Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 459: Are you talking about him?

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"Anyone possessed by the devil?"

Lu Xin was taken aback. The first thing that flashed through his mind was a "ghost system" capable person he had previously captured. He could enter other people's minds, but he could only be regarded as a person who didn't know the heights of the world. Second goods, can't be considered a devil...

So he frowned and asked seriously: "What is going on?"

"This one…"

Vice President Xiao hesitated, as if he wanted to speak, but hesitated again.

After hesitating for a while, he said: "Before speaking, I want to ask, no matter who you are, will you lock him up?"

Lu Xin reacted for a while before he suddenly understood Vice President Xiao's concerns.

So he smiled and shook his head, and said, "Of course not..."

"We deal with it more directly."



Vice President Xiao shivered, his eyes staring at Lu Xin blankly.

"If you encounter something like this, you'd better tell me directly."

Lu Xin looked at Vice President Xiao and said seriously: "We are not catching ghosts to drive away evil spirits, but some things are more serious than hitting ghosts and encountering evil spirits."

"Even if you hit the ghost and meet the evil, it's only yourself, but if you don't handle this kind of thing properly, you will die a lot of people. To be honest, I only participated in a cleanup mission not long ago. At least nearly a hundred colleagues were killed..."

At this point, Wei Wei paused.

There are various aspects and links in the aftermath work in Happy Town.

But for him, what he cares most now is how to hand over those "suicide notes" to the right people.

He didn't want to face those family members alone, nor did he want to surrender the suicide note so hastily.

Therefore, he is also waiting for Qinggang to arrange this work.


Vice President Xiao, who just picked up the red wine to drink, suddenly choked, looking at Lu Xin with a little horror in his eyes.

Hundreds of colleagues, what a terrible number is this?

He can intuitively feel the heavy weight in this number.

At the same time, in contrast to the recent invisible anxiety and busyness of Qinggang, he also understood the seriousness of this matter.

"Little Lu, don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to hide it for him..."

He coughed, drank a large sip of red wine, and kept calm for a while, then said to Lu Xin: "Actually, I am not sure what happened to me. I just feel a little weird, and I can't tell others. I just wanted to ask you..."

Lu Xin nodded slightly, feeling that the leader was a little nervous.

Yu wiped his mouth, sat up straight, tried to put on a gentle attitude, and said, "You can tell."

"Yes Yes…"

Vice President Xiao agreed repeatedly and adjusted his state.

It can be seen that he is a bit tangled at this time.

It seems that after hearing Lu Xin say that people who were involved in this kind of things were either locked up or cleaned up, he was also very worried, but after all, he had waited for Lu Xin for so long, and he was also concerned about this kind of thing. The fear of the matter, I still decided to say it.

So after some measurement, he whispered: "This matter has something to do with a friend of mine..."

"That friend's surname is Gao, and I have been playing with me since I was young, and my family has done a lot of business."

As he said, he shook his head slightly, seeming to be a little uncomfortable, and said: "He has a very good personality. He rarely blushes with people since he was a child. Although he is tall and big, his personality is like a girl. Sometimes , Even if he kicks him, he will not be angry."


"But it is such a person, but one day before, when a few of our friends were meeting, we inexplicably fell in love with another friend of our surname Li, and said that he fell in love with this without any affection. Girl, want to **** her over to be our own girlfriend. At the very beginning, we all treated him as a joke, but we didn’t expect that he actually moved..."

"In front of everyone, he suddenly rushed up and kissed the girl forcibly..."

"It's crazy, holding someone's face, just go up and bite..."



When Lu Xin heard this, he was slightly startled and surprised: "Emotional dispute?"

"No, no, listen to me..."

Vice President Xiao blushed and explained: "It's not that simple. When we saw it that day, we were frightened."

"Hurrying to pull him away, and asking him to apologize to the friend named Li and his partner, he just sneered."

"The friend named Li was also very annoyed at the time and rushed up to beat him."


When he said this, his voice trembled slightly: "The friend with the surname Gao, usually has such a good temper, a person who will not lose his temper even if he is bullied, but at the time, he grabbed the knife and stabbed it. Into the belly of the friend surnamed Li."


Lu Xin imagined this scene, and frowned slightly.

He looked thoughtful, glanced forward at Vice President Xiao's shoulder, and said, "What then?"

Vice President Xiao subconsciously patted his shoulder, and said, "A good party is bloody, so what else?"

"We had to take the friend named Li to the hospital and even reported to the police, but the friend named Gao had a very hard relationship with his family, and he just went to the guard office to confess even if it was exposed. There was no detention. , We all think he is too much."

"However, this is only the beginning of the matter, and then he did even more excessively."

"The friend surnamed Li is still in the emergency room. He was outside and began to pester his girlfriend."


Speaking of this, Vice President Xiao took a few deep breaths and said: "You can't imagine how much he is, his face has become fierce and cruel, and he said to the girlfriend of the friend surnamed Li, or ever. Follow him, or he will kill the couple."

"So fierce?"

After hearing this, Lu Xin frowned and looked at his shoulder, and said, "Is this meeting true love?"

"Ah this..."

Vice President Xiao was stunned for a moment, and said, "Where is the question of true love or not..."

"He has never been like this before!"

He waved his hand a little irritably before saying:

"We were all angry that day, and all the friends present had to turn their faces with him, so he sneered and left."

