Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 438: 2 monsters


"That's not a monster!"

"They are two terrible monsters..."


What was even more tragic was Qin Ran, or the body of that strange tree of flesh and blood.

When the spiritual power of the whole world seemed to hate him and turned back toward him, he felt as if he was being crawled all over his body by ants, and these were not just ants, but the most ferocious Amazon bullets. ant.

He could clearly feel that the spiritual vines extending from his body were being cut off one by one.

Bit by bit was eaten away.

There was a feeling of being slowed by countless fine blades all over the body.

He didn't want to resist.

It has been several times, with the most powerful force, wanting to bounce off these bone-attached gangrene attacks and push them farther. .

However, every time it used enough strength, it was suppressed by even greater power.

It feels like the center of the world.

The most terrifying thing is that he has become the center of the world in a state of being hated.


It was a sound of spiritual power being corroded.

The unspeakable taste of pain poured into his mind from the branches and leaves.

An extremely painful and chaotic feeling grew in my heart.

He felt that everything around him hated him, so he attacked himself frantically.

As this feeling passed, even I hated myself.

There are several vines around, and under the influence of that power, they have begun to lose their control.

At the end, he even suddenly turned around and rushed towards him, biting him fiercely.

The most important thing is because he can now share the feelings of those vines.

Therefore, when the vines turned their heads to bite back towards them, a strange pleasure appeared in their hearts.

"too frightening…"

The face on the trunk showed an expression with tight muscles, and his eyes seemed a little surprised.

He understood that this should be the girl's ability, but he couldn't handle it.

The key is that man.

That girl is indeed terrifying. Her ability, even from her own point of view, has the potential to be similar to "unsolvable".

However, it is obvious that this girl does not have a good grasp of abilities. If you look at the standards of the technology church, she can only be regarded as a junior student in ability mastery. No matter how strong the ability is, this ability is actually very easy. Deal with.

Because she has too many weaknesses.

Under normal circumstances, perhaps a well-trained spider system can kill her without knowing her abilities.

However, at this time, the zero-ability person stood in front of her and blocked all attacks for her. Her abilities almost completely could not threaten her, but she had enough time to display and exert her abilities. The most terrible side.

This forms an almost perfect fit.

"This person, as expected..."

Taking a deep breath, Qin Ran took a deep look at Lu Xin through some vines that were still under his control.

He knew the problem was with this person, but he couldn't explain it.

How can it withstand so much pollution?

At the level of capable people, this is also an unreasonable performance.

By passing the disaster, it is like filling a bottomless pit, and it is impossible to break the limit of that person.

And unable to break his limit, he can only be constantly influenced by that girl.

I became more and more disgusted with myself until I committed suicide.

It's useless to drag it down, it's a battle where you can see the result directly.

So he immediately made a decision.


The tree of flesh and blood suddenly withered, and the vines on it fell off one by one.

On the branches of the vine, Qin Ran got rid of one after another, and after a moment of confusion, he hurriedly rushed to the surroundings.

During this process, several Qin Ran were still fighting.

You hold me, I hold you, you stick my eyes, I bite your throat.

"Huh? Escaped?"

Qin Ran's departure was beyond Lu Xin's expectation.

He had enjoyed the painful feeling passed on to himself.

That kind of taste is actually difficult, but it is also a real taste after all.

He was preparing to feel it at a deeper level, but he was cold-hearted, and suddenly all the feelings had disappeared.

When I opened my eyes, I saw that the surrounding vines with teeth and claws were like snakes that had retracted into a hole.

The flesh and blood monsters in the distance burst into pieces, falling steadily, scattered everywhere.

One by one, the humanoid fruits were scattered on the ground, covered by scattered mental power, corroded bit by bit, or with a panic and anxious expression, quickly rushed to the depths of the wilderness and disappeared. Among the "sleepwalkers".

The "faces" that had grown out of his body burst into pieces, bleeding out.

The pain was sudden and crisp, and disappeared cleanly.

Suddenly, but also a little lost.

When he looked up and looked forward, he saw the tree of flesh and blood over 30 meters high, and it collapsed instantly.

The scattered blood-red figures quickly got into the crowd and disappeared.

"Kill you…"

At this time, the doll was still holding up the umbrella in her hand and screaming softly, very vicious.

Because she felt that Lu Xin was experiencing continuous painful fluctuations at this time, she did not dare to leave and could only attack from a distance. Otherwise, I am afraid that she would have rushed to face to face.

It is also now, as soon as she found that the other party was about to flee, the painful expression on Lu Xin had disappeared again, and she immediately flew high, waving an umbrella, and rushing to fight.

But Lu Xin hurriedly grabbed her calf and pulled her back.

"Don't let your personal feelings affect your work."

Lu Xin was sure that Qin Ran escaped quickly, and he didn't know the consequences of chasing the doll, so he taught her seriously.


The baby opened her mouth wide, as if she didn't understand how Lu Xin suddenly became all right.

But this is a good thing.

She calmed down, and then laughed joyfully.

