Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 472: Our Special Clearance Department does not accept gifts

It was too sudden.

Even if he had recognized who this person was, Lu Xin was at a loss for a while.

She and she should be considered acquaintances...

You should show your enthusiasm and happiness for her arrival, right?

So, should we hug, or should we?

Han Bing looked at Lu Xin with a smile, and seemed to be proud of the fact that he suddenly appeared in front of Lu Xin. He blinked at the surprised Lu Xin. After some kind of trifling thing, he waited. See how Lu Xin would react.


The expression on Lu Xin's face stayed for a while before it turned into a surprise, and then enthusiastically stretched out his two hands.

Made a handshake gesture.


Han Bing also stunned, then covered his mouth with one hand and smiled, and then stretched out the other.

The two of them were in this dilapidated corridor full of cigarette butts and smoke, and their three hands were tightly held together. .

Lu Xin was afraid that he was not happy enough, and after holding it, he shook it up and down.

"Mr. Shan Bing, I really didn't expect that the first thing you would do when you meet me is to shake hands and use both hands..."

Han Bing lit up the dark corridor with a smile.

"Oh oh..."

Lu Xin also let go of her hand with some embarrassment, and said with a smile: "I really didn't expect you to come over."

He said with a strange expression: "Isn't it busy these days?"

"It was very busy the other day, and it made me turn around."

Han Bing stroked his thick, long black hair, and Versailles smiled completely: "But fortunately, the situation has been relatively stable recently."

"Although the affairs on the sea side are busy, under the arrangement of Professor Bai, there has been no major change. On the happy town side, everyone was like a big enemy at first, but the result was unexpectedly smooth. Withdrawing."

"In this way, of course our pressure is slowly alleviating..."

"Of course, in addition to the fact that the work schedule is not so close, it may also be related to you."

She smiled and said: "The leaders can hear me talking with you, probably because my grumbling was too obvious when I was talking with you, so the leader worked overtime for half a month in order to take care of my emotions. After that, finally give me a holiday..."


"This one…"

Han Bing's voice, Lu Xin, has been heard countless times, but it was the first time I heard it in person.

Looking at the smile on her face, she felt like a chirping bird, talking crisply.

Not only can I hear what she said, but also feel her joy and joy.

Lu Xin felt that he was not as comfortable as chatting on the channel, and he didn't know what to answer for a while.

Started for a moment, then said: "Oh, in this case, you are not afraid of being put on shoes by the leader?"

Han Bing blinked and said, "Don't be afraid."

Lu Xin was surprised: "Why?"

Han Bing smiled and said, "Because my mother's level is higher than our leader."


Lu Xin was choked suddenly. He didn't expect this answer.

Han Bing's eyes narrowed with laughter, and said, "I was abruptly on vacation, and I don't know what to do."

"Just before Mr. Individual asked me to help you pick a house, I have already screened some information."

"But thinking about such a major event as the house, it's better to just go and look at the information, so I just came over."

As he said, he smiled and said, "Can Mr. Shan Bing let go of my hand?"


Only then did Lu Xin realize that he was still holding him tightly with both hands, and hurriedly let go.

Han Bing showed his neat white teeth with a smile, and let himself go by the corridor: "Then let's set off now?"


Lu Xin agreed subconsciously, but said awkwardly: "But I still have to go to work..."


Han Bing glanced at Lu Xin, then at the busy office inside.

The expression was somewhat puzzled and uncertain, and he lowered his voice and said, "Isn't this what you used to hide your identity?"


Lu Xin said: "I really work here."

"To be precise, the work of the Special Pollution Cleanup Department is just my part-time job."


Han Bing took a deep look at Lu Xin, and she did not expect this answer.

"Well then, I'll go in and wait for you."

She nodded graciously and said, "It just so happens that I also look at the place where Mr. Shan Soldier works."

"This one…"

Lu Xin was taken aback for a while, then smiled and nodded, leading Han Bing in, and said, "I did a good job here."

"I'm already in charge of several projects."


"唰" "唰" "唰"

When Han Bing followed Lu Xin and walked into the office, his face instantly lifted.

In this pale-lit and dull office, the appearance of Han Bing seemed to suddenly make the office a little more angry.

The male colleagues in the office subconsciously dilated their pupils slightly, while the female colleagues raised their eyebrows slightly.

For many male colleagues who are determined to get into the main city, such a girl has always been their dream goal.

Although they didn't know Han Bing's identity at this time, they could feel the difference in her temperament.

Han Bing's dress is actually quite ordinary, but she was born in the main city, and her temperament seems to be different from that of the girls in the satellite city.


With a smile on Han Bing's face, he gently waved his hand to Lu Xin's colleagues with a little shyness, and walked by Lu Xin.

