Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 454: Friendly queen

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"I think the mission can already be declared a success..."

"Yes, the disaster museum has been broken, and I am looking for the remains of it..."

"It's hard to find, there are big rocks everywhere, I can't move it..."

"Archbishop of Calamity?"

"He is not dead yet, at this time he is fighting the queen... well, fighting."

"Yes, I didn't participate in the final battle. After the disaster museum was destroyed, the queen seemed to break free. At this time, the battle with the archbishop of the disaster came together... The sound of the earthquake you heard should be the result of their fighting. Quiet, because the queen's mental power seems to be very limited at this time, so she looks like a hand-to-hand fight at this time..."

"Support team?"

"Wait for a while, wait until they finish playing, I will notify you again..."

"The doll is good..."

"Just don't know who pushed her and fell into the mud. You will prepare a set of clothes for her, and you will go out to change it later."


My mission is to stop the archbishop of disaster, right?

So, now I should have completed the task, if the task is to stop the Queen of Happy Town, it is not necessarily. . .

The queen seemed to have to eat a little longer.

She looks weak now, and she still needs nourishment.

After communicating with Han Bing through the channel for a while, Lu Xin let go of his heart, quietly found a boulder to sit down, and then looked at everything around him. There were still many people in the wilderness. The people abandoned by the disaster museum are still in this wilderness. When the museum is broken, they return to their bodies, and their mental power has become normal.

The body has disappeared without knowing where, and the mental power also disappeared with the museum.

Everything is quiet as if it had never existed.

The queen is almost finished eating at this time, she is really a person who does not waste, she will solve it in one mouthful, not three mouthfuls.

Moreover, Lu Xin is sure that the queen likes to eat fresh food because she has always kept the ingredients fresh.


There was a sound of electricity in the channel, and Han Bing's voice rang: "Mr. Soldier, how is the situation now?"

"Can the support team come in?"


Lu Xin realized that there was still some anxiety in her voice, and he suddenly understood.

For them, this battle is not over yet.

So he turned his head and glanced at the archbishop of disaster at this time, and made sure that he should no longer pose a threat to others.

He nodded and said: "It should be fine."

"No, it's not just the end of the battle..."

Han Bing subconsciously lowered his voice and said, "Mr. Soldier, can you ask the queen's opinion?"

"If she does the same, then we will send a condemnation support team in..."

"Please explain to her patiently that we need to support the team to do a lot of things, investigate the scene, search for clues, judge whether the enemy has left other hidden dangers, etc...In short, we have good intentions."



Only then did Lu Xin react and said, "Okay, I'll go ask."

He got up and came to the collapsed villa, and took a closer look at the queen at this time.

After eating for so long, the queen's body actually appeared to be smaller. Before, her body was at least tens of meters long, but now she has shrunk to less than one meter, exquisitely petite, and when she sees Lu Xin, Immediately shrink into the hole vigilantly.

Now the villa collapsed and there were holes everywhere, she shrank casually, and no one could see it.

"It's okay, don't be afraid, we won't bully you."

Lu Xin looked at the queen, smiled kindly, and said, "We just plan to send some people to your site. Do you agree?"

The queen frowned vigilantly and made a hissing sound in her mouth.

Lu Xin said to the channel: "Okay, she agreed, send a support team in."

After speaking, he smiled friendly to the queen.

"Bone beep..."

The support team came quickly and the scene was spectacular.

Not only are they wearing uniform protective uniforms, holding the mental testers and medical supplies that they almost never leave their hands, etc., there are even rows of people carrying standard weapons. Obviously he just came in to do finishing work, but his expression was like a death squad.

"Happy Town's deterrence is still great..."

Lu Xin considered this question, and saw four people walking towards him in strides.

I couldn't help but put myself aside and started doing various tests.

After performing blood tests, finding wounds, and simply testing whether there was a problem with the logic, Lu Xin was finally let go. At this time, several trucks were slowly driving into the happy town. One of them In the car, Chen Jing walked off.

There seemed to be some smiles on her face.

He waved his hand to Lu Xin from afar, Lu Xin just wanted to meet him, but saw that she had already walked to the other staff.

Lu Xin had to sit back and wait, watching the busy people in front of him.

Until something little pulled his trouser legs.

Looking down, Lu Xin was stunned. Seven little monsters wearing black top hats looked at him.

The first one had a sincere smile on his face, and the second one had a hypocritical smile on his face.