At this time, there were still angry and sad expressions on her face, which overlapped with this smile, which was very beautiful.


After Qin Ran escaped, this illusory world, or museum, was rapidly collapsing.

The strength of the doll at this time, instead of weakening, became stronger and stronger.

She destroyed this false world. Those spiritual radiating forces that were originally flowing according to certain laws became chaotic mental turbulence. These mental turbulences were involuntarily attracted to her side and became part of her power.

As a result, in this place, the strength of the doll has been continuously increasing.

At this time, she seemed to have a huge vortex around her, with infinite power scrolling forward.

The "sleepwalkers" around her who looked at her with a resentful look because their beautiful world was destroyed, were being hit by mental turbulence one by one, like prawns that were only scalded. Curled up on the ground and trembling.

Fortunately, the mental turbulence around Wawa was peaceful, even if it was violent, it was at the time of targeting Qin Ran.

Therefore, most of these people were shocked far away and fell heavily to the ground without death.

At this time, they also showed their own different reactions.

Some were confused, some were surprised, some showed deep fear, and some were attracted by the doll.

It was originally an irresistible attraction.

But when the mental power around the doll became stronger and stronger, this attraction produced an abnormal change.

Suddenly someone felt horror and fear, and quickly bowed their heads.

The princess showed her majesty.

"Let's go!"

With the collapse of the false world around him, Lu Xin walked forward quickly. The densely-packed and sleepwalking crowds in the wilderness, one by one, collapsed to the ground as if they had lost their support, and drooped down deeply. Skull.

There is no longer a block in front of him, as if giving way to a big road.

Countless people who bowed their heads sat on the ground quietly, as if surrendering to the king and princess.

Lu Xin and Wawa quickly passed through the wilderness and approached Happy Town.

As the surrounding chaos became calmer, he heard a clearer call for help in his ears.

The queen's voice appeared weak, moaning in pain.

When he finally came to the side of Happy Town, he paused slightly and looked at the source of the sound.

Behind the town is a low mountainous area.

Lu Xin remembered that in that mountain area, there used to be several small villas.

At that time, the queen was sleeping in the villa. Now standing in his position, you can see the mountain area, but you don’t see the villa. Instead, there is a milky white light, shimmering slightly, in this dark red world, It looks unusually eye-catching.

The town was originally small, and along the small road outside the town, he quickly came to the front of the mountain, and then stopped gently.

By this time, he could already see what this milky white light cluster was.

There is actually a huge mask located in this mountainous area.

It is about a hundred meters in diameter and emits a faint light, like a vertical glass bottle, which wraps the villa inside.

The villa has been half ruined, and the queen of the happy town is now under the mask.

It was better than when Lu Xin saw her for the first time.

After all, what Lu Xin saw that time was only half the body of the queen of the town.

But now, Lu Xin saw the whole of the queen of Happy Town.

Her upper body was in the shape of a human, and she looked just like a young girl, wearing a tattered white T-shirt. But starting from the waist, there was distortion, growing a big fat man, looking like a half-ant-man.

Lu Xin could see spiritual monsters, and sometimes confuse the real with the unreal.

This feeling is strongest when I see the queen.

He was completely unclear about whether the queen's weird appearance was an illusory spirit monster or a real existence.

The most intuitive impression is that the queen seems to be stuck between the two.

At this time, the queen stood up and was nailed to a huge man.

The man as a whole is a vague human figure, extremely tall, forty to fifty meters tall.

He looks more than forty years old.

With yellow hair and deep eyes, he is a white race from the West.

But when he said he was human, he didn't look like him.

The posture of his existence is very strange, with his legs close together, his arms straight, his head upright, and his eyes closed.

It looks like a human-shaped cross, standing quietly in a bottle.

From his body, many blood vessels and nerve tissues stretched out, like strange chains.

The queen was hung on his body, her arms spread out against the horizontal axis of the cross, and the palm of her hand had been integrated into the man's arm.

The part below the waist, hanging down, has been cut open, revealing a bright red color.

Many of the blood vessels and nerves that stretched out from the cross extended into the Queen’s belly, and they quivered slightly. With each tremor, there seemed to be a large amount of blood and other things that were drawn by the cross and poured into the man’s body. .

She seemed to be aware of Lu Xin's approach, and the queen raised her head weakly.

The huge body twitched slightly, which instantly triggered changes in the entire mental radiation field in this wilderness. It was like an earthquake. There was a huge roar from deep underground, and the whole world trembled. Large houses. collapse.

However, as the queen struggled, the cross behind her also trembled violently.

Like the beating of the heart.

More blood vessels and nerves stretched out, sharp and snakelike, piercing the queen's body one after another.


More flesh and blood and spiritual power poured into the cross.

The queen suddenly looked more haggard, her eyes were a little weak and she looked at Lu Xin, her lips closed.

"help me…"



At this moment, Lu Xin felt his scalp numb.

He finally knew what the technology church was doing.

They also put the queen in the bottle, and in the most cruel way.

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