Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 434: Savage doll


Qin Ran frowned slightly when he saw the doll standing next to Lu Xin.

Immediately, he saw the doll gently took out the umbrella in his hand, and pointed the tip of the umbrella towards him.

His face changed suddenly.


The doll's movements are very simple, just lightly holding her umbrella.

But with this movement of her, the surrounding dark red spirit radiated suddenly and violently fluctuated.

It was as if a whirlpool appeared around the doll, which contained a terrible attraction.

The surroundings follow a certain trajectory, forming the spiritual radiation of this illusory world, and pieces of it collapse instantly. .

The turbulence of mental radiation was intertwined, making a harsh trembling sound.

It seems that there are countless strings pulling rudely in the air.


The next moment, the doll opened the umbrella in her hand.

With the action of opening the umbrella, a large amount of mental radiation suddenly lased forward.


The world filled with dark red spiritual radiation suddenly appeared a huge blank. I do not know how many people sleepwalking in this spiritual radiation were affected by the power of the doll, and then their legs became weak and they fell involuntarily. To the ground.

In the wilderness in reality, the doll just released a mental shock.

But in that false world, houses collapsed, the ground moved and the mountains shook, and there was a major earthquake.

"It's so savage..."

Qin Ran rushed to the side as soon as the doll released the spiritual radiation.

He couldn't help but escape, because this time the spirit radiated from Wawa, he originally called in his direction.

Although Wawa doesn’t like to talk, she doesn’t seem to be very interested in everything around, but fortunately, she also sees that the relationship between Qin Ran and Lu Xin does not seem to be very good, so she aimed at the first time she shot. After Qin Ran, he brought a leader.

Under his alert reaction, such a mental shock could not hurt him, but while avoiding, he also looked bitter.

Why did you meet such two unreasonable people?

I have to admit that the style of doll shots has always been very rough.

It's completely different from her sweet appearance.

Say it and do it immediately, without any ambiguity.

The huge mental impact rushed forward and ran rampantly, intertwining the surrounding ones like precision circuit boards according to a certain logic and trajectory, and the extremely sophisticated spiritual radiation radiated the world and stirred up a mess.

The chaotic spiritual radiation exploded in all directions.

When I wiped my skin, I made every hair of myself feel like a blade shaved.


When Lu Xin shot the doll, he has been watching the changes around him.

He was quite sure that this spiritual radiation world would not be so simple, and there must be some danger in it.

Sure enough, when the doll’s mental impact was released and destroyed the false world around, there was a terrible turbulence of spiritual power over the entire wilderness. From far and near, suddenly several strange red figures appeared from far away, with cold light in the eyes. .

Some of those figures are tall and some are short.

The whole body is intertwined with dark red spiritual radiation, which contains extremely terrifying spiritual power.

The shapes are peculiar, some are pierced by swords, some are nailed to the ground by spears, and some are torn apart in their chests.

It is the sculpture I saw in the disaster museum before.

They seem to have been sensed by the destruction of the disaster museum, and they have emerged in this wilderness.

Although they are all intertwined with dark red spiritual radiation, they are much clearer and richer than other pictures. After appearing in the surroundings, their tall physique and dense spiritual power immediately caused a lot of emotions. A huge sense of oppression.

Indifferent eyes opened, and his icy eyes looked towards the direction of the doll.

Then, the sculpture whose chest was pierced by a long sword, slowly stretched out its big hand and held the long sword that pierced through him.

Little by little, the long sword that was intertwined with spiritual radiation was pulled out from his chest.

At the next moment, it suddenly swung its long sword.

There was a boom.

A gas explosion seemed to form in the air, and mental radiation was violent.

The huge sword, nearly two meters long and twenty centimeters wide, came to the front of the doll in the blink of an eye, as if it wanted to penetrate her.

Compared with the long sword, the mental impact of the doll seems to be too low-density.

It's like the difference between a gale and a real long sword.

The baby's reaction was not fast, and when the giant sword rushed in front of her, she didn't seem to be aware of avoiding it.

The big empty eyes just looked forward indifferently.

The violent mental radiation caused by the long sword flying over, like a violent wind, moved her hair.


At this moment, Lu Xin rushed to the doll.

The pupils of his eyes shrank tightly, and twisted air suddenly rushed forward in front of him, as if an invisible force rushed forward.

Lu Xin also released a mental shock.

At this time, I could see that the mental impact he released was different from that of Wawa.

In terms of momentum, it seems to be a lot smaller.

But the invisible power surged forward, and the density and power were even stronger. The false long sword intertwined with spiritual radiation was instantly blocked by this power, and the powerful power was transmitted to Lu Xin, making his feet The ground slid out, cutting two deep trenches.


The speed of the long sword became slower and slower, and finally stopped slowly at a distance of less than ten centimeters from Lu Xin's face.

Then, with a snap, the long sword shattered.

The fragments moved towards the surroundings with excitement, and finally disappeared a little bit, becoming an invisible wave of mental power, scattered into the surrounding radiation.

Lu Xin didn't look back, but quietly said to the doll behind him: "Don't worry, I will block it for you."

The baby gave Lu Xin a fixed look, with a warm expression.

Then, in her hollow eyes, it seemed to be focused, and she fixedly looked far away. The sculpture that threw the long sword, gently lifted the umbrella in her hand, and a pink hairpin in her hair, suddenly began There was a rapid and dazzling light.

