Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 473: Lu Xin took Han Bing with a small electric car

Because Director Liu handed in several projects at once, Lu Xin is really busy now.

At the point before the end of get off work, quickly and efficiently review the documents on hand.

In fact, these projects are already under implementation, and there is not much room for him to make decisions, but the project is in his own hands. Of course, he must carefully read, understand, and grasp the project progress.

Han Bing quietly sat on the small bench next to him, and took out a small game console to play the game.

Vice President Xiao sat in Director Liu's office next door, listened with his ears sideways for a while, curled his lips and said:

"so quiet."


Then he began to examine in the office, wondering how to separate two larger offices.

One for Lu Xin and one for himself. .

No, you can't just come here two, there are still people who want to use it...

For example, Gao Yan, he is also very insecure now.

When it was time to get off work, Lu Xin looked up punctually, packed up the papers, and smiled and said to Han Bing, "Let's go!"

When they walked out of the office one after another, everyone was already packing up.

Since the last time Vice President Xiao, before being hospitalized, seriously talked about the topic of "overtime" and "death" to everyone, the atmosphere in the office is now very serious, and many people are starting to get off work at some point, so as not to cause it. The company vice president’s dissatisfaction.

But seeing Lu Xin bring that beautiful girl out, they all slowed down subconsciously.

Let them go first.

"Go to eat first or do something else?"

"I've made an appointment with the agency, so let's go to see the house first, so as not to cause them to wait too long."

"Okay, whose car shall we take?"

"When you get to Mr. Soldier's place, of course you will go there in your car..."


Han Bing helped him so much, Lu Xin would not refuse her request.

So he pushed out the little policewoman's pink electric car from the corridor and patted the back seat.

These two days have been too busy at work, and I haven't picked up my motorcycle yet, so I haven't returned the car.


Han Bing looked at this pink electric car, slightly surprised, and looked around Lu Xin, feeling a little:

"Mr. Single Soldier, you still got an eDonkey..."


"Lending someone else’s, if it’s not good, we will..."

Lu Xin was a little embarrassed, and tentatively asked, "Taking a taxi?"

"No, it's fine, it's not far anyway."

Han Bing agreed with a smile, sat sideways in the back seat, and said with a smile: "Go!"

A group of company colleagues who just came downstairs, as well as Vice President Xiao and others who hid upstairs and secretly looked down, all stared blankly at a small pink electric vehicle, Lu Xin and the beautiful girl. He drove away, driving very conspicuously in the traffic.

The expression became a little emotional and complicated.

Some people deeply compared their own life and Lu Xin's life, while others were indignant, or sighed.

Vice President Xiao said with emotion: "Brother Xiao Lu is such a person, and his level is actually very high..."

"Girl riding a little pink electric car..."

"In the interaction with the little girl, I have reached the highest level of returning to the basics..."



"Mr. Shan Bing, I have worked hard for you."

"According to your request, I have carefully reviewed all the qualified listings in Satellite City 2 and finally selected a few, which are basically concentrated in the east of the city. This time we will look at them together. La, let me tell you first..."

Sitting in the back seat of the electric car, Han Bing's voice was clear, and he introduced to Lu Xin like a few treasures:

"These houses, one in Qingwan, one in Baidao, and one in Gaochi."

"The Qingwan one has two floors. The area is about 472 square meters. The water and electricity supply is stable. There has been no power outage for at least three years. There is a yard outside and a swimming pool behind. However, the swimming pool and the flower garden in the yard are maintained. The cost is not low. The road conditions and location outside this house are the best among these houses, and the value is about four million yuan."

"The White Island set is a three-story building with a detached house and a dedicated property management company, but the property fees are quite high..."

"The Gaochi area is still a bit desolate at the moment, and there are few people living..."


Lu Xin steadily squeezed the handlebars and walked forward, listening to Han Bing's explanation of the three houses to himself.

I was slightly surprised that the little girl had studied deeply in order to help her choose a house.

He didn't know what to say when he heard it coldly.

It was just a few hundred square meters at a time, and the price was so expensive that it sounded unclear.

Picking a house from such a good house is like looking at the girls all over the street. Pretty girls want to be their girlfriends.

In terms of mentality, I'm choosing a concubine, but in essence, I still feel that any one will do...

It’s a pity that in reality is often no good...

However, after Han Bing finished talking about the advantages and disadvantages of these sources, he continued with a smile:

"I don't know how Mr. Shan Bing will choose, but I have done a careful comparison myself."

"Although the overall scores of these suites are similar, there are still some obvious strengths and weaknesses."

"The Qingwan set looks the best, but one is that the yard is a little smaller, and the other is that it has little development potential."

