Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 457: Best employee (thanks to everyone, Red Moon won the prize)

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On the way to work, the air always looks so fresh and fragrant.

Lu Xin was in a particularly good mood.

Looking at this road, the street full of sewage, the tired and numb crowd, the crowded vehicles, and the bicycles and motorcycles that burrow in and make the road more crowded, because you run over me My feet, I rubbed your newly bought pants and stood on the side of the road arguing. People who just argued for a long time and didn’t touch their hands, and those who were eating and watching the excitement while holding fried dough sticks. . .

…What a crowd full of life!

Lu Xin even had a feeling of returning to his real life.

What does this show?

Explain that he is really floating.

Obviously I am a member of this life!

Cycling to the downstairs of the business company, Lu Xin seriously locked the small pink electric car, then picked it up with one hand, and moved it into the corridor. After looking around, he borrowed the little policewoman. I feel very satisfied with my electric car.

I also own a motorcycle, but I took it to the central city at the time, and I haven't checked it back.

Comparing the two, the difference between the two cars is quite obvious.

How good a small electric car is, it doesn't burn oil.

Turning the key in his hand, he walked upstairs easily, knocked on the glass door lightly, and walked into the office.


When he appeared in front of his colleagues in the office, he instantly greeted a surprised look.

In the office, the pause button seems to have been pressed, people who are walking around holding documents, making calls, stretching their heads and laughing with the female colleague next to them, holding a thermos cup and sipping water in the pantry, by The computer blocker was lying on the desk for breakfast. All the colleagues stopped their movements with a scream and looked at Lu Xin with a standard still image of the office.

"Hello everyone…"

Lu Xin greeted them friendly, and then walked straight to the director's office.

Before, I left after applying for a suspended salary, but now I am back, of course I have to go to the director to cancel the leave.

If you cancel your leave, you will be paid again.

The door of the director's office was open, and Lu Xin walked to the door of the office and stretched his head to see what the director was looking at in front of the computer.

So he smiled and said, "Morning, Director..."

The director didn't look up, and said impatiently: "Why don't you know how to knock when you come in?"

Lu Xin was taken aback, and said, "Your door is open..."

"Just leave the door open..."

The director raised his head while speaking impatiently, and suddenly saw Lu Xin standing at the door and smiling at him.


The few hairs on the top of the director's head suddenly exploded, and his body bounced from the boss chair like an electric shock. The first reaction was to take a step back with his arms around his chest, and his eyes flashed with excitement. I had to step over a distance of two or three meters, bounce the boss chair to one side, and greeted him excitedly: "...hurry in, sit down and sit down."

"Oh oh."

Lu Xin was taken aback for a moment, reached out his hand and knocked twice on the open glass door, and walked in with a smile.

As soon as I turned my head, I saw that on the director's computer desktop, it seemed that it was a detective or something.

"Xiao Lu, you are finally back..."

The director was very enthusiastic, holding Lu Xin's hand in both hands, let him sit down on the sofa next to him, and turned around to pour water in a hurry.

Lu Xin was a little embarrassed, and said, "Director, don't be busy, I'm not thirsty..."

"Before I went to visit relatives, took a long vacation, and now I just came back, I don't know my job position..."


When I asked this sentence, I was actually a little nervous.

It happened because I left the company without pay and left the company when I came back. It also happened.

He was also worried that he would leave the job without pay as he had said before, and he would suddenly lose it to himself.

In that way, wouldn't it be me.

…Have to take a gun again?

"Oh, no problem."

But as soon as the director spoke, Lu Xin was relieved. He even sweated on his forehead, and said excitedly: "Xiao Lu, you don't know how much I am looking forward to your return. I even have... Well, in short, just come back. Okay, the company can't do without you!"


Lu Xin was somewhat stunned: So why am I so important in the company?

Also, I am a supervisor more or less.

"Did you finish your outside affairs?"

At this time, the director had already used the good tea he had hidden in the cupboard to make a cup of tea for Lu Xin. He held it on the small coffee table next to Lu Xin with both hands, rubbing his hands together, both excited and again. Anxiously asked: "I'm here to reinstate this time, right?"

"Well, you have been ready to go to work during this period of time, right?"


"of course."

The director’s response confirmed his importance in the company. Lu Xin was also in a good mood and immediately agreed. However, he quickly realized that the Special Purpose Department was still busy, and he didn’t know when he would need his help. So I hurriedly added another sentence, saying: "But I don't know if there is something else going back, maybe I will ask for another day or two...I try not to ask for leave."