Lu Xin also slightly uncomfortably explained to his colleagues in a low voice: "I am a friend..."

He doesn't know why.

It was obviously just a friend who came to the office with me. Why did it attract so many envy eyes?

The most important thing is, why do you feel a little proud when you look at yourself?


When Lu Xin pushed the door into his small office, Vice President Xiao was sitting inside, playing with the watch. When he looked up and saw Lu Xin coming in, he immediately smiled and said, "Brother Xiao Lu, look at this watch. I think it matches your temperament...Huh?"

His gaze jumped over Lu Xin, and fell on Han Bing who was coming in with Lu Xin.

After being taken aback for a while, thinking that she might have heard her address to Lu Xin, her face suddenly became stern.

"Which department are you in?"


Lu Xin casually took the watch from Vice President Xiao's hand, put it in the drawer, and introduced with a smile:

"She is my friend, Han Bing, from the main city."



Vice President Xiao was startled slightly, his face changed suddenly, and he stood up nervously.

I closed the glass door first, and then bowed my head and shook hands with Han Bing, and continued: "Sorry Miss Han..."

"My name is Xiao Yuan, and I am Xiaolu...Brother's friend."


Han Bing shook his hand lightly, then turned his head and cast a questioning look at Lu Xin.

Lu Xin had no choice but to explain with a smile: "He is the vice president of our company, and he may soon become the real boss soon."

"This, this..."

Vice President Xiao was a little embarrassed, and said with a smile: "The main reason is to see when my old man will officially withdraw..."

After saying hello, Lu Xin sat down at his computer desk.

Han Bing sat on the small plastic stool next to the computer desk, and all three of them smiled kindly.

Smiling, smiling...

Then the atmosphere gradually became a little awkward...

Lu Xin quietly turned his head, looked at Vice President Xiao, and said, "Do you feel that this office is a bit crowded?"

"Yes? Haha..."

Suddenly Vice President Xiao couldn't laugh a little, and silently glanced at the small office.

Originally, this office was separated from the original Director Liu’s large office. The space was really small. Now it is full of gifts that he just moved in. Lu Xin and Han Bing sat together, standing alone. By the door...

He glanced at Lu Xin silently, and got affirmation from Lu Xin's gaze.

Then he suddenly laughed and said, "Miss Han, you and Xiaolu brother will talk first. I have another meeting. I forgot about it..."

Han Bing smiled and nodded: "Okay, OK, you're busy first."

"Then I'll go first..."

Vice President Xiao opened the door with a smile on his face, walked out, and suddenly came in again the next second: "That's right."

He looked at Lu Xin solemnly and lowered his voice: "Brother Lu, do you know that our company has a banquet subsidy, right?"

"Ms. Han came from the main city. Everyone in the main city is our potential customer."

"The subsidy is very high..."


Lu Xin glanced at him deeply.

Is this leader implying that he is using his family's money for personal entertainment?

He gave himself a watch and encouraged himself to eat and drink with public funds.

…Is this kind of corrosion to executive-level cadres a bit too much?


Looking at the exchanges between Lu Xin and Vice President Xiao, Han Bing thoughtfully and gained a new understanding of Lu Xin's job.

"What are these things?"

Seeing that Lu Xin actually started to take care of the work after sitting down, Han Bing waited quietly by himself. The big and small bags in the office that had just been moved in by Vice President Xiao naturally attracted her attention. Some curiously asked Lu Xin.

"This one…"

Lu Xin reacted immediately, lowering his voice and said, "It's a gift."

"It was the matter two days ago. None of them had their memories cleared, so I knew that I helped them deal with it."

"As soon as this came out of the quarantine, so many things were delivered."


When I said this, I kept staring at Han Bing's expression change.


Han Bing's expression was a little surprised at first, he looked around and said, "I haven't received any gifts after working for so long..."

"I also think they are too much."

Lu Xin said calmly, "So I didn't plan to accept it. You see, I haven't opened these boxes."

"I originally planned to let him take it all later."


"This one…"

Han Bing hesitated slightly, and said: "Our Special Purity Department does have regulations saying that gifts from spiritual polluters are not allowed. That's because the polluted people themselves are dangerous. UU Read www.uukā and others. The gift may pose other threats."

Lu Xin was taken aback and nodded silently.

"But it depends on the specific situation..."

Han Bing thought about it for a moment, then smiled:

"If it is determined that these contaminated people have been cured and no outsiders know about it, it is not impossible to make a special case."

"After all, the most important thing for a cured contaminated person is spiritual comfort."

"Accepting their gifts is also an act to give them peace of mind..."

"The big deal is to pretend to accept it, and wait until they have completely recovered their mental health before returning."



Lu Xin was really taken aback, respecting the girl in front of him...

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