Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 453: Their answer sheet (2 in 1)

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"Gudong", "Gudong", "Gudong"

The sound of every heartbeat is very clear and heavy.

The densely packed crosses around have been completely destroyed, and none of them can grow up.

But Lu Xin still did not leave this world where nothing but nothing was left. . .

There was a complete void around him, and darkness was everywhere.

There is no light, no ground, and nothing to touch.

I seem to be floating in space. There is nothing around me to see, hear, smell, or touch. There is only a strange irritability, which completely floods my own. The mind exploded from time to time.

The heart was pressed to the extreme, supporting the force that completely exceeded his load.

But he himself just couldn't help but want to laugh, and a crazy thought that was so exciting to tremble grew in his heart:

"It's so ridiculous, so fun..."

"The cat is hiding in the cave well, and the mouse beats the gong and drums to pull him out..."

"Ha ha ha ha ha…"

"Since everyone is so ridiculous and arrogant, then..."

"...Tear everything about them to pieces for them to see?"


On the wilderness outside, the doll lowered her head and saw that she had come to the wilderness.

She even felt the explosion of the infinite spiritual power around her.

That kind of violent and dangerous aura makes anyone feel panic from the bottom of their hearts.

There is a sense of fear that fate is like a small paper boat on the ocean, which may be overturned at any time.

But Wawa is relatively new to similar emotions, so she just subconsciously looked around, and her eyes fell on Lu Xin's face.

Lu Xin was closing his eyes, standing in the wilderness, motionless, his expression looked a little strange.

The surrounding wind rolled up from time to time, swirling around him.

It seemed that there was an invisible demon, leaning out of him, spreading his teeth and claws, roaring silently, trying to shred everything.

But he himself was extremely quiet.

The doll approached him slowly, as usual, reaching out to grab his arm.


Suddenly, there was a violent shock from Lu Xin's body, and the invisible power instantly exploded.

Some spiritual power had already been re-gathered around the doll, quietly guarding her, but when this violent shock was passed over, the spiritual power in front of the doll was suddenly dissipated, and the body was not. I flew out by myself.


Falling to the ground three or four meters away, he was covered in mud.

The doll's expression suddenly became sluggish, and a little aggrieved, and her little mouth was pouted.

She gently wiped the muddy water from her palm on the skirt, slowly stood up again, and tentatively walked towards Lu Xin.

How is it outside?

Lu Xin didn't want to bother, he just felt particularly bored.

Outside, it seemed that a small hand grabbed him, but Lu Xin was very upset.

So the little hand was immediately bounced away, and even the individual was bounced off.

At this time, Lu Xin just wanted to feel quietly.

The feeling of being filled with rage in my mind is really comfortable.

Do whatever you want, without any disadvantages.

In this world, there will never be any emotion that is more joyful than when anger is vented.

Everything around is fragile like a paper tie.

You can destroy everything and enjoy the sense of fear and despair before they are completely destroyed!

This is the first time I have used this power.

In the past, many times, I actually regarded this power as part of my father.

Until now, I realized that this is actually my own.

It has always been hidden in the deepest part of one's consciousness.

It turns out that you can have this state, and it turns out that you can be so comfortable. Then, if you fully embrace this state, can you always be like this, and you can always maintain this feeling of excitement?

The excited heart was trembling.

It's just that since I am so excited, so excited.

Then why do you want to stay in this emptiness world?

Lu Xin's mind was a little confused, but he still thought about it seriously, what was he afraid of?

Oneself should have no scruples.

But in this pure environment, why is there a kind of fear that bothers me?

When endless trouble arose in his heart, he felt that the owner of those little hands was approaching him again.

Seemingly scared, she picked up the umbrella and poked herself lightly.


The irritable mood in Lu Xin's heart doubled in an instant, his heart beat violently, and a certain mood rose.

In consciousness, a hand grabbed her neck in an instant, trying to tear her to pieces.


But at this moment, deep in the consciousness, a voice yelled, very calm and warm.

The sound is not loud, nor does it have any power.

But when he heard this voice, the hand that had been grabbed out suddenly stopped in the air, convulsing and convulsing.

It was about to set off the extreme emotions, and suddenly stopped slightly.

Lu Xin stopped moving his hands and saw the girl's almost perfect face, as well as her timid eyes.

At this time, she should be in a state of closing her eyes, but she could still sense the existence of that face. She was reflected in this void of space. It was a face that should be called flawless, with a pair of faces on it. Unusually clear eyes.

Because it is too clear, it can reflect a lot of things.

Lu Xin saw himself in those eyes and was inexplicably surprised.

It was like a key numerical point. When he felt a slight surprise in his heart, a sense of fear quickly grew.

But the feeling of irritability was quickly fading. From those eyes, Lu Xin saw a lot of things, whether it was his own or something else. The scenes were unusually lively, vivid, but humble, pitiful, and like It is as fragile and fragile as an illusion.

He was a little angry and roared in a void space, losing his temper.

Then fiercely, looking at the person in the depths of consciousness, looking at each other like enemies.

But the other party only has peace, which makes anger nowhere to vent.

Gradually, this anger turned into a feeling of powerlessness and sadness.

