Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 460: Bugs in the eyes

"Gao Yan? When did you come?"

Vice President Xiao turned his head so abruptly, his hair exploded in fright, and it took him a long time to shout.

Originally, I felt a little hairy in my heart because of talking about this person's weird changes, but suddenly I found that the person I was talking about had already been watching behind me, and the shock in my heart could be imagined.

Especially when he suddenly realized that the way Lu Xin looked at his shoulder was actually looking at this person all the time. The strange and sudden feeling was superimposed on his mind.

I almost cried.

First, what's wrong with Gao Yan. If he had arrived long ago, why should he stand there and listen to himself?

The second is that my own employee has seen him a long time ago, but he hasn't reminded himself?

Vice President Xiao felt like being tortured by the cooperation of these two people.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom..."

The dull footsteps sounded, and the person standing in the shadow of the restaurant door slowly walked forward. After walking into the light, Lu Xin found that this was a tall man with a handsome face. He was long. Very handsome, with high nose and big eyes, three-dimensional features, and good clothes. A black T-shirt, a silver suit, and a pair of leather shoes make him look tall and straight.

It looks good and has a good family background. It is the type that is very enviable from birth. .

The only thing that makes people feel weird is that his face is particularly pale, his spirit is wilted, and it looks like he hasn't slept for a few days.

He silently came to the dining table, "squeaked", pulled a chair, and sat down sideways.

Such a simple action made Vice President Xiao feel frightened and almost stood up and fled.

"I've been there since you started talking badly about me."

The man named Gao Yan poured himself a glass of red wine and drank it all at once.

The Adam's apple is rolling, and it seems to be particularly thirsty.

Then he squinted at Vice President Xiao, with a sneer on his face: "So I am in your heart. Is that so unreasonable?"

"No, no, I don't..."

Vice President Xiao subconsciously denied it, and looked at Lu Xin as if he asked for help.

"I just watched him open the door and come in, and then stood by the door of the restaurant, not talking or leaving."

Lu Xin explained to Vice President Xiao: "But this is originally a restaurant, and it's normal to come in, so I didn't think much about it."

"Is this a question of not thinking too much?"

"Normal people will feel weird when they see such a person, right?"


Vice President Xiao almost cried in his heart, and even felt that compared to entering the restaurant, he had been standing in the shadows listening to Gao Yan. This person saw Gao Yan coming in and chatted with himself without being affected at all. The employees are more weird, right?

Caught in the middle, he felt a sense of weakness.

I had to turn my head and look at Gao Yan, weakly explaining: "I'm really just worried about you."

"Your recent changes have been so great, I don't even feel that I know you anymore, it's completely like a different person..."


"I'm still me."

Gao Yan answered indifferently, his eyes looked a little weak and morbid, and there was a kind of persistent seriousness:

"At most, I just don't like to consider it for you as I used to, and it doesn't make you so satisfied."

"Just because I'm not satisfied with you, you want to find someone to deal with me?"


While talking, he suddenly glanced at Lu Xin, his eyes full of cold madness and provocation.

Blue veins appeared on the back of his hand, grabbed the fork, and squeezed it firmly.

He feels like a madman who can jump up and stabbing people with a knife at any time.

Lu Xin met his gaze, smiled friendly, and nodded.

"Ah... not like this..."

Vice President Xiao choked at Gao Yan’s words, and explained with worry and distress: "Really, I am not trying to find someone to deal with you. In fact, what you have done recently is too much. You not only snatched Li Ping’s My girlfriend, even stabbed him directly with a knife. This is really... We are friends who have been playing for ten years. How can you be so disregarded and act so crazy..."

Lu Xin listened quietly next to him and looked at it.

If Vice President Xiao dared to say these things again in front of him, it means that what Vice President Xiao said is indeed the truth?

This man with a surname is really a type who threatens to rob his girlfriend in person and stabbing someone with a knife if he doesn't agree with him?

I have to say that looking at his current look, he can do this.

"so what?"

While Lu Xin was considering this question, Gao Yan's voice suddenly rose sharply, and the veins on his neck crawled like a snake.

"What kind of **** is he who wants to rush to hit me, so what if I stabbed him?"

"Even his business that broke the company was given to him. Where did he dare to scold me and punch me?"


"I know you take good care of him..."

Vice President Xiao was also a little anxious, frowning in annoyance, and said: "But you were your relatives and girlfriends in person..."

Gao Yan sneered: "I met a girl I like, so I chased it. Isn't this normal?"

"What is normal?"

Vice President Xiao’s voice has subconsciously improved: "You tortured people like that..."

