Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 463: Simply unprofessional (4000 words)

After knowing the number in my heart, I looked out the car window and got ready.

Vice President Xiao in front drove the car honestly and did not dare to breathe when he heard Lu Xin answering the phone in the trunk.

He could only hear what Lu Xin said, it was difficult to guess what before and after comparison, but he was a little bit unclear.

Seeing from the rearview mirror, Lu Xin calmly sat in the back seat, took out the satellite city phone, calmly said "Who is the other party?" "Everything is more important than work." "Then you will arrange it." He looks like he has more leadership style than his own father.

Subconsciously, the waist was straightened a bit, and he looked seriously at the car driving ahead.

And forget what you should not listen to as soon as possible. .

The car galloped all the way, and in about twenty minutes, it had entered the eastern part of Satellite City No.2, in the exquisite and atmospheric villa area. It followed the gravel path and stopped outside a row of tall courtyard walls. The villa where Gao Yan usually lives.

Lu Xin took a deep look and felt that this villa should be quite valuable.

"Brother Xiao Lu, what shall we do?"

Vice President Xiao stopped the car, turned his head with a serious face, and looked at Lu Xin seriously.

Nervous, scared, and faintly eager to try.

Lu Xin glanced at him strangely, thinking that Vice Xiao was somewhat strange.

How did he change from a company vice president who was not angry when he first saw him, step by step into a little cute appearance?

With a light sigh, he exhorted: "You just need to protect yourself."


Vice President Xiao immediately nodded obediently, making people feel distressed obediently.

With Gao Yan still in a coma, Lu Xin came to the tall iron gate and rang the doorbell politely.

After waiting ten seconds, he pressed it again.

I plan to break in if no one opens the door again.

At this moment, the iron gate was suddenly pushed open, and there was a clatter of footsteps inside. When Lu Xin saw the yard, he also saw a bunch of black hole muzzles, carrying a strange danger. The breath pointed to his face.

"Ah this..."

Lu Xin took a step back subconsciously, and saw faces with sturdy aura.

The Gao family knew that he was coming, and was even ready for others to deal with him?

He couldn't help but jumped his eyelids, and then faced the row of black muzzles with a smile on his face:


"Do you know that holding a gun is illegal in Satellite City?"


There were a line of gunmen standing in the villa, and they looked at each other suddenly, and their cold expressions seemed a little weird.

"Are you Lu Xin?"

When the muzzle of this row of black holes was pointed at Lu Xin's face, there was also a sound in the courtyard of the villa.

Across the densely packed gunners, you can see that it is a tall, well-dressed middle-aged man with a look similar to Gao Yan. At this time, he looked over to Lu Xin with great momentum, and his voice contained With a strong anger:

"I was originally an orphan in the Red Moon Orphanage. Later, I secretly received training from the search team. On the surface, he was an ordinary employee of the Xiao Business Transportation Group. In private, he was a private commissioner to accept accounts, assassinate, and kill. The hired gunmen for debt collection and extramarital affairs, because they had completed the commission of a big figure in the main city, had some friendship with the other party, and got his asylum."

"Because of this qualification as capital, you are getting bolder and even more aggressive?"


The middle-aged man said loudly, and at the same time looked at Lu Xin's side. His legs were red and stern. His eyes were reddened by the injuries on his legs. He suppressed the anger in his heart and said: "It's just because Do you dare to put such a heavy hand on a small matter?"


Lu Xin was a little confused by what he said.

Where is this and where?

When did he become a private shooter again?

I quickly understood in my heart that this should be the fake identity that Han Bing had asked someone to make for himself. Maybe he sounded outrageous, but in the eyes of this extraordinary middle-aged man, it was already he who inquired through some powerful relationships. "Confidential" came out.

This secret usually explains some of his own behavior, but it does not arouse these people's vigilance.

Of course, it is not easy to reveal this identity, but the face cannot be ignored.

So he nodded lightly and explained earnestly: "Don't talk about anything else, I really haven't taken over the extramarital affairs business."

The middle-aged man who was waiting for him was even more annoyed when he heard this.

"Young man, this is not the time for you to be silly."


A look made him look past, and a row of gunmen in front of the door immediately approached Lu Xin at the same time.

Even a few of them have already opened the insurance, their fingers are also hooked on the trigger, and they can be fired at any time.