"It's really sad..."

"The most powerful existence, why do you need the most vulnerable thing to bring a sense of security?"


Lu Xin took a deep breath and began to quickly regain his senses.

He calmed down, thought silently, and decided to put away his anger for the time being.

So, he slowly raised his hands.

He touched his face in this darkness.

I can feel that the muscles on my face are in a weird and out of control state.

So he thought, squeezing the muscles on his face bit by bit, pulling the corners of his mouth to both sides, feeling too much, so he retracted a little, showing only a smile with four teeth, his eyes slightly squinted, and his forehead It takes a little bit of wrinkles.

He squeezed his face lightly, as if a master was making an artwork.

Very serious and focused.

It was not until he felt that his smile now must be very up to the standard, and then he gently put down his hands.


Lu Xin, who was standing quietly, suddenly exclaimed and almost fell to the ground.

He supported the ground with his hands. Then he looked up and looked left and right. He saw that the town was gone, and there was only a faint turbulence of mental radiation around him. By his side, there were sluggish "sleepwalkers". It's just that they no longer have the state of sleepwalking, with tears on their faces, as if they had just cried, but at this time, no one continued to cry.

Because they all looked at themselves in horror, as if frightened.

Thinking of what he had just experienced, he quickly turned around and saw the doll fell four meters away from his side. With his big eyes open, he looked straight at himself, on the black skirt. It was stained with a lot of damp soil.

In the eyes, there seemed to be some doubts and some fears.

She stared at herself blankly, without responding for a long time.

"Huh? Who pushed you down..."

Lu Xin said in surprise, he seemed to hesitate, and wanted to go over and pull her up, but he couldn't reach out.

In this kind of embarrassing reaction, it took a long time for the doll to blink his eyes lightly, and then slowly sat on the ground to get up, and then cautiously and tentatively, he approached Lu Xin, and put his little hand gently. In Lu Xin's palm.

This seemed to be a kind of temptation, until she was sure of something, she suddenly held Lu Xin's palm.

The body finally dared to snuggle over.

There seemed to be some tears on his face, his head hung slightly, his expression aggrieved and anxious.


Lu Xin was a little surprised, and at the same time, his body tightened, making it difficult to get too close to her.

I was anxious, I wanted to say something, but when I was anxious, what I said was: "You still have some mud on your ass, or..."

"Do you pat yourself?"


Wawa's eyes widened and looked at Lu Xin, and then he patted twice.

Lu Xin heaved a sigh of relief, looked away from her face, and looked around seriously.

There is still work to be done.

The disaster museum has been destroyed, but the archbishop of disaster seems to be alive?

But when Lu Xin turned around and looked at the light cocoon, he unexpectedly discovered that he didn't need to worry about this matter anymore.

The Archbishop of Calamity didn't suddenly react until the madness that was so suppressed that people couldn't breathe disappeared.

He yelled and hurriedly ran away like an ordinary person.

At the same time, his eyes kept looking towards the wilderness.

An invisible fear enveloped him, making him flustered, and he just wanted to stay away quickly, for fear of monsters rushing over there.

But in fact, no monsters rushed over in the wilderness.

On the contrary, he felt weak as he climbed, and even a deep sense of powerlessness surged in his heart.

Then gradually, he felt the light above his head blocked.

Raising his head violently, he saw a **** monster standing up and down in front of him.

It was a girl wearing a T-shirt on the upper body, but a huge ant belly on the lower body. The body was damaged everywhere, and even showed monsters with internal organs and bones. The little girl’s face was indifferent, only in the eyes. Full of hatred.


The archbishop of the disaster opened his mouth in horror and yelled desperately.

But as soon as he opened his mouth, his voice was blocked, and a blood-red tongue stuck out from the queen's mouth.

That is a spiritual tentacles.

The mental tentacles instantly followed his open mouth, got into his stomach, and penetrated the internal organs.

When Lu Xin and the baby came to the bottle, they saw this scene.

As we all know, ants are cruel when they eat.

So Lu Xin subconsciously covered the doll's eyes, and his eyes widened slightly.

Is this what the queen looks like when dealing with prey?

Slowly, a horrified expression appeared on his face, and he said with emotion: "It's so scary..."

"The mission is over, let's go!"

At this time, in the RV that was thirty or forty kilometers away from Happy Town, the old man smiled in satisfaction and nodded and said.


The mission did fail, and the mental fluctuations of the Archbishop of Calamity were so weak that it was difficult to calculate.

However, such a plan that has been perfectly arranged first and is almost certain to succeed, has it failed?

"Professor Wang."

Qin Ran was silent for a long time before finally courageous and said to the old man: "I know that you are very helpful to the Technological Church. Although it is not ours, the entire Technological Church, even the Pope, is very Respect you..."

"However, this time you agreed to the Archbishop of the disaster and helped him plan his ascent plan this time, and also obtained the support of the pope. Now, it turns out that three knights and one pope were directly planted in this place. We spent several years before, and the decorations we made in Happy Town were completely exhausted within a week and became her eternal enemy."

"Under this circumstance, would you give us some...explain?"