"I like torturing girls I like, what's the problem?"

Facing the anxious and troubled Vice President Xiao, Gao Yan sneered, as if he was calmer than Vice President Xiao:

"Besides, what is torture?"

"There are many ways to express what you like. Some are hitting, some are cursing, and some are torturing each other who likes to change the way. Hehehe, even if you go to bed with a favorite girl for the first time, she is in pain. You Have you ever wanted to brake temporarily?"



Listening to Gao Yan, Vice President Xiao

I jumped up with anger and cried, "How can you say these things without pressure?"

"Have you been so perverted, have you ever asked someone's opinion?"


Gao Yan looked at the anxious Vice President Xiao condescendingly with a kind of indifferent eyes, his expression became playful.

"When the Guard Office came to ask, she said it was voluntary. You were there at the time, and now you still need to ask me?"



Vice President Xiao was actually speechless when asked.

In the high-yan eyes, he felt like he was being played around.

The eyes looked at Lu Xin secretly, only to find that Lu Xin had been quiet, just listening silently.

"The logic is very clear..."

Lu Xin listened to the conversation between Gao Yan and Vice President Xiao.

Out of courtesy, he did not interrupt the two people when they were talking. He just quietly observed that the man with the surname of Gao did not find any abnormal mental monsters or mental fluctuations, and it did not seem to be affected. The appearance of mental pollution.

And listening to him, the logic seems to be very rigorous.

Many people who have been mentally contaminated feel that they are logically rigorous, but when they communicate with others, they will have problems, just like the previous group of people who were bewitched by the technology church and went to the happy town to hunt for treasure. They themselves believe in Happy Little There are treasures in the town, so I take all this for granted, but as soon as outsiders communicate with them, they immediately discover the distortion of their thinking.

Obviously there is no treasure in Happy Town, they think there is.

This can be judged from their logic that they are mentally contaminated.

But the man in front of him with the surname Gao is different. He has careful thinking and clear logic. He rushed to say something, but he was speechless to run Vice President Xiao, which proved that at least he couldn’t think logically. He was mentally contaminated.

He may just be a simple bad guy.

There is still a big difference between a simple bad person and a person who has been mentally polluted.

For myself, the difference is that a simple bad guy is not in my control.

So even if he is angry, he should be handed over to the police.


Vice President Xiao, who was speechless by Gao Yan, was also annoyed at this time. He was angry and anxious. He felt like a dumb-mouthed person was full of words but couldn't say anything. He stood up as soon as he patted the table. , Said loudly: "How can you become so shameless now, how can you say such things in a high-sounding way, I have always regarded you as my best friend, and I will not see you become like this..."

When he said these words, his emotions were already extremely anxious.


But no one thought that Gao Yan, who was sitting in the seat with a sneer, suddenly grabbed the red wine bottle and smashed it on the table.

The bright red wine splashed all over the floor and flowed down the table, as red as blood.

Gao Yan grabbed the broken red wine bottle and stood up. He was tall and tall. This standing up gave people an invisible sense of oppression. The sharp neck of the bottle in his hand and the red wine splashed on his hand. Filled him with a dangerous atmosphere, gritted his teeth, and said coldly: "If you treat me as a friend, the best thing you should do is understand me, instead of running to others and saying bad things about me..."

"Since you are talking about me behind your back and looking for someone to deal with me, then I still treat you as a fart friend?"



Vice President Xiao was frightened by Gao Yan, his scalp numb, and he rushed behind Lu Xin.

Across from Lu Xin, he looked at Gao Yan who was angry like a beast, and his legs were a little soft in fright: "You..."

"what do you want?"


"What do I want?"

Gao Yan's expression was sick, and there was an unusually violent fire: "I just fell in love with a woman, what's wrong?"

"Keep thinking of me as a friend, but in the end I was thinking about hurting me..."

"Since you want to hurt me, UU read, then why should I keep you?"


As he spoke, he was approaching little by little.

Vice President Xiao's teeth were shaking with fright, and he made a clicking sound.

He pinned all his hopes on Lu Xin, and looked over as if asking for help.

However, it was discovered that Lu Xin was also slightly in a trance.

His gaze also fell on Gao Yan’s face, watching very carefully. This tall man gritted his teeth and his cheek muscles were tense. It looks like the most common appearance when a person is angry, but this time attracts Lu. Xin's, but his eyes, he stared into Vice President Xiao's eyes, blood-red, there were abnormally many insects, one by one, swimming quickly.

The quantity and the picture immediately made him feel...


…Since it is contaminated, you can manage it yourself!

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