Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 462: Han Bing's complaint

"I... forget it."


"Brother Xiaolu, you..."


Vice President Xiao, this extremely low chassis and extremely impractical car drove slowly on the road.

Lu Xin sat in the back seat, with Gao Yan, who was still in a coma at this time tilted by his side. He had been thinking silently about the rules and procedures of the Ministry of Special Purposes, while Vice President Xiao, who was driving in front, turned his head for a while, thinking. Stop talking again, three times in a row.

Lu Xin finally noticed him and turned to look in the rearview mirror: "What do you want to say?"

"Brother Little Lu..."

Vice President Xiao's eyes looked pitiful in the narrow lenses: "Will you really shut him up or clean him up?"

Hearing this question, Lu Xin was thoughtful.

He glanced at Gao Yan, who was leaning on the seat, his face pale, and he was in a coma.

Just looking at his current appearance will only make people feel that he is tall and handsome, and his temperament can even be said to be a bit refined. .

But who could have thought that he could show such a hideous and terrifying look just now?

He glanced at Vice President Xiao, knowing that he was worried, and said softly: "Although most of our work is to clean up or isolate them, in fact, we said during the training that the most important part of this job is. The goal is to heal them."

Vice President Xiao was slightly happy: "So, can he actually become the same as before?"

Lu Xin smiled and said, "If it can be cured, of course it can."

Vice President Xiao's expression became even more excited: "Then he..."

Lu Xin shook his head and said, "The possibility of cure is very low."

Vice President Xiao was stunned for a while, and blinked.

Lu Xin was able to sense the worries, complexity and fear in his heart, and decided to say a few more words without violating the regulations, saying: "His pollution is already very serious. I don’t know if anyone has seen similar cases. I know, but judging from the recent incidents that I have experienced, no serious polluter can be cured. Look at what he was like just now..."

Having said that, he was very understanding and didn't say anything more serious, but just shook his head slightly.

Vice President Xiao fell silent for a while, and after a while, his eyes were slightly red.

"A good person, why has it become like this?"


Faced with other people's questions, Lu Xin always answers subconsciously.

But this time, he opened his mouth, but didn't say anything.

Because this problem is too complicated.

People who have suffered from mental pollution, may just lose some mental energy, fall into depression overall, or have some other symptoms such as auditory hallucinations and malaise. Although the possibility of a complete cure is not high, at least there is hope.

The heavy polluters themselves have become the same nature as the source of pollution. Let alone cure, the non-proliferation will be thankful for them.

This is exactly the terrifying aspect of mental pollution.

It's not a cold injury, just take some medicine and take a rest.

Speaking of it, it can be regarded as a trace, but it is too complicated and fragile, and it is difficult to cure it.

Especially after experiencing the things in Happy Town this time, Lu Xin was deeply moved.

The resistance of ordinary people to mental pollution is really too weak.


On the one hand, they are ordinary people who are so fragile that they can hardly fight back in the face of mental pollution.

On the other hand, there are more and more, more and more complex types, and higher and higher threat levels of mental pollution.

When I think about it, Lu Xin is somewhat depressed.

This question seems to have no solution...

My colleagues in Qinggang, as well as many people I know, have worked very hard...

While he was thinking about this question silently, suddenly the satellite phone rang, Lu Xin was taken aback, and hurriedly picked it up.

Han Bing's voice came from the microphone: "Mr. Soldier, where are you now?"

Lu Xin glanced at Vice President Xiao in the driver's seat, and subconsciously lowered his voice: "On the way to investigate."

After meeting the two police officers just now, Lu Xin asked them to report the incident.

However, considering that Chen Jing and Han Bing have been busy recently, and the pollution incident encountered right now does not know the threat, so I did not call them directly. Even if they report, they just tell them to tell them. Just a preparation.

I didn't expect Han Bing to call so soon.

"Mr. Shan Bing, is our relationship so alienated?"

Han Bing's voice seemed to be a little girl's grievance: "You don't call me directly on such a big matter."


Lu Xin was a little surprised and hurriedly explained: "No, I am worried that you are too busy."

Han Bing sighed and said, "I am very busy, working overtime for several days, sleeping for three hours a day, and losing my hair..."

The voice changed: "But I am Mr. Shan Bing's information connection specialist. As long as it is your business, it will be transferred to me."

Lu Xin suddenly felt guilty.

It seemed that although he didn't intend it, it still increased Han Bing's workload.

She really lost her hair, isn't that half of her responsibility?

"Well, just kidding, special pollution is nothing trivial, and we must also cheer up."