Under normal circumstances, the ban on guns in Highwall City is severe, and few people dare to shoot inside the city.

However, under the heavy money, there must be brave men, and there are always some people who, after getting the guarantee of the big people, dared to shoot and wound people, and then hid outside the high wall for a few years, then come back when the wind is quiet. Now There should be so many in this group of gunners.

Of course, even with the power of this Gao family, such desperadoes can't afford too much.

Now there are so many people holding guns in this yard, and there are only two or three who dare to shoot.

"I know that Gao Yan had a little friction with his friends recently."

Standing behind the bodyguard, Gao Chang looked at Lu Xin coldly, and said solemnly:

"But I really didn't expect you to make such a big mess for a little thing!"

"You have someone from the Executive Office as your backer, and I can also call the main city with one phone call. Don't go too far."


As he said, he waved his hand coldly: "Go, first take Gao Yan and take him to the hospital for treatment. As for this person..."

He obviously couldn't see his son's badly wounded appearance, and he was very anxious.

In fact, he was hesitant in his heart. After all, he was a business man, and he didn't want to cause trouble as a last resort.

As soon as Gao Yan had an accident, he had already been notified by the bodyguards.

The first reaction was not anger, but some panic.

He knew that those who dared to shoot inside the high wall were the kind of stunned people who were never simple in identity. He, who had always acted carefully, ruled out the possibility of encountering stunned people in the first place. I chose to find out the details of this person first.

After so many years of contacts, he has reached the limit, so he can quickly lock in the small employees in Xiao Yuan's company.

And at the fastest speed, find someone to get the information of this little employee.

However, even if he had "understood" Lu Xin's details, he didn't want to shoot him directly at his door.

After all, even if you are confident of suppressing this matter, it will be a little troublesome to shoot privately within a high wall.

So until this time, he ordered to protect his son first.

Hearing Gao Chang's order, several bodyguards strode forward, reaching out to support Gao Yan's shoulders.

But Lu Xin immediately took a step back and said, "Don't touch him, it's dangerous."

"唰" "唰" "唰"

Seeing that Lu Xin didn't cooperate, several more guns were picked up immediately, almost poking them in Lu Xin's face.

The situation suddenly became depressed, and the air was full of dangerous smells.

"Don't... don't worry, Uncle Gao, it's me, I'm Xiao Yuan..."

At this time, an anxious voice sounded.

Vice President Xiao hurriedly walked out from behind Lu Xin, facing so many gunpoints, his legs were shaking.

But still bravely walked up to Lu Xin's side and shouted into the villa on tiptoes: "Uncle Gao, don’t get me wrong. We came here to help Gao Yan. Gao Yan had some problems before. You also know this..."

"You still have the face to call me uncle?"

Gao Chang's eyes fell angrily on Vice President Xiao's face, and he shouted: "You and Gao Yan have been in love since childhood, and you have been in love for more than 20 years. Just ask an outsider to interrupt Gao Yan's legs?"

Vice President Xiao flushed with anxiety, and hurriedly shouted: "It's not like that, Uncle Gao..."

"Needless to say."

Gao Chang waved his hand fiercely, his brows condensed: "Hand over Gao Yan, or don't blame me for being impolite."

The bodyguard next to him immediately went up and grabbed Gao Yan's arm.

Lu Xin frowned suddenly.


At this time, there was a faint electric current on the channel, followed by a man’s voice: "Mr. Single Soldier, I’m Wu Xiu, the captain of the third squadron of the Satellite City Security Office on Satellite City 2. I temporarily received the above order to cooperate with you. Now we have just arrived nearby, and the sniper can be in place in one minute. May I ask, do we need to rush over to assist you in the mission?"


Lu Xin was somewhat surprised.

The several armed police brigades of the Guard Department usually work in maintaining law and order, not in contact with special pollution incidents.

Why did you send them here?

"Wait a minute."

Anxiously, he could only say a few words, while watching the chaotic scene before him, he determined a few questions in his heart.

First, the Gao family is indeed strong and powerful, and can use so many bodyguards with guns in a short time.

Second, since I came so quickly, the Gao family shouldn't have time to move some weird things elsewhere.

Third, Vice President Xiao is very loyal, and he can stand up and explain to himself when his legs are trembling...

