Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 458: A person possessed by the devil

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Doesn't this person know his own size is also a leader?

A company vice president opened his mouth and wanted to invite a small director of a branch company to dinner.

Obviously identities are not equal!

Lu Xin's strange eyes made Vice President Xiao feel a little flustered.

I deeply felt that I was so abruptly asking to invite people to eat. It seemed too much. I hurriedly explained: "Brother Lu, don't mind, it's really just a meal. After all, you helped last time. I'm so busy, I haven't thanked you well yet..."

After hearing this, Lu Xin suddenly realized: "It's because of the last time..."

He also remembered that the former Vice President Xiao's stepmother had been sent to the prison to squat with his own hands.

That being said, he is grateful to himself, and it is reasonable to invite himself to dinner. . .

So he asked happily: "Where do you go then?"


Vice President Xiao didn't seem to expect Lu Xin to agree so quickly, and even froze for a while.

Then he hurriedly laughed and said, "Of course I am going to a good place. I am very familiar, but I don't know when Xiao Lu will be free?"

Lu Xin thought for a while. He was indeed very leisurely during this period, so he said, "At least it will be after six o'clock."

Vice President Xiao nodded hurriedly: "Okay, okay."

Because of the impatient and subconsciously, I asked again: "Why do you have to be after six o'clock?"

Lu Xin looked at him with weird eyes: "Your company's scheduled commuting time, you want to come over and ask me?"

Vice President Xiao choked suddenly, not knowing how to answer.

He also wanted to stop Lu Xin from going to work and just go with him.

But when I saw Lu Xin's face that no one would stop me from going to work, I couldn't say that.

So at noon, I generously invited everyone from the company to lunch, and then came to Director Liu's office, silently turned on the computer to play Spider Solitaire, and spent the whole afternoon bored.

Lu Xin was playing Tetris silently next door.

Director Liu took the initiative to let go of the office and nestled in the cubicle of Lu Xin's desk to read the documents.

All employees are busy at work with a hundred times more concentration in the partition.

The atmosphere is harmonious.

Lu Xin, who was waiting for the company to arrange work for him, played Tetris until six o'clock.

Because there was no work to deal with this whole day, he felt inexplicably as if he had made a day in vain.

This may also be because you have fallen, right?

But the feeling of depravity is really comfortable...

Vice President Xiao stayed very hard this afternoon.

Although there was Spider Solitaire on the computer, I kept watching the time while playing, leaving the office from time to time, smoking a couple of cigarettes in the corridor, and making a worried phone call.

His busy going in and out put everyone in the office at risk, and no one dared to be lazy.

After an afternoon, work efficiency has risen visibly.

"Little Lu..."

When he arrived at six o'clock, he got stuck and rushed out of the office, shouting loudly, and probed into Lu Xin's small office.

Add the last word: "Brother."

Then he looked forward to: "Can we go now?"

Lu Xin calmly changed to a form page, and said intently: "Wait a moment."

Vice President Xiao was obviously puzzled: "Why?"

Lu Xin glanced at him curiously, and said, "How can anyone leave directly after work? At least the leader has to leave before leaving get off work."

This is justified, and I have suffered this loss before.

After hearing this, Vice President Xiao looked confused, and glanced at Director Liu in the compartment in the far corner.

Has your own company's internal volume reached this level?

Director Liu in the distance noticed Vice President Xiao's gaze, and his heart was greatly shaken.

He immediately assumed that he was dealing with the documents seriously, and made up his mind that he would never leave the company before ten o'clock tonight.

After all, the big leader is watching, this kind of performance opportunity may be once in a lifetime.

Finally, Lu Xin and Vice President Xiao left the company at 7:30.

The reason was because Vice President Xiao couldn’t stand it anymore. He came out of the office and showed his care for employees to everyone in the company, and then implicitly asked them if they had any work that could not be completed at work. After work, stay serious in the company to deal with overtime.

At the same time, he also showed encouragement to the life goals of the employees.

It is time to fall in love and feel, to play, to express accurately in cryptic language.

What we capitalists want is to let you help us make money, not fatal.

Those hateful middle-level leaders will not tire of talking about pomp and rules, and talk about these face-saving projects.

In front of Vice President Xiao, he showed a look of reluctance to work, and the last Director Liu who left the company did not know that his outstanding performance this time made this Vice President Xiao who usually does not hold grudges. Remembered myself fiercely.

"Where to eat?"

The penultimate person, Lu Xin, left the company. After going downstairs, he relaxed slightly and asked with a smile.

"I know a very good place, it is in Satellite City 2, Xiao Lu, please follow me directly."

Vice President Xiao promised to ask Lu Xin to get on the car, and ride Juechen.

Behind, Director Liu, who watched them go away, stroked his hair with satisfaction, and called the little secretary with emotion: "I'll just say, you can't really let him leave at that time. Now take a look, let's see. How much does Vice President Xiao care about him?"