Han Bing chuckled, changed the subject, his attitude became more serious, and said, "Mr. Single Soldier, I am calling you now for two reasons. The first is that we already know what you told the two police officers to report. , Please briefly describe the specific situation."

Lu Xin hurriedly investigated his mentality, and recounted what Vice President Xiao had said to him and the fact that there were bugs in Gao Yan's eyes.

There was a crackling keyboard sound on the other end of the phone. It should be Han Bing typing in the information.

"Only when you see bugs appear in his eyes can you be sure that he is contaminated..."

"The method of pollution is temporarily unknown..."

"It's another special pollution incident that is extremely secretive..."

After a while, Han Bing sighed and said, "So, Mr. Shan Bing is going to visit Gao Yan's house now to make sure that the girl kidnapped by him has been contaminated by him, and whether the people around him are normal. is it?"

Lu Xin nodded: "Yes."

If you find someone who has been contaminated, you have to go to see if the people around him are also contaminated as soon as possible.

Based on this result, infer the pollution logic chain and the threat level.

"There is no problem with this idea."

Han Bing said, "But please be careful, Mr. Shan Soldier. I'm afraid it will be a little troublesome where you are going."

Lu Xin was taken aback for a moment: "Is there a serious source of pollution?"


Han Bing said, "Mr. Shan Bing, just now, I received a notice."

"Someone is trying to snoop on your information."


"what is this?"

Lu Xin didn't react for a while.

Han Bing explained clearly:

"It's very simple. Someone is inquiring about your past and secret identity through personal relationships."

"Because you are a Level 4 special talent of our Qinggang... After calculating the contribution points this time, it is estimated that you can go straight to Level 5... In addition, your information itself is also a very high level A secret. So anyone thinks If you want to snoop on your information, I will know it immediately."



Lu Xin didn't know that he still had such special treatment in Qinggang.

He also felt a little fresh, and said hurriedly: "Do you know who the other party is now?"

"People from Qinggang Prosperity Group."

Han Bing tapped the keyboard a few times as he spoke, and said, "It should be Gao Chang, their chairman, who can inquire about the Executive Office. This person came to Qinggang 20 years ago and is treated as a fifth-level citizen of Qinggang. He usually lives in the No. 4 Yard of XX Community in the main city, but has a lot of business in Satellite City 2, so he stays in Satellite City for a long time. He is also a candidate for Member of Satellite City, and his connections and influence are very strong."

"I first received your mission report. Less than ten minutes later, I received a reminder that someone was spying on you. It can be determined that you injured the contaminated person, and the other party was notified, and Start preparing to deal with you."


Lu Xin glanced at Gao Yan next to him, and understood in his heart.

There is no doubt that it is someone in his family who is inquiring about the news.

Handling things calmly, when I heard that my child was injured, the first reaction was to ask about the injured person first?

He was not good at handling such things, so he had to ask: "What should I do?"

Han Bing said: "In this case, we usually have two ways to deal with it."

"One is to give a warning directly, or to make an arrest."

"The second is to temporarily give them false identity information to mislead them."

"It also depends on the specific situation. If the other party's purpose is to disadvantage you, then you will be arrested and interrogated directly. If it is related to a certain task you are performing, you must give false identity information. This is to prevent the attack. …"


Lu Xin suddenly understood.

The working style of the U.S. Department of Special Purposes has always been vigorous and resolute, but this also depends on specific circumstances.

When dealing with pollution sources, then we must pay attention to a law of efficiency, do not hesitate to consume a lot of manpower and material resources, everything is fast.

But if the capable people are doing ghosts, then be careful not to scare him and prepare them.

He gave his own opinion: "Now I am not sure what the nature of this incident is, but it is best not to be stunned."

"Okay, then I know how to deal with it."

Han Bing let out a sigh of relief and said, "Mr. Single Soldier, be careful. I have already arranged someone to prepare to support you."

"In terms of time, they should be in place within twenty minutes."


Lu Xin was slightly surprised when he heard these words: "Are there still people in the city?"

Han Bing was also a little helpless. UU reading said: "Although the entire Special Purpose Department is busy with headaches, people can still spare a little."

"I just hope that this time, it won't be too much trouble..."

At the end, she herself suddenly felt a little distressed, and whispered: "Oh, I have been working overtime for a long time..."

"I want to hurry up and take a vacation, eat ice cream and watch an old movie..."


This sentence stunned Lu Xin, who was about to take the call.

He really heard such a small complaint from Han Bing for the first time...

This girl also has a problem with her work attitude!

But considering that people have already started to lose their hair, it's reasonable to have a little complaint...

Especially deep inside, Lu Xin felt that such Han Bing was more real.

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