So I quickly sorted out what to do, looked up at Gao Chang, and said: "Mr. Gao Chang, don't worry, in fact, I came to deal with an abnormal incident. There is no malice towards your Gao family. If we can calm down If you sit down and have a good talk, then I should be able to investigate all these things quickly, and then send your son for treatment."

"For example, for the first thing, there should be a girl in your family who was abused by your son."

"I need to see this girl first."


Lu Xin's voice is very sincere, and the smile on his face seems to be very kind.

But when such a muzzle hit his face and the air was filled with danger, he said so seriously, it made people feel a little unspeakable weird.

When Gao Chang heard what he said, his heart was even more violent.

Thinking of the girl who was kept in the basement by her son, she made it clear that Xiao Yuan brought this person to her home.

Injured his own son, and kidnapped him to come back to find that girl, and take the charge of his kidnapping?

"There is no girl you are looking for here."

With a cold face and red eyes, he suddenly strode forward, grabbed his gun from a bodyguard, violently shook the insurance, and pointed it at Lu Xin's face: "Today I will leave the words Here, if you really do not live or die, then I will..."

"Ah this..."

Lu Xin frowned slightly, but he didn't expect that this person actually understood mental pollution.

Moreover, based on his own insights, he tested his son's mental power fluctuations.

So, he now regards himself as a liar?

For a while, even Lu Xin didn't know what to do.

When someone pointed a gun on his head, he felt a weird feeling that was indescribable.

Obviously I should be scared, but a smile could not be tolerated. He looked at Gao Chang with red eyes and said with a smile:

"Since you are so uncooperative, then I..."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly heard a frightened cry on the channel:

"No, they threatened Mr. Single Soldier."

"The sniper will shoot..."


Gao Chang pointed at Lu Xin's forehead severely, and before he could finish his threatening words, he heard gunshots.


His hands suddenly became pulpy, the plasma exploded, and the gun flew out of nowhere.

The second half of the sentence was choked back, and he didn't even feel the pain for a while, just staring blankly at his severed hand.

The surrounding bodyguards were also stunned, and someone dumbly wiped the blood on his face.

"Hurry in!"

In the channel next to Lu Xin's glasses legs, there was another shout, and immediately the sound of footsteps around him sounded.


A smoking cylinder was thrown in across the wall, and the pungent smoke instantly filled.

Immediately afterwards, there was the sound of the door being smashed open by some heavy object, the sound of sudden submachine guns, the sound of shields hitting people hard, the sound of several gunshots resounding hurriedly, and the sound of a loud yelling "Hurry up and protect yourself." "Mr. Single Soldier" voice.

Finally, there is a group of people holding explosion-proof shields, sturdyly blocking themselves behind the scenes.

Lu Xin didn't react at all, and was stunned by the scene in front of him.

The small courtyard of this villa where a group of bodyguards was originally gathered was suddenly crowded with members of the explosion-proof brigade wearing black armed uniforms. They stood like pacesetters scattered in the courtyard, killing, knocking down and uniforming a group of gunmen. , Step on it.

"What are you doing?"

Lu Xin was a little flustered by this scene, it was different from his usual tasks.

At this moment, a big beard who was also wearing a black armed uniform and holding a submachine gun came to Lu Xin with a look of luck. Xiang Lu Xin smiled and said, "It was too dangerous, Mr. Lu Xin, fortunately ours. The sniper was in place in time..."


He glanced at Lu Xin and said, "How dangerous you are..."


Lu Xin listened, UU reading only slightly slowed down. He looked at the bearded man and said, "Why are you here now?"

The beard was also taken aback, and said, "Protect you."

"I don't need your protection..."

Lu Xin said: "You only need to stay around to prevent the spread of pollution!"

The bearded man listened, obviously looking confused: "The other party has all pointed their guns at you. Why don't we come in and stay outside?"

Lu Xin didn't even know how to explain it.

The two stood silently on the spot, looking at each other with eyes that disliked each other's inattentive eyes.

Recommend a book: A scarred middle-aged soul goes back in time and embraces the dappled sunshine of 98 years! Suddenly discovered that it was just a boy at that time, and the years are fragrant! It turns out that making mistakes is called growth, and youth can be so flying!

Title: Rebirth is Like Water Flowing Years

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