"I handled it so well this time, and I feel that it is hopeful to be transferred to the headquarters to become a vice president..."


The place where Vice President Xiao brought Lu Xin is a very exquisite western restaurant located in the north of Satellite City 2.

When they walked into this restaurant, because they had already passed the western restaurant’s meal, it seemed that the restaurant was very quiet and there were very few people. After Vice President Xiao quietly said something to the foreman, the few remaining A guest quickly paid and left.

In the entire western restaurant, there were only two left, Lu Xin and Xiao Vice President, silent and empty.

"Brother Xiao Lu, see what you like to eat.:

"Last time you helped me so much, I must treat you well."


Vice President Xiao looked very excited, even a little excited, after taking the menu, he said generously to Lu Xin.

Lu Xin glanced at the unit price of the dishes and was suddenly shocked.

How grateful is this Vice Xiao that he sent his stepmother to prison, so he was willing to invite himself this way?

I felt that I wanted to eat every expensive dish on the menu, but Vice President Xiao was also his own leader after all, and it was not easy to give the leader the impression that he did not restrain himself, so he only glanced at it, and then reserved the menu. Come back, smiled and said:

"You order, I can do it."


Basically, it means you'd better pick the expensive ones. Of course, I won't say anything when you order the cheaper ones.

At best, it's just a grudge in your heart.

Fortunately, Mr. Xiao is always a good person. He took a glance at the menu and handed it to the waiter next to him:

"The chef recommends dishes."


Lu Xin was in awe at once, and silently remembered this trick.

"Brother Lu, I don't know if you are accustomed to eating, just taste it first, and we will change it if the taste is not suitable."

Vice President Xiao is very generous. He not only helped Lu Xin order the restaurant’s chef’s recommended set meal, but he also ordered a glass of red wine.

He opened it by himself, sobered up, and poured it on Lu Xin graciously.

There is one thing to say, whether it is steak or red wine, Lu Xin has not tasted too obvious characteristics.

But he was very careful in every move, observing carefully, and learning how to fight this meal as a tough battle.

During the period, both of them were facing enemies, but they were very relaxed.

I chatted casually about Lu Xin's visit to relatives in Central City, and then talked about the current situation of the Xiao family now.

Since the accident in the central city last time, Vice President Xiao’s stepmother Lu Weiwei has been taken away by a group of mysterious people, and has not yet returned. The Xiao family’s father and son have been quarantined for a long time as if they were facing great enemies. All kinds of tests, I dare not ask.

But since then, Xiao Yuan hasn't had that kind of nightmare anymore, and he has escaped.

Vice President Xiao hesitated again and again, but told his father about his experience.

And the old manager Xiao was not reconciled at first, looking for multiple relationships to inquire and find ways.

But after inquiring about it many times, it seemed that I was warned by some acquaintances, and I immediately understood the seriousness of the problem.

From this time on, he didn't dare to urge him anymore, and even had no intention of working, just staying at home to accompany his children.

The Special Purpose Department’s handling of special pollution has always been so merciless...

Lu Xin thought secretly in his heart.

"Brother Xiao Lu, actually, after experiencing the last time, I am very curious about you..."

After eating for half an hour, Vice President Xiao hesitated to speak, and said to Lu Xin: "The thing I had a nightmare before can't be solved, how can you solve it for me as soon as you take action, you...all It belongs to a mysterious department, right?"

Lu Xin glanced at him deeply, hesitating.

Normally, the work of the Special Clearance Department is not allowed to be known to ordinary people.

Even those who are involved in such incidents will have their memories erased afterwards.

However, the erasure of memories is also hierarchical, and it is impossible for every person involved to be accurately erased from all memories.

Coupled with the fact that there are more and more special pollution incidents, it seems that the Ministry of Special Clearance has gradually relaxed its standards.

As a result, more and more ordinary people have gradually realized the existence of such a special department.

Furthermore, the existence of special pollution was also noticed.

At present, both the U.S. Department and the general public are in a subtle state of tacit understanding.

While trying desperately, there are more and more rumors and discussions in private.

Indulge them in guessing and even discussing.

Of course, even so, the regulations of the Special Clearance Department are still there, and Lu Xin still cannot explain to Xiao Yuan carefully. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

"Little Lu, don't get me wrong..."

On the other hand, Vice President Xiao was obviously overly nervous. When he saw Lu Xin's eyes, he hurriedly explained: "Some things can be asked, some things can't be asked. I understand the truth. I'm just, a little curious, you, no matter what the mystery. Do you deal with everything?"

The voice lowered subconsciously: "Catch ghosts, chant scriptures, exorcise evil spirits, and watch Feng Shui. Are these in the business category?"

Lu Xin's eyes are even more weird. Does this Vice President Xiao misunderstand his work?

With Lu Xin's eyes, Vice President Xiao panicked even more.

He hesitated, and whispered: "Actually, I want to ask, if you are so good, have you seen..."

"...Anyone possessed by the devil?"

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