Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 442: We're outside, don't worry

In the S-class restricted area, the doll's small face looked up at Lu Xin.

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, as if to show a smile, but the smile was reluctant.

Lu Xin could feel that her soft body was trembling constantly because of pain. Although separated by a twisted mental field, the surrounding mental radiation was still abnormally violent, like countless beasts, roaring. Want to get close to her...

The gentle and close spiritual power and the violent and uneasy spiritual power are constantly changing.

Even if Lu Xin opened up the twisting force field, he could not stop all the spiritual radiation from approaching the doll, just as he couldn't push the whole ocean away when he was on the bottom of the sea. The most important thing is that the doll has a kind of herself. Uncontrollable traits.

This quality makes her and the surrounding spiritual radiation form a mutual attraction.

No matter how strong Lu Xin's twisting force field is, it can't isolate this attraction.

But he was able to feel the pain of the doll more and more truly, and his heart was filled with a strange emotion.

From seeing through the essence of the museum, to suddenly losing his family in this wilderness.

Then he endured the pain of piercing the body with the sword, and endured the heavy pressure caused by the human suffering.

Lu Xin is a relatively silent temperament.

After the pain and sorrow disappeared, it seemed to have been washed away by running water, leaving no trace.

But it was just an illusion, any emotion and feeling remained in my heart.

It's as if the past experience has disappeared, but there will always be a little scar in life.

From time to time, there will be a dull pain.


It was also at this time, at the other end of Happy Town, the RV was slowly moving outward.

Looking at the huge mental turbulence around, Qin Ran and the tech priest in the carriage are not people who have never seen the world.

But they couldn't help but change their expressions: "What kind of spiritual power is this really?"

"This level of spirituality, once it starts to get out of control, can we really solve it?"

"...This, can you completely destroy a city, right?"


The old man with the low brim of his hat smiled and said, "Don't be so petty."

"You are now like a boss who made hundreds of thousands of dollars, and suddenly you saw the financial statements of a city."

"So, you guys are dreaming, if all the money in this city can be given to me, how rich should I be?"

"But in fact, as long as you don't abandon this kind of little boss thinking for a day, you will never accept real wealth."


Both Qin Ran and the tech priest choked, then nodded sadly.

"Our experience is indeed short, but I am still a little curious..."

Qin Ran looked at the old man, but couldn't help but said, "Under such a terrible mental level, why are those two people still dead?"

The old man smiled and said, "There is always a process..."


Qin Ran nodded his head, and couldn't help asking, "What I want to know is that the man who prolonged this process..."

"...What's the source of it?"


The old man turned his head and looked out the car window. After a while, he slowly smiled.

In this chaotic and turbulent world, many hallucinations appeared in front of Lu Xin's eyes.

This is the characteristic of mental turbulence. From various angles, it stimulates the human brain, and countless illusions gradually emerge, like scenes of huge dramas, using exaggerated voices and body movements to express hoarsely in front of oneself what.

It looks very lively, but gradually a huge sense of loneliness breeds from the bottom of my heart.

Lu Xin suddenly felt very tired.

Particularly tired, sleepy, and even a dull feeling.

Everything is empty, so why bother to fill it up.

He didn't know that at this time he had a hundred emotions in his heart that he wanted to release, but he looked at this dark red world.

His eyes were calm, and his face was slack.

It seems that everything in this world has nothing to do with him.

He just bowed his head and looked at the doll in his arms.

At this time, her little hands were tightly gripping the skirts of her clothes, her body seemed to have no strength.

Lu Xin could accurately feel that the doll was on the verge of collapse.

Probably because she is too close to the doll now, the closeness of her own collapse limit has also become her own countdown.

Lu Xin's face didn't even have joy, anger or anxiety.

He just held the doll quietly, waiting indifferently for the limit to come.

At the same time, thinking silently in my heart, what will I do in the future?


At this moment, a sound of friction of mental power suddenly sounded around.

Suddenly a vortex appeared in a place only about one meter away from Lu Xin, because there were huge and chaotic mental turbulences nearby, so when the vortex, a regular vortex of spiritual power, appeared, it would appear uncontrollably. The friction and interlacing.

