Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 443: feeling of happiness

"Let the doll release the mental shock..."

Chen Jing's words gave Lu Xin a strange feeling in his heart.

It’s hard to describe. When Chen Jing said that Wawa’s release of mental power and relieving her own stress is the only way to save her, but if he did so, it would cause more serious consequences. The exhaustion in his heart reached To a pole.

In fact, the dedication and sacrifice in the work is written in his dictionary.

He can even understand that it is reasonable for Wawa to bear such consequences if she is doing this job.

It's just that understanding is to understand, and it really makes him watch all this happen, and the sadness and hollowness in his heart will completely drown him.

Then at this moment, Chen Jing said Qinggang's decision.

freed. .

Even if you know that this will cause great pressure to the outside world, you must release these spiritual forces.

Because Qinggang has already made preparations, they have chosen to take on this pressure and reduce the burden on themselves and their dolls.

There was a strange warmth in my heart.

The hollowness and numbness in Lu Xin's heart were receding, and he had a strange feeling.

Perhaps this is happiness?


A smile suddenly appeared on his face.

Because Chen Jing could not be seen at this time, this smile was directed at the lurker with a false smile on his face.

The lurker was originally timid, but in response to Lu Xin's smile, his eyes gradually surprised.

As if the sun was shining on his face, the smirk on his face was changing with Lu Xin's expression.

Gradually, his face also showed a real, heart-felt smile.

As if they had become a mirror image, the two sunny people, facing each other, showed happy and bright smiles to each other.

There is a saying, the scene is weird.


"Tell her, I know."

Lu Xin straightened his body and said to the lurking person.

The lurker nodded heavily and happily got back into the whirlpool.


Lu Xin exhaled a long breath, as if to breathe out all the depression in his heart.

Then he released the arms holding the doll, supported her shoulders with both hands, and said:

"I know how to save you now. You need to vent these mental powers to the outside world, understand?"

"Order all these spiritual forces to flow outside, don't stay by your side, understand?"


The doll opened her eyes weakly and blinked slowly, a little confused.

"This is actually a scumbag..."

Lu Xin sighed lowly.

In fact, I also understand that if the doll can easily understand this, Qinggang will not have to have such a headache.

But that’s okay. One of the unfinished tasks of oneself is not the "accompany" doll?

To guide her, teach her, and let her achieve a better state is also the content of his own task.

"What you have to learn is to control these mental powers."

He took a deep breath and began to teach the doll a little bit with the professional knowledge he understood:

"Spiritual power is real."

"You can feel your own existence, feel the existence of this world, it is because there is spiritual power at work."

"This is the most basic concept, and it is also the basic content of the training when we participate in this job."


"You can feel these mental powers, right?"

"They all like you, so they will come to you uncontrollably, follow your wishes, obey your instructions, and hate the people you hate, but because they like you so much and entangle you, Follow you and refuse to leave."

"So your pressure becomes greater and greater."

"What you need to do now is refuse."

"You have to make them understand that you are tired now, so keep them away from you..."

"As far as possible, the farther the better, let them go to other places to play first..."


In fact, Lu Xin didn’t study much about the nature of spiritual power. He just told the dolls about the content of the training courses. Moreover, considering the doll’s personality, he could not help but brought a little to tell children about fairy tales. The tone is the same as the story.

He had only said this to his sister before.

For example, fairy tales such as rainy night corpse division case and garbage dump corpse case.

In fact, I was a little worried, worried that the doll would not understand.

At first, the doll seemed to be a little confused.

But when she saw Lu Xin's seriousness, even though she felt very painful, she still concentrated on feeling Lu Xin's heart.

So, what Lu Xin wanted to express, like a photocopy, appeared in her mind little by little.

She gradually understood, and nodded vigorously.

Slowly, she struggled a little, and sat upright.

With her movements, the surrounding mental power suddenly became more active.

They cheered and surrounded the doll, supporting her soft and fragile body.

The black skirt slowly hung down, and the doll floated quietly in the air, looking outside.

"West, release to the west..."

Lu Xin's hands were trumpet-shaped, covering his mouth, shouting to the baby, and then pointed to the west.