"it's okay no problem…"

The director readily agreed, and asked a little worried: "You must be here today, right?"

Lu Xin felt that the director's reaction was a little strange, and nodded, "Of course."

This was the first day I returned to my post. How could I leave early? The director didn't understand him.

"That's good, that's good."

The director relieved his heart and sighed with relief: "Xiao Lu, you saved my life..."

"Is it so serious?"

Lu Xin was a little surprised, and he had a deeper understanding of his importance in the company.

After talking to the director about returning to work, Lu Xin formally signed the attendance check again. A big stone fell in his heart and returned to his small office.

This small office that I hadn’t stayed for a few days in the first place was actually kept for myself. I looked inside, and even the contents in it hadn’t been moved. I knew that, so I didn’t have to rush to get everything in my computer. deleted.

Fortunately, there is a backup in the mail tray.

Sitting down on the rotating chair gently, Lu Xin breathed a sigh of relief.

It feels good to have a job.

It was also at this time that Director Liu’s little secretary had quietly ran into his office and immediately closed the door. Then the expressions of both of them were both surprised and excited: "This time, I’m almost ready. Ask the detective to find him back..."

"Quickly, look at him, don't let him run away."

"I will call..."



Lu Xin turned on the computer, looked at the familiar page, and felt a little joy of winning over the newlyweds.

But after a while of joy, he fell into contemplation, what did he do?

As soon as I came back, there was no specific work to be handed over to me.

How about writing down the work report required by the Special Clearance Department while you are relatively free now?

Consider that there are still a lot of things you need to do.

In addition to the work report, there are also some things that I have promised to colleague the colleagues in the Qinggang Information Collection Unit.

However, it seemed that it was not very good to deal with another job when I came back to work on the first day.

Thinking of this, Lu Xin took out the mailing plate and copied Tetris back.

The whole morning was peaceful and comfortable.

Lu Xin was actually waiting. Maybe the director or the project manager would arrange a specific job for himself soon, but he didn’t expect that they didn’t come over after waiting all morning, so his mood suddenly became Become more comfortable.

There is a feeling of making a whole morning.

But in the afternoon, just after the meal, the peace and comfort were immediately disrupted.

A pointed car stopped downstairs, and then someone rushed out of the car and ran into the corridor. Seeing the dazzling pink electric car in the corridor, he frowned and went all the way up the stairs. , Across the aisle, in the surprised and panicked expressions of all the employees in the entire office, I saw Director Liu who was greeted from the office and kept winking at him.

He breathed a sigh of relief, rushed to the office next to him in two steps, and said loudly, "Xiao Lu..."

He pushed open the door of the office so violently, "...Brother!"


Lu Xin was taken aback, hurriedly closed the computer page, and subconsciously complained: "Why don't you knock on the door?"

The person who pushed the office stayed for a while, hurriedly closed the door, knocked twice, and walked in again.

"Brother Xiaolu, you are finally back..."

Vice President Xiao Xiao Yuan's face was full of surprises and excitement.

"Ah, Vice President Xiao..."

Only then did Lu Xin react. He accidentally frightened the leader again, and hurriedly got up to greet him.

"Why are you here?"



Vice President Xiao greeted Lu Xin's question, and suddenly felt guilty, saying: "I heard you are back, come and see you."


Lu Xin was a little surprised and glanced at him.

Vice President Xiao suddenly became more guilty and changed the subject bluntly, saying: "I heard you went out to visit relatives before?"


Lu Xin nodded, "I went to Central City and visited a relative."

Vice President Xiao nodded hurriedly, and said, "You have relatives in Central City, have you found them?"

Visiting relatives across cities is a difficult problem these days. Not everyone has the conditions to make a phone call or send a telegram in another city. So when visiting relatives in another city, only to find that their relatives have died or were missing. A common thing.

Lu Xin nodded and smiled: "I found it, and we had a good chat."

"Oh oh."

Vice President Xiao nodded absently, as if he didn't know how to pick it up.

Lu Xin saw that he should have something to say, so he asked directly: "You are so anxious, do you have a job to give me?"


Vice President Xiao froze for a moment, and subconsciously said: "How dare I..."

This answer made Lu Xin glance at the outside of the office subconsciously, thinking it was too speechless.

Let my colleagues hear that I thought I was bullying the leader.

"Actually, I want to treat you to dinner..."

Vice President Xiao seemed to be trying his best to find the right words, his eyes flickered and said.

Lu Xin was a little surprised when he heard it, and his eyes slanted slightly to Vice President Xiao.

What is your status, just invite me to dinner...

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