Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 436: Give the world a smile

"Papa Papa..."

A series of cracking glass bottles sounded in Lu Xin's mind, and a warning sign suddenly appeared in his heart.

"This thing again?"

Looking up into the distance, Lu Xin also made a sudden shock in his heart.

Before he had tried to correct his understanding in order to leave the disaster museum, so his ability to see the spirit monster seemed to have been slightly affected.

When I looked up, the first thing I saw was the people floating in the air one after another, densely packed, their bodies convulsively tightened, just like a person making the final struggle when hanging himself.

From his perspective, what he saw was just a pair of feet hanging in the air.

This was just an impression at the first glance. When he looked at it carefully, he saw the monster behind the densely packed people, a tall tree of flesh and blood, in the depths of the wilderness, trying to stretch his body and growing rapidly. Up.

Countless vines stretched out above the strange tree of flesh and blood, extending to every person flying in the air. .


There was an indistinguishable and complex sound surging in the throat of these people who were hanging in the air.

The half-open eyes were already fully opened at this moment, revealing hollow eye sockets.

There are no eyeballs in their eye sockets.

There is only the empty darkness, and the same pain and struggle are overflowing from the inside.

They are being assimilated by the vines of that monster tree of flesh and blood. Their painful facial features are like a Rubik’s cube, constantly changing their shapes, and the muscles on their faces are desperately twisted until they exceed the limits of the muscles themselves, bit by bit. Torn apart.


They suddenly opened their mouths and yelled in anger.

In this yelling, the tree of flesh and blood shook its body happily, and raised it section by section.

Every time he absorbs a person, he grows a point.

In just half a minute, the tree had grown to a height of nearly thirty meters.


Its branches stretched out hard, covering a full range of more than 100 meters.

It's like a tree becomes a forest.

At the end of each branch, the appearance of those people is distorted and changed, turning into a look like Qin Ran, the skin is blood red like peeling, blood is still leaking out, and the eye sockets are deep. The hollow, gushing out of madness.

"The baby hurt me..."

"The baby hurt me..."

"The baby hurt me..."


At the beginning, countless crazy shouts rang from their mouths, overlapping, densely packed, and piercing people's eardrums.

"It looks similar to before, but it's very different."

"This Qin Ran, has his ability been improving all the time?"

"Or, this Qin Ran has already reached a higher level?"


Lu Xin looked at the crowds of people around him and his expression became cautious.

Looking up into the distance, I saw that the doll seemed a little scared at this time, and her small face turned a little blue.

However, this fear should be on another level.

Just like the little girl who is afraid of cockroaches.

He took a deep breath and hurriedly waved to the doll in the distance:

"Come here quickly."

The doll was very obedient, and hurriedly came to Lu Xin's side.

In fact, before that, Lu Xin had always thought that she was flying like this, slowly and slowly, and it was no different from running **** the ground. He didn't understand until he saw the doll destroying the museum sculptures just now.

It turns out that this girl can fly fast when she wants to run faster.

The speed of skyrocketing is no different from the sky monkey.

She usually doesn't fly fast, just because she is lazy.

…Sure enough, no matter how perfect a girl understands, she will find many of her problems.

"Don't be afraid, there is me..."

Lu Xin comforted in a low voice, and guarded the doll behind him.

The doll blinked, as if saying that she was not afraid.

Only then did Lu Xin remember that the doll still has an "ability", and the voice that he doesn't like can't be heard.

Qin Ran’s ability has vocal expressions. When so many spirit monsters start calling you to harm me in a unified way, although it is not very lethal, it is also very weird and easily upset. This ability seems to be It has no effect on dolls.

"Then go!"

Lu Xin let out a low breath and looked up to the front, his eyes also calm.

At this time, the surrounding museum, or the world woven by the dark red spiritual radiation, has been partially destroyed by the war just now.

There was a chaotic mental turbulence all around, and the people who were disrupted by the radiation of the spirit around him fell to the ground one by one at this time.

Lu Xin could even vaguely see the white houses in Happy Town.

It's really close.

Especially when you are more focused, you can hear the queen's faint groan.

He can already be sure that the queen is indeed asking for help.

So he no longer talked about it, and while protecting the doll, he took a big step and rushed forward.

It was Qin Ran who stood in the way. The flesh and blood monster grew to a height of thirty to forty meters, with seventy or eighty vines, swaying in the air. Compared with this flesh and blood monster, Lu Xin and the baby are as small as ants.


On the monster, Qin Ran laughed: "Welcome to the Museum of Disasters..."

"I am your tour guide..."

"No tip..."


When the sound sounded, the seventy or eighty vines floating in the sky came down at the same time.

Lu Xin could see the human-shaped flesh and blood at the end of the vine, with twisted facial features and hollow eye sockets. Seventy to eighty crowded together, it was like a human flesh dumpling, densely piled up. In front of myself and the doll.

