Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 437: Let the world hate

"It seems to be smoother than expected..."

Before I felt that countless of the boutiques I carefully selected from the Museum of Disasters and Emergencies were instilled into Lu Xin's body, Qin Ran, who had already turned into a tree of flesh and blood, became a little excited. .

Even he didn't expect to transfer all the "treasures" in the bottle to Lu Xin so smoothly.

It's as if the other party is asking for it smoothly.

At this time, he polluted so many "sleepwalkers" in the wilderness, or the raw materials of disasters, not to win by quantity, but to find a better angle, and to combine one or two of them. The collection passed to Lu Xin.

That's enough, each of these carefully selected collections has infinite power.

After all, this is painful enough to collapse.

The great thing about the collections in the Disaster Museum lies in the fact that the transmission of pain is real and delicate. .

Needless to say, have you ever experienced such pain.

Feelings are feelings, and emotions are emotions. When it acts on a person, there is no difference in that kind of blow.

A person with ability is also a human being. How can it be possible to withstand such a powerful blow?

Because now I was contaminating the people in those museums through my own abilities, and then using my abilities to pass their pain and misfortune to the opponents, so I was somewhat backlashed and felt that taste.

Qin Ran deeply understood how powerful such pain and misfortune were.

I almost broke down emotionally, and it was passed out, but I felt ten times, or in other words, a hundred times.

This kind of smoothness is like seeing the gunpowder fuze being ignited, rest assured, and even a little expectant.

The only strange thing is that the unspeakable pain and torture he clearly felt was passed into Lu Xin's body, but he did not see that Lu Xin was tortured to tears by the treasures in these museums, or even collapsed on the spot. Picture.

Even, he didn't see any pain or irritability on Lu Xin's face.

The numbness and hollowness on that face, and, on that face, a smile gradually emerged.

Those eyes, looking at the world, seem to have become more gentle.


Qin Ran had a feeling that the whole tree's branches and leaves were tense and numb at the same time.

An indescribable tremor welled up from deep in my heart.

how can that be?

What kind of monster is that capable of withstanding so many misfortunes and disasters and still smiling?

Even those with zero ability can bear some pollution.

But there are limits to this endurance.

Seeing a person endure so much pain and misfortune is more shocking than seeing a person drinking a box of dichlorvos.

Not only was the other party not dead, but he also hiccuped, using his eyes to indicate if he still had any more.


It was not only Qin Ran who was surprised, but behind Lu Xin, the doll also murmured.

Unlike Lu Xin, the doll can see spirit monsters, but she can sense changes in her surroundings.

In her perception, she clearly discovered that a powerful source of pollution appeared in the chaotic mental turbulence around her.

And that source of pollution is releasing strong attacks. These attacks are full of maliciousness and a characteristic of feeling repulsive deep in the heart, rushing towards him, but at this time, Lu Xin is firmly blocking him. In front of him, he took all the attacks against himself, like a sponge, absorbing all the pollution characteristics to his heart's content.

Because she is very sensitive, she can even feel the pain that those mental powers have caused in Lu Xin's heart, there are heart-piercing regrets, the numbness of the heart is like ashes, and there are also unwillingness to cry but also to cry. Hesitated and looked around at a loss.

Although Lu Xin at this time did not say anything, nor showed anything.

But Wawa knew that these kinds of emotions were real to Lu Xin.

An emotion of joy or happiness is indeed invisible and intangible, but who can say that it is not real?

The doll looked a little clumsy at this time.

She was anxious, but at a loss, she didn't know what to do.

She was just behind Lu Xin, looking at his back, instinctively, slowly approaching him.

Then stretched out two small hands and hugged him.

With a smile on Lu Xin's face, looking at the world, two rows of bright tears slowly shed on the baby's face.

Lu Xin was slightly startled.

When carefully tasting the peculiar taste brought to him by the collection of the Disaster Museum, he felt the gentle touch from his back.

This made him tremble. The heart that was already filled with all kinds of pain seemed to glow with incomparable vitality at once, as if in a dream, walking in the clouds, all the painful feelings were quickly moving away from his own. heart.

He did not speak for two full seconds.

By his side, everyone who got into their own force field was using a hideous expression, gloating at the humanoid fruit polluted by pain, and the distorted facial features, gradually occupied by an expression of horror and fear.

