Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 475: Just 1 insurance

After bidding farewell to Lu Xin, Han Bing walked into the hotel with a smile.

When entering the elevator, the smile on her face began to disappear, and the ringing of the satellite phone began to ring.

But Han Bing didn't pick it up. Instead, he walked through the long corridor and went straight back to his room.

She took off her coat, hung it on the hanger, and then took off her riding boots.

I poured myself a glass of water, and sat in the room silently, for a while.

At this time, the phone in the room rang suddenly, the ringtone was short, and it seemed that someone was constantly urging.

Han Bing took a deep breath, picked up a ball of paper by his side, crumpled it into a small paper ball, and flicked out with his fingers. .

The paper ball happened to hit the hands-free button of the phone, so a calm voice rang in the room:

"You are slow to pick up."

Han Bing gently stroked his forehead, and said, "After all, I am still on vacation in name."

"For our work, there is no concept of a holiday."

Humanity on the phone: "What was the result of this close contact between you and the individual soldier?"

Han Bing was silent for a moment, and said, "He is a very good person."

"Your answer seems irrational."

On the other end of the phone, he thought about it, and said softly: "You know I can hear your conversation. This time you went to Satellite City 2 to get you close and make an assessment of the stability of the individual soldiers. The real thoughts in his heart."

"You didn't perform the task well. If you ask him in the end, it is very likely that he will be suspicious of you."

Han Bing just listened quietly without answering.

The other party couldn't wait for Han Bing's voice to sound, and added:

"In addition, this is not the first time you have violated the principle of communicating with individual soldiers in recent times."



Han Bing finally spoke, and pulled his hair a bit annoyed.

"Because I am also very upset now."

She said in disgust: "I can't play it anymore."

"Compared with the identity and principles you set for me, I'm more willing to pick him up with my own face."

"Perhaps, your plan was in the wrong direction from the beginning, what do you want me to achieve?"

"Contact him as a simple little girl, accompany him when he feels lonely, and unlock him..."

"Even eventually making him fall in love with me?"

"After discovering that he had some connection with someone as special as Wawa, he quickly told me to quit?"

"Are we the agents who sacrificed everything for the mission, or the stabilizer for these dangerously capable people?"


Listening to Han Bing's answer, the voice on the other side of the phone was silent for a while.

Then some indifferent answer: "When you accepted this job, you should have thought of this question."

"The capable people cannot be treated like soldiers or agents, but they have the most powerful force."

"So we can only look for other insurance measures."

"For this, you can understand it as an unsolvable sorrow."


"I used to be as prepared as everyone else."

Han Bing seemed to be thinking about what to say, sighed lightly, and slowly said, "But now I don't approve of this decision."

"From a personal point of view, Mr. Shan Bing is a kind and sincere person. I can't always act in front of him."

"I would rather treat him with a true face."

"In terms of work, Mr. Shan Soldier, maybe not as dull and dull as you feel."

"I and his polite and deliberate closeness, do you really think he can't feel it?"


On the other end of the phone, the voice was silent for a long time before he whispered: "But from the data point of view, he likes to communicate with you very much."


Han Bing raised his hand lightly, shook it irritably, and said, "I don't even know how to describe it."

"What he likes may just be the way of communicating with me..."

"But this way of communication can open up the situation very well, but it can't...cannot make me truly understand him."


"You do understand him in your mission, but that's for analysis."

The voice on the other end of the phone became serious:

"If you don't care about your sense of proportion, you are likely to fall into another misunderstanding."

"You need to understand that you are not just facing a person, but a powerful person."

"Or, it's a person who has a mental problem."

"Only rational words and careful arrangements can make things move in the direction we all look forward to."


The irritability in Han Bing's heart became more obvious, saying: "Rationality will only bring alienation and indifference."

"Every person who is recruited has such an information specialist who is used to buffer or comfort."

"But have you ever thought about it, from another level, it is every capable person..."

"...Are facing a scam!"


She seems to have thought about this question many times, and almost blurted it out.

The person on the other end of the phone said: "We have no malice against them."

Han Bing immediately said: "There is no malicious scam, but it is also a kind of deceit!"

On the other end of the phone, there was silence for a long time, and it seemed that he was also considering it, saying, "I'll discuss this issue again."