The three to seven in the back were all timid, staring at them with wide eyes.

"Come to collect debts?"

Only then did Lu Xin think of them, and smiled at them friendly.

The seven little monsters showed surprise expressions at the same time, took off their little top hats one after another, and stretched them out in front of Lu Xin.

But Lu Xin shook his head and still smiled at them: "I've been perfunctory with a smile before, and I'm very embarrassed. This time it's not my own job. I can get reimbursement from the headquarters, so you can wait a while , I will report back to the headquarters."

"I'll give it to you when the money is approved, I remember... you are five thousand yuan a person, right?"

"Don't worry, it won't be less."


The seven little monsters were all dumbfounded.

Especially three to seven people with deflated mouths, and one even started to cry.

In the end, it was the first one with a real smile on his face. He turned his head and glared at those few, very bossy.

It turned around, waved to Lu Xin, put the hat on its chest, and bowed respectfully.

"I think they are so dedicated, and the price is worth a bit higher..."

Lu Xin looked at them as they lined up into the whirlpool, and thought to himself:

"So going back and looking for reimbursement at the price of 10,000 yuan per person, shouldn't it be too much?"

"Uncle Chu's investigation results are out."

Not too long after a freshman, Chen Jing came to Lu Xin with a manually filled-in data sheet. As usual, she did not say anything, but said seriously: "A lot of equipment from the science and technology church has been found around this area. You can watch it. They must have made a big deal to make this arrangement, there are many other things, but now I am more concerned about it, in fact, there is only one thing..."

She sternly said: "Not all the people in the technology church were arrested."

When Lu Xin heard this, he was slightly startled, and then nodded, knowing how many he had escaped.

"At least three people escaped."

Chen Jing frowned and said: "Our investigators have carefully checked the surroundings and saw the rut of a RV, but they followed the rut and found some discarded documents. I don't know the value yet. The above content is difficult to understand, and we can only seal it up first, and after returning it, let a few professors and experts judge the value."

"But the strange thing is that when we continued to track, we found that the rut suddenly disappeared."

"It seems that the whole car is like the world has evaporated. I don't know what ability can do this."


Lu Xin shook his head and said: "I have already told you in my previous intelligence that I met Qin Ran, the leader of the Knights who attacked our Qinggang before. I don't know why he appeared in the Science and Technology Church again. But he was very careful. Whenever he encountered danger, he ran away. From then on until the end, I didn't see his shadow at all."

"We will investigate clearly."

Chen Jing nodded and said, "Although the ability to make a car disappear out of thin air is rare, it is also quite a lot."

Lu Xin nodded, and suddenly thought of something, his heart moved slightly.

The ability to make a car disappear out of thin air, of course, is quite a lot, and there is even the ability to make one of the cars of a fast-moving train suddenly disappear. What made him suddenly have some strange thoughts, these two Is it the same?

Thinking extended, he thought of the illusion he saw when he entered the disaster museum.

In the illusion, I saw many people, my sister, mother, father, teacher Xiaolu, Xiao Nineteen, and...

...The old dean!

The smile on Lu Xin's face suddenly disappeared.

"I didn't expect that the Queen of Happy Town, whose mental ability covers 50 kilometers, is so long..."

Chen Jing didn't feel it, she still said softly: "'s cute."

She herself felt that she had used the word "cute" on the queen too much. She smiled and said, "But the support staff tried to get close to her and found that she was not very hostile. Maybe we could take this opportunity to follow her. She has a chat."

"But you need to be prepared. In their eyes, the level of life may be different."

"Perhaps, in the end, only you can communicate with her."


This is his job, Lu Xin nodded lightly and said, "Okay."

"Leader Chen..."

But just now I agreed, and suddenly someone from the support team ran over happily and reported:

"That queen is really cute and kind."

"She just accepted our chocolate bars and cans, and expressed her willingness to communicate with us in Qinggang."

"It's just that now she needs to rest for a while, I hope we will send someone over in a month or so. UU reading"


When Chen Jing heard this, she was also quite surprised, and said with joy: "Great, is there a designated communication person?"

"Mr. Single Soldier..."

The support team raised their fingers to Lu Xin.

Before Lu Xin could agree, he listened to him whispered: "The queen said, except for him, anyone can..."


Chen Jing's expression suddenly changed, and she tentatively asked, "What did you do to the queen?"


Lu Xin looked a little embarrassed: "I saved her life..."

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