But fortunately, that whirlpool, with very stable characteristics, slowly appeared, and a black hat came out.

What emerged was a lurker, and as soon as he showed his head, his hat was almost blown out.

So it hurriedly covered its hat and looked up.

Looking at it this time, the smile on his face suddenly disappeared, and he turned his head and wanted to run.

But as soon as it turned around, Lu Xin's gaze fell faintly on its back. The lurker stiffened and stopped. Then, it turned around stiffly, revealing that face again. A standard, but very false smile.

It cautiously rubbed against Lu Xin's face little by little, and then suddenly raised something.

Surprisingly, it turned out to be a small tape recorder.

It widened its eyes, looked at Lu Xin, and gestured to him, with a flattering and awe-inspiring expression.

Lu Xin glanced at it and nodded.

The little monster breathed a sigh of relief, hurriedly grabbed the hat that was about to fly away, put it on his mouth, freed his hand, and pressed the button.

Give a hint, and then press the button.

The tape recorder started to spin. It was hoarse at first, but an anxious voice came out.

"Single soldier, please remember my following words."

It was Chen Jing's voice: "Now we have understood the purpose of the Science and Technology Church, and we will inform you:"

Lu Xin’s face changed slightly, and his eyes fell on the tape recorder that Chen Jing’s voice heard: “From the current data collection, we have more than 80% confidence in the final gospel dissemination plan of the Science and Technology Church, and the core The key word "spiritual fortress" is to create a gate to the abyss and create an unprecedented large-scale terrorist incident involving the spread of spiritual pollution."

"The scene in the bottle you see can be understood as a parasitic ritual. They are using an ability to steal the ability of the Queen of Happy Town, or not only the ability, but also her personality. With the body, even the soul."

"The core of all this is the Queen of Happy Town. Only she has the ability to control the spiritual radiation."

"The key is mental turbulence..."

"The current practice of the technology church is to deliberately disrupt the residual spiritual power around the Queen of Happy Town that they can't fully control, and with the help of the characteristics of the doll, these spiritual powers are attached to her body, allowing her to exceed limit."

"The only way to save the doll right now is to guide her and let her learn to release all her spiritual power."

"Only in this way can she relieve her pressure and avoid losing control."


When Lu Xin heard this, there was a slight brilliance in his eyes, and he focused on the tape recorder.

"However, this step is already in the plan of the Technological Church."

"The armed forces that were led to the wilderness by you before, a considerable part of them have already been transformed. At this time, as long as they are stimulated by a huge spiritual force, they will draw out the monsters in the abyss. Therefore, if the doll will Those mental turbulences are released on the wilderness, then the whole happy town will become a paradise of spiritual monsters."

"The Technological Church takes the opportunity to seize the power and personality of the queen and become the king of these spiritual monsters."

"At that time, all the gathering spots around, even Qinggang, will become part of the happy town."

"The entire north will be coveted by the technology church."

"This is the spiritual protection plan of the Technological Church."


As Lu Xin listened, his heart sank slightly.

His previous investigation task was to understand the true purpose of the technology church.

But at this time, although Chen Jing basically explained the true purpose of the science and technology church, she extinguished the hope that had just ignited in his heart. So speaking, the only way to save the baby was the plan of the science and technology church. One ring.

Even after investigating the purpose of the technology church, I still hold the girl in my arms, there is no way?

His brows were twisted, and there seemed to be a faint flame in his hollow eyes.

"So, our suggestion now is..."

At this moment, Chen Jing's deep breath and her firm voice came from the tape recorder:

"Let the doll release those spiritual radiation immediately!"




Chen Jing's words, UU reading www. surprised Lu Xin and thought he had heard it wrong.

Obviously, I just talked about the consequences of releasing mental radiation...

"Our Qinggang support team has arrived, and Professor Bai and fellow researchers are also ready."

Chen Jing's words were still very calm, but from these words, Lu Xin heard her determination, even a trace of determination:

"The most important thing is to protect the doll."

"We don't know what terrible plan the Technological Church has prepared, but we will make enough preparations."

"So, please Wawa immediately release the mental shock to the West!"

"Don't worry about the consequences of this."

"We are out there, and all the consequences will be solved by us!"

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