The doll in the air nodded lightly, and slowly raised her two small hands.


More powerful and terrifying spiritual power flooded her.

Just like in the deep sea, a huge hole appeared, and the sea water poured in terribly.

At this moment, the pressure of the doll reached its extreme.

Lu Xin even noticed that there was a deepening impression of cracks under her snow-white skin, and his heart followed.

Under this pressure, the doll closed her eyes in pain.

But it can be seen that she is trying to keep herself calm, slowly mixing her breath.

After a few seconds, she slowly raised her hand.

The slender fingers pointed forward slightly, and then she slowly opened her eyes.

The eyes are clear and not as hollow as before, as if there is a strange spirituality.

Then the doll spoke softly with a soft voice: "Observe, go."


When this seemingly soft voice was uttered, the whole world seemed to be still for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, all the spiritual power around suddenly began to become confused and excited.

It seems that these spiritual powers are also entangled and reluctant, just like an aggrieved life.

However, when they felt carefully and determined the doll's attitude, even though they were a little bit reluctant, they made up their minds.

So with the doll as the center, a certain force spreads.


The process is very complicated, but the change occurs in an instant.

All the spiritual power, starting from the center point of the doll, suddenly spread out in circles.

I can’t describe the huge feeling, because the momentary distance of the mental power has drawn most of the surrounding air away, which creates a feeling of low pressure. The blood seems to be uncontrollable, and it rushes towards my brain in an instant. Come up.

boom! boom! boom!

In the remote wilderness, from near to far, various air violent noises continued to appear.

That is the squeeze and flow of mental power, resulting in the sound of air being squeezed and collided.

A circle like a vacuum began to spread outward.

The distorted spiritual radiation and the chaotic mental turbulence around, impacted outwards layer by layer, and under the influence of a certain consciousness, it concentrated as much as possible to the west, faintly like dark red sea water. , Heavy dumping to the west.

The huge force even scraped the weeds and farmland from the ground layer by layer.

The sky full of weeds flew into the air, and then was swept by a huge force, and floated into the distance like seaweed.


"This, this..."

When chaotic spirits flowed in all directions, the other side of Happy Town.

In the previous huge mental turbulence, you can stay unharmed, and even the RV that manipulates the precision instruments deployed in all directions of the field has also received a huge impact, as if it was in the turbulence deep in the ocean floor. Submersible.

Qin Ran's face turned blue when he was frightened by the huge momentum, he stood up abruptly, grabbing the handrail to stabilize his body.

"Is this what you thought of in advance?"

He stared at the old man with his head down, his voice changed a little.

"That girl wants to avoid losing control, but only in this way. What's so strange?"

In the noisy torrent outside the RV, the old man's voice still seemed very calm, and nothing seemed to affect him.

A slightly distorted expression appeared on Qin Ran's face, as if he had something to say.

But he finally swallowed it, just whispering: "Can this guarantee the spread of the Gospel Project?"

"Then see if Qinggang can hold it."

The old man raised his head, with a gentle smile on his face, and said softly:

"After all, when fighting, you can't ask others not to fight back, right?"



When the happy town became a "dust-free place", the outside of the town instantly turned into a noisy torrent.

After receiving notice from Professor Bai, Chen Jing, Gecko and Bear Child were ready to evacuate.

At this time, they were riding in the vehicles left behind by the armed forces at the gathering point, rushing at an astonishing speed.

Although he was prepared for a long time, and evacuated as soon as possible.

But the dark red mental turbulence rushing from the direction of Happy Town still gave them a fear of being chased by the flood.


The gecko turned the steering wheel like a flying disc.

The vehicle's engine burst out with a violent roar, like a crazy beast, rushing to speeds of more than two hundred kilometers per hour on this rugged and bumpy wilderness road, throwing the bear children in the back seat without seat belts into the full car. The nose and tears flung out the long dragon.

Behind him, a torrent of spiritual radiation that reached nearly a hundred meters, billowed from the horizon, and dyed the sky a little bit red.

Covering the sky and the sun, the sky has dimmed, making people creepy.

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