"Then your opinion is..."

Lu Xin was a little confused, and looked back at Han Bing.

Han Bing said with a smile: "Compared with Qingwan, the white island set is smaller in size and older, but I still recommend it."


"Because I have inside information..."

Han Bing smiled trivially and lowered his voice: "It can be developed here in a short time."


Lu Xin was taken aback at once, but he didn't think about it.

Seeing Lu Xin’s reaction, Han Bing immediately felt a little happy, and said, “I’m very hard to help Mr. Single Soldier choose. I recommend you to start with Bai Dao. It can be developed in just a few years. , The price will definitely rise drastically."

Lu Xin sounded a little confused, he had never considered this issue.

Because he always felt that money would not fall from the sky, he always felt that these factors were false.

Subconsciously lowered his voice, and said: "Where did you get the inside story?"

"At dinner, my uncle said it."

Han Bing said: "He has also participated in the development of Satellite City 2."


Lu Xin took a deep breath.

"Anyway, let's go over and take a look. In the end, it's up to you to make the decision."

Han Bing smiled and said: "No matter which set you choose, I will help you walk through the process from the inside at that time, so I can save a little bit more."

Lu Xin instantly felt that Han Bing's image in his mind was a few steps higher.

Han Bing had already called in the morning, had arranged an appointment with an agency, and arranged the order of house inspections. When Lu Xin's small electric car drove over, he saw someone leaning on a black SUV. The intermediary in front had already been waiting here.

Those who can be an intermediary for this type of villa housing are not small, at least this black car looks very good.

But the agent looked even more surprised when he saw Lu Xin's small pink electric car.

After confirming her identity again and again, she knew that the little girl with good temperament was the one who communicated with her during this time.

It was confirmed that this ordinary-dressed, ordinary-looking, low-key temperament man was actually the one who wanted to buy this house.

His complexion improved instantly, and after running diligently, there was no slightest neglect.

Even when he rushed to the next set of listings, his SUV honestly followed the small electric car.

The inspection is actually just a procedure.

Han Bing has studied the information of these sources more clearly than the intermediary himself.

The various price-performance ratios, preferential treatments and policies are all clear, so I just listed them in a table.

It stands to reason that Lu Xin only needs to look over it once and then follow her advice.

But Lu Xin looked at the three listings seriously.

Han Bing has been with him sincerely and is ready to explain to Lu Xin the building materials, design, history, etc. of the building.

But she found that Lu Xin didn't seem to care about it at all.

He looked very carefully, and seemed to be thinking very seriously.

But for these key factors in selecting housing estates, there are hardly any requirements.

Finally, after seeing the three houses, it was only when he saw the villa in Baichi, Lu Xin showed a smile on his face.

"I like here."

He turned to Han Bing and said with a smile.


Han Bing was slightly surprised, because among the three sets, no matter from which point of view, this set was slightly less cost-effective.

The price is expensive, the surrounding supporting facilities are relatively desolate, and the space utilization rate is very low.

"Because it's fun here..."

With a happy smile on Lu Xin’s face, he walked around with Han Bing and smiled: "Although there are only two floors in this place, there is an elevator, so there is no need to push a wheelchair up and down. There are a lot of rooms. Change out some dormitories and a game room."

"The yard is very big, there is an open space there, when you can put a swing, seesaw and so on."

"The flower pond in the west can be shaved off, plant some vegetables, and plant a few more trees..."

"For trees, plant apricots, jujubes, or pomegranates, which can bear fruit..."

"The courtyard wall is relatively high and it is not easy to climb. Even if it is climbed, there is thick grass underneath, and it will not fall..."



Han Bing became more confused as he listened: "Mr. Soldier, it seems a bit strange for you to choose the standard of the house..."

"seems like it…"

Lu Xin smiled embarrassedly, turned his head and looked over.

In his field of vision, he seemed to have seen his younger sister and three little things, Xiao Nine and Xiao XVIII, wearing white fat gowns, UU reading playing next to the swing shelf, and other children, then Get together to play games, or climb to the tree to pick fruit.

I saw a few substitute teachers, planing out the neat flower pond, and discussing the lack of supplies recently, and what to plant to supplement the children's nutrition.

I also saw the old dean bowing and chasing the chickens all over the yard. After catching it, he wiped the mud on his face and shouted angrily: "I can do all experiments, why can't I let you lay eggs?"

"Say, why don't you lay eggs?"

"If you don't lay eggs, I will let you do it, believe it or not?"



"It may not be the best in the eyes of adults."

Looking at the lively scene in the yard, his pupils were slightly enlarged, and his eyes seemed to lose focus.

After a while, he whispered: "But kids must like it."

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