They even started to move away from Lu Xin.

But after Lu Xin was silent for two seconds, he refused them to stay away and pulled them with his own force field.

Then he didn't look back, and said to the doll behind him: "It's time to work."

The doll was reminded by Lu Xin and let go of her hands.

The little head stretched out from Lu Xin's shoulders to the front, looked at his expression, and his eyes touched Lu Xin's peripheral vision.

Then she gradually relieved her expression, nodded to Lu Xin vigorously, and looked up.

All around are "sleepwalkers" floating in the air.

They overwhelmed the sky, covering both Lu Xin and himself.

However, at this time, Lu Xin attracted all their attention to the past, making them all ignore him. If this is a sea of ​​pain and misfortune, then he has become a being ignored by pain and misfortune at this time.

The baby bit her lip lightly, and the umbrella in her hand opened.


The sound of the umbrella surface bounced off, forming a powerful impact, which bounced the sleepwalker overhead far away.

The doll's body slowly became light, and the black boots slowly lifted off the ground.

She flew to a place three or four meters above the ground, looking forward with clear eyes, falling on the pollution in the distance.

Although the doll cannot directly see the spirit monster, it can still distinguish the source of the pollution.

What's more, in this place where the spiritual radiation is so strong, the spiritual monster itself will form a unique force field, which will affect the surrounding spiritual radiation.

There is not much difference between directly seeing the spirit monster's body.

The shape of Qin Ran's spirit monster is very scary.

At the beginning, there were some shapes resembling cockroaches, which scared the doll that was essentially a little girl.

At this time, the doll was obviously not afraid.

She just bit her lip tightly, and for the first time real hatred appeared in her eyes.

The figure floated forward gently, and the palm loosened the umbrella.

The umbrella did not land, but floated lightly beside her, as if being supported by an invisible palm.

Then Wawa stared at the strange tree of flesh and blood, and clenched her fists hard.

"Kill you."


Her voice was soft and tender, as if she was acting coquettishly.

But no one would have thought that this act of coquetry could provoke so much power.

The surrounding mental power suddenly seemed to have received some kind of instruction, and suddenly became violent, like a light rain, which instantly turned into a downpour, with countless hail, countless thunder and lightning in the middle, and finally even began to cut knives. Up.


In Lu Xin's perspective, the spiritual power surrounding the doll suddenly became violent.

They are like living waves, rushing towards the flesh and blood monster.

He could even see that those mental powers were transforming into the shape of countless individuals or monsters, rushing forward viciously, rushing straight to the tree of flesh and blood, opening his teeth, biting, tearing out his hand, and even embracing the tree of flesh and blood. , Hit with your head.

Crazy, all crazy.

At this moment, the whole world seemed completely crazy.

The monster tree of flesh and blood already appears to be very large, and the crown of the tree canopy covers an area of ​​more than one hundred meters.

However, the surrounding spiritual power showed a strange madness, and rushed to the strange tree of flesh and blood.

The strange tree of flesh and blood in Lu Xin's eyes suddenly felt insignificant.

The countless skinned blood pythons twisted and struggled vines, at this time they were all stared at by a large amount of terrifying spiritual power.

Bit by bit, bit by bit, torn, as if disgusted and rejected by the whole world.

A section of the vine broke and fell to the ground.

One after another, Qin Ran, mature or immature, roared to the ground, and then was overwhelmed by countless spiritual forces.

That kind of scene is cruel, and with indescribable joy.


Lu Xin was shocked by the image in front of him, his eyes widened.

I almost forgot the various feelings surging in my heart.

He just thought it was a little weird.

This is the ability of the doll?

He had already learned from Han Bing before that being loved by others was not the baby's ability, but just a negative influence.

One of the abilities of a doll is that it can borrow the spiritual power of the people around it. UU reading

Other abilities have not been seen.

Because the mental shock commonly used by dolls is just a simple use of mental power, not an ability.

Now, what I saw should be the real ability of the doll, right?

what is this?

Ability name: "Kill you?"

No, not to kill you.

This is because the doll hates Qin Ran.

Because of Wawa's hatred, the whole world began to hate Qin Ran.

Let the target be hated by the world, it is the ability of the baby.

This, in essence, was actually the first time that Wawa showed her true disgust and hatred towards a certain goal.

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