Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 439: Spiritual authority

"This is the archbishop of the Technology Church?"


"What is his purpose for doing this?"

Lu Xin felt a little horrified for a while, and countless thoughts quickly appeared in his head.

He could not analyze the purpose of the technology church from this phenomenon.

But he could see that the Queen's situation at this time was already very bad.

The man who stood like a cross had swallowed half of the queen’s body and looked like two individuals, completing the fusion like plasticine. Even their blood vessels and nerves were already connected, and many skins were also long. Together.

Across the light cocoon, Lu Xin couldn't feel the state of their mental power, but he could also see some clues.

The queen is at an absolute disadvantage, and the performance is very painful.

"How could such a powerful queen be bullied to such an extent?"

Lu Xin had a tingling sensation on his scalp, and he subconsciously turned his head and looked around, but did not see his mother. .

He reacted and looked to the side hurriedly: "Send the news quickly, I need to know why they did this..."

At this time, a lurker was also widening his eyes, looking at the small town queen in the aperture.

It seemed to be a little frightened, and was in a daze.

But inside the whirlpool, another lurker came out immediately, with a smile on his face.

It first raised its hand and slapped the previously scared lurker, then quickly picked up the ballpoint pen and shorthand sticker in his hand, and wrote down Lu Xin's words. Not only that, it also faced the light in front of it. Cocoon, quickly drew a sketch.

Then he gave Lu Xin a heavy nod.

The face with a smirk showed an expression of believing that I was fine, and he plunged into the whirlpool.


Lu Xin was somewhat surprised by the professionalism of the lurker, and was taken aback before turning his head to look at Guang Yu.

Now he doesn’t know what answers Chen Jing and others can give, let alone whether they can analyze the true purpose of the science and technology church based on the results of the survey before them, but he can see that the Queen’s situation is already very serious. Emergency.

Although he liked to listen to Chen Jing's advice before acting, he couldn't wait at this time.

So after he pondered a little, he walked forward slowly.

I stretched out my palm and tentatively pushed the milky white light ball, feeling a soft elasticity.

His palm was bounced back, and there was a slight tingling sensation.

This light group is another kind of spiritual power, which contains extremely powerful power, but is also extremely stable.

It can be understood that this is a unique mental power state formed by compressing and stabilizing the super-strength mental impact in a very small space. The preliminary judgment is just such a light cocoon, and the spiritual magnitude contained in it is at least It is also more than 100,000.


After Lu Xin tried it, he immediately turned around and called the baby.

The doll nodded slightly, and pointed forward with the tip of the umbrella.

At this time, the doll has a powerful spiritual vortex around her, and her overall strength has reached a level of horror. At this time, although she just lightly held the tip of the umbrella and tapped it, she has an uncountable power and runs along the tip of the umbrella. Gushing out.


The powerful mental impact force hit the light group and then collapsed.

The light group trembles and spreads around like water ripples.

The light cocoon also shivered slightly, like a tough foam in the strong wind.

"not good."

Lu Xin realized that something was wrong and immediately stopped the doll.

He saw that after receiving a mental shock, the queen in the light group suddenly showed an expression of pain on her face.


On the body, there were chaotic mental waves, and the flesh and blood fell to the ground like mud and water.

At the same time, the root systems that grew on the queen's body also drilled deeper in her body, and more flesh and blood was being swallowed by the cross. This kind of external attack seemed to cause the queen to be more intense. Hurt and stress.

"This cocoon is an extension of the queen..."

"The attack on this cocoon will instead fall on the queen..."

"So, what should I do?"


Just as Lu Xin was thinking quickly in his heart, the yellow-haired man inside the light cocoon suddenly opened his eyes.

His eyes are a kind of penetrating blue, like sea water, which is invisible.

Guangyu's shaking shocked him, and slowly opened his eyes.

Looking at Lu Xin through Guang Yu, there seemed to be a slightly surprised expression on his face.

But this expression of surprise disappeared quickly, and replaced by a kind of indifference.

The two pale palms were slowly lifted up, and between the arms and the body, there were fine and sticky white silk.


Between his hands and on his chest, the pale flesh suddenly agitated.

It was as if something was struggling desperately below, trying to squeeze it out.

The skin and flesh on the surface were stretched bit by bit, revealing a real human face, which seemed very painful.

Like a person who hasn't gasped for a long time, his mouth opened wide the first time he struggled out.

Inhale deeply, and then suddenly scream.

Lu Xin only heard a scream, it seemed that the decibel of that scream was too high to catch.