The targets of these humanoid fruits are dolls.

But it was naturally impossible for Lu Xin to let these ferocious palms fall on the doll.

"I blocked it, you find a chance to kill him."

Taking a deep breath, Lu Xin stretched his hand back and held the doll's head to make her squat down to narrow the exposed space.

At the same time, he stomped heavily on the ground.

Where the sole of the foot fell, an invisible wave of mental power spread out instantly.

Distorting force field.


All the vines that rushed to him and the doll were blocked by invisible power.

Lu Xin's spiritual power was continuously spreading outwards, refusing them to come to him.

However, there are too many vines, and Qin Ran's power at this time is also too strong.

The blood-red figure at the end of these vines, bit by bit, slowly penetrated into the force field.

With a hideous smile on their faces, their palms slowly caught Lu Xin's body.

Immediately, the skin on Lu Xin's body that was touched by them began to grow into Qin Ran's faces.

These faces all have weird smiles, and they seem to have a certain will, desperately rooting into the depths of Lu Xin's body, gathering Lu Xin's flesh and blood to allow them to grow quickly, and trying to influence or even capture Lu Xin. Control of the body.

Because Lu Xin had already dealt with Qin Ran before, he was not in a hurry this time.

However, what made him feel fresh was another feeling.

Every time a face grew on his body, a strange feeling appeared in his heart.

There is a sense of despair that I have struggled for a whole life, and passed away in front of me.

That was the face of the fat boss of the butcher shop, the feeling that appeared in his heart when it grew on his body.

Lu Xin felt that he had become a weak old man, his vitality and his youthful hard work was being drained from his body. The butcher in front of him was his only hope and the most proud success he had struggled all his life. Sign.

However, a fire, all disappeared.

I couldn't fight it anymore, and I didn't leave anything.

God is holding the seal, slowly branding the mark of failure on his soul, but he can't refuse anything.

The world around was grayed out, only the sense of emptiness that was numb and alive.

That's the feeling when a girl's face grows on him.

Lu Xin felt like he had become a happy person, fighting with the favorite person in the world.

She wanted to kneel down to thank God, because her request was really small.

I just want to work hard with this person, and then enjoy this simple little happiness with him.

Then at the best time, I suddenly woke up.

I am living numbly in the dirtiest place in the world, that person, and his own hard work, are long gone.

All kinds of indescribable feelings, like ink, dyed on Lu Xin's spirit, slowly covering.

When a loved one dies, the heart feels like being cut off.

There was tormented by distorted sex, hysteria like being burned forever by fire.

Lu Xin finally understood the meaning of the disaster museum.

He also understood the scariest part of this museum.

Disaster is originally a kind of power.

This kind of memory and pain comes from these people who live in the illusory world.

It was also at this time that Lu Xin understood why the people who were also brought from Water Bay City, why some became the outer forest of the dead, and some became residents in this illusory world.

The technology church is undoubtedly carefully selected. In this illusory world, everyone is greatly impaired.

Their misfortune is collected by this museum.

When necessary, they can use these things as weapons.

If the pain is substantial, then Lu Xin feels that every kind of pain is as heavy as a mountain.

He didn't know whether ordinary people would collapse if they accepted this kind of pain.

I don't even know how to dissolve this "treasure" that originally came from reality.

Because this is not ability, but pure pollution.

So when Lu Xin was overwhelmed by all kinds of pain, he took a deep breath to calm himself down.

Now that his family is away, Lu Xin can’t borrow their power well, so he has lost a lot of choices, but fortunately, he has already started a systematic study of the seven-step theory. Therefore, some of the most basic things are still knew.

In the face of pollution, people with zero abilities have one of the most basic abilities.


When countless painful human-shaped fruits conveyed his pain and misfortune to Lu Xin, Lu Xin felt that his heart was corroded out of big holes. The endless cold wind blew in from these holes. In his own heart.

Pain is reverberating, and it will never stop reverberating, reminding myself from time to time.

His body was full of faces, but at this time, his face calmed down.

Slowly opened his eyes, his pupils shrank slightly, and the expression on his face was hollow and severe.


He suddenly gave up the twisting force field to stop these humanoid fruits, UU reading all became attractive.

He allowed all the fruits to touch himself and pass the pain to himself.

"What a great learning opportunity..."

When he was completely overwhelmed by this kind of pain, he grinned slightly towards the strange tree of flesh and blood on the opposite side.

When this world concentrates all the misfortunes and sufferings on oneself, what will one do?

Perhaps some will collapse, some will become numb, or some will fall into the darkness.

But Lu Xin didn't know what others did, and at this time he made his own reaction.

What else?

Then give the world a smile...

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