"Is it not clear what I just explained?"

The old man smiled and glanced at Qin Ran, and said, "When the red moon first came, 70% of people in this world became madmen, but they are not the same madmen. You can understand that the impact was at the same time. In this world, there are many kinds of spiritual forces, that is, many kinds of pollution sources, and the pollution caused by each kind of pollution source is different."

"And among so many people who have been polluted, there is the most special kind. They are the most polluted. The 13 spiritual powers that laid the foundation for the Institute at the beginning are from their special pollution. Collected from the body."

"Some of these pollutants died because they couldn't bear the pollution."

"There are also some that have now become monsters, just in those restricted areas that you dare not even set foot in."

"However, some of them were cured by us."


He seemed to be in a good mood, and his explanation was very detailed.

"Although it is cured, I always feel that they are still a little weird, so I have been waiting patiently until they are truly stable, and then I will see with my own eyes whether they behave in certain places. Same as I thought."

"Of course, this is very troublesome."

He sighed lightly and said: "It is sometimes harder to see his divinity than to destroy him. I need to do a lot of preparations, such as closing some of his extras in a way that will not irritate him. Ability to observe his humanity from an objective perspective, create a suitable environment for the most hidden divine traits to appear, prevent him from losing control, etc..."

"I have to admit that some things are beyond my expectation."

"However, the end result is not bad."

After speaking, he couldn't help but sighed softly and said, "Or, it's pretty good."


Qin Ran felt more horrified as he listened. He felt cold all over his body for no reason. His Adam's apple shook a few times before lowering his voice and said:

"Could it be that our archbishop of disaster was originally the victim of your plan?"



The old man smiled and took out three forms from the drawer beside him. You can see that there are some complicated data recorded on them, and they even scored decently. He rubbed his chin and said: "Actually, this is just an exam paper. I gave a copy of the disaster, a copy of the child, and a copy of Qinggang as well. Now, they have all handed in the answers."

"Qinggang, pass."

"That kid, full marks."

"As for disaster..."

"It's a pity, he actually has a chance of winning, but his will is still too weak."


Qin Ran looked at the old man fiercely, knowing he shouldn't say it, but couldn't help but say it.

"You let him face the power of God, but you say he has the chance to win?"

"In my understanding, you are sending him to death..."


The old man slowly raised his head and gave Qin Ran a serious look.

Qin Ran knew that this old man was just an ordinary person, without any ability, but he was stunned by his glance.

"Do you know what your misunderstanding is?"

The old man didn’t make any ferocious expressions or threatening actions, but he showed surprising patience: “You all regard these abilities as a kind of power. In fact, this is just a disease, and it is a part of the human race. An abnormal condition."

"You are accustomed to making power comparisons, but power is just a concept, not for comparison."

"If disasters can really follow my advice and understand them seriously, then he will understand that the nature of disasters is a kind of misfortune, and misfortune needs sympathy and understanding instead of just like him. Regarding it as a source of strength, if he really understands disasters, then it will not be this child who will eventually come out of this bottle, but he..."

"He will capture that divinity."

"It's just a pity that he has always regarded himself as a **** who masters disasters and disasters. He has developed the power of disasters to the extreme, but never thought of understanding this power in the past. He himself is a kind of out of countless disasters Unfortunately, he had the opportunity to become the owner of the Disaster Museum with the help of the Church of Science and Technology, but since then, he has regarded himself as a god."

"He will fail in the end because he lost to that child's humanity."

"It sounds ridiculous..."

"For such a person, I give him a failing grade. What's the problem?"


Qin Ran's body couldn't stop shaking.

In fact, he had countless questions and puzzles in his heart, even unwilling.

But when facing these people who are always sober at all times, there will be a sense of powerlessness that their speech becomes pale.

"Then what shall we do?"

In the end, he could only sullenly and asked lazily.

"It's very simple."

The old man smiled and replied: "Those who pass the test should be rewarded."

"Those who fail will be punished soon."

"Don't think that the technology church has failed. This is actually a good experiment. There are enough results to prove that the current technology church is taking the wrong path, and this error does not lie in technology and theory, but starts from the selection of candidates. It's already wrong."


When he said this, he picked and picked among the documents in his hand, and quickly found a pile of things.

After looking down, he nodded slightly.

Then he opened the door of the RV and threw out the stack of papers.

Both the technology priest and Qin Ran who watched this action had their eyes straightened, because they understood the importance of this document.

"This is a reward for Qinggang."

The old man smiled and said: "Let's go, this experiment will have a great impact on the world. The technology church should easily create the next spiritual lord, not only the technology church, research institute, Qinggang, and even It is some other well-informed high-wall cities and forces. If they are smart enough, UU reading www.uukā should be able to find useful inspiration from this failed experiment..."

"We have opened the door to a new world. What can be disappointed?"


His words left nothing but silence in the carriage.

The old man finally stopped talking, turned his head slightly, and looked in the direction of Happy Town. There was an unspeakable voice in his heart.

It was a person who was full of respect for him, and smiled and waved to him:

"Hello Dean..."


In the old man's heart, a kind of sorrow suddenly appeared, and he sighed imperceptibly.

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