But this voice spread from the position of the light cocoon to the surrounding wilderness in an instant.


The dark red spiritual radiation permeating the entire happy town around, was instantly shaken by the cry.

And in the wilderness, the dense crowds collapsed on the ground, and some people who were still sleepwalking at this time because of the relatively long distance, and were not affected by the screams, they seemed to be attracted by the call at the same time. Started.

Empty eyes opened, their necks twisted stiffly, and they all looked in the direction of Light Cocoon.


There was a crisp sound from their bones, and slowly, they crawled out a step in the direction of Lu Xin and the doll.

Not only them, but the dark red spiritual radiation that is still scattered around is shaking slightly.

It was like a huge dark red ocean, slowly dumping.

A huge, slow, but unstoppable weight slowly squeezed it over.

Lu Xin felt the tremendous pressure, and suddenly frowned slightly.

"Block them."


The doll next to him nodded slightly, turned around, and the umbrella in his hand spun slightly.

There was already a huge spiritual force around her. As the umbrella turned, all the power became violent and uneasy. The chaotic spiritual radiation transformed into various regular or irregular patterns and shapes, which spread to the surroundings. past.


The "sleepwalker" who was closer to them instantly fell to the ground.

In the distance, there are also a group of people who have fallen to the ground, and the spirit around them is radiating, and it is broken in circles.

The blue-eyed man in the light cocoon showed a look of surprise on his face, and through the light cocoon, he glanced at the doll firmly.

In the next moment, the face on his chest wrinkled fiercely and opened again suddenly.

There was a sharp invisible scream again.

The surrounding power began to squeeze forward again, and the sleepwalker who fell to the ground raised his head with difficulty.

But Wawa stomped her foot angrily, and the spiritual power around her swept out wildly.

The immense power set off a wave from her, once again colliding with the spiritual radiation that was about to gather.

"This foreigner, can he control the spiritual radiation around him?"

Lu Xin keenly discovered this.

The spiritual radiation around, should have belonged to the queen of Happy Town

After all, this is an unimaginable magnitude that can cover fifty kilometers around it.

But now, spiritual radiation has undergone a lot of changes.

The archbishop of disaster now also possesses the ability to destroy spiritual radiation.

Judging from this point, if he continues to merge with the queen and achieves the ultimate goal.

Can he inherit Happy Town?

It was also at this time that Qin Ran, who had just fled, has arrived at the other end of Happy Town. There is a tall RV. The entire RV has been remodeled. The surface is covered with a thick layer of glass, and there is a thick glass inside. Rows of computers.


When Qin Ran rushed to the RV, there were rapid footsteps on the opposite side.

As soon as he looked up, Qin Ran saw the other himself and ran over with an anxious expression.

The two people looked up at the same time and saw each other's faces.

The opposite Qin Ran was taken aback and shouted, "You, you, you..."


Without saying anything, Qin Ran raised the gun and hit him in the heart of the forehead.

The opposite Qin Ran fell silently to the ground.

This Qin Ran took a deep breath, glanced at the other himself in disgust, and stretched out his hand to pull the car door.

"Da da da…"

But his palm, just touching the door handle of the RV, suddenly heard the sound of a machine gun shooting from behind. Qin Ran trembled and fell to the ground, blood gurgling out, the other Qin Ran was carrying a submachine gun. Gasped and walked up.

He glanced at his surroundings vigilantly first, and made sure there was no "self" anymore.

Then he opened the door of the RV and got in.


He got into the RV and was about to speak immediately, but he couldn't help seeing a face smiling at himself.

This Qin Ran was taken aback and hurried to grab a gun.

But a cold abdomen, a dagger had already pierced into his lower abdomen, and squeezed severely.

Qin Ran's eyes were dull, UU Reading slowly fell out of the caravan.

"Unstoppable, really unstoppable."

The door was pulled up again, and Qin Ran, who returned to the RV for the first time, continued to shake his head to several people in the car, and said with emotion:

"What kind of monster is that?"


In the RV, the space is very spacious.

In addition to this Qin Ran, there were two people sitting. One was a sloppy young man wearing a white coat and a very lush beard. He always held a dirty coffee cup in his hand. In the ashtray next to him, there was a cigarette butt. Inserted into a lotus shape.

The other was an old man who pressed the brim of his hat very low and sat there quietly, seeming not to like to talk much.

Until this Qin Ran asked this question again.

He just raised his head slightly and answered with a smile: "He is a heavily polluted person."

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