When we found her, she was sitting in front of the store to pick up customers. Customers often beat her because she didn't provide good service."

"Like a salted fish, without humming..."

"The young mother holding her baby thought she was the happiest person in the world, but as a result..."



Lu Xin prevented him from continuing.

Because when I looked up at this time, the wilderness was densely populated with thousands of people.

He didn't doubt these people, everyone had a story, but he was pretty sure he didn't have enough time to listen to it.

He frowned slightly: "So, your cure is...put them in a bottle?"

"Please don't speak with such a superior sense of superiority."

Qin Ran looked at Lu Xin with a sincere attitude, even a little serious, and said:

"You think it's in a bottle, but for them, how does this differ from real life?"

"This huge world we live in, in the eyes of some higher-level people, is it not a bottle?"

"All people's memories and perceptions are just the brain's knowledge of the world and the feedback to things."

"In that case, why not give feedback on something beautiful?"


Lu Xin fell silent.

He suddenly thought of himself, which made him feel depressed.

On such a topic, I don't seem to be innately dominant.

He didn't actually say these words with a sense of superiority, on the contrary, deep in his heart, he had a deep understanding of these people.

Looking at Lu Xin's silence, Qin Ran's face showed a smile that grasped the right to speak.

He slowed down the tone and said softly: "Each life has a different level, and therefore will have a different understanding of the world."

"Your ability to leave the museum proves that your mind is very clear, then I think you should understand it."

"Our world will always be incomplete."

"This world will never make everyone happy."

"Because the happiness of some people is above the suffering of others."

"So, the world in the bottle we made was originally the only way to make this world happy."

"so you…"


There seemed to be a little expectation in his voice.

Then in Qin Ran's eyes, Lu Xin suddenly looked at the doll and said, "Do you understand?"

The doll who was standing quietly turned to look at Lu Xin and shook her head silently.

Lu Xin said, "I didn't understand either."

The smile on Qin Ran's face disappeared all at once.

"What you said seems to make sense."

Lu Xin turned his head to look at Qin Ran, and said seriously: "But I don't know why, I subconsciously feel that you are doing something wrong."

"It seems like I have experienced something similar before..."

"Sorry, my memory is not very good, I can't tell you exactly what it is."

"But now I am here with a mission, so I am going to start my investigation in the next step."


Qin Ran was silent for a while and sighed softly. He raised his head: "Do you have to ruin the happiness of these people?"

"If they continue to get in my way, then yes."

Lu Xin nodded and said softly: "Because I have to be worthy of the pain of those dead."

"The pain of the dead?"

Qin Ran was visibly startled and frowned slightly.

"Yes it is."

Lu Xin nodded and said, "I don't know why you came here suddenly and did so many things, but you killed my colleagues, turned them into dead people alive, and made them feel ordinary. People simply cannot imagine the pain and fear, but even in this pain and fear, they still decide to complete their job."

"I thought for a long time before I understood the significance of what they did."

"Because they just want to protect our lives, because they think it's worth it."

"In fact, I feel that what you said seems to have some truth. I don't want to say that the person in the bottle is pitiful or something, but what you do, and those who have paid more than life to protect them. , It's conflicting..."

"In this wilderness, I met the best dead and the worst living."

"Who do you think I trust more?"


Qin Ran didn't seem to expect Lu Xin to answer like this.

He was startled slightly, his expression thoughtful, as if he wanted to write down Lu Xin's answer completely.

"In addition, you don't seem to just give these people happiness..."

Lu Xin looked at Qin Ran and slowly said:

"If you are for healing, why do you name the world of bottles called the Museum of Disasters?"

"What's in the bottle is the most desired life and the most beautiful dream of these suffering people, but their pain is the strongest when the dream is interrupted. So, can I understand that this is just a dream? A collection method?"

"Use the most beautiful fantasy to collect the most desperate pain."


When it came to this, Lu Xin's pupils shrank slightly: "I hate you for doing this."

"So, I never thought about letting you go from the beginning..."

"No matter what you see to me or tell me, my purpose will not change in any way."


Qin Ran's face had become a little cold, and he was inexplicably uncomfortable in response to Lu Xin's gentle and warm smile.

He stepped back subconsciously, staring at Lu Xin's movements, and muttered in a low voice: "It seems that I can't move you anymore. Although I am a knight of the technology church, I must admit that I am only good at pointing a gun. When the other party’s head is preaching..."

"Just like now."

"I can't convince you to respect this museum, but what I can ask you is..."

"Faced with such a first-order parasitic item, do you know the price of breaking it?"


"have not thought."

Lu Xin spoke slowly.

Not only did he not think about the cost of breaking this museum, he didn't even think about how to break it.

I used to be with the help of my family members, no matter what I did, I would never be profitable, but now I am alone. Without the company of my family members, how much of their abilities can I use? ?

If he feels carefully, he can actually perceive that he has certain powers in his body. He can also imitate the appearance of his sister, father, and mother to force such powers, but he has confirmed a lot before. Second, if you do this, although you can indeed use some of your abilities, the overall effect is very unsatisfactory and can't be displayed.

So, relying on my current strength, can UU reading cope with the current situation?

Thinking carefully in his mind, he turned his head to the doll, smiled and nodded, and said, "Break it."

Although the family is temporarily out of sight.

But fortunately, I brought a thug.

The doll doesn't like to talk, and doesn't do anything to attract the attention of others.

Many times, she just followed Lu Xin quietly. Even if she encountered such a strange museum, she didn't take the initiative to explore or investigate anything. From this perspective, she really can't be regarded as a good team member. .

However, she was obedient.

Therefore, when she saw Lu Xin's smiling face, she immediately understood what Lu Xin meant.

Then smiled shyly and walked out.

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