"We all treat him as drinking too much, or being confused for a while, and we are ready to wait until he wakes up to talk about it afterwards."

"But what we didn't expect was that starting from the next day, he was doing more and more intensified."

"First, the family of the friend surnamed Li approached his door and asked him why he hurt people. Everyone was acquaintance. He used to be called uncle and aunt, but he drove them out that day, and even drove them out. The car was smashed..."

"Then sent someone to investigate the home address of the subject of the friend surnamed Li, and drove to the door directly..."

"I also heard people say afterwards. He spent three or four days, stalking, intimidating and lure. It is said that he did several heinous things in a row, such as breaking into the girl’s room in the middle of the night and standing. Watching him on the side of her bed, ran to the shopping mall where the girl worked, bought all her goods, and finally even forced them into a sports car on the street..."

"Anyway, he actually took advantage of the friend surnamed Li to be hospitalized, and coaxed the girl to his hand."

"When we heard about this, the girl had been living in his house for two or three days."

"Someone happened to run into him when he was looking for him. The scene was simply terrifying. The girl was dressed up in a weird look by him. She was tortured all over her body with cuts and bruises. Except for her face, there were wounds everywhere. She was hiding in the bathroom. Crying..."

"The friend surnamed Li heard about it before he was discharged from the hospital, and the wound of anger was cracked and a bed of blood shed."


As Vice President Xiao said, he also shook his head, and said sadly:

"We were all too angry at the time, and we went to look for him, and we were all ready to tear up our faces with him."

"Unexpectedly, he was more fierce than us. He not only let us go, but even started with us. The three of us couldn't beat him. He and his family's bodyguards were directly blasted out. Saying that we will kill us in the past..."

As he said, he pulled down his collar and showed it to Lu Xin: "Look, this is what made him pinch."

Indeed, Lu Xin saw a dark purple pinch mark on Vice President Xiao's neck, which shows that he did not act lightly at the time.

He frowned slightly, the focus of his eyes fell on Vice President Xiao's shoulder, and said, "Why don't you call the police?"


Vice President Xiao twisted his neck in distress, and said: "But when the police officer asked in the past, he didn't admit it at all, and threatened the girl that she would follow him voluntarily. His family was already very powerful, the guard The hall can't help him..."

Lu Xin was thoughtful, and after a while, he stared at his shoulder and said, "It's really irritating to listen like this."

"Does people go bad so quickly?"


"No no no..."

Vice President Xiao shook his hand quickly and said: "It's not that simple. To be honest, after this incident, I was really angry, but after thinking about it, I became more and more strange. In time, there has been such a big change?"

"He really wasn't such a person before, otherwise we wouldn't be able to stay for so long."

"In the feeling, he seems to have undergone earth-shaking changes all of a sudden, completely changing a person."

"Moreover, he is not only short-tempered and unreasonable, he will do anything if he doesn't agree with him. The most terrifying thing is..."

Having said that, he lowered his voice slightly: "I found him a little bit strange..."

Seeing him so mysterious, Lu Xin looked up curiously.

"He doesn't act like a normal person in many places..."

Vice President Xiao lowered his voice, and said: "He has become very vigorous and a little nervous."

"Moreover, he seems to be particularly afraid of things like gods. He used to believe in Buddha. There were a lot of gods in the house. Now they are covered with cloth. In addition, when we went to look for him that day, a friend brought him around his neck. After seeing the cross, he immediately became very panicked after seeing the cross, yelling at us hysterically, as if he had seen something terrible."

"Afterwards, some of our friends also discussed it, and the unanimous view was..."


He said, slightly nervous, and whispered: "He must be possessed by the devil now."


When Lu Xin heard this, he was slightly curious.

Sounds like this, but I feel that this incident is still very different from the "ghost" I have encountered.

So he thought about it carefully, and looked at Vice President Xiao with a serious face.

Seriously said: "First of all, there are no ghosts in this world."

"In addition, I think that if a devil is afraid of Buddha statues and crosses, it is somewhat less loyal..."


"Ah this..."

Vice President Xiao did not react for a while, and did not speak in a daze.

Lu Xin sighed softly and said, "But I think I can follow you to see this matter."

Vice President Xiao breathed a sigh of relief, glanced at his watch, and whispered: "I have already invited him, it is estimated that he will be here soon..."


Lu Xin slowly crossed his hands, supported his chin, and fixedly looked at Vice President Xiao.

This look made Vice President Xiao a little flustered, thinking that Lu Xin minded that he called the person over without his consent, and immediately wanted to explain what he thought, but before he could speak, he noticed Lu Xin’s gaze. It fell on his shoulders again.

With a deep look in his eyes, UU read and whispered softly: "It turns out that you are talking about him..."



Vice President Xiao's hair almost stood up, only then did he realize that Lu Xin had always been looking behind him.

Almost falling down, he turned around and looked backwards suddenly.

The restaurant was empty since they came, and for the convenience of speaking, Xiao Yuan asked the waiters to withdraw to the back kitchen, and the lights were only turned on for a small part, only illuminating the area where they were eating. Other places were There was a large amount of darkness behind him, near the restaurant door, and in the shadow that the light could not illuminate, there was a tall figure standing quietly.

In the darkness, he was silent, his eyes were cold, and no one knew how long he had been standing.

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