Around the body, the spiritual power that revolves around her is increasing.

The mental weight around her rose rapidly at a terrifying speed.


The hairpin on her hair suddenly shattered and turned into a little bit of debris.

The next moment, the umbrella in the baby's hand pointed forward, and a dark red spear pierced straight forward.


The sculpture with the long sword thrown was pierced by the dark red light, and the sword sore on the chest turned into a hole the size of a basketball.

The crack spread from the edge of the hole, and finally the whole body exploded into fragments.


But because of this, the surrounding sculptures have reacted.

A dull, cold light flickered from the position of their eyes.

Although they are of different sizes, their movements are unusually consistent.

At the same time, I slowly twisted my body and pulled out the various weapons on my body at the same time. Some were spears, some were guillotines, some were tortures, some were sharp barbs, and some were of various shapes and full of birth. Weird toothed saw.

They simultaneously drew these weapons that would kill themselves, and at the same time charged their strength.


The fine trembling sounds, intertwined, formed a sharp and piercing noise.

All the weapons attacked Lu Xin and the doll from all directions, like a swarm of bees rushing in front of them at the same time.

Whether it is the mental radiation in the chaos around, or the weapons that have stirred up a piece of turbulence.

Or the air that has become heavy and depressed because of the high concentration of spiritual radiation.

At this time, they are all intertwined into a piece of undercurrent.

Lu Xin and the doll are at the center of this undercurrent.

It felt as if the whole world had been turned upside down, squeezing towards them at the same time.

"You lean back..."

Lu Xin whispered to the doll, then opened his arms and stood in front of the doll.

When he took this step firmly, a distorted force field appeared around him, propping out, this force field propped up the spiritual radiation that kept affecting his thinking and perception, and no longer affected his thinking. , And even shrouded the doll inside.

Attacks coming from all directions, it is not a mental shock that can be blocked.

So he used the distorted force field of a zero-ability person.

In this force field, the trajectory of everything will be affected by one's own thoughts.

Which step is affected depends on the mental magnitude of the zero-ability person.

Lu Xin's intention at this time was to let all the weapons fall on him.

Originally, Lu Xin was not proficient in using the abilities of zero-ability people.

Because in most cases, relying on the ability of his family, he can handle things well.

But at this time, he must be proficient in using it.

Because it hurts to be penetrated by a long sword.

He didn't want the doll to bear the attack of these weapons.

As the captain, you must protect your team members at the right time.

Lu Xin's wishes succeeded.

But when the force field around him opened up, the weapons that flew into this force field in all directions were all affected by him.

Like a flexible fish, they went around the body of the doll behind him one after another.

"唰" "唰" "唰" "唰"

These weapons flew towards him from all angles at the same time, and then inserted into him one by one.

Although they were false weapons intertwined with spiritual radiation, they still penetrated his body effortlessly.

Lu Xin could even feel the skin and flesh being torn, and the internal organs were rubbed by the cold weapon.

The blood in his body gurgled out like spring water.

Numerous "weapons" were inserted into Lu Xin's body, making him look like a hedgehog.

These weapons are composed of mental radiation, not substance.

But with such a dense mental radiation density, it seemed to be no different from a real sword or weapon.

Lu Xin stretched out his arms, feeling the pain of being ripped apart by various weapons.

It’s very novel. Every weapon runs through your body, you can feel the powerful shock, the severe pain of the flesh and blood nerve being cut, and even these things that are born to kill, that kind of deep human nature. A sense of fear.

He wasn't actually pierced, but there were some real wounds on his body.

This kind of spiritual radiation intertwined weapons is more of a cognitive attack.

I think I have been attacked before the wound will appear.

However, even if there is no such understanding, too much spiritual radiation can affect reality.

Therefore, when the weapon is added, he will indeed suffer some injuries.

"Very interesting."

Lu Xin's expression was slightly distorted, as if taking a sip of spicy wine.

Then he stretched out his hands slowly, took a deep breath, and swung down vigorously.

Bang bang bang!

The various weapons that supported his body were swept to the ground by him like stubble on his body.

It fell piece by piece, like a pile of scrap iron piled up at the feet.

Only a section of the stubble remained on his body, the wound was grim and blood dripping.

Behind him, Wawa looked at Lu Xin blocking all the attacks, as if she was frightened.

The expression is a bit silly.

But soon, UU reading, she was a little anxious, fell gently, and came to Lu Xin's side. Carefully stretched out her slender finger, a cracked flesh on his back. At the place, I touched it lightly, and Bai Nen's fingertips were suddenly stained with blood.

The doll looked down at the red drop, tears falling from her eyes.

The umbrella fell gently, and the surrounding spiritual power screamed like a gust of wind.

She was angry.

PS recommends the new book of the old five great gods: "I eat monsters in the town monster division"

Qin Shaoyou traveled to a world where demons were rampant and perilous.

It happened that he was also a member of the town demon division with the highest reincarnation rate.

Looking at the weird painted skins, the cunning fox monsters, the terrifying snake spirits, and the evil ghosts posing as gods and Buddhas...

Qin Shaoyou slobbered that he wanted to eat.

Close the door, boil the water, let's have a table today!

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