"What I need to know now is, from your observation, will he have an impact on the Heavenly Plan?"


Han Bing took a long breath, and after a long time, he whispered softly: "He is a person who really loves life, what do you think?"

There was no opening on the other end of the phone, and there was a voice recorded by Swish.

In this gap, Han Bing suddenly sighed slightly, and said, "Do you know what I find the saddest thing about?"

"Many of us obviously don't believe in the ability, but we can't force ourselves to believe..."


"Your heart is upset, and your performance is very unqualified."

On the other end of the phone, the voice rang again: "I remind you that you have another chance to quit."

"I don't want to quit."

Han Bing did not hesitate to answer.

After being silent for a while, she suddenly stood up and put on her boots again.

It seems that the movement on Han Bing's side can be distinguished, and the other end of the phone is a little nervous: "What are you going to do?"

"Go find a bowl of small wontons to eat."

Han Bing's tone was a little startled, and said: "Because you want me to maintain a pure and lovely image, I didn't have enough food just now."

I stopped talking on the phone, and after a while, he said:

"It's too late after all, be careful."

"In addition, I shouldn't need to remind you that you can't go to see a soldier in private without our permission."


Han Bing hung up the phone directly.

When she went downstairs, she wrapped her white down jacket tightly.

Walking on the dimly lit streets of Satellite City II, looking for a wonton stall that should be easier to find in this city.

The street lamp pulled her shadow very long, and the sound of riding boots stepping on the ground seemed a bit crisp.

On this night when the cold wind is still very cold, her face seems to be unhappy all the time.

What kept flashing in her mind was the sincere smile that Lu Xin faced when she faced him, and every time she talked to him carefully, and even planned the chat content in advance, this made her feel inexplicably irritable and faint. Depressed.

Looking up, the city flooded under the red moon is tall and rugged, like iron laws.

But the faint red moon light made the tip of the building in the distance look a little distorted.

Han Bing's mood worsened. She didn't even know if she wanted to find a bowl of wontons to eat, or to blow the cold wind.

"Hey, little beauty..."

There was a whistle not far away, and several people around the iron barrels were slowly surrounded by fire. Some of them were dyed with weird hair, some with exaggerated nose and earrings, and they were hand-crafted. Holding a wine bottle in it, already drunk.

Before she knew it, she had come to this desolate street and met these people again.

Han Bing's expression was slightly startled when he saw the group of dangerous people who even had to avoid Lu Xin.

Soon there was a sweet smile on her face, and she waved gently to them:

"How are you..."

With two hands on his lips, he chuckled gently, and said, "It's so cold today..."

Several gangsters met Han Bing's smile and were slightly surprised.

They did not expect that this beautiful girl would be so proactive and approachable.


Some unexpected surprises immediately rushed to his lips without knowing how many sorrows.

Then they saw Han Bing's bright eyes and a little embarrassed smile:

"So, if I beat you up to warm up, you shouldn't refuse me, right?"


The little **** was stunned. Before he could speak, he saw a small white fist and smashed it with precision.


A **** in his head punched in his nose, eyes staring at gold, and suddenly squatted on the ground with tears.

The other gangsters were taken aback, and hurriedly surrounded them. However, Han Bing appears to be extremely vigorous amongst such a group of people who are thin and thin, but still barely tall and mammoth, who are proficient in street business. He snatched a wine bottle and smashed it on the head of the drunk man next to him. He flew another kick, a standard side kick, and kicked a **** away.

After hitting the iron bucket, the coals were scattered all over the floor, and Han Bing had a cool expression on his face against the light of the fire.

The shot was clean and neat, and in less than ten seconds, four or five gangsters were already lying on the ground groaning.

And no one was seriously injured.

"Someone is working hard for you, UU reading, but you whistling at the girl in the back seat of his car?"

"This is not allowed in the future..."

Han Bing angrily kicked the leader again, and his mood seemed to be much better because of the fight.

While talking, he wrapped the down jacket tightly and left quickly.

Not far away, in a dark alley, where the lights could not shine, Lu Xin sat on the electric car and watched quietly.

"in fact…"

After a while, he turned his head and said to the empty wall next to him: "I kind of like the way of communicating with her..."

"I didn't expect to cause so much trouble to her, and I can't say sorry to her..."


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